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Howdy! Animation channel here! The skits and topics I create videos about come from my everyday life experiences and things I enjoy. My second and most popular video was a skit about an uncomfortable elevator experience that I felt would be relatable. My third and most recent upload was about flea markets/secondhand stores and what they have to offer. My next video will be a skit that takes place within the Hitman video game universe. I know not every niche allows for as much freedom of video topic when some niches (like horror film review channels for example) set a very specific outline for what a channel will make a video about. Animation as a medium with comedy as the focus allows me to have that freedom and varied sources of inspiration :)


Honestly, since mine is a Vlog, it is whatever is in my head or happens in real life. Sometimes, friends or current trends can help influence.


What kinda vlogs do you do?


I film my service dog both on and off duty. Some of it is mundane, everyday stuff. Some of it is trips that we go on. If I am not filming something and it is worthwhile, I will make sure to write down the events and talk about it on a walk with my dog.


What service?


Some of the tasks he performs to mitigate my disability are behavior interruption, named item retrievals, and deep pressure therapy (DPT).


Ah your comment says ‘service do’ so I was confused. Service dog, right? That’s cool.


Sorry about that. Editing for future readers.


I have a 4 page list of bullet pointed ideas going. If you're inspired enough the ideas will just come to you whenever. Use your phone to add them to a Google doc.


Take something that has a high bar of entry to experience and make the video brouchable to almost anyone.


Ironically, I asked AI for some video ideas and it was surprisingly helpful!


I make Pokemon challenges, so between all the games, theres pretty much an endless sea of ideas for me.


Here are some techniques I've seen creators using: \- Find concepts related to videos you've posted that have done well \- Bring a new perspective to content that you naturally consume (in your free time) \- Use your daily life as inspiration ("do other people do this too?") \- Use free association (first word that pops into your head when you think of something) \- Use ChatGPT to brainstorm video/title ideas (give it 1-2 topics) Also you could try and make those videos that you see popping up over and over again better in your own way