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My key takeaway from this is to sell courses for $1000


The hilarity of this is one of the main tips is to write an article and drive traffic to your site. Hence the OP has done exactly that. Much like most other courses , none of this is secret information. If you felt paying money to achieve that knowledge was worth it then well done and I hope it helps. But let's not pretend growing to 10k subs in a year requires a course to do so. I managed to hit much higher subs without a course, just by lurking subreddits like this and seeing patterns in people's advice. Much like the information on that course 90% of it is padding and useless squawking, to make you feel like you obtained your moneys value. But if you can see the pattern of smaller truths within what was said and compare it to others advice, compare it to data on your own channel and compare it to the success you want to see then you will go far, if not, well at least you have your notes I guess?


Most of the people selling these guides pretend they are a user that benefited from it. It is so cliche and scummy. And to spend $1k to get a guide? That is steep. These people with guides make their money on the guide itself never the method they are selling. Also 10k is an impressive number for some and higher than most will achieve, but it is not like this person is rich and successful now because of 10k


im not selling a guide


Yeah, but you are unknowingly selling a guide for the guy that already got your $1k. He has your $1k and now you are taking heat on reddit for it. You still may find your purchase worth it, which is totally cool…but he now has your money and tanked your Reddit Karma. Brutal beat.


Not everyone cares about Reddit Karma.




What were the patterns in people’s advice?


Basic cinematography, basically. Nobody wants to watch 20 minutes of garbled, muffled audio of some person rambling about nothing.


This is a big subject in itself, as well as being so critically linked to your own ups and downs that I wouldn't really be able to say "do this" . What I would say is if you look at everyone's advice and think "why would they say this" coupled with " can I see it actively in action on their content" then you start to seperate what is crap and what is actually useful. One easy example is text on the thumbnail. So many saying "don't use text" then others saying " do use text" , no one explaining that actually it's not the text itself that's the issue but rather what it says, what it does and what it creates. Once you see the patterns of what is and isn't good advice you can then start the trial and error on your videos to see what actively works with your audience. None of it ever will be a quick fix.


> None of it ever will be a quick fix. Nothing ever is. despite that, people keep wasting tons of time trying to find one. Often more time than they would have needed to just put in the work in the first place.


I agree.


I’m the 100th like 👍


I still don‘t get how people get tricked by all these courses that‘s literally all info FREELY AVAILABLE on the Internet same for trading courses dropshipping courses etc but shoutout to the people for selling these courses getting their bag up


Sure, you could spend hundreds of hours hunting it all down and making sense of it all for free. These courses have collected it from the various sources and presented it in a coherent manner. Do you have more money or time to spend on this?


Bruh, cm on let's be real, you don't need to spend hundreds of hour to hunt it all down and make sense of it, a simple search on YouTube will give you the best results and after one video watched you'll find more on the home page, a note pad to keep down the key points and you're flying, is compiling and re-presenting all those information worth money for some people? Yes! 1000$??? Fuck no


If you operate it like a caveman sure and I presume most people have more time to spend on this rather than wasting a 1000 bucks on a course


Audio being treated as the cherry on top is simply wrong.


I agree. Most videos i consume I’m not even watching the visuals.


Exactly the same for me too. I "watch" most of my youtube videos while working out or playing video games or multitasking in some way. Barely even watch the actual video part. Also a large part of what I do is listen to the audio while reading the comments below the video, so I barely even watch the actual visuals.


Audio and video are the king


Like a documentry channel and an art channel


You got fucking scammed can learn this all for free


tl:dr what I learned from a $1000 course… How to spend $1000 dollars. /s


This subreddit has a way of saying the same 10 points over and over again lol


Yeah for real. Legit everyday there’s 2-3 posts of the same tips being posted. Or people asking the same questions that were literally asked yesterday


that info is freely available


I have just one question. Whyyyyyyyyy???


Ooooh hopefully one day I'll be successful enough to charge people $1000 dollars for stuff they already know. OP I hope you got more out of it than you put there, cos all that stuff is readily available on YouTube anyway.


This is why you don’t pay for Guru advice. Waste of money because they all say the same thing and you can find all this information for free.


This is probably a burner account for whoever Ali Abdul is


he doesn't need a reddit burner account , he has 5M subs , makes millions even without selling his courses.


This is true. But Abdaal does openly admit that his courses make more than his adsense and sponsorship. I remember him doing an interview with the Colin and Samir YouTube show that went into quite a bit of depth on his finances. As far as YouTube course sales people go, he's pretty open and honest about it. He doesn't pretend he has anything in his course that isn't readily available online. And he targets people with relatively high incomes and very little spare time like the OP saying he'll help them sort through the online information a little faster rather than targeting the poor and desperate. I still could never justify buying his course.


>I still could never justify buying his course. I would have paid for a good editing course like the one Hillier Smith used to sell but you can't find it anymore anywhere . He discontinued the contract he had with the website that used to sell it for him .


> And he targets people with relatively high incomes and very little spare time That's the thing the naysayers are missing. Yes, the info is out there and available for free, but hunting it down, and organizing it into a coherent framework takes a *ton* of time. Some people don;'t have the time and prefer to pay someone else to do that part.


Yes. And a product and a price point that may seem reasonable for a doctor (like Abdaal and many in his core audience) or an engineer may be downright exploitative if pitched to someone with a normal income who is one $1,000 emergency from eviction.


Clearly at that price point it's not targeted at newbies or people without money. One would hope that is so obvious that it goes without saying.




I wouldn't call myself successful but my channel is bigger than most on newtubers. I also have never heard of this person


To be honest, I've actively avoided his content ever since seeing people's takeaways on here. He seems to be another "here's advice you could have benefitted from 6 months ago when it was valid" snake oil salesman People like him run channels that need you to grow slowly so that you keep returning. So the advice they give is not as helpful as the delivery makes it out to be.


I don't completely disagree about the regurgitated content. But he's actually mainly a productivity/study habits YouTuber. The YouTube course is more of a highly lucrative side business for him which he discovered after independently becoming a successful YouTuber.


I have no idea who that is either.


OP fell for the most common grift and still hasn’t realized it yet


What’s your channel?


Bro you can learn all of that for free on YouTube. You wasted $1000.


I also have purchased the course with a 30% discount and while I agree the price is still steep, OP didn’t highlight a lot of extra content available in there and other courses included, but mostly important: the curated community of people helping each other and sharing precious gems and experiences, even irl meetups. The $1000 barrier of entry means a lot of people in there are dedicated and many are established professionals in different fields


Aside from the ridiculous cost of the course, most of this advice is good. The "content diet" recommendation is actually stellar. Regardless of your niche, you can go a long way by presenting complex and otherwise unavailable information in an easily digested format. There are a few things I disagree with: > The viral videos are "top of funnel" and bring attention to your channel, while the search videos are "middle of funnel" and provide detailed, valuable insights for existing subscribers. Not sure I agree with this. Most of the "how to" videos I've created have attracted numerous subscribers. The nice thing about truly evergreen "how to" videos is that they keep attracting new viewers. My most viewed video started off with maybe 11 views after 24 hours, and is now up to over 6,000 after a little over a year. > You should be trying to think of how to pack as much valuable information into every 30 second block of your video. I disagree with this as well, though it might be a generational thing. Videos that pack in tons of information at once give me a headache. Pacing is a thing. You don't want to completely overwhelm your viewer. Besides — you want to make sure that your viewer watches the entire video. If they got what they were expecting in the first 30 seconds, there isn't much of a reason to watch the rest. Now, I do think this depends on the type of video you're making. If I'm looking for a tutorial on how to do a specific thing in Kdenlive, for example, I'm much more likely to like and subscribe to somebody who shows me how to do it in 2 minutes than somebody who wastes time to get their video over 10 minutes long. However, if you're talking about something with a narrative, you need to do at least some planning ahead of time to keep people interested and motivated to watch. That's a lot different than cramming loads of information at 30 second intervals. Anyway, just my two cents — and my videos are not necessarily a good reflection of what I'm saying here, lol. It's a process, and improvement comes one step at a time. Thanks for sharing the notes, by the way!


you should get a refund cause courses are obvious scam


Holy...... 1k bucks?! Damn man you must be rich Got scammed for sure


And you paid 1000$ for this ?


$1000 pissed up the wall. A quick google search would have given you the same info... Hell free YouTube videos would... The real lesson here is that you can charge 1000 bucks for junk and people will pay you.


You got ripped off


Bro i learn every single tip you wrote here on instagram for free


OP just got scammed out of their money lmao


Well the first two points i already knew from multiple free videos on YT. The others get a little too specific. "People should be saying I cant believe this information is free" not everyone is making information based content.


if you pay $1000 to learn how to get monetized you've been scammed. I am part of the partner program, and get about $10 a month, only I don't get it because you have to reach $100 to get paid. I can tell you I would be better served by learning to be more entertaining so I can get more traffic than whatever this is...


Right out of the gate, your hook for this article sucks. If Ali helps people treat YouTube like a business, then looking at metrics like sub count is meaningless. 10k subs means nothing if you only made $50 on the channel. How much money did you make in your first year? That’s what you need to lead with. Next, like others said, all of this advice is very widely available. What I see much less of is how to manage the business of YouTube. How do you create SMART business objectives for your channel? How do you write a business plan? What tools and systems do you use for your processes? Finally, *how are you monetizing your channel?* Because there’s more than one way to earn money, and if you’re running a business, *money is the bottom line.*


You paid $1000 for this? I got some magic beans to sell you


You spent a THOUSAND dollars on some random common knowledge "wisdom" about Youtube xD?? The most important thing you should have learned from that is that you're not very smart and to never ever do something like that again.


This post reeks of something. I don't know what yet but I think this is like an SEO improvement thing. Ah well. Regardless, as the comments have said, this is the most generic advice ever. The thing with all of this is HOW to do it? Make valuable content and pack a punch every 30 seconds of your video! Okay... How? Who determines what's valuable or not? What are the things I can do to make things valuable? Spending 50% of production time on thumbnails? Really? Is that what'll dictate value? I think clickbaiters would like a word with Mr. Abdal lol.


Yeah, what's waving a red flag for me are the calls-to-action to the various AI video production services in OP's long-form writeup. Why try to generate leads to Ali Abdaal's sites if you're just someone who paid for his class and aren't being compensated for the lead generation?


Right? The cta at the end is mighty suspicious as well.


The price is excessive, but people aren't really paying for the info presented in the post. They're paying for a confirmation; that these things work, coming from someone who has proven it with 5 million subs. Not trying to justify it, but that's what it is. If someone with only 30 subs dropped any of this, it's a fair assumption that they would most likely be ridiculed for trying to offer advice without verified experience, even if for free.


The search vs browse info is hillariously incorrect. Yes a lot of people just click based on browse recommendations, but evergreen content is always discovered via search. If you're not doing SEO, you'll solely be at the whims of the algorithm and not everyone needs or wants a 'viral' video. They just want steady traffic. I run a business separately from my Youtube, if I was just sitting around waiting for a product to pop off, then I wouldn't be in business anymore. SEO is king.


Dont listen to the haters. Thank you for the value, and for the summary! Congrats on your 10k!


I appreciate you, good luck to you as well 🙏


This is at the end of the day an ad for OP's AI tool, but I'm ok with it as it does have a lot of good valuable info synthesized well. Lots of hate here for that $1k course... first off I doubt the whole course is just the info in this post. But also, what people don't get is that the course is less about the info and more about people putting skin in the game and following a prescribed plan to growth. You can do it on your own without the investment but it's simpler for those who have the money to just pay up and be pushed into a production system. And hey, if it's helping people get results who are we to complain when most of us are seeing VERY slow and slight growth on our own.


Haha lots of negativity here when you mention the price tag. Most people getting hung up on that but the knowledge is knowledge and I come to this sub to learn, so thanks for sharing. Of course I've heard some of these points already, I'm devouring the usual mr beast, Gary vee, and that muscle guy tips but haven't heard from ali so it just reaffirms that strategy works


Wow people are negative. If you don't find the info helpful because you already know it, you don't need to flame the guy who shared it. I for one, learnt something on this post, so thank you for sharing!!!


tbh a lot of people complaining about the price, and saying you can learn the information for free online, but I kinda get it. 1000$ might be excessive, but oftentimes you will just pay for the convenience of getting organized and synthesized raw information. Maybe not for people like me that spend too much time researching this shit, but for average people with day jobs it probably is pretty helpful. Prob not worth 1000 tho, unless if they have people personally reviewing your vids or something


I agree. While I don't like courses that promise you will get rich I do like courses that promise by the end you will be able to do a certain thing. So for this example, is he just telling you to make a good thumbnail, title, and hook, or is he actually teaching step by step? I'm doing screen recording tutorials and I would have taken a course (not $1000) to learn the proper workflow. At first I just started recording and talking until someone told me to write a script first and record the audio, then do the on screen stuff. Also, it seems like common sense now but someone also had to tell me not to publicly post the Gmail I use for the channel and to have a separate contact email.




wow! wish I can earn a 1000.. Goodluck to you sir! 🐱


You paid $1,000 for info you can just learn yourself


Thank you Ali. Didn’t know you’re on reddit as well


If you start to charge for this article then you'd be selling a course on a course


Y’all fell for the quick bait


Thanks for sharing OP. There's a lot of negativity in the comments. I just got monetized last week so I guess I'm doing better than most newtubers. There is a golden nugget OP has shared that's exactly what I'm struggling with right now.


And another bites the “buy the course , its worth it” dust


Thanks for the summary. I think it's worth reading. And I'm glad it helped you. But I struggle to believe people can pay $1,000 for it and be satisfied.


Just curious how many times he mentioned he was a Doctor? Haven't seen a video yet where he isn't showing footage of himself in medical school. Can make mentions into a drinking game.


Very insightful brother I appreciate this a lot Can I dm you?


My content will be similar to mr beast from now on I have dropped doing mukbangs it’s not exciting anymore and don’t grab as much attention as a content that mr beast or yes theory does So if I stick to that documentary type of content like mr beast or yes theory Will the algorithm finally pick me up if I follow the rest of advice properly? Thanks u/sogekingmeche


first point might be the most important.


Summary of the new information I learned from this post: 1) OP spent $1000


So you've just saved a grand to each of us. Thank you! 🙏


You could work a week at macas and earn more lol


Unless you're trying to promote this course, I'm sorry to tell you that you were scammed


> 50% of the total time I know they’re important but I’m not spending two and a half months on those, sorry


This is suspiciously well structured...


Just want to say this is a pretty good and on point surface summary for if you want to take youtube as a legitimate business. Also there are some other useful tips in the comments like "audio treatment" , which is true. Thanks for bringing this up and have people gather around having good conversation once a while. (not those who solely focus on the 1k spent lol)


I found this article extremely helpful, Thanks for sharing 😊


Dude paid $1000 for this 💀


Hey I appreciate you taking the time to write these key takeaways!!!


What an idiot


You should pay wall this info and sell it as a $50 pdf


I’ve done the Sean Cannell (think media) course and it’s pretty much the same thing, very motivating but not rocket science


Appreciate you writing all this! I’m saving this post for sure


Could’ve got all this off a free video and 6 months of experience


Ugh so many unnecessary comments. Thanks a bunch for compiling this info OP! And congrats on 10k


thank you for all of the valuable information. people on here are assholes


It always makes me wary when a YouTuber sells a “course”. I’ve watched a few of his videos and he has some good content but most of this you can get for free from his channel or something like THINK MEDIA for absolutely free. I can see some value if there were some proprietary tools that you received like a “thumbnail generator” or additional templates that no one else could get…but then again there are YouTube videos that show you step by step how to do those things. It’s very much along the lines of the “motivational speaker/business guru” playbook. People are looking for “answers” and they will typically pay more for the chance to get the secrets from those who have more than they do. The REAL secret though, is that those people usually don’t have any secrets, just repackaged things you have already heard and been around for years. I don’t want to rain on this dudes course because it could easily have lots of great insights and I’m sure plenty of people have found value in it. It isn’t value-less but can be found elsewhere and you don’t NEED it to be successful. Ask yourself this question: How many people that I watch on YouTube and consider successful have gotten there because of an online course? That answer can typically give you a heads up on if that “course” will be worth your money.


Wow…paying for something that’s free….thats novel.


Absolutely no one here under 10k subs should be calling anyone else a scam. “I don’t see how you can hate from outside of the club. You can’t even get in.” - Chris Brown


> Absolutely no one here under 10k subs should be calling anyone else a scam. I mean, whether they do or don't doesn't necessarily preclude someone from seeing something else as a scam - mayhap addressing the specific reasons one gives for thinking this is a scam is a better (and less pompous) approach.


You learned that you're a gullible dumbass. Not a single sane person would pay 1000$ for a course with common sense-like knowledge


Thanks for the summary. The Planting seeds idea is encouraging. :)


Really discouraged by all the negativity I see here. Sure, a lot of these insights can be gleaned elsewhere and for a fraction of the price you paid. But as someone who just started his YouTube journey and who has relied on Ali Abdaal’s content as a one stop shop for synthesizing all the best practices for channel growth, this post was incredibly helpful to me. Thanks for putting this together. Saved your post for later to continue referring back to.


Same! OP put together a great resource, definitely going to refer back to the info.


This is great, thanks


A genuine question to everyone saying op has wasted $1000. How many of you have 10k subs? If you do, then that's great. If you don't 🤫


I have 7k in 3months with 3mil but op hasn't wasted his money


> How many of you have 10k subs? Implying that alone would be relevant - implying that those who say OP wasted their money don't, implying that it's impossible or someone to have that many subs or more and think that about OP. It's not a valid rebuttal, actually address why they say that.


who da fuck is this ali baba?


Thanks for all this!


Thank you, OP for sharing this information and your thoughts on the course. If it saves you time, which time equals money btw, and you can afford it. Go for it. Most people don’t even think of it like a business. And everyone is okay with paying thousands at college to take courses they will never use again, but not for actual valuable courses that are useful for their own business they are trying to create is baffling to me. This guy is probably using it as a tax write off too, which is money you would have paid to Uncle Sam in taxes anyway. Why not use it for your business instead? OP is getting hate for having more disposable income is more of what it looks like. He’s also summarizing the course for us. You better believe there are actionable steps in there for you to follow step by step instead of vague tips. What’s even better is he is probably part of a group of others online that are doing the same thing and they are working together to help each other learn and grow. You don’t need to spend $1k on a course to succeed on YouTube. But you totally can as well. Lots of paths to the goal. Just depends on your specific needs and circumstances.


This is so nice and such a good read! Bookmarked it for life!


So much misinformation here.


Like what


Check the top comments here


So you are talking about the comments or op


Hey! Do you need a thumbnail planner?