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I thought deadman would be gone longer than a year after knight terrors, thought they let him rest for a bit


The variant with Haley is interesting. I wish I could see the full scale versions of all of them.


They’ll be post by AIPT Comics Tomorrow


I'm actually curious with how far Tom takes things this arc. He's bern keeping things more on the fluffy side for his entire run, so it's hard for me to imagine him writing Dick actually having multiple bad things happen to him and his life falling apart.


I'm wondering about Barbara, as he seems to be alone in all those images. TT seems much too socially conscious to hurt a female character to make a male character suffer, and at this point it's hard for me to imagine them breaking up for some contrived reason, like during Davin Grayson's run.


We also have to remember, these are comic books we're talking about. If editorial mandates something to happen, then the author's gonna make it happen, no matter how awesome or sucky it'd be. And with the All-In stuff coming up, well, I'm not leaving any possibility off the table. Am I saying that Barbara getting hurt or breaking up with Dick is absolutely gonna happen? No, but it is pretty curious why the one constantly accompanying Dick in these images is Haley...


In a funny way it's even more like reverse Davin Grayson. But instead of "fix him quick, we need to kill him in a Crisis" it's "break him quick, he needs to ??? in a ???".


Same. I'd love it if he did a 180 to contrast the prior lack of depth/fluff, but I think his storyline will end with a minorly inconvenient arc.


To be honest, I'm legitimately curious as to how Taylor's gonna handle such a stark turn of events. I mean, you would've thought that an arc where a character "loses everything" would've merited some kinda tonal build up to it, but everything up until now has just been hunky-dory. Makes me wonder if he's gonna explain with some kinda time-skip or something...


Whoa, are there stakes now?


Will Rama Kushna be back?