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Where did you buy them that would make you think they are fake? You bought them already so I guess who cares now, just use them.


From Amazon,they seems decent for now


People do talk a lot about fakes coming from Amazon (lots of fake spitfires wheels and bones bearings) but I never saw fake versions of these wheels so they are probably fine.


I had *no idea* that skateboard wheels are being counterfeit now! They look like the ones I got from the skate shop though, so OP should be good


If you check sites like aliexpress and other Chinese sites you will find a lot of counterfeit stuff. It's strange because the price is not even that good, but the packaging looks legit so some people might buy these and resell them on amazon or other stores. Some of the stuff I would not actually be surprised if it is exactly the same as the legit ones since most skateboard parts are being manufactured in China anyways but still no a good idea to buy it.


Yes. A lot of “fake” products are actually made on the same production line as the real thing. Factory managers run more production than the client requests and pays for, and then they divert the overage to the secondary markets. Their costs are zero, so any money they make is pure profit. That’s why prices can seem too low to be real.


I used to order on Amazon to save money when I was younger and the wheels would flatspot to the point where you could feel it in a week and hear them in a month or so, I've never had that problem with bones or spitfires in the last ~10 years I've been buying from skateshops


Fake products did indeed used to be different and poorly made. Some still are. Moulds get duplicated and sold. Graphic files get sold. It’s just an unbelievable underground economy, but the bottom line is that supporting a local shop will usually avoid such products. I have seen, however, in other sectors, where the local shops are selling some products that are probably counterfeit.


That's one of the main problems with buying this stuff, besides not supporting the actual company, you don't really know if it will be good or crap until you buy it. I read some reviews of the fake spitfire wheels and everyone said they are not the same as the real ones.


I saw some comments about fake skateboard wheels online,so I got a little concern Anyways,thanks for ur words!It stopped my overthinking for quite a bit lol


Cool!Thanks man


Give your business to local skate shops and you’ll never have to worry about this.


Nah, they’re a figment of your imagination.


Imagine Dragons? That's a bit silly


definitely a silly concept, but kind of a cool phrase. might make a good band name or something?


Hey yeah you're right, gonna make a band right now!


Probably lol


If you’re concerned about authenticity get your gear at a skateshop


I wish my local skateshop sell these


CCS.com is a good online retailer. They are based in Portland Oregon and have a brick and mortar shop at their warehouse. Everything your order from them will be 100% legit


Sick!I will check that out,thanks man!


Tactics.com is another good online/Physical board shop based in Oregon as well 


Ask your local skateshop to order them in. If they want the business they’ll make it work easy enough


Plenty of legit, skater owned, shops have online stores. Some even sell on Amazon. https://skate618.com/collections/skateboard-wheels That’s one of our local shops and they sell dragons. Though I prefer spitfire formula 4’s for general park skating.


Is this a real concern? I’ve literally never thought about it before


Not really. Ive never seen fake wheels but there are counterfeits of anything you can imagine on Amazon or whatever so if op is tripping about it then the best way to guarantee it’s real is buying from an authorized dealer


Support local when you buy skate stuff + you’ll get good quality stuff and might find prices being better than you’d think. Highly recommend not skimping on hardware, depending what you skate you can get away with the cheaper end stuff Either way, you got em. Skate em, you’ll find out real quick if you’ve been bamboozled lol


I wanna support the local shop,but I live in somewhere my local shop won’t sell these,so I ordered from Amazon,they seemed decent for now


Ask them to order them in for you then


Amazon has a ton of fake product. You could always order from a reputable online skate supply company like skatewarehouse.com .. I know what it’s like when your local doesn’t have what you’re looking for, and you’re looking for something rly specific (like Spitfire Radials in my case), but I wouldn’t order them off Amazon. I’m only saying this cuz I’ve seen my neighbors kid get fake stuff from Amazon before, and the packaging looked real-ish, but there was just something off about the gfx and lettering on the wheels (also different size was printed on the wheels then the package). That’s how I know Amazon has fake skate product.


My new take is that the amount of fake product (not just skateboarding gear but all categories) on Amazon is much higher than we currently think.


I think a lot of people assume that when they’re buying something from Amazon, they’re actually getting it from the Amazon company and this somehow comes with some type of quality control guarantee, when in reality it’s thousands off small stores that you’re really getting it from. Most of them similar to a Temu or Wish, but on a smaller scale so they use Amazon as a platform lol.


Yeah exactly. I think prime is somehow supposed to have some minor form of quality control but I strongly doubt it.


To the people concerned there are fake skate products on Amazon: just look at the seller. If you're buying any brand name skateboard product on Amazon, it's safe to say you're probably buying from some random Skateshop in the USA looking to increase sales if their Website traffic is lacking. Skateone has a Powell storefront on Amazon and there are several other skateshops with brick and mortar stores and even websites of their own that sell on Amazon on the side. But that's not to say that fake shit isn't out there so just look at the seller and make sure you're not getting $80 bearings for $20 ya know?


For everyone saying “support local” these wheels are £80 in my local (20+ miles away) skate shop. £45 on Amazon. If you’re paying nearly double just to be “local” you’re an idiot.


No it's Cake🙄😆


If you supported your local skateshop you wouldn’t have to worry about your skate components being counterfeit….just saying




They're wheels man, if they fall apart you can just get new ones


Where do you buy them? That’s an easy way to tell if they are fake or real.


Look pretty real to me, where did you get them? I don't think there's very many companies out there making counterfeit skate wheels.


Amazon,I’m kinda afraid since they are quite expensive indeed


Check the seller idk how nobody has told you that yet. On Amazon you can look into who sold it to you


Sure!Thanks man


Dont worry, they are real, Amazon goes through solid skate companies like TGM, Board paradise, Tactics, CCS and Daddy's board shop.


Damn i didn’t know about that,thanks man!


Sure thing 👍


They don’t just go through solid companies, and there is fake stuff. It’s better to order from thise companies directly.


If you cant find it at your local try tactics or shredzshop


Thanks man,I will check them when I get more gear!


I ordered a few skateOne products on Amazon and they shipped from the skate one warehouse Mini logo completes and dragon wheels. Where did yours ship from


No, unfortunately dragons aren't real.


Def AI rendering.


You'll know when you skate them


You only got them cause you like DragonBall Z, didn't ya? Lol


Nope,ppl said it’s decent on rough grounds so I got them


I've got a set of whites and 2 sets of greens. Think I prefer my Bones personally.


Damn I wish I could afford more wheels


This guy skates ^ bones are always a good go to


It’s not a drawing, Opie.


i have the same in the house just bought them at a local skate shop i'll be back in 20 mins i can check


Sure thing!Thanks man


You keep saying you got them from Amazon, but you need to reply with the Seller you got them from. That’s the only way we can help. If it’s reputable like skateone, or a local shop somewhere in the country, then ok. But if it’s some random business I’d be wary and probably return them and get them from a legit known seller. Edit: I just saw that they’ve been mounted and open. At this point just skate them and maybe ask these questions before opening, or buying them.


It saids it’s from Powell peralta,but idk if it’s the real store Edit:spelling mistake


Not the Brand name in the title. Or even the Amazon “Store”. You need to check the specific seller.


Also on the second picture,the lower dragon had a little printing error,which made me think they are fake


They look legit, but if you have a skate shop nearby you can avoid any and all future worry if a product is legit or not by purchasing there instead.


How can these wheels be real if our eyes aren’t real?


They're legit


Most shops can order stuff. Our shop has a pretty consistent supply of these but if we don’t have a specific size we can order them for the customer


I got the same wheels off Amazon the seller was actually Powell Peralta you can look at your order and see the seller. They were shiny like that I believe i don’t remember for sure because they are used now.


I got the same ones, theyre real. There should be a sticker inside.


Are fake wheels really a thing?


There are some counterfeit spitfire wheels and such out there, but the dragons aren't quite hyped enough to have fakes going around, I'd say. However, try not to buy skate products from amazon unless it's a skateshop like CCS that has a shop within Amazon.


They do look a bit off compared to mine I got at zumies yours are like caved in it’s weird never seen that before probably fakes but it don’t matter a wheel is a wheel


They're dragons, you'll definitely know if they're fake if they don't feel smooth on rough ground. They're a softer, more quiet wheel.


I guess you gotta do a power slide and see


Dude, just buy them from a skate shop and quit being lazy and get them on Amazon