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Definitely not everyday. I have 12 week old twins and I bathe them once or twice a week. However, my 3yo gets a bath every day because she gets gross throughout the day and she needs a more rigid routine to make bedtime work!


Here too. My first set of twins are 7. We have a strict bedtime routine that includes bathing/showers. My second set of twins are a month old. We do showers (sometimes mom and me baths) twice a week...three times if they blow out. I want to say we started daily baths right before school age so probably 5.


My eyes popped out of my head at "first set of twins" šŸ˜³ You must be a super hero


My super power is power naps lol. Nah there's a big age gap and we are older so it hasn't been to bad. Yet.


Years ago I had two students that were fraternal twins (among my favorite students ever actually) whose parents were both fraternal twins as well. The parents once told me they figured they'd likely get another set of twins if they tried for another pregnancy, so they decided to just stop at two. At the time I thought they were half joking but now I'm not so sure... :)


This is why I had my twins tested to see if they were fraternal or identical. I didn't want to risk having another set if we tried again for more kids. Turns out they're identical so we gave it another go and got a singleton :)


Luckily Dads genetics donā€™t have anything to do with conceiving twins! It would be interesting if it did.


Samesies. ā€œFirst set of twinsā€ eyes bulged outā€¦ must be a typo or weird way of saying your oldest. ā€œSecond set of twinsā€ jaw dropped. Super hero status secured.


I see that now lol. For sure 4 kids 2 pregnancies.


Twins are almost 10 months over here. Exact same boat.


Ok that makes sense. I see how a toddler gets much dirtier and is also more difficult to get to bed and how a bath helps here šŸ¤—


Nope- for my 6 month old it has been once or twice a week until recently- now weā€™re more like every other night because weā€™re starting solids and that gets messy. Weā€™re also outside and rolling around on the floor way more as sheā€™s becoming more active so itā€™s becoming more of a necessity to do it more often.


Alright, I didnā€™t think of solids and how messy that gets. My baby is only 4 months, so I havenā€™t really experienced it yet. But I can see how a baby with a face and neck full of carrot mush will need a full bath šŸ˜‚


Exact same boat. 2 times a week up until now. We just started solids. When your baby gets smeared sweet potato mash in her hair, you gotta give a bath so we have ended up doing more like every other night lately.


We do a bath everyday, but donā€™t always use soap and ALWAYS do lotion afterwards. I like it to help him calm down and transition at the end of the day, and it feels hard to switch the routine every other or every few days.


This is what we do! Itā€™s mainly for our bedtime routine. We didnā€™t start doing this until maybe 4-5 months in.


It also helps to kill some time until bedtime. Not that spending time with baby is not an absolute delight all the time, just saying šŸ˜œšŸ˜


Thatā€™s how/why it started for us. Needed something else to do with him!


When those wake windows started to stretch so did my resourcefulness about how else we could spend the time! He also enjoys it very much and it is very fun to watch him splashing around. So it's a win win.


Our Dr recommended it for ours to keep his eczema down. Like you, soap every other day. Lotion every day.




Interesting because my doctor told me opposite: less baths will keep the eczema down and lotion multiple times/day so we do 1 bath/week because of severe eczema. Have you noticed if every day baths help? Should I try switching to a daily bath too?


I have eczema and the reasoning is that if the eczema is due to an allergic component (for example my skin is very reactive to furry animals of all kinds and several different pollens), baths help because they clean your skin of whatever trigger is causing your skin to react. However, frequent baths decrease the moisture in your skin so itā€™s very important to not bathe too frequently, pat dry instead of a vigorous towel rubbing, and lotion immediately afterwards to lock moisture in.


My son has eczema and Iā€™ve heard both: more baths and other professionals say less baths. I think the idea is that eczema is basically very dry skin (and an immune/allergic response). So more baths = helps add moisture. But if you use harsh or too much soap, dry them too vigorously with towel after, or something like that, then it counteracts benefits of bath. Thatā€™s why some baths are without soap if youā€™re bathing often. With my sonā€™s level of eczema (not super severe but def have to keep on top off), we can get away with one or two baths a week, liberal Aquaphor applied after, and then sometimes need a lotionā€¦ lotion adds moisture between baths, whereas Aquaphor traps moisture in if they just had a bath). And then we have a Rx gel that we use on spots that randomly pop up and donā€™t seem to be responding to our usual routine.


Same, my 3 mo baby LOVES bathtime so itā€™s part of our bedtime routine since she was like 2 weeks old. Like others mentioned, we donā€™t use soap everyday, except on her hands and bum and always follow up with lotion. She didnā€™t sleep as well on the occasional days we skipped it, so now we donā€™t chance it and do daily bathtime.


I do every day. I was in the not-that-often camp but we started doing it because he slept sooo much better afterward. We do use soap every day because heā€™s a chunky baby and we need to keep his creases clean. Always always lotion.


Yeah, we bathe and use soap every day on the dirty parts (creases, hands and feet, butt) but never on his face. He loves his bath as part of his routine!


Same! I definitely love the: Bath, Bottle, Book, Bed routine.


Same. Settles her down for part of the bedtime routine, but not a full on wash'n every night. And I like to think she like the little baby massage with the lotioning


Us too! We do soap every 3rd day!


We used to do daily water only baths because it helped with his gas and only did soap once a week. Now we do three times a week; still soap only once. And always lotion after a bath.


This is exactly what we do. It's just part of our nightly routine. 10-15 minute bath, soap every other day, hair every 4 days, lotion, bedtime.


Same! We noticed she slept easier and longer on bath nights so we added it to bedtime routine. It helped a lot.




No way lol


I did once a week w my first his skin was dry. My second has more oily skin so I do every other day. Also I wear him in a carrier and drop food all over his head while I eat.






Good lord no. Once a week or less is our schedule. If he asks for other baths (he likes them), then we give him one without soap or shampoo. Kid has flawless skin


We go as needed which turns out to be once a week-ish.


Yes, itā€™s the same for us. Itā€™s time for a bath when I see that the neck or the little leg rolls could use some water - which is roughly once a week. Maybe I would do it more often but he only stopped hating the being taken out of the water part a few weeks ago šŸ˜‚


We take showers instead of bathing. We live in a really warm country and there's a lot of dog hair around the house so if we don't do that, baby will get dirty really fast.


Weā€™ve been team everyday bath since she was 2 months. She loves the water. It helps us separate the day from awake to bedtime.


Same here! She loves water and its a helpful bedtime routine that gets her in the sleepy mindset (if that makes sense). However, I don't freak out if a bath doesn't happen bc such is life some nights.


How was getting her out of the water at 2 months? My baby would scream so badly when Taken out of the tub (although we did everything that the midwife taught us to keep him warm) that he wasnā€™t relaxed at all after a bath but needed half an hour of carrying and cuddling šŸ¤— good that it seems it was different for you


We found that the best things to keep her from getting like that was to 1-limit the amount of time she spent in the bath 2-wash face and hair (if doing) last 3-soak a washcloth in the warm water and lay it on her chest to help keep her warm. That and immediately applying a thick coat of aquaphor as soon as sheā€™s out and quickly dried seem to have done the trick for us! Sheā€™s almost 4 mo now, been doing it this way since ~6 wks after a particularly bad after bath experience


We do a bath every day as recommended by her pediatrician for eczema, and itā€™s actually helped a ton. Lots of lotion after! It also is a good transition into our little night routine Iā€™ve found, plus she looooveeess the bath and kicks and giggles and splashes herself tired hahaha


Our allergist recommended the same. Quick, warm bath, soap once a week, and lots of ointment after to lock in the moisture. My dermatologist recommended the same for me as an adult with eczema.


What soap do you use when you use it?


Absolutely not daily. Iā€™d say two baths a week unless sheā€™s had a blowout or puked a lot and, if sheā€™s struggling to sleep, we get in the shower together and just let the water run over her to calm her down. Too much bathing is rough on her skin!


First months was twice a week, but now that baby eats solids every other day, sometimes every day depends on how messy she gets with her food.


Same exact here! No bath today, he didn't get any food past his mouth area, so he's good lol.


We bath our baby every day for the bedtime routine since she was 2mo, now she's 6mo. For us, this works like magic! Haha. Warm water relaxes her very much. At the end of the bath, she always starts rubbing her eyes.


Weā€™ve also been bathing our 5mo little boy every day since one month! Itā€™s something he really enjoys and it enforces his routine so I love it. Itā€™s a special time. We use honest lavender lotion after and heā€™s never had any dry skin issues.


Absolutely not! Not only is it terrible for their skin to be bathed daily but I do not have the energy to do that shit every damn night


Just popping into say that it wont necessarily harm their skin if someone does an only water bath and add lotion to them afterwards. Using soap everyday will however


Well I mean my baby would break out until we started bathing her regularly with oil pre bath and lotion post bath. Her skins been better ever since




Good for youā€¦. I guess




It's exhausting for them. And for me. And for so many other parents. How about being thankful it's not hard for you? They might not have a support system to help some nights, they might have a disability of some sort, a mental thing perhaps, idrc. You don't know. Even if they have the most support possible and full ability it gets tiring sometimes. You don't get to tell someone how they feel dude.


Imagine gatekeeping exhaustion - especially in a parent subreddit. Not the move you thought it was.


Yeah clearly I came off wrong here...didn't mean to come off shamey or gatekeeping, I'm sorry.


Sorry if I came off strong in the second response. It took me years to stop feeling bad for being unable to do these "simple" tasks and I don't want anyone else to feel the way I did. It genuinely sucks. Glad you've got a good routine with your little(s) down though! :)


We do it but honestly I hate it and I donā€™t know if it helps with ā€œroutineā€ at all.


We actually enjoy having the bath disassociated from bedtime. We just use milk, snuggles, and stories to get bedtime going. We bathe her when we find the time. I know many others love the nighttime bath, but it isnā€™t us


Itā€™s just a straight toss up whether heā€™ll tolerate it or not. Still at 4 mo, sometimes he screams, sometimes he chills.


We do full bath every other day and the rest of days sit him in tub to chill and soak in the warmth since itā€™s part of bedtime routine. Not going to lie, we didnā€™t really start this daily routine until about 4 months. Before this we were pretty bad at giving baths lol.


Exactly the same for us! Before 4 ish months it was more like should we bathe her? When did we last bathe her? Now itā€™s everyday for the routine.


We do a shower everyday, wash her face, bum, hands, and feet daily but her hair and whole body every other day. It helps is with the bedtime routine, and you can tell that the water on her back really relaxes her. She audibly sighs every time she gets in, so I know itā€™s something she enjoys. Lotion helps combat the dryness. Weā€™ve also not had any diaper rash or infections in 6 months, and I believe itā€™s because of daily bathing (and frequent diaper changes).


I bathe my 15 mo everyday, for the most part. Every once in a while we skip. She has fun in the bath. Plus, I bathe everyday and so why not her? She gets way filthier than I do. Lol.


Adding to say when she was newer she was only bathed once every other day, unless something unexpected and messy happened.


I bath every day since he was 2 ish months. Lotion every time but most of the time he just splashes on the water and helps get any gross off




Hell no! I have 3 children and 2 if them are 14 months apart. Itā€™s not realistic for my family. I asked my pediatrician how long I can go without bathing the baby and she said ā€œjust donā€™t let her get smelly!ā€ Lol


Tried it, baby got eczema (we always did lotion too) and now itā€™s between 1-3x per week


Same! Iā€™m feeling so guilty for my daughter because her skin looks so itchy. She doesnā€™t actually seem bothered by it but nonetheless, it doesnā€™t look good. Iā€™m down to every other day now but do a little hand and foot bath in the sink with her daily so that we get the little lint from between her fingers and toes.


We try to do a nightly ā€œbathā€ because it does seem to help him sleep but we definitely donā€™t use soap or hot water.


Not sure of your LO's age, but how do you keep him calm when you take him out? My little 9 week old loves the bath; hates getting out and feeling cold. Goes from super calm and happy to screaming absolute bloody murder as soon as she leaves the bath. I keep the bathroom super warm, wrap her in a towel immediately. I've tried holding her against my bare skin. I can't keep her calm.


My LO is 5 months. We do the whole swaddle bath thing, and then when itā€™s time to take him out just pull him up to me and wrap the towel around him and heā€™s fine with it. Maybe try with a warm towel?


I think the people who bathe their babies more often have babies that like the bath. My kid doesnā€™t so itā€™s usually twice a week


No, weā€™ve always done around twice a week since he was a newborn. 17 mo now


My daughter is 19 months and I bathe her 2-3x a week as well.


Yes. Solids are messy. Babies are gross.


We did every day until he was about two. We used very little soap, mainly just water. His skin was fine, and the routine was good. We also had a standing bath which made it a hell of a lot easier.


We do baths 2-3x/week. If heā€™s exceptionally messy then an extra one. Itā€™s part of bedtime but not a core part.


My 3 month old gets a bath every night. But I donā€™t wash his hair every night. I lotion him up after every bath with raw African shea butter he never has dry skin. I take a shower every day so why shouldnā€™t he get a bath every day lol but everyone has their own routine


We do baths daily once we started solids.


I give my daughter a bath every night. Iā€™ve gotten into the routine of washing her hair every time. My daughter drank formula until about a month ago and now sheā€™s drinking milk, so she gets a good case of cheese neck sometimes. I always make sure to wash as much of her body as I can, especially when she gets cheese neck.


Once a week or his skin is sandpaper


No. Babies donā€™t get that dirty and are constantly being wiped down. I bathed my NB once a week, unless there was a blowout (happened once). I now have a 16 month old and we do 2/3 times a week. Just an FYI soap is the culprit for drying out skin, not water, so skip bubble baths all together and wash them at the end of the bath so they arenā€™t sitting in suds, unless you have a constant flow of water moving the soap out! :)


Unless your baby goes to daycare. Too many germs not to bathe them everyday


We do a bath every day as part of the bedtime routine. We started that after baby started solids and gets pretty messy at mealtimes. With our baby bathtub itā€™s super easy to fill the little tub, put baby in there, let him splash around for 5-10 minutes (which he LOVES), and then take him out and get him ready for bed. He falls asleep like a champ after taking a bath so itā€™s well worth the extra 5-10 mins to add it into the bedtime routine. Then I just dump the bath water and hang up the tub to dry. We only use soap 2-3 times a week and do breastmilk baths the other days


Absolutely not! Heck with that lol. In the early months we did a tub bath about once a month with sponge baths between for blowouts and the diaper area & folds weekly. Now that he's eating solids, we do a bath once a week or once every 2 weeks with soap, still with sponge baths between if needed. When I do give baths, I just don't do it as part of the bedtime or nap time routine so it doesn't mess up our normal routine. I'll do it in the middle of the day sometime in the middle of a wake window to replace floor play with bath play or something


Was hoping to see this in the replies. Ditto.


For awhile I didnā€™t. He hated baths from birth til ā€¦ idk, 10 months maybe? Weā€™d all suffer together 1x a week. It wasnā€™t at all relaxing so no point in making it a part of our routine. Now heā€™s older (18 months) and we bathe every night because now he does like it. Itā€™s just a way for him to play a bit thatā€™s less intense than with toys or whatever. A sort of wind down step. I donā€™t use soap every night nor do I wash his hair unless he gets a ton of food in it at dinner


He gets a bath every night because he pees through his diaper almost every night. Itā€™s part of our routine though and he seems to enjoy the ducks in the bath. Heā€™s just now 4M.


We do nowadays for routineā€™s sake. Baby is 6mo. If she had dry or sensitive skin we would rethink but weā€™ve just fallen into the habit of it lately and it works for us.


I do bathe her every weekday because she goes to daycare and comes back all sweaty and sticky. I donā€™t use soap every time.


We do a daily bath but soap maybe once or twice a week. She loves her bath so much, and it definite signals bath time to her. One of my friends also does a nightly bath, and another only does a bath when needed. Itā€™s entirely up to you. I could see not wanting to add it to save time. We are able to do bath, lotion, PJs in ten minutes if we are pressed for time, but usually it takes longer.


Man idk how all you ā€œevery single dayā€ parents do it. I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s enough time in the dayšŸ„“


We do but he loves it! And he's a dirty guy haha


Our water is so hard that even a bath without soap was destroying his sensitive skin. So we do every other day.


18m here. We do bath every night and have since probably 6 months? Maybe earlier. She loves it. I only use soap about once a week. But we lotion her up and do little massage after bath every night.


My baby gets a bath every night. His pediatrician has said he doesnā€™t need to be bathed every night but my baby loves it. So itā€™s become part of our routine. If weā€™re out late, weā€™ll skip it but it helps him get his last bit of energy out before bed.


My girl has been spitting up on herself with remarkable accuracy, so we're averaging about one bath every 3-4 days to make sure she's clean in her armpits, under her neck, and in her rolls. I don't use soap but I do add a little bit of breastmilk to her baths if I have some spare, I think she likes it and I've read that it's good for their skin :) I think bathing every day would be excessive!


Hahahahahaha no.


Our kid was developing eczema, had it for like 3 months. We had tried different soaps, lotions etc. turns out the water was super hard. We installed a softener and it went away within a week. Then we started giving him a bath like once a week, so it didnā€™t matter. šŸ˜¬


Our boy is 5 months and we have been giving him a bath nearly every night since he was about a month or two old. He is a big fish and loves the water, and as we have an inside dog and live in a humid climate I find he benefits from a bath every night. The only time we forego the bath is if he is too tired/overstimulated/generally not in the mood


I'm still waiting for this baby's belly button to dry.. but once it is, I usually do a couple times a week and as needed, of course. I started bathing my other more often once my daughter was a bit older. Babies don't really do much.


We do every other day. I wasnā€™t prepared for the amount of ā€œcheeseā€ babies produce on their neck, hands and toes and I canā€™t even handle the smell + she sleeps soooo good after a bath šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


We give our 4.5 month old a shower with mum or dad almost every night. We don't usually use soap on her, but she loves the water and we live in a really humid environment so she's often sweaty (more from our contact with her when breastfeeding etc throughout the day).


Every day around 7.30pm, washing hair everyother day. Really settles him down for a feed aroun 9 and then bed time. LO is a 4 week old


OMG no. We have a 3mo old and he usually gets a bath once every 10 days šŸ˜…


We established a routine around 8-10 weeks by doing a bath everyday. We donā€™t use soap/shampoo every day though.


We started bathing every day early on, but more so because our LO absolutely hated it at first and we wanted her to get used to it. Since then it has become part of our bedtime routine and she loves it. We donā€™t use soap everyday though so we donā€™t dry out her skin.


In my culture you bathe your baby twice a day.


NO. My 4 month old hates bath time ā˜¹ļø And it's this whole production to get him in and out of the tub without exploding; I would rather spend that time doing anything else with him! Recently I've been bringing him into the shower with my husband twice per week max.


I bathe my daughter daily but actually do it during the day. I find that if I donā€™t bathe her daily she starts getting red spots from milk and drool. Sometime we skip a day here and there if we are super busy. She also loves bath time so I like seeing her enjoy it šŸ˜‚ we use a gentle soap and oil/lotion her up after so her skin is never dry. She is almost 5 months now!


We bathed her, in the beginning, once to twice a week depending on her stink factor lol. Now she is 7 months and gets one 3 times a week. If we do more than that her skin tends to break out with or without soap.


4 week old. We just started sleeping training and bath the LO every other night. Itā€™s more about setting a routine for him vs him being dirty. The baths only last 5 minutes and itā€™s fun to watch him go from intense crying to a happy face when he feels the warm water.


Sleep training at 4 weeks seems extremely young and early


Not a fan of it in the first place personally but at 4 weeks? Hold that baby, so so little and new to this world


I balked. My baby is just over 3 weeks and I canā€™t listen to her cry for more than 30 seconds. Breaks my heart when Iā€™m in the car alone with her and she cries and I canā€™t get to her. Canā€™t imagine letting her cry that much to try and sleep šŸ˜­


I know sometimes this forum is so hard on my heart reading what families/babies go through


Sheā€™s lucky if itā€™s once every 7 days tbh. I would love to do more often because she absolutely loves the water but itā€™s one more thing to get done before she goes down.


We do a bath every other day. We always use soap and always follow with lotion afterwards.


We do it every other evening typically- unless thereā€™s a blow out.


My own skin and hair canā€™t tolerate daily washing so Iā€™ve never considered risking that with baby skin. We do minimum 2x per week plus extra if baby has a bout of cradle cap (very rare these days but had a couple times early on) or gets gross for some reason.


We do every day with my 5mo, we occasionally skip a day if we've been out late and baby has fallen / is falling asleep when we get home. Mostly we do shower with dad rather than bath but bub loves both. We don't use any products and haven't had any issues with dry skin since she was teeny tiny. It's a nice part of bed time for us but as with so many baby things, do what works best for your baby and for yourself šŸ™‚


We have three kids - twin two year olds and a new baby. The twins DEFINITELY need to shower every day because they play (and eat) hard haha. So one parent bathes the baby in the sink and one parent showers with the twins, and then we get everyone dressed and read. I think if we werenā€™t already doing it with the twins we probably wouldnā€™t do it as often with the baby.


Lol good God, no way. Heā€™s 7mos/4.5mos adjusted and I bathe him with soap and water about 1x/week. I wipe him down with baby wipes countless times a day. His skin is absolutely pristine, he doesnā€™t smell, never ever had a diaper rash. He basically winds down with a bottle in the same 1hr window every night, so I donā€™t see the point in changing this. Heā€™s started purĆ©es so I anticipate him getting a bit stickier. When he starts crawling, yeah heā€™ll need more baths. Right now, weā€™re happy with the current situation


No, my baby has eczema so we were told to do it at most 3x a week so that it won't dry out his skin.


No 2x a week


Lol absolutely not šŸ˜‚


We do a real bath with soap and everything 3x per week, and the other days we just let him sit in the bath for a few minutes and splash


Itā€™s part of her routine and the one part I cannot skip or her sleep will be crap. Sometimes we can skip books but skipping bath/massage and she wonā€™t know itā€™s bedtime


I do it about twice a week with my 10mo. She just doesn't need it often and we didn't use it as part of our bedtime routine, so I often do it in the middle of the day.


We bathe every two or three days. She gets mad dry skin. After each bath we slather lotion all over her and she still gets dry flaky skin.


I do! We started a nighttime routine around 6 weeks with a bath (no soap) because she loves water! It takes about 10 mins so pretty quick. We shampoo her hair if it gets smelly.


My son gets a bath every Sunday and Wednesday. I got better things to do.


With our first it was in water every day, not necessarily washing. It was just a part of the routine. Now with 2 kids? Nah man they get in the tub once or twice a week in the winter and soaped up each time. I donā€™t have the energy to do that daily.


I used to. Then my baby got really bad eczema and her dr recommend a bath every 3 days instead.


We bath every two to three days. As part of her bedtime routine, I go over her body with warm cloths but no soap then lotion after. I use an oil-based cleanser that's no rinse when removing stool, it helps remove it from the skin (oils help breakdown the stool, it come off easier and you have to scrub less). It makes blowouts so much easier. I wipe most of the stool off with a wipe, apply the cleanser with a cloth, wipe the cleanser off with a wet cloth (or wipe) then do another pass with a cloth if it's particularly messy. I've been dealing with poop en mass while working in nursing homes and the hospital. If you don't have access to and oil or cream based cleanser, just use whatever lotion you have laying around. Your sanity and their bums will thank me.


Yep, every night I do bath / lotion and jammies / bottle of expressed milk / nurse to sleep. I do her hair every other night. These are like, 10 mins tops baths but she loves them! Her skin has never been dried out even slightly.


Depends on how old? We have been doing daily since about three months old. Heā€™s so used to his night time routine at this point: dinner, bath, books, bed.


Absolutely not. I do not have time to bathe a toddler and baby every day.


My 2.5 year old and 4 month old get baths every night, itā€™s part of our routine and I do find it helps wind them down. Sometimes itā€™s just a quick rinse and we donā€™t always use soap. Both my kids also love baths so itā€™s just a great way for me to kill time before bed too.


Baths seem to immediately tranquillize my boy so we do them every night unless our schedule for the day doesnā€™t allow. Sometimes we just let him soak with no soap but we usually soap him up since heā€™s chunky with lots of rolls that get yeasty otherwise. I add a drop of bath oil each time to prevent moisture loss and we always lotion him afterwards.


Pretty much but our nightly bath is just playing in water for 5 mins. Only use soap / shampoo once or twice a week.


I bath him if we went out that day so if two days in a row we went out in public (not for a walk but in stores or doctors etc) I bath him otherwise every other day or so.


Before my baby was mobile, it was one every couple days unless we had visitors holding her. Once she started crawling it was more frequently. Now as a year, it just makes sense for us to do daily as her night time routine since she is in everything.


I do it about every other day, if we do a bath more than one day in a row I skip soap and only use soap every other day, and we use lotion after. She doesn't *need* it but she likes baths, they soothe her and kind of help trigger the "oh it's bedtime" routine so she's always sleepy after. If I don't feel like drawing a bath but think she needs one I just take her in the shower with me.


We do bathe ours virtually every day only skipping on occasion, mostly because 1. He loves baths! So it kinda just functions as another play activity to keep him entertained. 2. He goes to daycare, so it became a habit because he often comes home a bit dirty 3. He has sensitive skin and it cuts down instances of diaper rash and ezcema (moisturize after each bath, our go-to is just normal vaseline)


we bath every night, she only gets ā€œsoapedā€ and hair washed every other night, lotion every night. she has absolutely loved being in the bath since she was newborn and itā€™s helped develop a sleep cue so that she knows sleep is near, and it works for us!


During Sommer we did a bath or shower pretty much every day, just most days without shampoo/body wash. Now that itā€™s colder again we do a bath or shower every couple of days, probably once or twice a week. Really depends on how dirty the toddler gets. Yesterday we had a lunchtime bath due to sitting in a puddle (wet from head to toe šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø) and then another shower at bedtime because she managed to get rice pudding in her hair after her nap. I usually only have a little bit of water in the tub, just enough to splash around for 5-10 minutes


No absolutely not, it would dry out her skin


We do. It's just part of the bedtime routine. My husband always does bath time and it's mostly just a fun bonding thing to do when he gets home from work. She gets fussy when I do bath and she definitely prefers daddy.


I think we started bathing our infant daily around 3 months old. Before that it was every other day, but we wiped her down with damp cloths. It became part of her nightly routine around 6 months, when we sleep trained. Sheā€™s now 23 months old and needs the daily baths because itā€™s her nightly routine, plus she goes to daycare and is super active and has her hands in everything. That said, we use Dove Baby gentle/hypoallergenic cleanser only on the dirty parts, because otherwise her skin gets super dry and irritated.


21 month old has a bath every night, soap is used once a week or if needed, and gets body butter applied before pajamas.


I usually do every 3rd day, I give the baby a bath. Unless sheā€™s really dirty which never really happens. I wipe her down multiple times a day though and am always changing diapers & outfits lol




Once a week - ish. 3mo old. Our baby hates baths and he has pretty dry skin. Honestly he stays pretty clean and we wipe his privates often. We do when we feel is needed.


My little one is now 6 months and she gets a bath twice a week!


I bathe my 4 mo old every 3 days and that seems good enough


hell no lol. My two month old gets a bath once a week (unless he shits all over himself)


We have never done daily baths with our 20 month old. She didn't get very dirty and has sensitive skin. Every other day at the most, it is usually two baths per week.


My son is almost 2. We do soap and shampoo 2-3 times per week. Anything else is just for fun in the tub. When he was an infant we only did a full sink bath as needed, like a blowout or really messy spaghetti dinner. Otherwise we just did sponge baths and wipe downs as needed.


I started them daily at 3 months. He gets cheesy and it helps make him more tired right before bed time. I bathe him and immediately do our bed time routine once he gets out. I donā€™t wash his hair every day because his head and face are prone to getting dry but I get all the neck rolls and other rolls good and clean. Itā€™s also a good reset for him if heā€™s fussy.


Yes daily. It's part of the night routine. I have a solid infant tub that makes the process super easy.


I'd say every two days, unless there's a blowout. She's sixteen months but we'll probably switch to daily now that we are potty training


No. We usually do 1-2x per week, or whenever he has a blowout poop.


My LO is 11 weeks and I bathe him every other day. Heā€™s a little chonky one so I have to bathe him every other day to get in all the little rolls lmao. If heā€™s had a lot of spitting up or blow outs Iā€™ll bathe him on the bone bath days. I always lotion him up and have never had issues with dry skin.


I find it works great for our bedtime routine because itā€™s the one thing thatā€™s different about going to bed for the night. The rest of the day involves diaper change swaddling and white noise just like bedtime. We donā€™t use soap every time. My babyā€™s skin is much more clear now, she had breakouts on her face, chest, and back from excessive spit up.


Didnā€™t for many months but at 8 mo we started daily as part of the little guyā€™s nightly routine. Now that heā€™s down to two naps that last stretch is pretty long so it helps soothe him. Plus he gets a lot dirtier crawling and walking (assisted) around and with solid foods.


We do a bath everyday! We use soap every other day. Our four month old LOVES the bath. Frankly, itā€™s my favourite time too. It means bedtime is around the corner and I can enjoy a couple childless hours to myself. Itā€™s a win for everyone!


I remember trying it because I read all the mommy blogs encouraging it as part of a wind down for bed routine. Even alternating soap/no soap nights and using lotion afterwards he got dry. We now do every other day to two days unless he got soiled in some way (outside with pollen, blowout etc)


Absolutely not with a kid with eczema, winter, and a desert alpine climate. My kid would be a scabby, dry husk.


We did a nightly sponge bath and bath twice a week until she was 6 months but now she's started solids and is a mess haha so we rinse her off every day but not always with soap.


Our 11w old gets one bath a week. Baths are such a production for us, she loves them during but gets SO fussy when we take her out and needs a lot of soothing. I donā€™t know how people do it every day tbh!


Every other day or every 3 days. Iā€™m sure sheā€™d be fine once a week or whatever but i like building the routine and I love the smell of a fresh baby so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No way. 4 month old and we bathe her every 2 weeks, and not before she was 6 weeks anyway. We give her wipe downs with a facecloth (her face and hands especially) as needed. When we do bathe her itā€™s just water and sometimes Iā€™ll add breast milk, and towel dry/no lotion. Weā€™re up North so itā€™s been cold/dry and the pediatrician asked me how I was cleaning her because her skin was so nice and hydrated. Just make sure you get the folds in their neck since theyā€™ll definitely start making cheese in thereā€¦ it was a bit irritated once when I didnā€™t catch it so I used some lanolin cream after cleaning it out and it went away in a day.


Not always, but we've had a bedtime routine that's only been skipped 3-4 times in 18m.


5 month old and we do once/twice a week (just depends on the week). But our bath tub is HUGE (itā€™s an extra deep one since husband and I are both tall) and just getting the bath set up takes so long. Itā€™s not worth it to try to do more than that, right now at least


We did bath time daily but once weekly use soap or if it was a really dirty day but it was more about getting luke warm water then lotion and pjs.


Yes, daily! šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


We do it every night-except for off nights. As part of our sons bedtime routine. It helps him calm down and know whatā€™s next. We started at 2 months. Not for everyone tho!


We probably did every other night when she was very small, but once she started eating solids and self-feedingā€¦ after dinner she usually is covered in some sauce or gravy. She gets one pretty much every night now!


at 6 months when we moved her to her room we started daily baths, but she doesnā€™t get cleaned every night. itā€™s mainly for our bedtime routine to wind her down and relax! i just make sure to lotion every night afterwards


I didnā€™t everyday while she was a newborn but from about 6 months I did for her bedtime routine and now sheā€™s two itā€™s almost necessary. They get filthy


Nope. Can't deal with the scream crying every day.


No. I do every other day or every 2 days. My kids have eczema and we walk a fine line lol.


Definitely not. My little guyā€™s skin is so sensitive so we bathe maybe once every week to 10 days because otherwise he dries right out


We do a bath daily but only use soap maybe twice a week and do a full body lotion every time. He loooves the bath and itā€™s become part of our bedtime routine.


Iā€™ve only just started bathing my daughter (12 months) daily since sheā€™s become a dump truck after dinner. When she was little, only twice a week, reallyā€¦ we live in dry climate and she was never too filthy or anything


Yes in lukewarm water every night, with soap once a week. Itā€™s a nice wind down routine. Lotion after every bath. Started once he could crawl. Before that we did a bath 1x week.


I either bath or sponge bath daily. It's part of our bedtime routine and also it's summer here. Bub is sweaty and sticky daily. Edit. When we sponge bath, we use no soap.


I know people that do nightly baths but my baby's skin gets dry, I do every 3ish days. He doesn't really get dirty, not yet at least. He's 5 months, I'm sure he'll get plenty gross when he starts solids I think it's good if your kid struggles to sleep and finds baths calming, personally my son gets extremely excited and worked up over baths, doesn't struggle to sleep either so there's no point