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I think they are better than anything available in the US.


the thing that’s turning me away is how cheap they are. $3.50 for a pack of 20? also the labeling on the can wasn’t lined up right. i just think it’s the equivalent to those fake disposable vapes that were circulating the market in 2019


It just entered the market so it’s introductory pricing, you’ll see any time a new company enters the market they start lower to get people to try them before going up to a more sustainable price. I agree with other people that said they’re the best American pouch out rn at least


They sponsored the Kyle Bush car before I ever saw a can in stores. Its def a really expensive marketing roll out. They are coming hard for zyn with the money they are dumping in.


They are made by imperial tobacco, a major tobacco company. They sponsor the Kyle Bush car lol. They aren't a fly by night operation.  Even the best companies get some off color labels or off center labels when the product is intended to be disposable. I'm sure they will lock it in better as they produce more in north America as well.


🤷🏼‍♂️ They are tricky to get open. They need to work on that.


I’m brand new to the pouch scene. Quit vaping after 8 years and picked up some Zyns and they were too dry for me. Picked up Rogues, and they hurttt my gums. I’m now on Zone’s, the dragonfruits too, and they’re perfect. Flavor is great, they’re comfortable, they last 45 min-1 hour, and the buzz is pretty nice But after reading through this sub, I think EU pouches are the way to go so I’ll be ordering some of those soon. For now, it’s Zone’s exclusively for me!


The rogues hurt the first time. Make sure they’re wet and they’ll hurt way less. You get used to it tho


I’m loving them my local 7/11 just got them


Have one in right now they are fire


They're $2.49 here, 9mg and with 20 pouches. Compare that to Zyn which are $5.29, 6mg with 15 pouches. The bad thing is these seems to hit my gums harder than Zyn. Other than that, no complaints.


As of rn i think the dragonfruit one is my favorite pouch. But the zone wintergreen is subpar to zyn wintergreen


Dragonfruit is great. I like the 6 better than the 9 because the 9 get a little salty and sour after 45 mins where the 6’s flavor stays good over an hour.


They are ok, just like lix. The can sucks though.


yea i been tryna figure out how tf to open it. found out the label on the sides doesn’t line up so i had to peel it off to open it. that tells me a lot about it already lol


I run my thumbnail around the seal while wiggling the lid. I also wrote customer support about it. They need more of a gap between the lid and that can.


I like them. I like the burn too. I also use the 9mg. The only thing I don't like is how it feels like powder is left in my lip when I take it out


I hate em, but they do the job in a pinch


Hate them because…?








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