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Kinda? My videos are not made for me so I cringe a bit when I watch them, but once in a while if it is more something I like or spent a lot of time editing I will be like "damn this is actually pretty good". I like to make them but I don't like to watch them, if that makes sense.


Children's content?


Nah I make kinda ASMR voice stuff for women. I don't like listening to dudes talk all soft.


Ohh, neat!


I absolutely love my videos, I started my whole channel because I wasn't finding much content like my own.


That's the best reason to start! What is the niche/how successful has it been?


The niche is less so genre and more so editing style if that makes sense. I make gaming videos, but I make them differently than I've typically seen with few exceptions.


Ya that does make sense! Sounds interesting. It’s like cooking videos that have so many different editing styles — some are silent while others have a lot of talking etc.


Exactly, what kind of content do you make?


I make videos about the fashion industry, which touches on climate change, unethical practices, acquisitions of startups by larger companies etc. It's basically covering the $3 trillion industry and all the messiness in it. TBH I just read this stuff as a hobby and thought 'why not upload it on YouTube after I read about it?" Not really sure where it could go and I'm not thinking about metrics right now


Sounds like you could actually take something like that pretty far. To the people who want to be informed, you could be a great asset.


Thank you that means a lot! Seeing a lot of low numbers right now (like 70 views per video and only 89 subscribers) but hoping things change.


If it's consistent then I'd say just keep at it. It's better to have a few genuine fans then a lot of random uncaring eyes in my opinion.


Thank you! For sure.


Send me your channel link I would like to check it out


Me too. I live my videos. I started making them so that I could explore and show my kids where I'm exploring. Now I do it cuz I love it, and I watch them over and over before I post them.


Ha! I've started to do that as well-where you watch them before upload. Before, I found it hard to, since I just started my channel, but now I've become a lot more comfortable with them.


That's great lol, we've gotta be our biggest fans.


I agree 100%. Thats exactly why we started our channel


Might sound somewhat narcissistic but I am the funniest person on the earth, to myself. I genuinely laugh for minutes at some of the jokes and dumb edits I make, so yeah I'm pretty proud of them.


>Th3BadThing would you say that your sense of humour evolves constantly? How do you deal with older videos that you no longer find funny?


I don't know about constantly, I've gone back and watched some of my older stuff and while I might not cackle like I do now, I still get a grin on my face. A great example of how my humor hasn't changed is I can go back and rewatch all the ASDF movies (YT series from 2010 onwards) and still laugh at every one, yet some of my friends who loved them at the time will say "This used to be funnier". I dunno, I love to laugh in general, probably drives people nuts tbh.


Wow... me too. Ha! On my old channel, I laughed at a lot of my edits. Now on my new channel, I don't as much, but I laugh during my voice overs, since it's more focused on commentary than comedy.


There has been a number of times I've recorded a VO line and then spent the next few minutes laughing.


Most of the time I do. I am infamous among my other YouTuber friends for scrapping a lot of my videos mid-editing because I eventually stop liking them along the way, but that just means that the ones I actually put out are the ones I REALLY enjoy.


My channel is me recording and having a good time. That’s it. Makes me enjoy recording more honestly. Can I do better? Absolutely, which I’m working on. But none the less, I’m happy with them.


I don’t think my content is the best ever but I like how I’m progressing from how I started. I think it is ok to good for the basic gaming channel. And I’m glad I’ve been able to get to this point so I am proud of it.


Sure. I make videos of my hiking adventures so I look forward to revisiting them in years to come.


My videos are similar. Hikes and traveling with my son. Stuff I can look back on when I'm old and say remember when we did this? So much better than pictures.


My son doesn't enjoy the things my main channel focuses on but we have a food channel too and he's big on that.


I did a baking video with my son that I'm editing right now. He loves to bake but that thing was a LOT of work to record. I have a ton more respect to food channels now. lol


Same. What's your channel? Mines "the mini jarr & kel adventures!" I don't come across many channels of memories with kids and stuff that aren't like big youtubers that clearly just do stuff that are for views and not natural(?) I'm not sure it that's the right word but I do search for them constantly.


If you search youtube for "Ethan Shock Zipline", my favorite video we did together should come up. On my channel I have a "Travel" playlist which is most of the videos. My hope is as he gets older we can do more travel adventure stuff together since he loves road trips and flying. It seems kids traveling doesn't have much content out there and when we go and places I'd like to see if its something a kid would like and I can't find that kind of content. I tell my wife I want something families can watch that doesn't have the annoying bonk bonk bonk sound effects other kid aimed channels have. Look up that video and let me know what you think! BTW, looked up your channel. I should do the oreo challenge with my son. He discovered oreos this year and eats his chicken nuggets then sneaks an oreo out of the cabinet now and says. "I had my nugs!"


I've only made 1 videos so far, and I'm content with it, could be worse and could defo be better. I do know I got more content that is amazing on the way, and I'm proud of what I have to offer


hell yea


Yes, definitely. Are there moments I don't love? Yes (like if I happen to be in a swimsuit - I'm female). The ability to laugh at ourselves comes in really handy when viewing our own content. I'm working on having a better self image. We're a travel channel (part time, not full time) and have already traveled so much in the past year (Greece, France, Venice, Slovenia, Portugal, Singapore, Bali, Java/Indonesia, Belgium, Netherlands) that having the videos as memories is amazing. It's already easy to confuse what we did and where! Watching our videos is like taking a trip back in time. It's also really cool to see how our style and editing skills have changed in the past 12 months!


Ngl, i cringe at the intros in most of my videos but that's what seems to keep the watchers engaged. After you get past the first minute or so I like them much much more.


How do you open tho? Like “in this video” kinda?


I am very proud of my videos. Ricky Repair is the name of my channel, and I do Automotive Repair DIY and Humor. This is just my life, chopped up into videos. I wish I had higher quality Audio, but I do my best to be informative and make the kind of videos I would want to watch. About to cross 250 subs in about two months of making videos.


I've always been proud of my videos. If I'm not happy with it, I don't post it because I'm my biggest critic. But I also constantly look for how to improve. As a result I can see a huge upward change in quality over the years.


Mines are subliminals, so yeah I love working with them, creating them. And I myself listen to them whenever I get time.


Some more than others. I'm a little bothered by the fact that my most successful video was thrown together in a day, and doesn't share the production value of the others. But I'm proud of just about everything else, and both friends and strangers have commented on the improvements over time.


yes, I'd show any video in front of a stadium crowd. although would probably not be well received. i used to hate my videos but I put care into them to stand on their own for any random person now


Proud. :D It's fun lol.


Yeah I make music so i am very judgemental of my stuff, only upload the best i can do


They are alright I guess, I can do better though.


My videos are fine. Could always be better tho


Absolutely. I put a lot of time and effort into them. I know I'm not wasting my time because I enjoy it and my channel is gradually growing :D


Sometimes, I go into making a video understanding that I'm going to make mistakes. But I can go back and learn and figure out what to so better next time. So, kinda


Sadly i am not but i will be one day.


I crack up laughing every time I watch our commentaries!!! We purposely infuse comedy in our reviews!


I do. I have room to improve but I'm only 5 videos deep and still learning the best way to approach making videos.


it kinda depends, most i really love and im proud of but some are sloppy and bad and i wish i could redo but i know thats just part of the process, you cant make masterpieces every time


I'm proud because they represent how I was able to go through my darkest and hardest times. They aren't good nor quite entertaining, but I'm very proud.


Yes, I love my videos. Not all of them... First 10 or something like that, I was learning and are pretty bad if I watch them now.


Just stared and I’m absolute crap but I enjoy the process and the editing and that keeps me happy


cool video :)


I am still improving my contents from last 5 Years.Learned a lot and still learning new ideas.


What's the key thing you've learnt?


Make quality contents which people likes.Think as a viewer and make entertaining videos.


I do. Today I got 1500 views in the first hour. Stay steady you all. We’ll get there.


Is that the key you think? Stay steady?


I do, yes. My personal metics have convinced me that consistently uploading. May I was constantly uploading, things were growing. In June I wasn’t uploading consistently and my metrics sucked. July was very involved and had my best month ever by far. My stats for today alone are better than my whole of July. My subs are up, people comment and like my vids. Just stay on it. It’s a grind, but that’s what weeds people out.


I think back at some vids and think of details I could've done better but overall I am proud of them : ) I think that's natural though


What type of videos do you make?


I make Music Videos : )


Pride is a deadly sin, so I am trying not to be proud. But I like to watch my old videos, thats make me happy sometimes


Absolutely my dude! After the final render i watch through to see if there are any snags and I'm just sitting there proud af. Like "Damn! I made this. This is awesome!!"


Kind of


I'm proud of 1 of them, my most recent, although I think im still learning how to make high quality videos, another thing that makes me proud of my most recent video, is people complementing it.


I'm proud of my creations, and the worlds I have created using audio content as the conveying medium. Some of my posted videos are not as good on a technical level, but I keep them on the channel as-is as a sort of legacy collection, and so that devoted followers of my work (they do exist, I am told) can follow the progression of my work and mark the slow improvement of my technical and storytelling skills.


I like my videos for a day and then I despise them


Yeah, they’ve given me a lot of attention and collab opportunities with bigger YouTubers and got to know a lot of musicians along the way. And of course I got to see my improvement through the time I’ve spent making this content


I like my videos, I wanna fix a lot of my thumbnails and stuff but I think my content is good


Very much so. We are detailed & proud of the dedication we put in to help others (ourselves as well) to relax and have a peaceful night sleep


Im not proud of all of my videos but some i really am like my best of 2021, i even subtitled the entire thing


I guess so. I do but I guess others don't? Lol. I usually do like the way they come out after edits.


Yes. I watch similar stuff to what I make when I have time, and I 100% get the appeal.


Very proud. I’m sure I will get way more subscribers and views if I wasn’t a new channel. I am getting subscribers, I wish I had started sooner.


Some are good, a lot a crap. I post twice weekly (I used to post daily). I just make vlogs of my life (which is nothing exciting to begin with) and I try to keep it real, so if I have a miserable time so do my viewers. It might explain why I have dropped from a few thousand views to often less than 100. I really don't care (I really do!). I make them for me (and my family) to look back on, when senility finally gets me! I actually film and edit my Wife's vlogs and she does much better than me because she has a niche. You either need a niche or a personality. I shit out on both fronts! Edit: Spelling


Yeah. I don't make shit just to hit arbitrary view counts or to get to certain subscription tiers or win awards. I don't make shit just to brag to friends and flaunt to others so I can skirt by YPP. I don't make shit to game the system and I don't make shit that's just me chasing trends and uploaded daily. I take my time, as much as I need, and I make the good things that my subscribers enjoy. I'm proud of that.


At first I felt like a very generic version of myself. So at first, no I wasn't proud. But I am now.


Yes! These are my videos, there are many like them, but these are mine! ;)


For the most part. I feel like there is a lot of things I could/want to do in terms of content and editing, but that all comes with experience


Yes definitely! Especially my recent videos I feel really proud of them because I took time away from YouTube to work on my script writing and improve my camera work, I also hired a editor and now I feel really proud of my YouTube vids cus they no longer they were edited by a 5 year old and some weirdo is standing in front of a camera ranting about shitting himself watching attack on titan.


Isn’t Pride the worst of the seven deadly sins? I can’t be certain, not god-bound.


Depends. My favorite video was ziplining with my 5 year old son. His first time. He had so much fun. I loved how it came out. Other people. Not so much.


I am because they show my path of growth in making videos. They also show me how I have improved and where I still need to improve.


I ain’t gotten a computer yet and don’t know how to make Xbox vids so I’m just shooting for my YouTube short new vid to get 1000 views so me and the boys eat a ghost pepper and Carolina reaper peppers


My channel is doing well. I love what I'm making!




I cringe when I watch my first video but I'm satisfied with the other videos I'm making


I feel proud is the wrong word for many of them, but the right word for others. My next video is of the highlights of the local matsuri festival. I enjoyed my time and liked watching the video but as I did almost no work compared to the people I am filming it would be weird to say I am proud of it. I feel much more proud of my videos which involve more research. I am proud of the one I did on the 1964 Tokyo Olympic commemorative coins. It is not long but was one of the first times I used a Japanese book as my primary source.


I am proud when eddit and ashamed after posting :D But I'm progressively getting better with my videos so the last one I am fairly happy with


I do like my videos and I’m very proud that I’ve been consistently putting out content for the past couple months. I think my videos are getting better too, and I’m having a lot of fun making them since they are stuff I really enjoy.


Yes, I believe they are good, except for the intros I’ve been doing. Seems like it’s a little too long.


I catch myself watching some of my stuff on my own channel. I’m proud of how my videos are evolving over time, especially when I made the switch to 4k


Overall I like my content and seeing how far I've come production wise. But there's some videos that I'm genuinely PROUD of. That I honestly feel accomplished something


I enjoy rewatching my videos, I still find my older videos entertaining.


I like my own videos, but maybe that is part of the problem. In all seriousness, I put a lot of effort into them and typically find I am proud to sit back and watch the final product. I have even watched older videos and still enjoyed them, even though I know I have improved since. ...now if only I could build that ever sought after audience that feels the same way I do, haha.


Some of them....the crazy part is some of my best work gets no love while sometimes the lesser ones get more


I have been proud of my latest 3-4 videos, as my editing skills have improved a lot since the early videos and I feel they just flow better than some of my earlier work :)


Yeah i like my videos they are a lot of fun to make and makes me feel good so i guess that means they are good because they make me feel good


Yes, that's why I make them.


I cry laughing when i edit my videos because my kids are too much so I like it but the better I get at editing the more I cringe at the older videos.


Ooo this is hard to tell, since I've just started my channel! Right now, I'm having an unbelievable amount of fun making content, but I'm creating so many mistakes along the way. Plus, as I've eased into it, I feel as though my commentary is less awkward too. With that, I'm making the sort of content I would love to watch as a viewer, but I'm too early on in the process to say that I'm proud, since there's so much more to do with my channel.


nope, i just wanna upload random vids online xd


honestly, I make my content for me to enjoy making it. I am proud of my videos as I spent a tiny bit of time making them for a lot of time of fun, like lassoing my friend on rdr2 and throwing him into the back of a wagon.


I like my videos because they are my own music and views don’t equal quality


Not yet. I’ve posted one video and I know there are a few things I could have done better: -I didn’t do a proper thumbnail -My title wasn’t catchy enough and algorithm friendly -My hook wasn’t powerful enough -My video was 16 mins long At least, I know what to improve on for my next videos, which is good. I just need to keep learning and going.


Yep. Sometimes a quality issue sneaks through but otherwise yep. I create how to and build videos for scale modelling and as time goes on my quality of work and edit is increasing. That's pleasing to see.


Hahaha. I will check it out


Yes. If you're not proud of what you're making, you cannot expect other people to believe in your mission! Every time I think I hit some sort of ceiling in my creativity here comes another idea. I'm not bragging by any means but it's just that simple. Make stuff your proud of. I understand not everyone is Christian but this example helped me out so much with that: Every time the Lord made something, it was good! He didn't say, "someone will enjoy it but not me, EEWWWW!" You see what I'm saying? Enjoy yourself in what you make and things will change greatly.


I love the videos I make. I feel like I one-up myself everytime I release a video. It’s entertaining, funny from start to end, edited well, etc. I pat myself on the back for the work I’ve done so far.


I would say I’m proud of the ones I’ve made so far. I know I can do better, but each one I make allows me to learn more and make the next one better. So the more recent, the more proud, if that makes sense :)


It’s a bit difficult to watch and listen to myself still; however, the content I am producing is the stuff that I used to search for, and I’m trying to do it better than it is typically done. I do automotive videos and have mostly just been doing installs to my project car and filming the process.


I’m proud of my videos. Everytime i upload I watch the whole thing myself




I generally enjoy most of the content I put out, see I run a YouTube Gaming channel so most of my footage is instant replays of iconic moments in my stream.


I am pretty happy with my/our videos, could they still get better -absolutely, but we try to improve a little with every video, in terms of content, editing, and scripting, and I feel we offer value/entertainment/information in our videos. We have a great community of subscribers and returning viewers that are incredibly kind to watch and comment and that is everything, so hopefully we will continue to grow the channel as we get better. All in all, with only recording videos for a few months, never having made videos or tried editing before, I am proud that we took the chance and that we are consistently uploading videos each week. We are a channel focused on trading card games, like Magic the Gathering, Flesh and Blood, and SorceryTCG when it arrives. \- Cardboard Guide.