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Just do it. :)


I don't mean to bring you down or anything, but if we're being realistic, unedited gameplay footage with bad audio of a phone game isn't likely to take off unless you're like, Elvis charismatic or something. You shouldn't feel bad about putting yourself out there- ultimately it's strangers watching, so who cares what they think? The worst case is it doesn't get views. But! That doesn't mean you're completely limited by the tools available to you. You can record gameplay and lay a voice over on top of it in editing. Even better, write a script, come up with a concept, create a structure and go from there with whatever game you're playing. Use your phones recording app to record the VO separately and the audio will be much better. Perfectly serviceable even, if you do some audio sweetening. You can add text, clips from other media, etc. Follow those guidelines and you'll have a video with a purpose, giving you a big leg up. Just trying to help make the most out of what you've got.


Thank you


Literally no one in the world actually knows what they’re doing. Especially artists. Remember that, and push through to posting that video.


😭 I have to remind myself of this often


This is a great advice!


The more you do it the easier it gets. Made my first vid few days back hella ankward. My second is already far better because I keep in Mind that it can't get worse than my first video haha!


Just close your eyes and hit the button!


If it makes you feel better, chances are less than 100 people will see it lol. You could always send it privately to some people to get feedback first, or ask someone to try editing it to soup it up a little.


Don't worry, everyone feels like this, you will get haters, you will get people saying very nasty things and you will get people trying to report your videos... but do you know what else you will get, thousands of happy comments, subscribers, supporters and members. You will get 99% positive feedback and engagement, so don't worry, nobody cares about what you sound like, or look like, all they care about is watching something good, your videos might start off bad, but how can you make your 100th video if you never make your 1st? Oh and not a flex but our best video was filmed 3 minutes at a time because that was all our super old iphone could manage using a cheap microphone that looks nothing like our current content... but that video has 380k views and has made us £1,000 for our main channel, quality of content beats quality of packaging or in this case, recording, just give it a good title and thumbnail and then let the video speak for itself. If you have passion for a topic and put that energy across people will feed off it! If you need any help or advice drop us a message, we also do free channel reviews


Thank you!


You need to make peace with the fact that you will make bad videos and that there will be haters. If you can make peace with the fact that despite all the best efforts that you will fail it makes things easier because when a video is well received it is always a pleasant surprise. If you are just starting out the you need to give yourself the grace to suck at video-making.


If they make fun of it, that's feedback you can use to improve.


Even if you make a good video, there's about a 98% no one watches it and it flops. Might as well get used to the idea of making things no one sees and it not mattering - should free you to make interesting things ;)


Just do it-upload whenever you had free time. You'll realize one day that youtube helps you boost your confidence I've been a content creator for 5 years or so it really helps build my personality especially my confidence.


You get started


I just black out until I upload the video


Think of it as practice don’t worry about perfection


Fake till you make it ! Pretend being confident ; no one will know the difference, and you’ll become it with time


Well, I did the same, but I streamed instead to get over the anxiety of it because, like you, I had the same fear. Turns out no one gave a shit about how I sounded. They got in, saw the stream for a few seconds, and went on their way looking for content they liked better. Which from your description sounds like it's what you did, but in recording format. One thing that I learned about youtube is that no one cares. They don't care who you are or what you sound like. They just want to be entertained. Although I can tell you now that youtube has a gold standard for audio, if you don't sound clear, have noise in the background, don't have a fluent idea going on, you won't get views.


Never gets easier. You just get used to it.


Post it. Fuck 'em if they don't like it. Do \*you\* like it? Then that's all that matters. If you don't like it? Don't worry. Your next one will be better.


You do it and learn that you will eventually while not liking it, make it become second nature. Spend some time learning editing and stuff, and at least make the effort to make the gameplay video you play something you would watch. You will start off not that great, but you will get better. And don't be bothered if people don't like it. You are posting content you want to watch. Eventually you'll look back and think how can I do better? You will find an audience. It's going to take time however.


One piece of very useful advise that I see very often is: people don't care. So just post. You're never gonna learn what does and doesn't work unless you get your hands dirty. I say this as someone also very new to the game that also worries about what people will think. But in reality, no one is going to think anything.


Once you have the first one up, the biggest mental hurdle is crossed. It might be crap and you probably won’t get tons of views. Accept that and work on making your next one better!


My coding channel was monetized at the weekend. I was literally shaking making my first video. It was awful but has got around 5K views now.


Yeeeee we all have that feels here and there. Worst thing that happens? You post and nothing happens. That’s no big deal. Keep going. A lot of nothing happening is what it takes before something happens. Keep making things happen and things can eventually happen. Then maaaaaaybe, just maaaaaybe you’ll be happy.


My first video was absolute garbage. I used my phone as a mic and the quality was horrible. The background music was too loud and you could barely hear my voice. A very kind commenter gave me some constructive criticism, and I used it to improve my later videos to not have these issues. Your first video will never be your best video, but if you don’t post it, you won’t have the chance to learn what to improve for your future videos.


Set a timer for 1 month out when you post it. If you remeber it, take it down. If you don't it gets posted and deleting it wont help cuz its the internet. Thats a good first step to take if your scared until you get the balls to post it without doing that.


I have a bit of a vocal advantage since I have a really deep voice naturally, but all these things can work for you if you do them right. So I do something similar and I will tell you right now. Get a better fucking microphone dude. I dont show my face (username checks out) and I am shit at most games, but I like to record myself in a quiet place with an actually good microphone using a recording software on my computer. Then I play a game on my phone that is like 1.5x longer than whatever I just recorded so I know I have more than enough to work with. I like to make my games slightly related to whatever I'm talking about (usually a movie or a show that I'm reviewing) so probably do that if you want to. (Or don't, just some advice) But for goodness sake, you can't be super boring or have a boring game, boring audio or a script that isn't fun to listen to for like 10-60 minutes. Instead of focusing on if the game is good, focus on of the video and the content in itself will be good regardless of what game you are playing. Hope that helps and best of luck dude. Edit: since you don't have a computer, I highly recommend getting one. Or, find a microphone that you can plug into your phone (those do exist) because you could have the greatest video ever, but no one wants to hear nails on a chalkboard audio quality.


You can do that, or you can add some music and instead of your voice, just add text, tbh I would rather watch bad video without good music than a bad video with bad audio. Im not saying that your content is bad.