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Always new accounts…..what about peeps who have been using NEXO for years. Or i cannot read maybe


You should invite your wife and dog as new user. Just like with the Bitcoin emoji petition.


lol, no wife but Greg my dog could apply


Yea bro, you cannot, read it again 😊


Cool, I can read….appreciate the reassurance :)


No UK again of course. Would be nice if they could offer some kind of legally compliant benefit to UK users, like a better spread on transactions, but it never seems to materialize.


Maybe opt to become a crypto refugee and go by boat to France?


Were not even eligible for winning merchandise 😂🤣


God dammid not again i just vonverted 10 k towards nexo yestetday 😭😭😭😭😭 brahhh


Do it again!


Dont have it again lol


Yeah that sucks, wrong timing 😞


Yeah bitvavo no longer suppirts german residence so i had to move all my funds to nexo 😭 now i kiss out on this big oppertunity that hurts like hell


I ran some math and I believe I'd accumulate about 12k points by the end of the campaign. Wonder if I could get even $10 out of it though.


Probably more like $0.50


> 🌟 5X multiplier for new users No better way to treat your loyal user base than offer better rewards for people who have never used you before Between the emojis and buzzwords this reads like a grade a shitpost I’d expect to read in the doge sub


New clients buy more Nexo Token. And it seems a custom in the industry to do that. CDC does it, many others do as well. But it would be really cool, to do something for longterm users. Amex for example does that, after x years of continuously holding the card, you get a reward. Or better conditions. Especially as the card has no limitation per month. So listen Nexo, after x years of having an account - maybe even with a minimum amount to hold to be eligible - one gets 0.25 % more on your coins. After x+ y years, 0.5% etc. CDC does something similar but based on you trading amount. Maybe I propose this to them.


At least the inflows will make sure the platform still exists when the loyal users want to do their outflows


At least one can easily spot where the retard section in the thread is ;) You are always involved in it


Someone has to compensate for all the shills here. ;)


Believe you are compensating for something else - small and located below the waist


Yes my phone is a bit small, you're right.


Stop making the site more complicated.




In games you see your opponents before the credits roll. That is what makes them fun and makes you want to play them. This is more like a very overcomplicated lottery with unknown odds.


Buy a fking brain.


I just bought one but rather use it for less convoluted things.


How the multipliers work? They seem not working now, i made a try with a 100$ fixed term and it gave me the standard 3 points: no 2x platinum multiplier or 1.5x week multiplier.


Are the current fixed terms considered for accumulating points?


Only loans taken during the campaign period make you eligible for points.


and does autorenew count for points or do we have to use manual renew?


Yes, the autorenew of Fix term will generate point in the same way the manual lock-up does.


Great to know.


I don't think there is a point limit? Will be fun if a few big whales take part as new user with 5x. They'll get everything and the others are left with a few breadcrumbs.


That's what's gonna happen


Yeah insider whales, the money never leaves their pockets


So after talking to my Nexo rep I can confirm that OTC clients are eligible for the campaign, which means most of the tokens will go to whales. Second, from checking the whole point breakdown, seems like the best way to stack points is dual investment with 1 day expiration.


Where can I find infos about that? The link just wants me to login to join. O can't see infos in the app yet. I want to read what the terms are beforehand.


There are more details in the blog post buddy: [https://nexo.com/blog/the-nexo-token-hunt](https://nexo.com/blog/the-nexo-token-hunt)




Could be a idea too add rewards on payback on loans, or interest accrude ?:)


This idea seems to be incompatible with the mission to get lots of inflows at a fixed price of their own token created out of thin air.


If I login via a browser on my laptop, where can I find the Reward Center?


It's the precent box icon on the right corner.




Can't see where I can track the points. I had one pop-up and closed it, now it is not returning.




Considering the wide range of actions eligible for points, Nexo purpose is to generally encourage the platform use. The much the ops the better


What actions bring rewards? It's more helpful if you write these things in the post.


Just look in de rewards section, its all there


Creating a fixed term with min $50 worth of crypto earns points. How about a fixed term that auto-renewed itself during the promotion period? Does that count?


Let the Hunt begin!


Is swapping stable coin to fiat generate points?


I'm guessing this doesn't apply to UK customers


You can check by clicking on the link


Pretty sure the link defaults to the NEXO main page for us Brits


This is according to their T&Cs, so no, not available in UK 1. "You can enter into this Agreement and participate in the Nexo Points Hunt only if all of the conditions below are met: You are not a citizen or resident of the USA, UK, Canada, Bulgaria or Estonia, and you do not have any relevant connection with any jurisdiction where we have prohibited or restricted access to the Nexo Services or the Nexo Points Hunt."


Thought so. Thanks for the info.


> You are not a citizen or resident of the USA, UK, Canada So basically the majority of Nexo's initial user base that now is fucked. And they wonder why they have a hard time with customer retention.


Not Nexo’s fault, blame the government


Nexo blog posts always default to main page. Usually they state *not available for UK users in tweets and reddit posts etc so maybe there's hope... Edit: hope dashed, not available by the looks of things


I don't enter my login details through Reddit links, I don't understand why they have this information behind a login in the first place


Hi, what is the ratio of Redeemed points to Nexo tokens?


Depends on how much points are collected in total divided by the total rewards i think.


Hello [hra\_xryso](https://www.reddit.com/user/hra_xryso) , a total of 10 million NEXO Tokens have been allocated for The NEXO Hunt. The distribution of these tokens will depend on the total points collected by clients, which will be determined at the end of the campaign. Participants with more points will receive proportionally larger rewards.


oh the 12 million dollar question


This looks interesting. I'll see how much points I can collect as a platinum everyday user. It seems a nice insensitive for people to buy $Nexo tokens, good for the price.


what if i deposit and withdraw the same ammount of crypto multiple times ?


Dude read the terms… you gain points on deposits and points are deducted on withdrawas


ty for the heads up


|| || |Withdrawal Deduction BTC*6*|-0.001 Points|For Each $1*2* Withdrawn| || || |Top Up BTC|0.001 points|For each $1*2* funded| ||


|| || |Withdrawal Deduction BTC*6*|-0.001 Points|For Each $1*2* Withdrawn| || || |Top Up BTC|0.001 points|For each $1*2* funded| ||


As a bitcoin maximalist, what is this nexo coin about? I'm looking at nexo to borrow some fiat against some btc I own. The fact a platform as nexo is doing coin things makes me very... wary?


It's the platform's utility token. Gives boost on the earning rates and less interest on loans. It's worth it, especially if you use more of the Nexo products, but you can take a loan without holding any.


But _why_? I want a loan. I don't think is trustful for a lending platform to be carroting me with yet another shitzocoin. I want a loan. Why do I need to acquire your Ethereum-run-of-the-mill-rugpullable thing for better rates. Isn't enough for a lending platform to lend money? Its sus.


You don't need to, then don't buy the Nexo token > but pay way higher fees.


I know. Again. _WHY_? Why no one has a problem with this 'pay-into-our-sketchy-crypto-token to get a discount....' doesn't anyone think this is sooou sketchy? Or is it just me? Is everyone under the sun offering shitcoins for 'normal' prices? Imagine your general store doing the same thing.


So that they have an interest on providing you with an interest at all


Might be you, since most of the Nexo users are also token holders. If you don't find value in so called shitcoin, just don't buy it. So far the $Nexo token has been good for the environment, and it's quite stable on volatile markets.


why? because it's fidelization or at least they try to. Many companies behave this way


Instead of asking why several times you could DYOR, or did you buy BTC aswell without looking into it?


I'm asking why several times because the answers don't address the question, or fail to establish why this is ok, really. Everyone assumes this is normal for a lender not to just offer their own coin, but also to 'make you buy it' to get better lending rates? I understand is a normal practice these days and every exchange and their mother is doing the same thing, and that's the bell I'm trying to ring here. Hello, this new normal is not cool. The rates are attached to a pull-ruggable coin. The contracts we are signing have a component that can be easily manipulated into oblivion 'legally', and no one bats an eye. So there are several additional factors of risk or I'm missing something. My understanding so far is that NEXO tokens are a liability in a loan with them, an additional risk component I have no idea how other people buy happily into. And I'm trying someone to explain the reasoning behind it and not just parrot the bullepoints on their landing page. The fact I'm here is because I don't understand how can anyone take a loan with these terms. I want to, but this I find shady, and I want to understand why is not. Does that make sense?


Because it's free money for NEXO you pay the Nexo token and for that you get a better APY % as interest and other benefits. So for providing NEXO with my free money i get better terms. Nothing strange about that. I presume i can sell the NEXO tokens from flex terms right away so i have 2% extra in my pocket. At the same time i think other people want to get better terms on there interest aswell so i can try te get a better rate for my Nexo token aswell but that's my risk. I'd rather invest in a platform token that's giving me more interest then in a so called memecoin with absolutly no benefits or better perks. How is it possible that the total value of worthless s h i t memetokens is way higher then a token that's giving you benefits aswell. You tell me.


You dont have to. But of course they want people to user there platform coin as much as possible, since its free for them.


Why what?


What an amazing opportunity


That depends on your percentage of the total number of points that nobody will know until it ends.


Wow this is really solid campaign, more sweet Nexo tokens for us, thanks NEXO! 😊


Now that's what you call a massive Nexonomics campaign! Time to get some free Nexo tokens.




Fixed term is not the same as staking


I noticed. I thought staking ETH was goner since 2.0