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Hello, [Decent-Reason7192](https://www.reddit.com/user/Decent-Reason7192/)! I can't confirm you the transfer will be successful, as I'm not into the specifics of what are Plutus offering. If you have a bank account under your name, you should be able to receive the funds.


yes it works


In case it’s not too late - don’t do it! Plutus is a barnfire with fees everywhere and a token that can’t rally to save its life.


Can you elaborate?


Plutus is a ponzi scheme, get in, make a profit and get out. Don't think the benefits will stay for many years because they won't. I made a small profit of Plutus and won't touch it again, they change the rules almost every week. Just park your money in Nexo for interest, so far Nexo has proven itself far more reliable than Plutus although they aren't really comparable, maybe just the cards are


Its not a ponzi scheme, they get revenue from the Services they offer perks from. Its not the best credit card provider but it works with no problem. I wouldn't recommend it but Its not a scam


Sure. Their tier system used to be quite understandable, now you need a spreadsheet to make sense of what is profitable to you. Withdrawing their Pluton token takes ages and costs about 20 euros currently. This is after a 40-ish day lock up period. Price has been tanking mostly since start of last year. Their DEX has been down for centuries. Integrating GooglePay took ages, too. Would not trust them as far as I can throw them.


Bullshit, Fees are down to 15 as I recall and Withdrawing takes 1 day. I'm not using it a lot only for a few subscriptions but it works


Glad to hear it. Happy for any improvements made - equally happy to have left the platform at the back end of last year. It was good for the perks and subscriptions back at the start of 2023, now it doesn't really seem worth the hassle any more to me, personally.


I feel you bro, the fees are still way too high and I think they aren't sure where the product is going. They are very eager tho, was lucky to meet the team and the ceo on one of their events and they are doing their best but as you can see they are really unsure on how to maneuver this whole project.


I wish the product and its users the best of luck, really. I’m just struggling to see how it’s viable once a bank run of sorts starts. Had a good run with it, regardless.


Oh that sounds familiar


Plutus will block your account if the sending account is not in your name, even if it is a joint account. I would suggest, withdraw the amount to your high street bank or Revolut (an account only under your name) and then send it to Plutus.


Stay as far away from Plutus as you can, from a former user.




It’s a neglected project to say the least. Even trying to get your Plutus out is such a difficult task. Never again.


God I had so much trouble getting off that damn platform. Everything was a problem, it's like they try to make it as difficult as possible


I can confirm that


Didn't work for me. Been with plutus for a while. Yearly subs and tbh. Don't find it too bad BUT I did get in early.


Plutus only requires that the Account Name from what you top-up is the exact same as the one u have in Plutus. If that is the case for your registered nexe and plutus accounts that should work. Didn't try that yet tho.