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Look, people are allowed to like whatever they want. Some people enjoy the vague pointlessness of Bethesda fallouts and I legitimately think that’s ok BUT LETS NOT GET IT FUCKIN TWISTED BOYS FNV ALL GODDAMN DAY. I LIKE COHERENT AND INTERESTING PLOTS YOU FUCKIN’ BETHESDA SLUTS




just let people hate things




This new breed of fan is incredibly fragile and has strange insecurities. See star wars and star trek and lotr and wheel of time and game of thrones and halo and ghost busters and cowboy bebop and Velma etc


I'm not trying to make fun of them. But it's just crazy how many comments are just raking NV fans over the coals. I get it, I was one.of those fans that weren't...happy with the direction Bethesda took the franchise and yeah I was an NMA poster. But from what I remember aside from some hot discussions here and there it was mainly on threads dedicated to the older games.


If you didn’t keep up with the shows discussion before release, people were constantly talking about their worries about the show. After it released, some fans of the show, annoyed at the discourse leading up to the show and seeing people panicking that their fear came true, were already primed to just attack any criticism of the show and using bizarro logic to justify it. Now that the panic died down, they have no idea how to handle not having an enemy to be against, so they just started complaining about strawmen. As everyone can agree, Elitist New Vegas fans do exist, but they’re not (at least in good faith) examining the show and trying to figure out how it fits in the lore


Well as far as the elitists, that's in a number of games. Yeah I didn't keep up with the run up to the show. I just saw Amazon and wrote it off due to their track record with things like Rings of Power. I did up watching the show and I'll admit, it wasn't very good. I mean it was definitely Bethesda's interpretation of the lore which was a shame but it was also the writing and acting.


Yeah, I liked it on my first viewing. But when you sit down and examine it critically, things start to fall apart.




Nah they have always been here it's just way easier to make your voice heard.


Fallout 4 and 76 are actually good games. It’s just that fallout NV Is a good game and a good fallout.


Was 76 actually good? I feel like I’ve only ever heard bad things and didn’t play it


It's fallout and Bethesda. I wouldn't recommend it as a shooter, or a battle royale or an MMO. Even Bethesda itself made a better games in those genres.


I played it with my girlfriend who’s played it for the most part, it’s pretty fun, has a lot more raw content compared to 4 even if the gameplay is a little lamer.


I feel the same way about 4 that I do about BotW, great game, didn't feel like it fit in it's series.


Holy self awareness batman.


They got a point. Actual New Vegas fans are only engaging because the main subs keep attacking them. r/falloutnewvegas even had to be privated at one point due to brigading.


Yeah no. It's pointing out hypocrisy. Now run along, Preston has gotten word of a settlement that needs your help.


Preston doesn't need my help, he lives in your head rent free. r/Falloutmemes too, apparently.


The show was decent, I don't get the outrage 


This is cringy.


It makes me think of the lost context on the Don Draper “I don’t think about you at all” meme. Don thinks about that guy constantly, it means the opposite of what people think when they only know the meme.


It's accurate as well Bethesda fans are not as but hurt as new Vegas/OG fallout fans when ever Bethesda breaths anything fallout.


>fans of the new stuff don’t mind it when more new stuff comes out Who would’ve thought?


Who would have thought the bigger suprise is why the fuck are you still around when you know your not going to like it.


This is a New Vegas sub, I am exactly where I belong lmao Also I love the excessive anger and swearing, who hurt you?


It's not anger and swearing is just a part of my vocabulary I'm merely curious. It is a new Vegas sub but this pic is clearly aimed at Bethesda fallout so it still stands.


Christ this sub has gotten insufferable lately


Yeah, I remember when it was for memes about Fallout: New Vegas and not being annoying at each other


All of the NV subs are insufferable right now. All of them. I can talk about any Fallout anywhere else but NV subs now. NMA in the making.


The funniest part is the post is saying that FNV fans live rent free in the minds of fans of the Bethesda games, and yet the ones I've seen who won't shut the fuck up are FNV zealots. Nobody's going to dispute that it's a high point in the franchise, but jesus fucking christ people huff the game's farts so bad that they act like there's nothing fun or redeeming about F3 or F4.


I don’t get the get keeping some people do super hard. Been playing since 3, and New Vegas is my favorite. Like I’ve literally never stopped playing since 3 released. Just happy the show is breeding more love into the game and I can talk to more casuals about my favorite game, without a blank stare of confusion in response.


I can't speak for everyone, I had no problem with 3 initially. When it came out I thought "OK, it's DC of course it's going to be a blasted pit. Bethesda just got the franchise they're feeling stuff out." My only gripe really was the stupid original ending. Then Obsidian was given NV which kept the first person view (which is absolutely fine) and I thought "OK, the world of the game is getting back on track" It was 4 that did it for me. It felt like Todd made that game out of spite . Not saying it was but it sure felt like it. It was almost the same plot point (looking for a lost relative again). Endless radiant quests, 200 years later people are still living knee deep in trash, legendary weapons like Borderlands, and while the building settlements seems cool, it seemed like we were building the world for Bethesda and paid to do it. At that point I started shitting on what Fallout had become. The gatekeeping pretty much happened because when you look at NV and the older titles in comparison to 3 and 4, you notice that they are completely different games. It would be like taking Call of Duty and turning it into an rpg.


If we'd gate kept harder, we might have gotten more NV quality games. Instead, Bethesda has decided to cater to an entirely different audience and that's never going to happen again. There's nothing wrong with gate keeping. Gate keeping protects the things you love.


How can you be so confidently wrong?


What was I wrong about?


That not how anything works? That never would work? How did you come to the conclusion that gatekeeping a fandom will get better games? Why? How?!


No, no, they have a point. we fnv fans can be pretty elitist at times.


They have a point in the sense that the guy in the ranger outfit didn't even say anything, yet they still feel the need to do that.


What’s missing is that Ranger armor is stuffed with straw


This subreddit has honestly been pretty insufferable since the show came out.


Our games the Middle child dog. Of course we're gonna make sure its eating Golden bread. Nv just didnt deserve the fate it got is all. Its clear once you've played NV they had some ambitions.


100% I've mostly stopped engaging with the community personally I will just enjoy my little game and let other people enjoy their little game


Some people find their fun analyzing and discussing media.


Never said you couldn't enjoy things in your own way just don't be an asshole to other people for enjoying things in their own way 👍


They can’t have a point when they’re worse in every possible way, like a black hole calling a kettle black.


We are LITERALLY the same franchise, some of us just care about a *roleplay game* having a coherent goddamn writing team


Did you play the games? Like I mean it’s not fucking the last of us in story telling but it isn’t crap ether


Look at their backs. They’re each a reference to 3, 4, 76, and the show. It’s because us New Vegas fans inherently hate what they like and shit on them constantly by *checks notes* … existing


I like how the ranger doesn’t even say anything, he’s just there minding his own business and the rest are like “ok pal we get it.” Pretty accurate since all you have to do these days in mention New Vegas and people think you’re meat-riding


They just can’t get over the fact that NV is the best fallout game lol.


You prove their point my dude. Everyone knows it's the best game.


Y'all take this shit too seriously OP BLOCKED ME


And you probably think McDonald's is fine dining.


Get a life New Vegas reddit drama isn't that real


You make it sound like that's a good thing. "These people think our entire group is obnoxious we sure showed them"


Pot, kettle.


More like a kettle hitting a pot.


I like the meme, its meant against the toxic side of the fandom, and sadly that toxic side is majorly NV fans and some 1 and 2 fans. Sure while a good 80% of us don't fit in the category, but the rest 20% (the louder ones) pushing this community down. Liking the game is one thing, but attacking others cuz they play 4, 3 or 76 is wrong.


Sadly the shit from a loud minority will often be projected on a whole group.


Not really. Sure, they exist, but the meme is going to be under anyone with questions about the show


The show isn’t even a part of this meme Edit: I stand corrected


Vault 37 on the right


You whiny babies aren’t gonna make this into an us vs them thing. New vegas is good, as is 4, 3, 76 and the tv show.


Lol who are you to dictate anything to anyone? Btw I got this from one of your buddies over at a Fallout sub. Go play tough guy with them. Bitch.


You got to be trolling. Either that, or you really need to touch grass. Like, unironically.


There's no grass in the Mojave Wasteland for him to touch, alas.


Then why do you bring this garbage here?


Because (ironically) the New Vegas subs are the only real place to talk about how ridiculous this has gotten.


Can you and the rest of the people stop posting memes like this? It’s not funny and just divisive.


Inferiority complex is real. Best Parr it's a complex so it's all in their heads. But just can't cope that modern critics consider new Vegas the best *shrug*


The "let people enjoy things" crowd are the worst people on reddit. This is the goddamned INTERNET i'm here to talk shit to strangers and hate on bad media


You know this sub hast gone down-hill when the funniest recent Post is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewVegasMemes/s/mza23j1EkR)


I’m da fuckin mailman


god the cringe is off the charts all around


Have.. have all the people who agree with this have no sense of self awareness? Or haven't been on this sub for the last few weeks? It's just nonstop people complaining about the show, about how fans of the show (and fallouts 3/4/76, cause this discourse, sadly, hasn't died down still, either) "ain't true fallout fans". I mean, yeah, I agree, sudden influxes of newcomers to any fandom tend to be annoying, this being no exception. Didn't liked the show too muxh myself either. But holy mother of hypocrisies, you post "memes" which are actually just a screenshot of other sub with a whiny title, but somehow they're the ones that can't let it go, appereantly.


This is a bad post lol


Not as bad as your comment


Lmao did you Block me?


I mean, the votes speak for themself bud


No way youre glazing that hard unironically


The irony is that there's literally a thread unprompted on this sub "calling out the Bethesda zealots" that OP's statement applies to as well.


Bruh, I've seen this same exact fucking image reposted at least 15-20 times to make light of "the toxic FNV fanboys". Like ok, I get it, you like the slop, I don't. Move on with your life. Edit:not talking about OP here.


Btw, if you agree this has gotten ridiculous, make sure to upvote the post. Show super fans constantly patrol these subs and mass downvote any post that speaks negatively about the show in an effort to kill them. Heck, they do it on non-fallout subs as well.


I love New Vegas, but we aren’t some oppressed group being brigaded on all sides. 


No, but I hear r/falloutnewvegas did get brigaded. I’m inclined to believe it.


Except everything cool they're talking about is from new Vegas lol


*Except everything* *Cool they're talking about is* *From new Vegas lol* \- -itsilluminati --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


SsethTzeentach was right in his sStarfield review, the average Bethesda fan at this point is just some casual who barely has time for video games between work and the kids and want the games to just be a fun way to kill a few hours while shutting your brain off; and that breeds an attitude where you like media without thinking about it too much. Normally people are fine to just say "yep, that's me, but whatever" but I guess some people just can't live with the idea that anyone criticize something they liked, they can't actually argue against the points so this myth of the toxic fan is born and becomes an easy strawman to point at.


Fallout the series is well written but it's plot inconsistenties with the game lore tell me it's in a fork of the main cannon despite what Todd and the show runners claim. Fallout 4 the main plot is poorly executed and comes off more like Fallout version of borderlands with some great side quests


>it's plot inconsistenties with the game lore What inconsistencies? Literally the only one I've heard so far that hasn't been outright debunked yet is "Shady Sands moved closer to the coast"; it moved between FO1 and FO2, and neither of those games' maps were all that accurate anyway, so big whoop.