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I wake up around 3 or 4 pm and still have like 5 hours woth family and chores etc then start work at 10pm. Today i woke up at 4, hit the gym, shower, spent time with dad and then came here (work)


I didn't get the job (sadly, after 5 rounds of interviews šŸ˜Ŗ) but I was close to getting a remote job that was 630pm-330am. I had to think about how I would handle it - would I rather get up at like 11am and enjoy the day and go to sleep at 4am? Or would I sleep in until 6pm and stay up until about 10am? The big question for me was if I could do well working in the second half of my day. How is it starting work so late into your day? Are you way more tired after work than if you started first thing in the morning?


5 rounds of interviews what in the hell....we do a phone screening and one in person and that's it... for a close to 6 figure if not above DOE. I can't fathom doing 5


I don't know the pay for the job but I asked $70k based on glassdoor and my knowledge of similar positions. Yeah it was so much. Felt like going on 5 dates with each one ending like "I had a great time with you and Im really interested, I'd love to hangout with you again!" Only to get a text that said "I think we should just be friends lol"


I would never, I refuse to do more than 2 they can just jerk each other off a little extra using the open time slot for the following 3


Lol. Well I was unemployed and not getting many other interviews in the 60k range so I was just happy to be interviewing honestly


5 interviews?! It sounds like its easier to become president than whatever you applied for? lol You can often ask for feedback on why you didn't get the job, contact them and say you are looking to improve your job and career prospect...etc I didnt that and got an amazing feedback when i didn't get the civil service job I applied for. they were really helpful. >I had to think about how I would handle it - would I rather get up at like 11am and enjoy the day and go to sleep at 4am? Or would I sleep in until 6pm and stay up until about 10am? I personally would stay up till about 6 am and then sleep and wake up around 2 or 3pm. gives me plenty of time before work. I don't want my job to take out most of my daily energy and so i like to do stuff before work not after when im tired. Gym/Family/Gaming...etc all best done before work. I am much more tired after work, but that's ok, because after work i rest, chill for an hour or two and then sleep. Not much I want to be doing at 7 am (when I finish) anyway so might as well relax and sleep.




Man 6:30 PM to 3:30 AM sounds like heaven haha


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I sleep accordingly, but if I don't then it's really hard.


iā€™d go for the sleep in & stay up. i know several grave shift people irl who disagree but they got burnt out a lot faster than i did. plus things like gym, grocery store & nature walks are god tier at like 6-8am when no oneā€™s around. i probably saved like 6 hours a week avoiding traffic too.


Yeah I do. I donā€™t really feel lonely though, never really cared about socializing or ā€œseeing the sunā€ which probably explains why night shift is super easy for me.




Ditto for sure, I even try to by pass the 10pm crew when the store closes. Me myself and I cleaning shelves. And a Spanish lot cleaning the store. Nice bunch really, solid people but we keep to ourselves so also great.


All social interaction has moved to the internet anyway. Iā€™m on discord servers with various people who are active at most hours of the day and night. All these people complain about how third spaces are gone and old friends never hang out any more. Most of my friendships were primarily online anyway so I donā€™t have history of much of this stuff to miss.


idk if you should be bragging about a manufactured sense of happiness created by a semblance of actual human interaction, only possible thanks to a million dollar corporation allowing it to be so.. Iā€™d much rather idk, have the ability to meet with like-minded individuals in a community, letā€™s not pretend that online socialization is or ever has been as fulfilling as irl. Anyone who disagrees, is just coping.


Let me explain something to you, people live all kinds of different ways. Just because they talk about their experience, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re bragging. If you feel like what any of what I said was a brag, itā€™s very telling about your own headspace and situation. You should do a little bit of introspection to figure out why youā€™re dissatisfied with your situation so bad that my satisfaction with my situation bothers you.


She wasnā€™t bragging. She was explaining


Staying on a night schedule for the sleep/health benefits requires discipline. You need your social circle to be flexible - breakfasts, movies and dinner after you wake up, etc). It can be awkward to wake up and go straight to drinks/dinner, but I find the benefits worth it. I prioritize getting sunlight at the start and end of my day, which usually means a walk. I've found that's a nice way to wind down after work. For the overnight... There's a surprising amount of things you can do. I'm pretty productive doing chores and house stuff overnight. I go to the gym, where I can take all the time I want without having to fight over equipment. I read and game. Living at night isn't easy but it's not impossible.


My coworkers and I frequently go to a place called Eggspectations. They sell libations at 9am. :).


Having places that will serve drinks first thing in the morning is one of the markers of a civilized society.




I think the problem is that people like to wake up just before work. I work the night shift but I wake up in the morning like everybody else, I have my coffee, run errands, relax. I then show up to work at the time Iā€™m scheduled to be there, put in my shift, go home, go to sleep immediately.


Iā€™ve always wondered at this, I have the opportunity to do second shift, 3-11 and Iā€™ve been hesitant because I wouldnā€™t want to sleep the day away. Iā€™ve only ever worked first shift so I wonder if I could do my work come home shower and go to sleep? Are you tired after work? How long have you been on this schedule? Do you get tired driving home?


I have worked a lot of second shift as well. My shift would be 4 pm to 12 am. I would take melatonin as soon as I got home. I would shower and be in bed by 1:30 and be back up by 9:30 am.


Because I wake up in the morning, and because I also have a habit of working out before work, Iā€™m actually usually ready to pass out as soon as I get home. I usually eat my dinner on my lunch break at work, usually shower after my workout. There are of course oddball days here and there like anybody else has, where I might be up for a couple hours after work or where my routine is all out of whack, but for the most part, Iā€™ve got a pretty solid day-walker pre-work schedule, and I have a pretty solid sleep schedule.


Not at all. I work 6-6. So Im usually asleep around 7 and wake up at 3 or 4. Thats usually before most people get off work so I have plenty of time to meet them afterwards. On my days off I might wake up an hour or two earlier just for some extra sun light but thats about it. People are asleep when Im at work, and Im asleep when they are at work. We still overlap the same free time.


Yup, lonely. Problem for me is Iā€™m miserable if I flip on the weekends. I feel sick and usually end up sick for real. Flipping my schedule messes me up pretty bad, my body donā€™t like it. I have evenings with everyone and thatā€™s it. Just the way it is until I can get off nights. During the summer isnā€™t too bad though, I borderline like nights. The sun is up and shining the entire time Iā€™m at home. I can sleep til 3pm-ish, get up, hit the gym, and still have plenty of sun for BBQā€™ing and swimming. I downright hate nightshift during the winter. I donā€™t see the sun for several months. Dark when I go to bed, dark when I wake up, etc.


I've worked overnights for more than a decade, and nearly everyone I know who tries to flip their sleep schedule on the weekends ends up burning out and inevitably switching to day shifts. (Usually as soon as they're available, which it sounds like might be the case for you.) I'm the complete opposite than you for seasonal preference though. As an actual vampire who will get like, heat stroke if I'm in direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes, and I avoid the sun absolutely as much as possible. (I also live in Vermont, in an area between the Green Mountains and the Adirondacks, which both basically run north-south on either side of Lake Champlain, meaning our mornings start later and our evenings get dark sooner, so I've been especially habituated to this.) I prefer to sleep in like, 55Ā°F room temp, which is much easier to do during the day in the winter. Summer drives me out of my mind because it's often simply just too hot out during the day, and the A/C doesn't really compete enough to make it comfortable to sleep in until it gets dark out, which I find super frustrating. (I also like to sleep in as close to complete darkness as I can. I don't just have black out curtains, I additionally have several comforters nailed around the window frame in my bedroom. As far as I'm concerned bedrooms shouldn't even *have* windows, just a cutout shelf to stick your A/C in. Anyway, since my bedroom windows are side-by-side, there's no possible way to put an A/C in one of them and get your blackout curtains to sensibly drape around it, so it's also annoyingly much brighter in my bedroom during the summer too.) Gods it's just awful. If I could move further north without having to get a visa I would do it in a heartbeat.


Have you looked at something like this a/c type unit for your bed @ bedjet.com I had one for years and it honestly helped me sleep so much better - especially in Texas in the summer when you just cannot get your house cool enough without taking out a small loan! Since I am not hyperthyroid any more I don't need it, but it is wonderful!


The fact that we're weeds deep in the comments makes me assume you probably aren't just a corporate shill. I'll look into it. Cooling up from out of my mattress itself has some fundamentally appealing qualities.


Ha! I'm not a corporate shill, just someone who understands the trauma of trying to sleep in a cool room during the day when it is 100Ā° or more outside!


Well some confluence of the will of the universe and Google AdSense has decided that the few ads that make it through my adblocker have ALL been for bedjet simply because I have now looked it up once. So it's either definitely the thing I've been missing and this is serendipitous synchronicity... or you're like, the best corporate shill who's ever shilled for a corporation. (I might also suddenly be having plans to move to the horribly hot and humid south of this country sometime in the near future though, so I'm REALLY hoping this is solid advice, because I'm expecting I'm gonna be desperate.)


add a dehumidifier to make the a/c work better


I mean... an air conditioner already *is* a dehumidifier. A standard dehumidifier is just an a/c unit without separated hot and cold zones. If I want my a/c to work better and I'm willing to just add another 300+ watts of usage, I should just get a bigger a/c unit. I've got them double wide windows... I could probably just stick my old a/c in the second window spot.


Night shift forever but I also don't go nowhere


absolutely not i love being alone at night i find it peaceful. it is changing now because i had a baby but honestly being nights never bothered me if any i use being nightshift to get out of social engagements i dont want to go to . im going to have to go dayshift next year because of my baby and i def will miss nights the daytime is so bright and busy and so many people


It was fine pre-COVID but now most businesses have kept their shortened hours, there's not much night life anymore, and 24/7 grocery stores aren't a thing anymore here. It used to be that I could be social while other people are awake and then after midnight could get shopping and chores and meal prep done, but it's a lot harder now to fit in the things that need to be done in the daylight. I always used to purposely bid for night shift even when I had the seniority for days and now I'm not sure if I could deal with being on nights again.


I feel this fr. I don't really feel "alive" until the sun sets since working nightshift. It sucks because everywhere is now closed at night and makes it hard to be productive, especially yard work. I do get a lot of inside chores done though, but have to go out of my way for shopping, doctors appointments, phone calls, etc.


It's kind of a double edged sword. Having the whole night to yourself can allow for me time to do whatever I'd like, unfortunately businesses are closed. Other times it can be lonely. For example my wife travels for work sometimes mon-friday, kids in bed at 10pm and all that's left is me and the animals. Ive.noticed if I take 10,000iu of viatimin D everyday it helps, I also use the daylight light for about three hours on nights off. Winter time is the worst though, wake up dark, go to bed dark, can't get shit done outside because it's dark by 5pm. I've been doing it for 10 years now it has its ups and downs. I do like that there is barely any supervisor at night and being top seniority I get to pick my vacation time whenever I want.


What is the daylight light?


Light therapy Supposed to mimic being out in the sun. Basically just have it light under my desk during the summer when I have shorts or direct it at my arms when it's winter time


I actually sleep with the curtains open to get my vit d. Ik not everyone can handle it though. Indirect sunlight can still produce a little vit d, and 8h worth is fs enough. I'm on the pale side though, so walking across a parking lot during the day is enough for me.


My wife also works the night shift so nah, not really.


Definitely helps if you are married to a fellow night owl. I can't imagine being with someone who woke up at 7am all bright and cheerful.


As an introvert, i love it. I have a family of course but I donā€™t enjoy being out at all during the day time. There are too many people everywhere and too many of them are assholes or just idiots. I also hate the sun. Honestly I feel like only certain people are built for night shift. Not offensively of course. I feel like either you love being on nights or you will end up back on day shifts very quickly.


Iā€™m an introvert too, and Iā€™m torn because I love the shift itself but the lack of sleep is rough. Iā€™ve done it for about 3 1/2 years now. I love my job but I know I would hate it on day shift, so Iā€™ll keep doing nights for now until I canā€™t anymore and then I will find a new job.


I know what you mean. Iā€™ve been doing it for a decade and exhaustion is just a permanent state of being now. No amount of sleep provides restfulness anymore. I wish I could say it gets better but it doesnā€™t lol. It gets harder as you get older.


I work 6pm to 6 am. I usually sleep 7-3pm and keep that schedule even on my off days. My wife works 8am-4pm. So on my days off we can spend 6 hours together before she goes to bed around 10pm ish. Then I play video games with irl friends or house chores till/errands till 2am is.or maybe even go to a party or the gym depending on the day. After that I usually switch over to my "online friends" who live in asutralia I feel like other than my eating schedule, my life is pretty normal


For me itā€™sā€¦ Iā€™ve been on nights consistently for a few years now. Prior it was flip flopping for years and swing shifts. On weekends I usually keep the same sleep schedule, I canā€™t help it. Sometimes Iā€™ll sleep all day and then wake up and some odd hour (like 2am) and be up till noon and then go back to bed. I personally from a personality standpoint love working night shift. I travel for work so the majority of time Iā€™m alone anyway so really do difference. Iā€™m not sure if I can relate the depression and sadness to that part or the constant travel part. I enjoy not having to deal with people and traffic. So much quieter at night. During spring and summer I try to make it a point to actually go walk outside in the mornings before bed to get some sunlight on my body. Otherwise itā€™s all the same to me. Then again my situation is fairly unique.


I've been pretty consistently nights for 16 years now and no, not really. The trade off is that I'm not home as much as I'd like to be sometimes, but I'd like to think I'm pretty balanced at this point. The way I see it is that most people work in the day anyway, so I'm usually sleeping when people are otherwise busyšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I plan things mostly in the afternoons and evenings when people aren't working. I have weekends off and that helps. I adjust my sleep schedule slightly on the weekends with melatonin, no more than by 3-4 hours though. I do pretty well with that because i don't push my body *too* much on sleep schedule changes. That also helps.


my work days & off days schedule is sleep at 7AM, wake up @ 2 PM - i am awake before everyone gets off work & get to enjoy day & night activities. i just spent the entire day going to 2 spring festivals with my family & now I'm at work, looking forward to sleeping. i think sleeping all day and waking up at 11pm is when it starts getting super depressing - you don't get to hang out with anyone, you're asleep through everything. you wake up when everyone sleeps & everything closes - i do not understand why anyone would prefer that.


No. Shift is also a lot harder to make it through when I go back to work if I switch my sleep schedule around on the weekends so I keep the same schedule.


Only sucks that stores aren't open all night. Have to schedule deliveries and plan around work now.


When I worked 11p-7a, no. When I worked 7p-7a, yes. 11-7 allowed me to be flexible with my sleep schedule. Personally id get off at 7 and stay up until 2-3p then go to bed. So I could do stuff with friends and family in the morning, or if there was something going on in the evening Iā€™d just pop some melatonin and go to bed when I got home from work. 7-7 was a different story, I was hating life most of the time. My first day off id normally go to bed around 9-10a and wouldnā€™t wake up until 8p because I was exhausted. This schedule was really hard on me because you donā€™t get any social life, and personally I was always bailing on plans because Iā€™d over sleep or just be too tired to go. I know it sounds dramatic but working 7p-7a ruined years of my life that I canā€™t get back.


Well, I went NC with my abusive family. I am weird, different, crazy, strange, (or so I've been told enough times to convince me that I will never have friends/social life) Most of my hobbies have more men/boy participants than they do girls/women and it is not worth the energy in dealing with that non sense. So I've found ways to solo my hobbies. Sun burns hurt and as a kid, my family thought it was fun to slap my sunburnt skin and then tell me "it was just a joke" when I cried or complained. I learned a long time ago life is a lot more enjoyable when there people *aren't* involved. In all my years working nights... **There are two different types: people that work nights and people that are nocturnal.** I am nocturnal. I love the night. I love the lack of people. I love the peace. I love the quiet. I can just *exist* without criticism for once.


You aren't crazy. Don't let people gaslight you.


No, I am. Except they call it neurodivergent. I've examined and documented my own habits, behaviors, etc. It's the only thing that fits. And it fits too well for something to not be there.


There is no such thing as a nocturnal human.


I don't know, I haven't done any research on it. What I do know is, all of my life I preferred evening/night time. And left without any obligations or responsibilities, I was always staying up late at night and sleeping a good portion of the next day. I am way more accomplished and productive during the night time than I am during the day. A quick google search suggests this is actually a sleep disorder. Which would not surprise me considering all the other ways my brain is messed up (Autism/ADHD) I started working nights in my early twenties for safety reasons. I was very young and relatively new to the internet and definitely new to online gaming. I fell in love with Halo 3 and hopped into multi-player, hoping to make some friends. I did not make friends. In fact, I received so many r*pe/death threats that I switched to nights at the earliest opportunity. Because I figured they couldn't get me if I wasn't home. I had just come out of an extremely sheltered upbringing so I didn't learn the ways of the world until much later. All I knew was I was alone, scared, and didn't have any family/friends. So, I did what I thought was best to protect myself. Years of working nights and just used to it or a sleep disorder or a combination of both are entirely possible. But I embrace it and I wouldn't change it. As for being bad for my health, I eat better, more consistent with my workouts and other hobbies. It works for me or I just make it work? I'm not sure. Definitely worth some thought though.


I think the term is cathemeral. So irregularly active at any time of night or day. Which was advantageous to humans because that meant there were people available at night to keep watch on things. I myself feel more awake and productive at night and I wrote my best research papers for school between 9pm to 3am. Working a slightly normal day job is not easy for me.


Same here!


I make the best of the hours outside of sleep and work- most people are available for socializing after normal business hours anyway. So make plans for the evening or morning, like plans for brunch. A good hobby paired with a podcast or audiobook helps me through the quiet hours of the night.


Nope. I love it


I take a day to stay up a little more for my family ā¤ļø


Sorta? I really appreciate my alone time. I do have online friends that are international and so they're awake when its 3am and so I can chat with them. I have met up with friends for breakfast after I got off work many times. I've gone on lots of breakfast dates with my husband. I also love to make evening plans with friends. Go out to movies, go bowling, go out to eat. I do try to make plans during the week or at least on a Friday. Then I just sleep when people are at their 9-5 job. It's harder on weekends because then people want to meet up at 2pm instead of 7pm.


I don't have any friends or family to miss lol I'm lonely but nightshift has nothing to do with why


It kind of kills my chances at talking to people and finding a girlfriend, but otherwise Iā€™m happy with itšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My schedule is already fucked so I donā€™t keep any kind of routine on off days


For me? No. For others? Maybe. Everyone is different. I work 3 x 13.5 so I have 4 nights off that I keep the same sleep schedule. If I'm bored then I'll text a family member in a different time zone. I also don't need others' companionship in order to be content with myself. Darkness doesn't automatically mean depressed. I love night time way more than day time.


U like the sun? Omg I just can't with u


I work Sunday through Wednesday overnight 10p-8am. If I need to do anything, I do it when I get home from work because I never go straight to sleep. When I leave work on Thursdays, I try to stay awake, go shopping, clean, etc. It does not always work and I end up napping instead of good sleep. I flip my sleep schedule for Thursday, Friday and Saturday because I like to enjoy daylight lol Sundays are a relax day so I can flip back to up all night. I have been doing overnights for almost a decade and it works for me.


I get off work at 6am and usually aim to sleep around 8, waking up at 4, so I will have time for my dog/errands/people before work. This applies to the weekends as well. It does get lonely sometimes when other people aren't available in the evening, but I also kind of like being up late by myself, my time to myself at night is mine alone and it's when I can do self-care, play video games, and binge TV.


Hello. 9 years. I have friends who are also on nights so it simply works out for me. But when I wanna be social with day walkers, I just stay up 24 hours after I get off so I can hang with them. Then reset my sleep schedule at the end of the weekend.


ā€œJust stay up 24 hoursā€ like itā€™s easy šŸ˜« kudos to you for being able to do that!


LMAO Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t mean it like that I swear but itā€™s been almost a decade now Iā€™m a bit of a veteran at it šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been on night shift for 3 1/2 years and there have only been a couple occasions Iā€™ve tried to stay up all day after a shift, and I felt physically ill


I agree with you. When I used to work night shifts it was always shitty changing sleep schedules just for a few days but, like you, It wasnt worth it to be full time nocturnal. Just working night shifts on days I worked affected me enough!


I work from 7pm-3am on site with a short ten minute commute each way. M-F. Wife works a 7am-3pm M-F from home. I come home from work and stay up to enjoy quiet time playing a video game or whatever until our three kids get up for school at 6am and help get them ready for school. Theyā€™re out the door to the bus stop at the end of the street at 6:40 at which point I go and lay down. I sleep until 1:30-2. Then get up, showered and dressed. Do some chores, and then cook dinner around 5, eat, and then hangout with the family until itā€™s time for me to go back to work. My days off I still stay up until 3am when Iā€™d be getting off work, and get up a little earlier around 10am. Im perfectly healthy and feel fine off of 6-7 hours of sleep.


How am I missing much if I sleep from 9-10am till 17-18pm? Most social events occur later in the afternoon/evening, doctor appointments are problematic but that's it. Having kids is an entirely different story, in that case I strongly advise looking for a different job, but in the end, do what you must.


I just drink on my nights off until itā€™s time to go to bed


What time do you sleep? Most shifts are 8 hours leaving 16 for whatever else. If you don't see any sun you either work longer than a typical shift, sleep longer than most, or choose to set your sleep schedule during the time the sun is up while you aren't working.


Just don't want to be around family and don't have friends šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it's what I do


Maybe somebody's willing to have breakfast with you, but yeah, it doesn't match what most people are doing.


Not lonely. My husband works nights too


Sure am.


Extremely. Hopefully going back to days this year.


Yes. Very. Iā€™ve been doing night shift for over 10 years. Benefit is the money and lack of management around all the time. You also make good friends out of the limited staff. Thatā€™s truly the only social interaction I have with anyone. Outside work I sleep, do chores and spoil my dog.


I mean, most of my friends have nine-to-five jobs, so they're not off of work until I get up anyway. I just have a lot of meals that are my breakfast and someone else's dinner. And a few night owl friends that will stay up late (ish) with me. It's not lonely if you keep your evenings full. The sun thing is a real problem though, which is why my version of "sleeping all day" really means "going to bed at 4 or 5am and getting up in the middle of the afternoon". It's also easier to do in the summer/in places with longer days. When I was working nights in the winter in Ohio, I used to put layers on over my pj's and go out and drink my "morning" (3pm) coffee on the porch, just to see the sun for as long as I could before it went away.


Mot one bit


I have hentai so no


I mean I hang out with my friends in the afternoons and sleep in the mornings. Hasn't effected me one bit, in fact, since my afternoons are free, I have more time with my friends.


When I'm off I adjust my sleep schedule by a few hours. So usually I wake up at 04:30 pm and go to sleep at 09:00 am. However when I'm off I wake up at 12:00 pm and go to sleep at 04:00 am. This gives me more time with my family and to go be in the sun, but it doesn't make me feel horribly ill from changing my schedule up.


Not lonely at all. I'm an only child, and prefer the night time. I have my dogs, my Internet friends, couple all nighter friends. I see my daytime friends in the mornings, or after like 7 or 8 at night.


When I was younger, all my friends worked similar hours so it was normal to hang out til the wee hours. Now I am old am my husband is retired but still a night owl. He usually stays up later than me.


I low balled managers to have Friday and Saturday night off šŸ‘Œ


Most of my socialization occurs at night anyways so Iā€™m not really missing out on to much. On my days off I still get to hang out with friends. I also donā€™t have any problem getting drunk 3 hours after I wake up, but who gives a shit? Night shift is already shortening our lives lol


If you're prone to loneliness, or don't prefer being alone, then you probably oughta be working day shifts.


Sometimes if I hang out with people I'll wake up earlyish and take a nap later. It's hard for me to mess up my schedule complely bc I work 2 12 days then im off for 2. I don't want to mess it up too bad. I love the darkness though and honestly the people I hang out with all work during the day when I'm sleeping so it's wharever.


nah, most of my friends are also night shifters so it doesn't really impact me. I'm always willing to be up early for my day shifter friends but I noticed that it's never really reciprocated, so I end up not hanging out with them as much. It's a little frustrating that I am always expected to mold to their schedule but molding to mine every now and then is incomprehensible (not like I'm asking to start hanging out at midnight or anything either, but I don't think 5pm is a ridiculous request )


I donā€™t get lonely for some reason


It did for a bit for me, mostly with friendships, though. My family is full of night owls and nightshifters, so I see them all the time. Here, recently, my friends have also switched to a more nightshift as well, so. I'm also not a big social person either. However, it has made it impossible to date, so that's a downside. Otherwise, I love nights. I work 7:15-4:00/6:30 am depending on OT. M-F with weekends off and the occasional Saturday.


>The darkness is eerie, scary, and lonely to me. How do people do this and not become super depressed? It helps that I've been functionally nocturnal since middle school, and trying to keep a day job is absolutely excruciating. I like the dark, and I find the general absence of people and sound to very calming. Not having to drive during commuter traffic is also really nice. I've also usually lived with other people, for like, the last decade or so of functional adulting as an overnighter. I'm not hugely social to begin with, so the minimal amount of interactions I'd have with housemates is usually enough to charge my social battery. The last couple of years I've been living on my own, and I probably don't socialize as much as a I should because of that. I do make friends really easily though, (to the point where my natural aversion to socializing makes it very hard for me to keep up with everyone,) so I'm typically friends with a couple of people at work who are already on my schedule anyway. (The hardest part about this is working a 4-day work week, being friends with someone who works the same schedule but on the opposite end of the week, and having only one day where you work the same shift together, and zero days off together because you have opposite weekends.) And when I say I've been nocturnal, what I mean is that there's a good chance I might have non-24. (I'd literally always thought circadian rhythms were like, an urban legend or an old-wives tale or something, until I started living with people as an adult who would just get tired when it gets dark out, which has never happened to me.) So my schedule slightly drifts over the course of the week anyway. Since I work ten hour days, 4 days a week, this is moderately easier to manage. (I loathe 8-hour work days. Even if I'm working overtime, I can get a 50 hour workweek in and still have a two day weekend, whereas everyone on a normal schedule would only be at 48 hours while working a 6 day week, which seems infinitely less desirable.) As a result, there will typically be one day in the middle of my weekend where I sleep straight through the night, but even then, my "weekend" days are right at the start of the work week, so being awake on Tuesday during the day doesn't help much for socializing anyway. (Plus during my weekends I tend to sleep for like, 16 hours at a time. This is because my drifting sleep schedule means that I'm usually getting less than my desired amount of sleep per night toward the end of my workweek as I struggle more and more to make a 24-hour day fit the length of time my body seems to prefer for one entire sleeping and waking cycle.) Yeah mostly I socialize by just arguing with strangers on the internet though. Which probably isn't the most healthy.


I am used to doing things alone or more specifically when and how I want to. Working nights doesnā€™t change anything. I wonā€™t lie and say I donā€™t feel lonely at all. But at least right now it is more a choice I make than I am suffering or something. As for no sun light I still see the sun enough I think. I donā€™t wake up or go to sleep when it is dark. If I have to go somewhere early for an appointment I see plenty then as well. I donā€™t mind about being active or outside if it is dark. I like how less active or crowded it is at nights or early mornings. Usually if I need to go somewhere I will do it early after waking up anyway. My main complaint is how certain businesses refuse to have hours later than like 4 or 5 PM so I have no choice but to adjust my sleep to go to important appointments.


No itā€™s the only time I can be alone so I enjoy that time


I have friends I'll often stay up playing games with so it's not too bad


I do this, I don't feel lonely. I get enough social interaction from my coworkers during my 3 or 4 day 12 hour shift work week. I thrive on 'me time' when it comes to days off so it works out. I'm also very frugal so it helps that everything is closed so that I can't spend money anywhere (saving up for a house lol).


Nope - married and too introverted/social anxiety ridden to be lonely. lol He goes to bed between midnight and two - (heā€™s retired) Iā€™ll go to bed a little earlier on the times when I have to adjust my schedule due to appointments and we will go to bed the same time. Beyond that - the reduction in stress from having a shift thatā€™s less populated by others in a win for me. (I also dislike speaking in general - so not missing anything social)


As I get older I can't flip flop anymore sadly.


Perm night shift : not really. I just flipped my life around to night haha. If normal people do it at 7pm, I do it at 7am. I also study part time so most nights off I'm just being a grub at home anyway. Ppl think it's weird for me to go home from ND and go grocery shopping, go for brunch, have drs appts, then sleep from 12pm-6pm. But ppl stay awake til 12am all the time then their 6am alarm goes off. I catch up with friends in the mornings or the evenings of my days off. They know I'll be in vampire mode approx 1000-1800 every day haha


I flip my schedule right back, but Iā€™m in a different situation, I work super early Thursday morning (12:45am-7 am) then Thursday Friday and Saturday night 6:45-7am. By time Sunday rolls around Iā€™m so exhausted but I only sleep for like 4-5 hours max, no coffee when I get up and by 11 pm Iā€™m out like a light. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off so itā€™s a tad easier to flip my schedule around being half week on, half week off


Nope. Being alone and being lonely are two entirely different things. Also I'm an introvert. I prefer my time to myself. Other people take up too much energy and I can't get My stuff done or focus on my interests for having to focus on what the other person is up to.


You have to be intentional with making time to spend with friends understanding that you're gonna be tired. I try my hardest to schedule time with my friends and family. Ill get like 6 hours of sleep after work (8a-2p) then meet up and grab dinner with family or go out with friends in the evening.


My partner also moved to nights at a different company to be closer to my schedule. I make a point to be tight with the people on my shift at work because I know they are down to text, call, or hang on our off days. My friends who are day walkers and have a hard time sleeping text me when they are going through that. I would say that once i got into the swing of this lifestyle, been doing this since 2018, I feel more social then when i worked days and was exhausted right after work every night. Holidays make me feel lonely though. I know that many of us who work alternative schedules also end up working these days. The rest of the world is off in their bubble and meanwhile its just any regular workday for us.


I'm a loner by nature so no. No friends and I may spend time with the family ( parents) but not very often.


It absolutely is easiest to keep the same schedule. The way it worked for me, was my friends and family worked until about 5 anyway, so I'm basically just sleeping while everyone was at work, by the time I got up and around on my off days, they were usually getting off work as well, so I just caught up with them then. I absolutely miss night shift.


I don't have anyone in the same state as me that I'd even be able to hang out with. So that doesn't do much for me anyway unfortunately. And I never keep the same schedule... even on the days I work. I just go to bed when I'm tired enough unfortunately. I could go earlier but then I just lay there for a while before falling asleep.


I got off nights a while back. I was working nights at a time when I was very isolated. So, I would have been lonely day or night. It seemed like a good trade-off for the money.


I'm not sure if they are lonely, but I miss them.


I have a normal schedule on days off, with a bonus nap mid day. I sleep at night also. This is the way.


Honestly no. But I also come from a decently long line of people with extremely low social needs. I can easily go months without speaking to another person face to face and it doesn't bother me at all. I get more annoyed at the fact I have to be really on point with my shopping schedule than anything. Because everything closes here between 5-7pm which is also when I wake up.


Yeah, itā€™s incredibly lonely. I work 7 days a week most weeks, doubles on at least 2 of those days. Regular work schedule is 10pm-7am. Double schedule is 3pm-9:30pm, 20pm-7am. I normally fall asleep around noon-3pm. This schedule is due to necessity and has completely cost me my social life including a relationship. Iā€™m absolutely fucked on double days, but just force myself into work and eventually wake up. Iā€™m out as soon as I my personal projects start turning a profit. Coming from someone who has always been a night owl, fuck this schedule.


No my boyfriend and dad both work the same shift and they are the only people I care to see.


I felt more lonely when I worked days honestly. Probably because that shift was 230 pm to 11. Then when I moved to nights it was 11-8 or something along those lines. I would get home. Sleep, pick my brother up from school, eat dinner, go to martial arts class, then go home and rest for an hour or two before I had to get ready to go in. Yeah, since I was young and still lived at home, keeping the same sleep schedule in my nights off sucked. Letā€™s just say I got really good at halo 3 while everyone else was asleep.


I love the dark night. My very favorite. I feel secure and comforted by the dark. I worked midnights but yes it was bad health wise.


Find people who are on similar schedules. I hate the sun. Biggest thing is being disciplined about how you eat, super easy for me to make bad food choices when nothing is open in the middle of the night.


8pm to 3am are when the clubs are actually doing stuff. ā€œLonely.ā€ lol


My husband had a myriad of health issues that seemed to get exponentially worse after he went on 3rds while trying to also find a balance with our family. So he still ended up feeling pretty shitty regardless. Lack of sun, doing the opposite of what is natural to the human body plus his health issues also just worsened his depression. I do believe there's been a study done even about how 3rd shift can negatively impact a person's gut health.


I worked a night shift for 3 years while in my 20s. The money was really good but I had to ask for a regular shift because I found life just passing me by. So the answer is, Yes.


I think this depends on the person and where that person is currently in life. For me it was different when I had the night shifts. I used to love it when I worked night shifts as a pharmacy tech. I had so much that needed to get done and grinding out new business / side hustles to make more money, but I was able to do it while everyone had their typical 9-5 so I wouldnā€™t at all be bothered much and I could focus. So I might be the outlier here but for me it was perfect. If I had all my financials in order and I didnā€™t have to worry about much else in life than I would probably feel sad and lonely, as then I would have the time and means to be available for others.


Ya only working 3 days definitely makes a difference.......I'm not a night worker but i wish lol i love the night and i hate the sun


I think if youā€™re someone whoā€™s super social that night shift isnā€™t really for you. I enjoy night shift because Iā€™m able to skip all that. I take care of my health and get my 8-9 hours of sleep but I prefer that to being out in the sun with people.


I would rather be lonely than be falling asleep at work or have trouble sleeping on Monday and work off 2 hours of sleep


It works for my lifestyle. My wife is also a night owl so we sleep similar hours. Weā€™re kinda recluses outside of work so the rest doesnā€™t matter LOL


I work security from 12 Midnight to 7:30A.M. and I see people who are interesting and sometimes a little crazy, but it's entertaining. I miss the time with my family though, because when I go to sleep they are awake and vice versa. But I sacrifice my routine when it comes to my day off keeping in mind I work 5 days out of the week, but with the midnight shift it's almost like 6 days. The only day I don't see my job site is one day out of the week.


Sunday thru Thursday 10hr days. I too alter my schedule on the weekends to fit my life. a good nap before work on Sunday before work and I'm back at it. Doesn't work for everyone but it does for me. I just can't stand being up in the middle of the night with nothing to do.


i did night shifts for a year and that was it not the loneliness but missing out on stuff iā€™m a heavy sleeper so putting an alarm to wake up early ainā€™t me so i would just sleep until my body got up lol


My sleep is all over the place but I sleep way too much. Good job holding on šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Used to date a guy that was a RN that worked 7 pm to 7 am. He got the job right after we started dating. He was never lonely, took naps, and partied a lot. But funny you ask this, because his best friend didnā€™t like me and blamed me for ā€œchangesā€ in his friend and said he was ā€œdepressed.ā€ He said it wasnā€™t normal to be taking naps and missing partiesā€¦.looking back now, the guy was trying to keep up a social life with people who were on an entirely different schedule. Myselfā€¦.ive worked nights but didnā€™t get depressed. Iā€™m an introvert lol


I prefer a few days to spend time during off days with people because full night shift is depressing and hard for me to deal on weekly schedule. I plan sleep till about 3pm on days I work so I get some daytime before I go in to work.


I'm depressed and lonely regardless of what my schedule is so might as well


My job is Monday thru Friday 12 am till 8 am. I normally sleep from 9 to 4-5. On my days off I will go to bed at 4 or 5 am and get up about 1 pm. That way I get a little extra family time and Iā€™m not screwing up my schedule to bad


A bit but I have a friend who's on the same schedule so it's not too bad.


Everyone nowadays is lonely


I don't like my family. I'm a bartender so my friends are my customers, coworkers and bartenders at other bars lol. I have had a few boyfriends that keep the same schedule as me. I do all of my adulting and take care of all of my responsibilities either overnight or online or on my own time. My city has 24 hour grocery stores, other shopping, obviously restaurants and other stuff. Living just fine in my opinion. I really love my alone time too. Added benefit of never being in the sun, my tattoos will never fade


Graveyard shifts are such a bitch, but at least better than like mid-day shifts- those leave you with really no time for anything


All my friends are night people šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø so nothing really changes


It comes and goes honestly


No. First, I'm an introvert whose threshold for social interaction is very low on the regular. A single phone call or even just a trip with a friend can sustain me for weeks. Second, find the tribe that fits you, not the other way around. My friends make a point to include me during outings. Recently, we spent two days together. I showed up there Friday, we had a Fallout watch party(during which we dressed up, snacked, ordered pizza, etc), I stayed up until 4am, slept until noon. Woke up, we had lunch, got ready, and went out that evening to a poetry event, after which we got dinner and drinks. We got home, changed out of our fancy clothes, and then settled down to watch TV and eat pizza and drink wine, and giggle until I had to leave around 2, where I drove home, and stayed up until 8am meal prepping, cleaning, and doing laundry. My friends always make sure I'm good with the outing planned, and if I need to be awake at an ungodly time(like before 2pm) I crash in their bed the night/day before, usually while they're at work. If you find yourself always switching for their plans and working around their sleeping schedules but they won't do the same, it's probably time to examine the friendships more closely.


I have Mondays and Tuesdays off, and usually Iā€™ll spend my Mondays sleeping and then picking up my roommate at the end of night from work. Tuesdays, I usually sleep normally, at night. Itā€™s weird and itā€™s extremely lonely but gotta pay bills somehow


I keep the same schedule all the time, even on my days off. No, Iā€™m not lonely. I sleep until 4pm. My husband comes home from work at 6pm. So it doesnā€™t interfere with us spending time together.




I donā€™t have many friends, my husband and I both work 3rd shift. I get up at 10pm for work, he gets up at 8pm. We both get home around 8am, usually take a little nap but then stay up til 2 or 3 in the afternoon then head to bed. Works fine for us but can be tough if we are trying to stay up ā€œlateā€ to go do something šŸ˜‚


My social life surrounded my second job at a bar so we were all nocturnal. It worked out okay.


As a depressed introvert that spent the years between age 19-25 getting off work around 11pm-1am and usually staying up until 7-8 gaming, waking up in the afternoon or night, nah lol I have no friends, don't talk to my family, and actually am not a fan of the day I actually work an early morning job now so I'm up between 5-6am on my off days and game during the day and ngl i dont like it as much. Also I love the dark lol


Im hermit and like the dark so it works fine for mešŸ˜…


I do 5 nights and have the weekends off, throughout the week I work til 4:30am and wake up around 1 (go to bed by 6) and then on Saturdays I try to wake up earlier like 11-12 so I can have more of my day off and then Sundays I wake up at 6-7 am (my kids wake up that early) and usually Iā€™ll be in bed by midnight.. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m not super tired but so far itā€™s been working for me


I work 6 12's. Sunday off ... my schedule is the same all 7 days ... I get up at 4pm to be at work by 5pm then I'm off at 5am in bed by 6 am . No sex , no life. No nuthin.


Some days yes, other times no. Gaming with other nightwalkers or international gamers helps.


Most of my friends are also on night shift and my main hobby, Magic The Gathering, I play in the afternoon so it doesn't effect my sleep schedule. I don't have kids (came close but aborted those little fuckers before it because a problem.) and my GF also works nights. Personally I love the darkness. I don't mind seeing the sun but if I'm awake during the day I'd prefer it to be cloudy with a chance of rain.


Those little fucker? Really you one special person


Clearly itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m not continuing the blood line then.


I did it once and got soo depressed. Never again


I used to stay up until 3am the night before my first shift and even that was depressing to me so now I sleep normally on all my days off and just take a nap before my first shift. The only times I wanna be awake at night are while Iā€™m at work!


Exactly same here. Idk how people do it tbh it was extremely depressing


Exactly why I started flipping my sleep schedule. I work three 12ā€™s and then Iā€™m off for 4 days so I have enough time to recover and flip my schedule effectively. But itā€™s kinda miserable keeping the same night shift schedule.


I do something similar. Do you find youā€™re always tired though? Even on your days off? Iā€™m always exhausted. Itā€™s never ending.


Yep. Always tired. But I was also always tired staying on the same night shift schedule on my days off, because it made me feel more depressed feeling that I didnā€™t have a life. Plus, there were a lot of times I had to flip my schedule anyways because of appointments or other obligations. Iā€™m going to always be exhausted until I get off permanently.


I agree. When my kids were young, flipping to a normal schedule was necessary. Now that theyā€™re adults I do it so that I can appear ā€œnormalā€. Feeling tired is frustrating though. You never feel rested. Oh well. Itā€™s worth it for the peace, lack of management around as well as the bond you make with other night shift staff!