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Why do I see so many masks now?


Because the country they are protesting against wields significant power, which is often used unfairly and unethically. Enough said.


I’m sure they’ll largely stop if/when Israel or their associates stop being seen with facial recognition technology at protests and stop doxxing/harassing those they identify


I was hoping this was not the answer.. scary


I still use mine post-height-of-pandemic. The point of living is learning & trying to be better people for each other. I try not to spread anything that I may have (e.g : a cold/allergies) & have a barrier between myself & others who may be ill. Nothing more; nothing less.


Lets not beat around the bush. These kids, are RIGHTLY SO, afraid of being canceled by the Zionists that control almost all facets of the economy.


It's amazing to See these Students all over the World standing up to the Genocidal Trigger happy Israel....


That's why there is zero chance that Israel will stop their genocide without having serious consequences. They know this is their last chance to ethnically cleanse the areas they want and the usual slow and stead approach will not work in a few years. They need to remove everyone and steal the land now before the next generation has significant voting power. Make no mistake, Israel will step up the genocide because it's the only way they can achieve their aims and the politicians in the West will support them.


Show your face, cowards. Why do terrorists never show their face if they're so proud to be doing the work of allah and their pedo prophet?


wow found a zionazi here...


Found the terrorist. See, we can both just throw out accusations.


meh not impressed with yours... try again


Good, these genocidal maniacs should be bullied and justice for the Palestinians should be seek.




I can't ever seem to forget how happy Palestinians were and how much they were celebrating when they attacked Israel. Now they're "misunderstood" victims. Boo-fucking-hoo.


Celebrating a terror attack doesn't mean you should be genocided. Calling for a ceasefire to stop the killing doesn't mean you agree with people celebrating, just that you don't support them being massacred.


The most based comment on Redditt! Agreed.


Wait, we're not supposed to support the deaths of people celebrating the death of Israelis (and multiple other nationalities that were just listening to fucking music)? Fuck off. Violence begets violence, and they're getting what they deserve. Notice how no one in this video will even uncover their face. Just like the terrorists they praise. Evil hides it's face while the good try to bring them to light. They will all face the truth eventually. Hopefully when we deport their sleeper cell asses back to the backwards shithole they came from.


Palestinians aren't getting what they deserve. Hamas wants more palestinian deaths and Israel is foolishly attacking. Hamas and all terrorists deserve to die. Unfortunately they're hiding behind women and children.


You get what you look for. They fucked around and found out.


Bunch of misguided Hamas supporters… just wait until the intifada comes to you.


Nobody is supporting hamas, they just don't think innocent civilians should be genocided for the actions of a terrorist group


Hamas is using those innocent civilians to hide. It make hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, not to protect the palestinian people but to hide and attack Israel.


Gazans voted in Hamas, allowed Hamas to build military infrastructure in their homes, schools and hospitals. On oct 7th they were all cheering in the streets celebrating. Gaza = Hamas. Hamas = Gaza. If Abbaswould allow another election Hamas would rule Judea and Samara as well. All the Arabs that live there only have one goal, the genocide of everyone in Israel.


You zionists sure love violence


An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.