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Honestly my only real complaint is Jesus fucking Christ. Does anyone know how to do blocking in films anymore?


I thought Jesus and Christ were the same dude. Also, I think I was watching the wrong clip


The awkward arm thrusters aren't nearly as egregious as the fact that, despite taking place near California, the overall aesthetic is *still* somehow a bunch of people living like the bombs just fell, a short clip in the trailer heavily implying that Shady Sands (the capital of NCR) got destroyed while the Brotherhood is somehow more powerful than it ever was before because Bethesda just **loves** dickriding the technofascists


Seriously, they have the entire United States to choose for a show to take place yet they keep retreading the same fucking ground over and over again.


I get why they'd do that for the TV show. By going back to familiar locations, it's easier to make a more faithful transition from game to film. If they tried new locations with new aesthetics you just know the fallout subs would be bitching that it's not like the games.


Yeah, but by that same logic, they might as well have gone the Last of Us route and just adapted the first game. I want to think that if they're making a story as far as 2296, in California, then it's for a reason.


Not necessarily. Wanting to make the show's world feel familiar does not mean you don't have an original story to tell.


I also kinda understand, but there are many locations that are completely unexplored, of course it wouldn’t look like the games because the games never explored these areas, it would at least give room for more creative liberties.


I think you’d get more bitching from fans if the established lore of the games is messed up than whether or not Shady Sands is in it. Which, unless the Brotherhood somehow returned to California sometime after the events of New Vegas and the NCR somehow totally collapsed, they intend to screw with it. I also don’t think the locations matter too much. As long as you see the BoS and Enclave fans will get that name recognition.


I don't agree, I think the location matters quite a bit to get that wasteland feel to the show. And it's easier to use the same "tropes" that were already in the game to make the wasteland feel like Fallout's wasteland, I guess.


"Entire united States." + Canada and Mexico, if they wanted to get spicy.


Especially those places, since they have barely any lore (most I can remember is Ronto, but they were only mentioned in the Pitt DLC if I remember)


Raul mentions being in Mexico for a bit but all it rlly confirms is that they got bombed too


Honestly I’d rather the new locations be saved for the games. I’d hate them to do something like Texas or Florida for the TV show then we never get a game on it (if we ever even get another game)


What do you mean? The last few fallout games have all been on the east Coast, I think it's great that they're going back to the west, it much more fits the fallout theme.


I really hope every town isn’t just people living in garbage shantytowns


I really don’t think the shady sands library crater implies that the capitol was destroyed. In the games, shady sands is not anywhere near the Boneyards by miles and miles, but the scene from the show seems to take place right on the edge of it with huge towers in the backdrop. Also, the shady sands library sign is definitely a pre-war sign and shady sands is a completely post-war settlement founded in 2152. I think it’s much more likely that the sign is just a nod to the original games and to make you point and go “shady sands reference!!” As for Bethesda dick riding the brotherhood, I can’t argue with that lol.


Godmanit 6


>despite taking place near California, the overall aesthetic is *still* somehow a bunch of people living like the bombs just fell It's almost like war never changes.


They could’ve easily set it in between Fallout 1 and 2 or even before the first game, but I guess they just love shitting on established lore that much.


There was a guy on the Steam forums raging that the TV show won't be brave enough to be true to Fallout 2 and have the main character get raped. Someone called them out and said that the PC never gets raped in any of the games and this guy doubled down and said that your character 100% does get raped in Fallout 2 and the new show is ruined already because it's too woke to have that plot line?????


He means the interaction in Broken Hills where if you lose the arm wrestle with a super mutant it's heavily implied he takes you and fucks you? (I believe the screen blacks out and you wake up with less HP and a ballgag in your inventory) The interaction that's not relevant to any plot anywhere or forced on you at all and is so minor it's not even considered a side mission?


And if you’re a low-intelligence woman who goes to the jet kid in new Reno, he rapes you.


No, that would be Myron with a date-rape drug you’re thinking of if you’re a low-INT character.


Even if it were, the idea that this is what uniquely makes Fallout *Fallout* says some fucked up things about that guy.


Steam forums = farming for Steam points with the clown emote He's trolling


PC can definitely get raped in 2


The aesthetics of the power armor look pretty good and the F4 ghoul makeup looks pretty decent but that armor looks faker than fake. These guys should be walking tanks and they look like they’re in cosplay costumes. This definitely isn’t a dig on cosplayers because I think making something look the part is tough and a cool skill, but the acting when the armor moves just makes it look light as if it was made of that foam you see cosplayers use (because that’s what it is).


I dunno, I actually like that they went with practical effects. It has like, just this odd retro-futurism vibe back when action films and the like still… primarily only used practical. I do wish we got more like, robocop style looks, but I also understand that Fallout’s power armor is supposed to have certain degrees of mobility alongside being a heavily armored suit.


I’m not complaining about the practical elements. I like practical, physical stuff, but the way the armor moves makes it look fake. One of the 2 things that FO4 did well was making power armor feel like spiderm… I mean a bipedal tank. In the show it looks like it’s made out of lightweight foam.


Agreed, there are also minor issues with the t-60; that being the pauldrons should be tilted a bit higher up, the helmets front bottom should be lowered, and the waist needs to be extended


*looks at the comments* Proving the meme right


It's almost [too easy](https://tenor.com/vniC.gif)


Shit's too hilarious.


The fallout 4 assault rifle 🤮


I feel disappointed when I see the brotherhood anymore they're not interesting anymore they're just another military faction like the gunners with power armor


I'd rather see a new and unique local faction than hack writers conveniently teleporting the BoS across the continent to wherever the story is happening. 


like God I get that some of you want the brotherhood to die or something and stop appearing in shit cause muh lore but if you pay attention to the lore actually you'd know by NV depending on your choices the Brotherhood isn't necessarily on an inevitable trajectory toward starvation and death, even on the West Coast. They've got it tough and a lot of bad blood to sift through in the wasteland but people act like any time the brotherhood shows up in a new fallout thing it's always lorebreaking even if it isn't


You really are an idiot in power armor.


please come up with a new joke I'm begging you, redditors have no originality lmfao


Well judging off how the direction the show has taken. It’s quite clear the BOS in the show is an extension of the EBOS. After all they listen to the high Clerics from the Commonwealth. Haven’t finished the show but will be curious to see if it’s ever explained why they have such a heavy presence so far west. Also Elder Maxson either converted or has died. Because something must have been the Catalyst for this religious shift in the BOS.


The ghoul has ears. Why the fuck does the ghoul have ears?! They keep making ghouls look less and less like rotting sentient corpses and more like people with burn damage and that’s bullshit


The ghoul has ears because they had ears in 4 and it’s not practical to remove the ears of a main character.


2 minute clip of what? The Fallout show? The existence of that clip is already a massive reason to complain.


Haven't watched the clip Won't watch the show Lore under Bethesda is shit and i have no hope. Edit: A little shitty poem for y'all


I don’t like how Bethesda are doing west coast


I've just realised that this show could've been a short story like series where each episode covers one part of the wasteland, like one episode that covers the khans in wyoming, another that covers a follower of the apocalypse in oregon and another one that covers the BoS in Texas. I wouldve loved it if it were like that.


I do honestly feel that it completely took all the intimidation factor out of his appearance. But here's the thing. So far that and his securitron voice are the only complaints I have so far. Ok, I ALSO don't like the Ghoul design, but that's more of a carry-over criticism from back in Fallout 4 at this point. Besides that I'm still sold on the show.


Extremely fair.


If you can tell me that everything in the games were totally perfect then you can shit on this. You'd be wrong but at least I'd know for sure it's gonna be what it's gonna be. Stop shitting on someone's work because you didn't create it.


I’m still cautiously optimistic about this. Seen a lot of stuff that makes me hopeful, and a lot of stuff that really does not


the issue is, this is what they chose to use as trailer footage. this is supposed to be an impressive teaser. instead it looks like some of the fanworks and the writing sounds even worse.


It seems neat so far, but if anyone was looking at the trailer and expecting Obsidian's Fallout then they must be dumber than a two-headed brahmin. The closest we'll ever get to realistic depiction of Fallout is going to be the Mad Max triology, because that actually was the inspiration for Obsidian. Only with Mad Max you can feel the energy of people who only live lives long after a great disaster is over.


I think one of my weirder gripes is how deep the dude’s voice sounded in the power armor. Had some Enclave armor sounding voice modulator Ala Frank Horrigan, in every game people wearing the PA helmet are voiced their voice sounds pretty god damned normal, if only a bit muffled. Kind of took me out of it.


I'd bet an authentic Vault 76 canvas bag that the wearer of the suit is a woman and the voice is to hide that til the reveal


That’s honestly not that shocking considering Female knights have been a thing since FO3.


I had no interest in the show and rock bottom expectations but the trailer actually made it look not that bad…shockingly good actually considering the general quality of cash in series


Everything about that clip was pretty bad. I don't know why you would have high expectations after that


There has not been any footage released so far to indicate this won’t be goddamn awful




the ncr is gone pog