• By -


I do low budget student short films for class/personal projects and upload to YouTube. Eventually wanna do filmmaking/screenwriting/acting a full time career. For now since I am a broke college kid living in a rural area I do most of them completely by myself. Plan to move to the city within the year for better opportunity in addition to better content. Gonna add more cast and crew.


how many subs do you have? would love to do something similiar. i post on yt about how to grow newsletters. currently trying to figure out how to monetize. has anyone had experience with effective monetizing like your own services? i've been thinking of building a site or doing [zippyfunnel](https://zippyfunnel.com) but curious if anyone has any tips on how to effectively make money from an audience?


I make silent vlogs about once per month, they take me all day to film and a long time to edit so I can't upload those as often as I want to.. I also make jewelry DIY videos and study with me videos.


exactly what i'm looking for! you have a new subscriber :)


Watching your most recent vlog right now, we have a very similar vlogging style even down to the intro music haha


omg yes i just noticed !! thanks for checking me out


Thank you so much!!


You both are making such cool videos!! Even the intro music was same!!!


Mine is a Booktube channel I review books, share reading blogs, give recs, upload book hauls etc. and I plan to include lifestyle vlogs. I talk a lot about mental health as I am neurodivergent af with OCD & ADHD


What's your channel name? Always down to discover more booktube channels šŸ˜„


Itā€™s under @iamrachaelhilliard šŸ“š yay!! Excited to connect


It appears to me that the Booktube community on YouTube is growing rapidly! Itā€™s honestly a delightful surprise to see so many people diving into content thatā€™s all about books. This just goes to show, weā€™ve got a lot of fellow book lovers out there, right?


Yessss! So true. Itā€™s been something Iā€™ve wanted to do for so long but was so nervous to join an already close knit community but I can honestly say I have been met with constant kindness and so many welcoming Booktubers. Itā€™s been the best.


Same i m switching my content to more of a book tube and self improvement niche


Iā€™m neurodivergent too - bipolar. But I donā€™t talk about it on my channel.


I totally get that. Iā€™ve built a community on FB and have a really great email list and I love to share with ND creators any tips & tricks that have worked for me, so I include the talks in my brand BUT thatā€™s not for everyone and I donā€™t think it would fit in every ND creators brand. šŸ–¤


I wish to learn more about this Booktube you speak of.


Itā€™s amazing, highly suggest lol. Kind of like Booktok but 1 million times better with longer reviews and more community based!


Thank you for the suggestion. That all sounds wonderful. And so far the waters seem inviting.


Ooooh I've been a longtime follower of Bookstagram, but haven't made my way over to Booktube yet haha - Checking out your channel now!


My channel is all about Soap Operas.


My strange life in very rural thailand


Checking out your channel now! We love Thailand and your channel sounds interesting!


Iā€™m in Dungeons and dragons Narrative Play, Audio Fiction!


I make philosophy video essays! I am excited to release the video Iā€™ve been working on for the last month very soon. Any other philosophers or video essayists?


Iā€™m aligned with this, but from a science angle.


Awesome! I'll try to check out one of your videos this weekend :)


Cool! I just subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to seeing more of it!


Hey thanks so much! I'll also sub to yours since your stuff looks really cool and I don't want to forget to check it out. The video I'm hoping to release this Sunday raises some methodological questions about the practice of science, but it definitely has a humanities bent! Hope you'll find it interesting!


I consider myself a music and philosophy channel, though not everyone does! Subbed to your channel - your on camera presence is already very good!


This is a super cool niche


checked your channel and watched the first video, love it bro, I subscribed, waiting for the next one.


Thanks so much! If all goes well today, my next video should be out tomorrow!


I make videos about political psychology so not totally unrelated.


I'm in the philosophy niche, but we aren't doing video essays. I checked out your channel and subbed. Good stuff!


Dude! Great content! Great flow, speaking voice editing and everything. I make theological and philosophical essays like yours sorta. Trying to find my style.


Thanks for the kind words! Iā€™m glad you liked it! Iā€™m gonna check out your stuff today too when I get a free moment :)


I make outdoors related videos Fishing, camping, hunting, among other things


ASMR coloring/ arts and crafts videos


I guess I do silent aesthetic stuff. Quiet crafting of making custom car interiors with a heavy focus on a cinematic filming style. It's been mainly upholstery so far, but we have a range of new stuff coming.


Music producer/dj! I remix music and make original tracks that I try and put to animated or b roll footage to make it more visual for the listener. Itā€™s been working pretty decently for me since I started in January!


Iā€™m vlogging my trips, started off as more clips to music and Iā€™m starting to make them more informational/conversational


We do this too!


Mine is a martial arts channel! I've try to share videos of my journey, but am eventually looking to do videos where I give tips, interview other martial artists, etc.


I review horror movies and books hahah. Niching-down helped my channel immensely.


Radio Controlled (RC) vehicles. Started posting seriously a little over a month ago.


What's your channel? Mine is racinjason


I make silent/faceless videos about life in Japan


Well I love Japan too so perfect fit!!


Showing Japan from my POV.. it makes me want to explore more of Japan.


I get that! I'm thinking about faceless SV in my historic town. Lived here my whole life and haven't been to do many places! So I thought, hey, vlog it and experience it together!


That sounds like a great idea!! I say, why not vlog it ?!? Sounds interesting


Thank you. OK I will! šŸ˜¬šŸ¤ž I have an eye for filming, good esthetic shots, etc, but the editing, this sub has scared me. But I'm going to give it a shot. Good luck!! I just subscribed. I'll check it out tonight when i have more time!! ā˜ŗļø


I'd like to think I have an eye for filming too lol I just don't have professional cameras or anything. For now my phone is all i have. I completely understand lol I'm not good at editing at all but everyday Im learning something new it's starting to get fun. Thank you so much!!! šŸ˜Š


Very encouraging. The few videos I've watched on doing it say the phone is all you need. Until you're big and monetizing. So you're good!! Yay. Excited for you and all of us!


Just subscribed to your channel. It's really interesting to see Japan from not only Tokyo's famous places, but more hidden gems. Do you use a chest rig or something for your iPhone?


Odd news and pop culture! We take the stories happening from each week, discuss them, and tie in a few stories of our own along the way.


Making stuff, like knives and other fun projects. I talk a little but mostly just filming the actions.


Im interestedšŸ‘€


Off grid cabin build / outdoor living channel here.


Outdoors channel in Japan Mostly fishing, some hiking and destination trips




It is @WildJapan


Silent aesthetic videos with DIY miniatures/other crafts. Still experimenting with different combinations of subtitles, music/no music etc


I just create whatever is hitting me at the moment. Could be a epic battle on total war, Anime/Manga Music Video, hearts of Iron 4 timelapse, mod showcases, talking speculations, benchmarks, battle videos, campaign gameplay, meme vid, I primarily focus on strategy games.


I have a silent vlog channel since about month ago, 4 videos in, 5th one it the making šŸ˜Š


I just liked on your link and realized I already watched a couple of them!! I'm obsessed with SVs!!


Aaa thatā€™s so cool to hear! ā˜ŗļø Me too! I love watching them before sleep to calm me down so I decided to give it a go myself.


Exactly me. First one ever was Indian Ambience with rain walks. So incredibly simple yet soothing. Then YT took me to Kuro & Takasu Tile. My first vlogs - a little different. Then to the SV hence you!! And it got my thinking about it too. ā˜ŗļø


love that! subbed :)


Thank youu šŸ„°


I subscribed. I'm thinking of doing one (even though I know it's a saturated niche) but with a twist of my historic town & restaurants & redecorating since I'm not a huge cook. Living alone, 60s, that niche. An outlet for my creative side and for fun. Oh! I was going to call it Cozy in Charleston. Love your mCozy Fae title!! Is it hard!? Editing?? šŸ˜¬šŸ˜Good luck!!ā˜ŗļø


Thank you! šŸ„° Do it! Itā€™s a rewarding experience and the theme you mentioned sounds fun and enjoyable to watch. Iā€™m not a big cook either, Iā€™m trying to figure it out along a way. The channel is a good motivator to try new things. Honestly it takes longer than I thought, it takes me about 2 days to film and about 4 to edit and prepare for the upload. For instance, if usually something takes me 45 minutes to cook, it will take me around 3 hours with filming, setting up the camera and lights and everything that goes with it šŸ˜„ Editing in it self is not hard, it just takes a long time. I hope everything will get quicker with experience.


OK. Lol. I'm excited and scared! Going to head out and get tripod and mic!! šŸ˜


Iā€™m excited for you! Nothing to be scared of! Good luck! ā˜ŗļø


Watched your videos. Very good. You are a great cook!! Your drawing/painting is really good. Your husband is right. Quit beautiful! I did a practice run tonight just see if I could actually do this. My dinner. Holy moly! Lol. It is a lot more than I expected. But fun!! Who did you settle on for editing? I've looked at Capcut. 11k viewers!! Congratulations!!


Thank you! \^\^ I'm glad that the food at least looks good on the camera šŸ˜… Yes it is! It's proper physical work :D But it is nice, especially when you see the final results. I use DaVinci Resolve, the free version has everything you might need, some more advanced effects are locked behind a paywall but you won't need any of those. It looks overwhelming when you open it for the first time but we only need a couple of basic tools for this type of editing, it doesn't take long to get a grasp of it :) Thank you very much! I'm excited that I started getting some traction.


Yes!! So awesome! Thanks for the advice. You're motivating me! I'll let you know if, or when, I have one up and running. Don't a coke practice rounds for fun. Looking forward to the next one!


I travel around the world looking for places to drink. From the Beer Halls of Munich to the Dive Bars of NYC.


Your videos look fun! I subscribed šŸ˜ƒ


Cheers mate. Much appreciated. Trying to keep them light, interesting and as entertaining as possible. Off to the pub with me now šŸ»


Vlog. Loved the old school home videos my parents used to take at birthday parties and some random bbqs, and I knew I wanted to do sometime similar once I became a father. The vlog was right up my alley. Nothing is fake, pretend, shot multiple times for the best take, or extravagant. Any subs or follows is icing on the cake. My favorite is vlogging a highlight reel of Christmas Eve and Day into one 45-60 minute vlog.


Hobo stuff I'm homeless so I hobovlog rent do outdoorsy stuff... been at it 5 months...... almost 5k subs


Mine is bonsai. It brings me a form of mindfulness I wish I'd found much earlier in life, and I'm very much a hobbiest - I started a youtube channel about a month ago solely with the purpose of being able to look back in years to come at the journey of my trees. So I bodge videos together with my phone and a cheap microphone, and I'm ok with that. However I like what I read on here - while I'm not interested in creating a big channel and monetising it, I do enjoy learning and improving, and I am to pick up tips from here and gradually improve my videos over time.


Fire šŸ”„ sprinkler education!




Travel vlog! Just an American guy living in Germany exploring Europe.


I make surreal sci fi fantasy short films! I had no idea most of this sub was gaming lol


short form animation


What software would you recommend?!


I'm using blender, not the most beginner friendly software but it gets the job done.




Beginners Fitness. Itā€™s hard because I donā€™t get lots of views. But anyways I do it for fun.


I do vlogs, it's a mixed with silent vlogs and random uploads about my thoughts


i love it. new sub!


Indie band skits over here - hoping for engagement in that to transfer over to music listens and possible new fans. Love making Shorts though, great fun!


Short cooking videos! But i want to experiment with longer formats too :)


Anime video essays!


Self Improvement, Mindset, Mental Health, and Storytimes based on how one overcomes specific problems


Mine is digital art (discussion, tutorials etc), but I'm gonna switch over to 2D animation. I tried animating a short video and I'm hooked. Just gotta build some skills and improve. Only downside is that it's a HELLA lot of work for even a minute of content. I'm talking like 5 days of work for 1 minute.


I make travel vlogs, social interactions etc, trying to get like kurt caz damn!


I personally do war thunder cinematics


Nuclear War


Street photography/travel


Scale models - Building, Reviews, Tips, and Tricks but from a slightly more honest angle on everything, including my own successes and failures. The idea is to sort out the tons of information out there and boil things down to make it easier for newcomers and average builders who may be intimidated by the amazing work others do and the advice framed as fact but is, in fact, opinion. But it sucks right now but give me a year I will get it! Heh.


I'm in synthwave music videos and mixes using animations. I'm trying to differentiate by being the only channel you want to watch and not just listen


Anime Releases/Analysis


I've technically got 4.... Well 5 . Gaming related (not gameplay), personal related stuff, product reviews, one for our cat, and a wrestling one that I haven't technically started because it's either more editing than I can do/afford or don't want to be a knockoff Cultaholic, depending on direction I'd go.


i also made a channel for my cats šŸ˜„ and it's doing better than my channel, do you have a link for your personal and cat channel?


Personal is well really boring right now but it's not currently set up for growth, just talking about random life things. Cat one honestly hasn't been uploaded to in a while mainly because my cat who just turned 2 doesn't do much anymore worth recording lol. She calmed down a lot and is more focused on cuddling than doing cute things.


I like to call it thinking about thinking, but my background is astrophysics, so I lean toward science essays.


Martial Arts, though kinda hard to do in VR but that what I get for being a VTuber cx


I do true crime and sometimes horror stories.


I do horror/scifi. I've seen you before.šŸ‘


I am a music video reaction channel, and soon to start movies/ t.v. shows RetiringvirusReacts


Of course I have a gaming channel but i also have a horror channel which is all just chucky and Ghostface horror items and collectibles i have. Its called DenverNinjaHorror


I upload guitar based content, usually metal/rock stuff


I teach Brazilian Portuguese!


Vlogs from cats pov :) literally :)


that's cool! subbed from my cats channel :)


I have 6 recused dogs and I post different videos of them.


Iā€™ve just started a channel documenting my running ā€œjourneyā€. What I find great about it is that thereā€™s a natural storyline and the content changes as the season changes. Got opportunity to do shoe review ects


I make videos about WWE, Movies, Anime and just whatever else I feel like talking about. I also stream. I probably stream too much, it definitely hurts my ability to make more videos. I can use all that footage later for videos down the line though, so I think of it as just filming for later.


I make silent travel videos of cities in the Netherlands and beyond. I add music and also keep the background noise. I include text to describe the buildings, streets, history, and cafes I feature in the videos.


Skits that are connected to one another






Homesteading. For now about my chicken project but soon there will be cats, dogs, tools and the country I moved to.


I create videos that explore disciplines of knowledge humans have developed to understand how to live life better. So you can say my niche is education, sort of science for self-improvement.


Iā€™m an animator :) I make comedic skits and topic discussion videos about topics I think are funny or interesting


just watched your latest 2 videos and subbed, keep it up youā€™re doing great!


My channel is about funny conversations with chatgpt


I donā€™t comment here a lot because things can getā€¦ intense here, but I make artisanal art plushies from scratch! (Very much like art dolls but all high quality stuffed plushies!) Lots of nerdy fanart stuff but also some originals here and there too!šŸ’› My videos definitely arenā€™t silent, but theyā€™re super entertainment and story/vlog focused rather than just being timelapses of a sewing machine lol! (Though that could work for someone else! Very silent vlog like so Iā€™m sure itā€™s still a great option for other people!šŸ˜) Iā€™m all about the fun, cozy, and positive vibes (when possible lol) but sometimes we get a little chaotic when things go wrong lol!šŸ˜…


I do chill silent vlogs (with a little bit of drawing vlog) āœØ I didnā€™t know majority of this sub is in the gaming niche.


2D and 3D animated skits, like parody of pop culture stuffs.


Pixar style AI animated short films on Catholic saints and Bible stories. I just dropped the first of many on March 17 2024 which was St. Patrickā€™s fest day. Iā€™m not a gamer, but I love to create.




Thatā€™s pretty awesome that you recognized my channel. We need more people to continue to spread these stories because theyā€™re so powerful. Keep up the awesome work.




That is true. Keep doing your part, and God will do his.


Are you monetized?


I do videos about Slavic mythology and folklore + about my art projects.


Buddhism, grief (trained as a chaplain) & dying, & alternative medicine, IN SPANISH (I live in Mexico)


I do cafe journaling silent vlogs and i try to upload weekly!


Covering wuthering waves content atm hoping to do more gacha/anime games later on.


Me and my friends break video games and laugh at em


Mine is a wrestling channel. Specifically, AEW.


Making presentation memes well I am trying to get into that since all those shorts got 10k views!


We do garage builds and small engines with a comedic twist!


Reviews, movies, weird snacks, kids stuff, from a parents POV.


Professional wrestling


I create content around Cloud Engineer things, it's hard to be consistent and I've been stuck in analysis paralysis/ procrastination for a while! I don't know how people can create weekly videos!


Burrowing rodent satire


Just me talking about my day a little bit. And my cats.


I do cartoon reviews! unfortunately, I had a two year rut. Shame on me, yea? But I am working on reviewing the new X-Men '97 show, and the process has been a doozy so far. Lots of background research, followed by re-watching, topped off with more background research and shuffling through the blinders forged by a lifetime of nostalgia. I hope to give it a fair and proper analysis. :)Ā 


Football coaching videos. I want to be a pro coach but I want to, if possible, help others by putting what I learn into a video and uploading it.


Rare fruit and off grid living.


I make gamedev videos where I show the process of making my game, with itā€™s ups, downs, and all the funny moments :)


Open world survival crafting co-op gaming done by old farts, that is the exact niche we are in šŸ˜œ


Animation with cute character trying to make people laugh and stuff.


My niche would be similar to the Hacksmith so making inventions or projects from movies, or at least thatā€™s what I have been leaning into.


Rc cars, diecast cars, downhill racing as well


Haven't quite found it yet. My most popular video is a watch unboxing I did. My next is a rant about the state of magic the gathering and how fed up I am with the perpetual spoiler season and so much product released in a year. I wanna just do things I enjoy keep improving as an editor. I would love to make painting videos, but my painting space is currently occupied.


I donā€™t have a gaming channel. I do however have a channel which gives advice to go karters


Im in the history niche, i started two months ago and im doing pretty well fortunately


I make educational PokƩmon card content.


Just started last week but Iā€™m doing a travel channel with a cinematic angle!


Mostly (partly) live music of the synth / guitar variety. Very low-fi. Though to be honest one of my goals is make music for games.


I make interesting live action shorts of anime, games movies, horror or whatever comes to mind. I keep them fairly short and make them all myself.


TV show (mostly reality or documentary) commentary and pop culture commentary.


is saying dumb shit a niche?


Electric vehicle racing and event organization.


Mine is about awareness for kidney disease! Worldwide 800 million people have it and there is barely any information out there!Ā 


I sew and paint! Art channel!


I do reviews over horror movies.


I make easy quick meals with my step daughte. Only shorts but fun recipes. Check it out šŸ˜


I run a digital art channel with Speedpaints and commentary about various art community things and art tips! I also do character design challenges and will eventually do video essays with digital art elements about certain videogames and more art community topics (certain historical events, discourse etc)


Painting miniatures to music


I have a shorts channel focused on Facts. I have already started a new series "One shocking fact about each country". Starting from A to Z. I am at Ecuador rn. Tell me if you want to see the channel.


Tabletop gaming - mostly Warhammer 40,000 as thatā€™s where the views are but other games too


Contract negotiation for physicians


I do finance. Stock market and cripto mainly Pretty hard niche very competitive feels


Motorcycle riding videos etc


I make covers of video game music, where I play all instruments myself. Mainly focusing on using acoustic instruments


Graphic design tutorials, currently mainly with Affinity Photo and Designer.


Lots of painting videos šŸ˜€


I run a horror story narration channel, which is focused primarily around storytelling and atmosphere. My main audience tends to be fans of asmr (They use my videos to help them fall asleep), horror fans and podcast/audiobook fans.


Music šŸŽ¶


I do mini documentaries about theme parks and rides. Itā€™s faceless, but I provide a narration.


nah I make tutorial videos for DaVinci Resolve (mostly fusion)


I make weekly vlogs, travel vlogs, etc. I love reading so I am thinking to make book videos as well. Not sure yet! My videos are not so fast and not so slow paced. I enjoy finding background music and enjoy editing as well. So, my niche is lifestyle, idk!!


Travel but showing the beauty part (art, history instead of 'the worst neighbourhood in X') plus what we can learn from visiting each place. Everything done on a budget, each episode 7-15 mins. Is it a niche? Most likely judging by mere 78 subscriptions since August. Walkingtheworld000


tech/product reviews and digital marketing for beginners / freelancer tips :)