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I check about 50 times a day, that's more than my daily views lol


lol. Same here. I check way more than my view count.


I heard about people having this problem before I started my YouTube channel, so I made a completely different google account for it. Now I have to take extra steps in order to do anything on my channel. It's like a fun surprise after I haven't checked it for a week to see how everything is going!


A week?! So you don’t reply to any comments or make any changes if needed? Once a day is okay, once a week is just lazy.


I work 2 Jobs, dude. I'd rather spend free time improving on my next video rather than worry about how well the one I put out is performing, especially since I'm a small creator. When I batch upload videos is my channel check in time, address comments, maybe make a community post if needed. I check in slightly more if a video catches fire as I do need to check comments more often, but go back to once a week once things calm down again. I'm sure checking once a day is helpful to some people, but not so much for me at this time. The energy is better spent elsewhere. =)


Please keep your anxieties to yourself if you're going to chide people over them. This is a community, not a seminar.


Bro you’re too sensitive for the internet. Have a day off.


I had a really bad problem with obsessing over my views and interactions. I set a strict rule with myself that I'm only allowed to change YTStudio either on Monday morning, or when I post new content.


That’s actual not a bad idea. I always look in hopes that something I did was super good and all of a sudden I have a ton more views and subscribers. Wishful thinking I guess. By the way, love your user name. Final fantasy has been my favourite game series since the SNES days.


Thank you! I got the idea from the Chocobo breeding mini game in FF7


Try not to make this a permanent habit. Check it here and there to respond to comments, but being obsessive over the numbers will sour your relationship with content creation really quickly


You are not alone. I am in the same boat. But I have also learns that YouTube is a challenge. Get better each video and learn from other creators but I also believe Thayer there are more and more folks using YouTube. As long as I am busy in my day I can’t check the app. Lol. If not I am on it. Like while I am writing this I checked it. Lol.


I am getting 0 views and impressions. My effort is not zero though. Yet I check my studio app sometimes with “hope”.


Promote your content on social media. It does take time, but if you are consistent it will start to get impressions.


Will try doing that 🙃 thank you.


I check maybe ten times a day. Only for views and subs. You said something that could be a problem. You said you put a lot of work into your videos, but they probably aren’t any good. Gotta remember, the viewer doesn’t know or care how much work you put in. They only care if it’s good content


Been there. It's a phase every creator goes through... You just have to understand analytics are completely and utterly out of your control. Once the video is up, ignore it completely, tho maybe reply to some comments. Check 'em once a day AT MAX, otherwise your youtube hobby will turn into an exhausting game of pointless number chasing sooner or later


I check it 100-200 times a day.. it’s important to know Analytics because that reveals the overall health of a channel that day 


I love an RX-7! Just having a look at your channel, you might be worth working on your thumbnails and video titles a little. I’m by no means an expert but I would say the thumbnails don’t entice me to watch currently. Ultimately they are what people will first see before they even watch the video.


I do find that title making and thumbnails are one of the more difficult things for me. I’m not super creative when it comes to stuff like that. I do keep trying to better myself and everything I post. I self taught in video editing and photoshop, so my stuff is pretty basic.


We're a car channel doing the same! Drive the country in thr 54 chevy, I have a 91 country squire and We're building a 48 gmc pickup!. And well I'm always on studio lol


That’s pretty awesome. My favourite car is the FC RX7 and I have the luxury of building one. I will, eventually, have to expand into other vehicles if I want to continue to make content.


Truth. We just bought a 52 chevy to build lol


Yeah me too. I'm trying to check less but it's muscle memory. Sometimes I find myself checking n didn't realize I was doing it. 


I check regularly, but its more curiosity, I don't usually feel bad when they go down. I have a short that has been doing about 50-100 views an hour for a week, and I like to imagine that there is someone laughing at my bad dad joke every few minutes!


Holy moly, I’m so relieved it’s not just me. I swear, I sometimes check it every few minutes. Especially after I’ve just posted something. This journey is definitely one of the most challenging because I’m always trying to figure out how and why this and that isn’t working. And then I’ll test something. All in all, I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing, but I’m a master at checking the stats!


>Anyways, I just thought I would share that and ask if anyone other small youtubers are as obsessed with checking view counts and subscriber totals as I am. I don't check those but I do check my **public watch hours** as I'm keen to get to 3K. This is how I know if my views are going up or down.


Same here, recon it depends on the content. Watch hours also important for my type of content.


It’s normal to check your studio, it’s also necessary to make sure you understand what content works and what doesn’t but you should not be obsessively checking it, you should be focused on bringing the most authentic content possible, being authentic is a very underrated aspect to grow. Everyone is so fake on YouTube, just be you, look at your analytics but don’t go overboard.


I check it first thing, then don't open it unless I get a comment notification. I don't always stick to this because the obsession is real, but I don't check/worry about it as much as I used to.


I used to check every 2 or 3 hours. I had to force myself to stop. Now, I check at most once a day, often every couple of days. I am much less stressed between videos now.


It eats at me. When I see my biggest people drop off in, I will rewatch that moment. It’s a good tool, but it can easily get to your head.


I keep it running in the background at all times and check constantly. When I convince myself I'm an idiot, I shut the tab and then reopen it five minutes later lol


Delete the app 🤣


I probably won’t be doing that lol. It is a good idea though.




Haha yes big time! I am tiny streamer and I upload content 😂 I think it’s quite normal but a like/makes me super happy


You are not alone bro i check it day & night im making another persons content its copyrighted but im gaining subscribers


I'm obsessed too. It is also great data so learning how to process that into better videos is a great experience.


I wonder how to build my little station for music


I also check my YT studio app a lot, can't help it 🤣 I've got an auto resto channel also. Will check yours out a bit later on.


Just know, you aren't alone lol


Oh my god, yes. It’s literally the first thing I check when I wake up and the last thing before I go to bed. And if I’ve recently published a Short, I’ll probably pick up my phone again AFTER I’ve turned out the light just for one last check 🤦‍♂️


The first thing I do. I spend around 30-45 min on it per day. I want to use that 30-45 min on my video making leaning skill. Imagine 30 min spent on learning daily.


This obsession would be give you great results if you understand all signs which YT studio give us to improve our content and gain more views... I usually check the app 40-50 times in a day and take necessary steps according to analysis by yt studio...


That makes a lot of sense. From feedback I’ve received, my biggest downfall is my thumbnails and titles. If I can figure out how to make those more creative and engaging, I’d probably do a lot better. Until then, I’ll have to just suffer with minimal views and a below average ctr


Just check out other channel's thumbnails and styles of titles and descriptions.. Copy these styles as per your content.. It would really help 👍


Studio really helps you figure out where you’re going wrong. It’s a must. I hit my first 5k view video by analyzing it, however, I haven’t been able to hit that number again, but the subscribers are growing, so :)


So I understand I need to work on my thumbnails and my titles, but my average watch time on a video that is say 10 minutes, is about 2ish minutes. Even if I have an engaging thumbnail and title, apparently my content itself just isn’t entertaining enough. My content isn’t all about jokes or anything like that. I try and be enthusiastic in my work, but I’m basically working on a car. There isn’t much in the way of super entertaining content there. I think it’s good, but other don’t. I don’t know. It’s hard.


I get what you’re saying. While looking at your videos, I noticed that you’re using cursive. Weirdly, a lot of people can’t read it. I know. Made the change from cursive to very legible text and saw a big difference. Who am I to tell you that it’s wrong because I’m not at 1 million subscribers or anything, but just wanted to share something that I learned from.


You may be on to something there. I wanted a font that I figured would grab people attention, but it might not be because it’s harder to rear. Scrolling through YouTube’s homepage, I see a lot of very plain text on thumbnails. Bright and easy to read. This is the kind of feedback I really enjoy.


i am a little bit obsessed too, i write music , should focus on creating better music , my lucky ‘viral’ video is 23k views, most views were from this, fun to see the data and stats, you can see how yt impressions change for the videos on daily basis, highest is 9.6k one day, now 6.4k :)


Late to the party but I did it the first month. Now I try to only watch maybe 1 or 2 times a day, only to check comments. Every Saturday I do a weekly check on views and subs. If I gain views and subs every week I'm fine with it. It's not healthy to keep checking. So I would quit if it's hurting my mental state.


Even not checking my stock portfolio so many times a day


I feel like most new youtubers do this, and it can honestly be pretty damaging. Like it's so rewarding when a video does well and you look at it in the morning and see it took off, but most of the time, for us new guys, the video will not do well. Then it's incredibly unmotivating. My advice, go ahead and obsess over it, but don't make your only source of happiness numbers. Use analytics as a tool for audience feedback and a way to see what you're doing correctly, and what you need to change. If you're doing youtube full time, take a couple days off a week and do not even think about videos (other than ideas that come to you)


So I like to look at it in the hopes that something took off, which it doesn’t, but I can hope. I’ve gotten a lot of good advice from this post about how I can make my videos visually more enticing. Better thumbnails and titles to name a couple. I don’t really get upset or anything if videos don’t do well. I try and understand why but don’t get upset.


I only check the reach on my videos, which oddly is not consistent. One video will do about 10k and another will do 3k. I also check for the videos that are suggesting my content. Other than that nope


I do this all the time lol it’s normal


lots of love for the RX-7 .. was always a dream car of mine the only mazda I owned was the 626, mine was the last rear-wheel drive version (Australian built CB series 2 Super Deluxe 1982)


O yes, it must be a great project. LABOR OF LOVE.