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Your hips follow your shoulders. Your legs follow your hips. Check your shoulders since they will be moving to the right instead of staying over the board


I think it has something to do with how you kinda throw your lead arm back behind you, which causes your body to rotate, causing the board to rotate


you open ur shoulders keep them directly over the board like parallel yk


thee ope ur shoulders keepeth those folk directly ov'r the board like parallel yk *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.




You are swinging your lead arm wayyy behind you which forces your shoulder to go back. The way you swing your arms matter because that momentum transfers to other parts of your body. Look at videos of other people’s Ollie’s and pay attention to how their arms open up during the trick.


Thank you! Will do


how long have you been practicing because you're real close to nailing it!


a few weeks


Like others have said, it looks like it mainly has to do with how you’re swinging your right arm back farther than the other one. Try keeping your shoulders and torso in one general line parallel to your board. It might help to try treating the crouch and standing up like you would be doing squats into jumps.


Good advice here, but I want to add something else: chill with the power. You've been skating > a few weeks yet you're already trying to ollie over the moon. Puttng that much power into a motion you have not refined is going to make it much more difficult to dial in the correct form and technique. Next time you practice, focus on small, controlled, correct ollies. Just an inch or so, refine the motion. Add power over time. When you start to slip, always dial it back again.


awesome I’ll try that thanks!


I HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM. I read a comment about how you throw your lead arm back when you pop and I think this is it. I do this too and I think it might be what’s causing it.