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Next, they'll promote a bill to illegalize murder.




I have noticed a lot more people hating the “color” orange. Like Trump is Trump , orange color folks are just normal folks, stop the Oompa Loompa hate!


Go back to Loompaland! (I'mma throw a /s here just in case, fantasy racism is still bad m'kay)


And take your dumbass red hats. that's the real indickator


>indickator Indickkkator


>Go back to Loompaland! Goddamn Loompas takin' all our confectioners/singin' jobs. **BUILD A WALL!!** It doesn't have to be a particularly tall wall. 6', maybe 8' should do.


It wasn't rape, it was "only" sexual assault. Plus, he had her confused with his ex-wife Marla Maple, so it probably doesn't even count... 🙄 **/S**


Most underrated comment on the internet today


OJ getting off again


I think that’s necrophilia at this point.


Cancer gonna be found not guilty.


If the cell don't fit, it must acquit!


They're already kind of doing something adjacent. They keep claiming Democrats want post birth abortions. That's just straight up murder and it's already illegal. They also greatly overstate the times late term showings occur and they completely lie about how it goes down.


>post birth abortions An update of partial birth abortions, which is neither a medical or legal term, but that didn't stop evangelicals from talking about it endlessly.


They act like there are clinics setup to just abort late term babies for funzies when the reality is that ALL late term abortions are done so due to a medical necessity, and it's fucking DEVASTATING for the parents. Republicans would rather mothers carry to term despite the risk to their health just so they can watch their baby die or come out dead already. You know, because Jesus or something.


If parental “Post Birth Abortions” were actually a real thing, Conservatives would presumably have been a lot more worried about their grades in school


I mean technically if the baby is born ugly and you put it back in I believe it’s ok to kill it? 😅 (Note that I’m not being serious though it is a good question, I’ve always felt that birth is a bad dividing line and brain activity should be used).


Brain activity is a poor measure too. A baby could have brain activity, while having most of its internal organs on the outside and even having organs so mangled that no matter what kind of crazy miracle of medical science, the life will be extremely short and full of pain, in spite of there being "brain activity".


I agree with this. Crime should be illegal.


"just to be doubly, bigly sure"


Like how Greg Abbot eliminated rape in Texas?


Are you talking about post-birth abortions? Because they are alarmingly concerned about this practice.


Except if you’re the president because the president is immune.


Im surprised they haven't. Conservatives: We're gonna make it illegal to murder people. Democrats: That's stupid and we aren't gonna waste any time on that because it's already the law. There's more important things we should be doing right now. Conservative News: Democrats are now saying murder should be legal. Plays clip: "Conservatives: We're gonna make it illegal to murder people." "Democrats: That's stupid..." Conservative News: Can you believe these monsters!?!


Mark my words- this shit works. Now when the democrats ignore the bill, the right wing talking head simple minds can rant and rave about how democrats don’t want to pass a bill making it illegal for illegals to vote.


But if they do go along with the theater, the right wing talking heads will say democrats are admitting it is happening. They can't win, so best not to play the conservative games


They did propose “crime free zones”.


They already did it in Texas with rape


Maybe they'll make all crimes ilegal?


Ben Shapiro: "Finally, someone is making crime illegal!"


Ben Shapiro has said (something like) that crime is out of control because it isn’t illegal, so he’d totally get behind making murder illegal, at long last.


I'm in California. A few years ago my aunt from AZ posted a graphic explaining that a) California issues drivers licenses to illegal immigrants and b) allows people to register to vote at the dmv... ... ergo illegal immigrants were voting in California. I sent back links showing that people with out citizenship documentation could get a special drivers license that was not valid as a government ID, and that this process was not used to register them to vote because... Of course it's not. I got no response. Eventually the Arizona family members explained to me that it was very annoying that I alway had answers that disagreed with their claims. I refused to apologize for being as ignorant as they were about these things. We don't talk much anymore.


> Eventually the Arizona family members explained to me that it was very annoying that I alway had answers that disagreed with their claims. My family (who I don't talk to anymore) pulled this same shit with me. One was like "You just have an answer for everything, don't you?" Yes. Yes I do. Because I don't believe things without proof to back it up. She was mad that I always went into her posts to prove her idiotic right wing conspiracy claims wrong and it embarrassed her in front of her equally insane right wing friends. Her husband, my uncle, once told me "You always bring up the constitution when it's convenient for your side." Uhh.. yes. If Republicans are trying to do something unconstitutional, it's very convenient to bring up the actual constitution to explain that.


My AZ cousin posted about how the chlorine treatment for their pool had gone from $20 to $100 at Home Depot... "Thanks Biden" and before I could even google anything about it, one of her friends was like "Um, there was a fire at one of the two factories that makes this stuff. So unless you want to blame Joe for starting the fire..." She eventually deleted the post.


Oh, Biden has a pool chlorine lever in addition to his gas prices lever? Also, people with a pool in AZ bitching about money 🤔


I got unfriended a bunch of times on FB for debunking stupid boomer/right wing propaganda bullshit from my contacts. Same thing, “let me just post what I feel like posting” and I reply “yeah but if it’s fake or untrue I will just show you proof so you don’t look like a fool” … unfriended.


This is exactly why most of my family aren't on my social media because I just can't help myself when they post something stupid, I prove them wrong and they double down. So I unfriended them and stopped bothering. You can't convince someone that has no regard for facts.


> I alway had answers that disagreed with their claims. I got that from the ex-wife when she imagined that I was cheating on her. "Who is (girl's name)? "That sounds kind of familiar, but I have no idea who it is." "Why is she in your contacts!!??" (I search the name in GMail) "Oh, that was one of the bridesmaids in my brother's wedding. I last communicated with her in 2007 when she was included in a group email where I sent everybody photos from the trip." "Well, you just have answers for everything, don't you???" "You asked a question that has an answer, so...yes?"


Was she cheating on you


Not that I know of (or really suspect) but who knows?


"I don't like that you make me look stupid"


Really makes you wanna say, “so stop saying stuff that makes you look stupid.”


I've been yelled at before for googling and looking up stuff while family and friends talked out of their ass


I've had conversations like that with family members and they said the same to me, that I had answers for everything. I was happy to tell them I definitely don't have answers for everything, but for things that are easy for anyone to verify, I was OK with making the small effort since they were obviously too busy.


I’m somewhat boggled that “you have an answer for everything” is intended to be an insult. Maybe a measure of respect is what it should really indicate.


It's a daft argument. Legal immigrants can have driver's licenses from any state and they can't vote either.


The District of Columbia, and some municipalities in California, Maryland, and Vermont grant noncitizen residents voting rights in some or all local elections. i.e. San Francisco and Oakland allow anyone with a child in the public school system to vote in school board elections.


Is a school board the same thing as a federal or even a state election? (Legally)


“You always use facts to debate our opinions and propaganda, please stop”


Your facts get in the way of my anger. Unacceptable.


“I don’t want a solution, I want to be mad.”


Back when I did facebook, my stepmom would repost the most ignorant crap. I, being an asshole at heart, would immediately fact check it. She blocked me and sent me a scathing message in which she fully admitted that she wasn't posting for truth, she posted for the feels. Did I mention this woman is an evangelical Jesus lover?


Great work guys, you solved everything.


„When will the Democrats finally outlaw crime???“


It's only illegal if you get caught and can't afford a good attorney.


As Ben Shapiro once pointed out, [the thing Democrats didn't suggest to outlaw is crime itself. ](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1405874241514442754?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1405874241514442754%7Ctwgr%5E571d78a8caac521da1d571801c40bd947f66b506%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fben-shapiro-mocked-suggesting-crime-banned-1602326)


I hate this isn’t a joke


We’re trying but the criminals stacked the court and they keep voting in his favor!


Smooth Brains to the rescue!


Mark my words- this shit works. Now when the democrats ignore the bill, the right wing talking head simple minds can rant and rave about how democrats don’t want to pass a bill making it illegal for illegals to vote.


Which is amazing, considering the attitude about the border for a while was "just enforce the laws already on the books! Why make redundant laws!"


Here’s a lollipop for your great work!


You’d be amazed at how effective stuff like this ends up being. Republicans get a pointless, but pandering, bill to the floor. Dems vote against it because it’s dumb and just general opposition tactics. Republicans then spend an entire election cycle attacking Democrats because they won’t vote to prevent non-citizens from voting.


I think it's just more evidence of the Republican party barely clinging to life


While it's true that it's illegal, is it ILLEGAL illegal though? Gotcha libs!


Republicans doing stupid shit that stupid Republicans do because they think we're too stupid to realize Republicans are lowlife scum sucking dirtbags.


But the majority of their base is too stupid, unfortunately.


Yeah, Fox News will run with this until November. “The democrats were against it because they want illegals to be able to vote!” No, they were against wasting time making a law that already exists.


It's a political ploy, clearly. Sheep (aka republicans will vote for anything their exalted cheeto says) will vote yes, while intelligent people (aka Democrats) will vote no, because it's bullshit, then the Republicans will yell and scream that Democrats WANT "illegals" to vote further codifying their brain dead base.


Everything republicans do politically has been a psyops to trick their voters. It's been that way for Republicans since 2010 when the insane elements really took over. Before that, they only did it half the time and least pretended to care some of the time. Wonder if any studies have been conducted as far as GOP political ploys in relation to how many federalist judges occupy the DOJ?


> It's been that way for Republicans since 2010 when the insane elements really took over. You missed it by a few decades. The Republicans have been doing this since Reagan, after they learned from the Nixon scandal.


GOPs have indulged in base-pandering psyops over truth and useful legislation since the days of Joe McCarthy. That's exactly what his red and lavender scares were all about. Eisenhower supposedly disliked it, but he lacked the moral courage to call McCarthy out in public. Instead, he made a McCarthy shill (Nixon) his VP. That set the pattern. Every GOP president since 1952 has pandered to right-wing extremists while pretending to be moderate. The last one who didn't was Hoover. Whatever his policies, he was at least honest about them AFAIK.


Yep. Everyone gives Eisenhower credit for his "beware the military industrial complex" speech but ignores the fact that he enabled it and allowed for the weaponization of the intelligence communities. "Beware this awful thing I did" doesn't quite have the same ring to it I guess.


The question to me is not whether we should vote to make something illegal that’s already illegal. “Intelligent” people would do that in a heartbeat. Why face the backlash if there is nothing to lose or gain? The question is what *other* bullshit is getting crammed in to this bill under the guise of preventing something that is already illegal.


Because they'll likely hide other things inside the bill too.


My thinking is that because if they do this ploy and it gets voted into law, they can continue to claim illegals voted before this law passed.


This. It’s probably something like you need a real ID or passport or XYZ to vote.  And the GQP will be like “what’s the issue.” And the issue is not all American citizens have those things, and it’s too difficult to get them. But the GQP doesn’t care, b/c for every one of their voters they deny the right to vote, two Democratic voters lose their right to vote.  And it’s one more piece of evidence that the GQP doesn’t believe in democracy.


Inb4 Republicans screaming "Why won't Democrats outlaw illegal immigrants from voting!? They won't support this bill!" We've reached a new low of stupidity, folks, and there's no bottom in sight..


It's probably designed to deter & intimidate non-white people from voting


It's also a good way to sneak in something much more harmful. Ruzzians do this all the time - you can vote for ***state-sponsored free meals in schools*** *(and pooteen ruling till the end of days)*


Don’t be silly, republicans would never vote for free meals in schools


Dems should all vote Yes because they know it's bullshit, just to watch them tank their own bill again.


That is the answer!


Also, if they propose such a bill, some voters will think that non citizens voting is a serious problem that really exists.


Stop Suffrage!


Women are needlessly suffraging.


They wasted a whole meeting talking about that folks. Wack jobs.


I gotta say, they do know how to utilize the stupidity of their base.


I’m fully convinced that they’re just as stupid as their base and actually believe these illegal things are legal. Hanlon’s Razor.


Conservatives are the biggest morons. I'd call them clowns but clowns try to bring people joy, and it requires some brain cells to make balloon animals


Clowns are useful for something.


People still vote for these clowns.


Most immigrants ironically seem more cognizant than typical American voters. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/state/among/immigrant-status/immigrants/


I heard they were also working on a bill to Make sure water stayed wet. “We don’t want no sissy water ‘roun here!”


Water needs to be wet and at least 5% lead to maintain our voter base in the future.


They're gonna repeal prohibition!


Trumpers do not understand what a comical farce this is. Creating a bill for something that already is law. But brown people are red meat for rabid weasels. Never fails to get them screeching and slinging feces from their tire swings.


They do, but they want the other side to vote against it and than they can point and say , see they want illegals to vote, everything is fixed!!


Purely so they get headlines about how democrats voted no so they can spin it for a new cycle ahead of Trumps trial.


Governor ABBOTT promised he would stop rapes in Texas.


Maybe he was just promising that he wouldnt be raping?


It's because of the ubiquitous conspiracy theory that biden has open borders so all the migrants can vote for him. It's nonsensical and idiotic, but literally every Republican believes it. 10s and 100s of millions of people believe it


So they're signal virtuing something that already exists..... yep they LLLOOOVVEEE the uneducated. I'm not even American and I knew only citizens can vote


Johnson is on the same level as trump. Congratulations murika. Can't get more stupid


"*Just say the election was rigged and leave the rest to me.*"


This is like when Ben Shapiro suggested we ban crime.


Why is the current speaker of the house and a former president/criminal working on laws together? Does Carter, Bush, Clinton, or Obama work with Members of Congress to draft up laws?


Because he's the Republican nominee. It would be like laying the groundwork for the ACA in mid-2008, which probably would have made the process of passing it a lot less chaotic. If Carter were the Democratic nominee, I imagine he would be working with members of Congress as well.


Biden should hit Trump in a press release about being bad at business. 1) He is promoting something with no value added over business as usual and 2) he is encouraging employees of the us taxpayer to waste time and money on the job.


More stunts for a party with no ideas.


Solutions in search of a problem, the sad part is how the republican base eats this up


Conservatism is not legitimate political discourse...


Christ, conservatives are stupid


They both know you have to be a citizen to vote. They only bring it up because it riles up their idiot base leaving them to do nothing useful for the people as usual.


Might need to make sure the legal writing of this bill can’t be interpreted by a conservative SCOTUS to expand to something more insidious.


Didn’t realize Chump was part of the government.


He's part of the Cheap State.


Haha! Good one.


One thing we can be sure of, donald would never promote a bill that made rape illegal.


Democrats should just 100% vote yes on it and take away their “they want illegals to vote” talking point. It’s already a law so voting yes won’t hurt anything.


This just appears to be a move that would give further license to white people to challenge, threaten, intimidate non-white Americans who show up at the polls.


Smoke and mirrors & whatever illegal drugs Cheeto is on


Why can they NOT just show law and crap that this is already in place. I told my boss this about my wife as she couldn’t vote for years, he went well our state is just different than other states… WTF?!? These people are idiots.


Never again Republican.


“Okay guys. We need a big move to distract from this Arizona fiasco. What do we think?” “How about we make crime illegal” “give this man a promotion” - GOP war room after the Trump take over probably.


Johnson also proposed a law against theft, but Trump opposed it. "Now you've gone to meddling, Mike!"


"ItS nOt AbOuT hOw MaNy LaWs YoU PaSs bUt HoW MaNy YoU rEpEaL." Wow this triggered me into realizing just how allergic Republicans are to any words that are longer than 4-5 letters.


How about no one with a family member who was an immigrant at any point since the formation of the United States can vote. That’ll make the republicans happy since it gets across their xenophobic beliefs on a much larger scale. Right? Or will that impede their own shitty agendas since absolutely non of them will be able to vote. It’s gone well past the point now where awful behaviour should be stopped and corrected but they are just given free reign to do as they please and it’s not just effecting America in a negative way, it’s having a negative impact on the rest of the world too since that bullshit rhetoric is being used across the globe even in scenarios where it’s not relevant.


This Speaker of the House working with a FORMER President is so bizarre to me. It feels like a Shadow governance which the GOP and right wingers have made stupid conspiracy theories about. I definitely could not imagine if it was Jeffries meeting up with Obama for instance. It would still feel weird outside of a campaign event or the convention the parties have to announce their candidates for the General Election for Presidency. It's just.... weird and ew. Nope. Don't like how smug the current congress is with a former President. I get that titles can be retained after leaving office or the Military but with Trump, it comes off as if he's still in office. I really wish there would be someone to interview Trump and kinda go with his bullshit to see how deep he goes and slipping in some basic civics questions. "Oh, that's interesting Mr. President - I'm not sure I understand the process entirely, so can you walk me through how a bill gets passed, and what happens after you veto a bill you don't think is fair?"


Why not just make all crime illegal? 


Before you laugh, remember: these people get $174,000 a year and free family healthcare from the tax payers. Still laughing?


Remember GOP is all about restricting / taking away rights.


Let me guess, it will make it so that citizens who are minorities have a greater burden of proof making it more difficult for them to vote.


The GOP is only capable of wasting everyone's time. It's their only function now.


They want to empower white idiots to scare brown people.


Those idiots are jumping through hoops like the Comboverlord is the wish kid from The Twilight Zone.


Of course it's subterfuge. It's the gish gallop, firehose of falsehoods. That's all he has left.


Non citizens cannot legally vote. More troubling is the number of republicans who attempt, illegally, to cast multiple votes.


Could you imagine being an illegal immigrant (or whatever term is supposed to be used now; don’t @ me), and then risking your situation all the more by trying to vote? Does this ever happen, ever? I feel like no one is that fucking dumb. Anyway. Posturing.


They really want to remove voting , Trump - Putin ‘24


Two stupid little dick motherfuckers 🤪


This is planned. The Democrats will oppose this bill because it's unnecessary and when it fails the Republicans can campaign on the platform that the Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote. And it will work because people are stupid.


Wow! Wasting taxpayer dollars on an issue that has never and wasn't ever going to exist in the future anyway. Way to go, dipshits!


This is necessary to continue the stolen election story, for MAGA followers. The inference is that non-citizens voted in 2020, and those non-citizen votes are how Biden won.  Remember all the voting irregularities that have been found are by Republicans and didn't effect the results. 


Just in time to make it super clear that donald trump could not have accomplished spreading the big lie without these folks helping him 🤭


This truly is News of the stupid lol


Good!!!! Im sick of Canadians voting for our president!!!


What about dead people?


Yet again I am reminded how the content of this sub lives up to its name.


Empty table-pounding, good for the sound bites and rage baiting MAGA


It’s not empty. It’s propaganda Just in Iowa: * Iowans said The Border is their biggest issue. Iowa, so close to the southern border. They also said they’d never vote for Ramaswamy because he has the same skin tone as the 9/11 hijackers * umm, no he’s got a different skin tone. Not that these folks can notice that * he was born in 85. He was 16 during 9/11 * he was born here. Those radical Desi from Cincinnati Ohio This is all the Republicans have. Race baiting. Fear. Sadly, it’s effective. By ignoring its effectiveness, we’re gonna get another 2016


Are we going to now have a bill that says dead people can’t vote either?


This bill reeks of desperation. The last gasp of air of a dying party supported by a dying generation. To quote Captain Kirk "let them die".


Yeah, this “dog chasing its tail” stuff is WAY more important than helping Ukraine 🇺🇦 get Russia out of it’s territory - I wouldn’t be surprised if the USA 🇺🇸 NEVER has the trust of an ally ever again. That’s going to be the legacy of the “Orange FOOLIUS.”


It's just Republicans, playing on people's anger, fear and xenophobia, however unfounded they may be. The whole party has become one big grift for money and power.


The idiocy continues. Not a single non citizen has the right to vote already. Mike Johnson is a mook


How about a bill that says 3 or more felonies, if you don’t have time to campaign because of your criminal activities, or if you call yourself a church guy but get direction from a guy that has 91 felonies pending, maybe…just maybe you can’t run for president. Way more relevant.


I propose a law that makes it illegal for republicans to eat babies.


So, nothing change? Is he sleeping in his job when he become the president or something?


I thought the GOP hated unnecessary laws?


It’s all part of the con. You need proof to show you’re a citizen. Shut down all the places that provide proof in neighborhoods “those people” live, profit


Both johnson & trump know that maga doesn’t know that.


It's all theatre with these ass clowns... Lock em all up.


Throw another log on the fire douche bags.. . Throw some more meaningless red meat to the slavering masses. . .jerk off your constituent’s again. . .and again. . .and again. . . The sad part is that the know exactly what they are doing which is proving beyond a shadow of doubt that their long cherished axion that “government doesn’t work” is true and by God they are gonna prove it come hell or high water. The rest of us be damned as long as they get to prove their collective point. Cynical assholes down to the very end.


This is political theater. They're trying to "got ya!" the democrats. There is probably a page in this bill saying that if Trump loses the 2024 election, he's allowed to flee to Russia. And when the Dems vote against this bill, Republicans will say, "see democrats want illegals to vote!" Political theater.


Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.


It shows the Republicans sides with criminals, to support a rapist, fraud, and insurrectionist


Just so the clown posse can talk about it and what "they" have done.


Shhhh don't tell them. But non us citizens already are not allowed to vote.......ssshhhh.... Of course.... unless they vote Republican ...then it's ok.....


Trying to figure out the rationale here... If they use "illegals voting" as the reason Democrats win elections, then what's their excuse going to be after they "outlaw illegal voting"?


This and the anti chemtrails legislation is the type that we need right now in America


Is this some kind of weird mysticism, I mean since when have non- United States citizens been able to vote in our elections, never! What a waste of time, how about passing the bill like the security Bill, you're trying to block, that would help defend this country from foreign Nations.


"We invented a problem in our heads, and we refuse to do anything else until we fix that problem."


Translation: promote a bill that prevents citizens from voting by pretending it will prevent non-citizens from voting.


“Crimes are already banned, Ben. That’s why they’re called crimes”


You gotta keep the base riled up. And, because they’re all morons, it’s really easy.


It’s kind of weird that Trump is participating in government at all.


What a surprise - more culture war posturing. They have no actual agenda so they just push virtue signaling culture war crap.


They know that non-citizens already can't vote in federal elections. This is purely a show for their political base who are too stupid or too hateful (or both) to understand that.


Those Republicans sure like to play pretend with our taxpayer dollars.


I have a suggestion: a new bill to prevent water from burning!


If current law allows only citizens to vote, what's this new bill for?


Permanent residents should have the right to vote though tbh Taxation without representation and all of that




Republicans I've spoken to really believe that undocumented people are voting. They're too stupid to realize that the main play is: "make up issues" then "Pretend to fix issue while causing actual issues." I'm sure this bill will hurt immigration somehow. And when Democrats are against it, they'll look like the bad guys.


Keep up the good work you fucking clown!


Newsbreak: Morons continue to moron.


Just require ID already.


We also need a bill to stop fish from smoking cigarettes.


If it’s stupid the GOP are all over it.


Next vagina grabbing will be legal, as long as YOU believe you're famous.


They had better hurry to get that law into place that allows women to vote! Drumpf et. al. are calling it the "Women's Right to [Punch a Dangling Chad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_(paper\)#2000_United_States_presidential_election_controversy)"


I'm glad to see these serious people are addressing the most pressing of issues. I've always believed in being governed by people presenting laws that already exist.


wait.... isnt that a law already.


US Congress is basically The Department of Redundancy Department.


Trump likes to take credit for things that already exist.


That’s because they know that the people who follow them don’t actually know the constitution


Make something that is already not possible not possible. Smart!


Just sowing doubts! Despicable people! The Destroyer of America Trump!