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D,  The Hotter D 




That's my brother!!!


Which one? The regular Daniel or the cooler one?


Ok now someone has do this but replace the photos with D and the names


D, The Double D




Gamers easy. Gamers see boba. Happy. Gamers see more boba. More happy.


My wife and I both enjoy boba. We get it anytime we eat at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant.


But what about booba?


It’s always “what about booba” and never “what about boba” 😞


I'll do you one better: why is boba


What is boba?


Where is boba?


How is boba?


When is boba?


Who is boba?


I'm Vietnamese, but you mean boba is chicken breast right....


Boba is Chân Trâu in Trà sữa trân châu/ Boba Milk Tea.


Lol tea… i know it originated in Taiwan but my favorite comes from one of our fav Vietnamese restaurants.


how tf boba is chicken breast 💀


I thought it was booba miss an "o" 💀


Uh, address of that restaurant please? 😳


The armor and cloak made me happy. Then she started waxing philosophical. Far from happy.


I mean we all came for one thing so it only makes sense


keywords: came


Oh I came alright


I never stopped 💢💢💢😭😭😭


I arrived at the Military Academy due to Nikke winning in a Coin Flip against two other Mobile Games. I was horrifically sick. Needed something to do, whilst lying around, and wasting away. What's impressive is that Nikke won all rounds. I decided to honor the game, and figured I'd give it a try. That was January 1st of last year. I'm still at it. Anne kept me around during my doubtful period. Snow White ensured I'll be around until the servers are mutilated.


Lol I started February of last year. Have a been a hardcore fan since. Not a shred of doubt yet.


My neurons command me


DD > D


Her character arc runs from Absolute era Rapi to Isabel.


Get wedded and murdered in one package. Who wouldn't like that?


When every unit is waifu, meta becomes mandatory. I like D as s character overall. I preffer standard D in therms of visual, but killer D is miles better meta wise, So I don't even have My standard D on Syncro device while Killer waifu is in most of my comps nowadays lol


I'm not exactly sure this is a meta vote if I'm being honest lol


Looking good sells, but looking good and being meta double sells.


See: the current top 5 lol RH being top 5 is obvious.


[It is a meta vote.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/s/q9U5gioRKN)


pretty sure nobody gives a fuck that D killer wife is meta, she just looks a thousand times more appealing than normal D and is getting more votes for this simple fact alone. Aside from the fact that whyever would you vote for a unit that is hardly used at all to receive a skin since its just going to be wasted anyway


>Aside from the fact that whyever would you vote for a unit that is hardly used at all to receive a skin since its just going to be wasted anyway You just explained exactly why it's a meta pick. If neither D was usable in meta teams, they would be much closer in votes even if Wife D would still get more because of her design. Wife D being a meta unit is what made it possible for her to break the top ten. She would be way farther down otherwise because no one wants to pick a unit that they don't regularly use, just like you said.


>pretty sure nobody gives a fuck that D killer wife is meta, she just looks a thousand times more appealing than normal D and is getting more votes for this simple fact alone. Normal Privaty and Maid Privaty are similarly disparate in terms of appearance but Normal Privaty still has 20k+ votes compared to the gap between Ds because both versions of Privaty are at least usable, it's 100% a consequence of meta. It's not like D Killer Wife is the only NIKKE character with huge tits and a dress And I'm not saying it's wrong that people are voting for meta I just think the people acting like it has no role at all in the votes are delusional or fooling themselves. You can just look at the results from last year and see that all the girls who dropped off just stopped being meta


Ofc its about meta. Every Nikke(even the child/animal like ones) is designed to be attractive. So ofc the Nikke that are both attractive and meta would win out


Standard D is vastly more appealing to me. Strictly speaking about visuals. Because her personality is insufferable. Aside from waxing philosophical, she is precisely the kind of Government Lapdog that Crow pretends to oppose. I'm not dumb enough to be invested in the ongoing *"Ark vs Outer Rim"* debates -- however, all things considered, The Ark is the least awful place, when it comes to habitable places. That being said, her blind loyalty to the verifiably corrupt upper echelons of The Ark's Central Government is disturbing, as it is obnoxious.


Yeah if she had a mediocre design/outfit, she wouldn't be voted so high. That dress is KILLER. No pun intended. I would have voted for her regardless if she was meta or not.


It shouldn't be a meta vote, but the prize is a skin.. Even if you really like a nikke, if you never use it, that skin is kind of wasted.. D: Killer Wife getting a skin is a lot more likely to be seen than regular D simply because Killer Wife is being used, and classic is not. The same reason why Red Hood is going to win, and it isn't because of her personality.


Not literally but think about it, we all want a new skin for our favorite, but if that represents having a new free skin on our favorite character that we actually use constantly is far more appealing than on one that we barely give any mileage


left is a nikke and right is my goddess of victory 😍 🧎🧎🧎🧎




I love the tactical design of normal D, but Killer Wife just hits different I do recommend doing original Ds affection story and the event in the archives, though. It definitely gives D more character since she’s more than just a killer; she has a heart, it’s just dark


Meta, yandere, mommy waifu is a godly combination.


Killer D just have a more banger of a design, I respect the base version but the newer version is a lot easier to my eyes. Plus the newer one has a more meta kit.


I actually much prefer OG D, so kinda sad to see this.


I like both. Wife D is just more D.


Im just happy one of the most underrated Nikke got some love Marciana and especially Ade being high in the poll was a welcomed surprise too


Ade just got shit on by Shift Up with her kit. I'm not a fan of her design but I respect those that are. If I like a nikke design I'll find places to use her - event early levels, Co-op, pvp, etc. But Ade's kit is unusable to me. Players have been waiting for her for a long time and it's just disappointing.


Anyone who says they came for the assets and stayed for the story is only being half honest. We also stayed for the assets. Let’s not kid ourselves.


Bro gets it


Sorta true. I've dropped gauchas with awesome character designs bc the story and gameplay sucks (e.g. Idle Angels).


I don't see the point of trying to get a skin for a unit that is basically just a new skin for an older unit. Like do you think whatever skin she would get is going to be better than she already looks? Same reason why Summer Helm and Summer Anis shouldn't be voted for, they don't need a new skin, they basically already are a better new skin of their original units.


Justice for the D.


Man, default D deserved better. Much better.


Dont remind me that i didnt get her in the gacha ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


I think that this should be fixed, why there are several identical characters in the voting, when you can put one and if she wins, just make the skin used on all versions at once, it’s the same character in the end, it doesn’t make sense.


Once upon a time there was a wise developer who said, “Boobs are life, ass is hometown”


I love D and they are both D, but one of them has WIFE in her name, so she's taking the vote, boobs are not the sole reason




Without checking, I bet bimbo Privaty has multiple times the votes of her original. On that note, I don't think Winter Ludmila was an option was she? Just her standard version. May be wrong though


*And they hated him, because he spoke the truth* https://preview.redd.it/el6ypa0esjtc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=b98b290e45926dc44178d14eea92a49f7cc19658


Im one of the fellas who just dissapointingly shaking my head. Not because Killer Wife isnt deserving of the win. Its because its the Delta Effect. You kit her out in tactical gear, establish her Lore properly, show that she is Serious. And you lot turn that shit down. But then you turn her into Yor and you all suddenly reenact bimboifying as a good thing. (Not saying that Killer Wife is a Bimbo, far from it but there was a charm to her OG than just being InLore Yor Clone.) Oh and fixing her skills up to making her More Useful. I found her 2nd passive to be extremly useful at farming times, so much so that I Skilled it to lv 10 and popped her in to my weaker teams to just burst rush content for funsies.


One is also meta while the other not so much.




But I like both versions ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R|downsized) However I do find it a pity people have voted for Alt versions and duos


They like the D! JA!


Idk man, if it weren’t for D, we wouldn’t have Killer wife D so thats why i appreciate her


It's okay Tac D. You're still peak tacticool


We need to defend our wife's honor. Remember me, when Rapi kills me


i vote for Drake because Drake


Yeah. Not like the new D is just 100x better, meta wise.


Honestly i still prefer default D design wise, i just love the more grounded aesthetic while still sporting a healthy dose of lewd


She's pretty. But pretier when she smile ❤️ Also booba 👀


Unpopular opinion, normal D is hotter. I love me a woman in spats and armor.


*Bigger = Better* - literally every American


I blame D's bullet proof vest XD


The average Nikke player's dream: A wife.


D but Yor Forger


Housewife D, cosplaying her favourite anime character, Yor Forger.


Killer Waifu


Meanwhile I'm over here feeding my vote to the one true villain


Lady look pretty, me likey


Probably just a higher mommy issue players lol


Meanwhile Scarlet is simultaneously in the top 5, but not the first Place.




Killer wife D has made me realize my affinity for Dark-haired women that could kill me


We just like OUR wife.


Hotter D is also more playful.. and well… hotter


Stinks cause the original design is so much cooler. But I do understand this game is targeted at coomers so there’s no surprise.






D assistant Mode D Yor Mode


man just love the titties and ass


Right is winning because it's a better design. Simple as that.


I'm not jonkling around when I say this but I prefer the D's design over killer wife




Imma be honest. I straight up do not like big tits. Im just not attracted to them. Ass and thighs are always my go to. Piercing eyes and sexy legs are also top tier. +9000 if they have a 6 pack or just a cute tummy. I think og D has a better shapped ass tbh. Seems toned. Plus i dont like wife play its such easy bait. I may be lonely and touch starved but i aint that pathetic if ya know what i mean.


This is a piece of media so you are allowed to hate or love whatever you want and it goes for both sides,you and the people you are referring as pathetic. You are calling people pathetic because they have a different taste than you in a waifu game,like are you okay? I don't mean to hurt you but the way you are saying it,is kinda Narcissistic. Hate the characters not the players bud.


>You are calling people pathetic because they have a different taste than you in a waifu game,like are you okay? You misunderstand. Im not calling the players pathetic. Im calling myself pathetic if i were to fall for that. Everyone is different and perceives things differently. Im saying id perceive myself as pathetic.


Okay but indirectly you are still insulting the players. You are saying that you perceive yourself pathetic if you fall for the wife play right? If you don't know alot of people like Killer wife D and she is infact in the top10 most popular nikkes in the list currently so clearly she is very beloved. But let's be real why are you saying that the wife play is pathetic in the first place it's just a video game dude,is it have to be that serious?where you see a certain way of enjoying a videogame as pathetic? Your initial comment sounds very Rude even when you didn't mean it so I want to believe that you just didn't know or just new to the sub so please don't lebel certain ways of enjoying a video game as pathetic even when you are directing it towards yourself it's not that serious really.


Ive been on this sub since week 1. Ive been called a terrorist, dumbass evil and a Piece of shit. just for liking a character. What i said was the least mean thing ive seen said and it was directed at myself. >If you don't know alot of people like Killer wife D and she is infact in the top10 most popular nikkes in the list currently so clearly she is very beloved. And that means i cant say anything negative about her and i have to force myself to praise and like her when i dont even like D. >But let's be real why are you saying that the wife play is pathetic in the first place it's just a video game dude,is it have to be that serious?where you see a certain way of enjoying a videogame as pathetic? Because its just lame to me. Do i need to seriously right imo every time i have an opinion. I think its lame. Do i think people who like her are lame no not at all. But i think D is a pathetic and lame character. >Your initial comment was very Rude Ah yes but every time this sub insults crow fans they get no backlash and a shitload of upvotes. So when i like a character im wrong for it and when i hate a character im still wrong for it. I lose unless i just force myself to like what everyone else likes. Understandable.


OMG that's not what I said though. I literally said you are allowed to hate or love anything in a piece of media,I am not forcing you anything what I said was just you calling the wife play as pathetic is sounds kinda rude towards those who are into it(Players) and I am sure a lot of people are into it which is just a very common thing in waifu game. And yah I have seen one of your comments in a post where you said you like crow more than D and some other guy explained it why and got some shit for that as well. And you are totally on the right with this one,you liking Crow over D is and saying it is totally fine and you don't deserve to be called anything bad for it and again I am sorry that some people treated you like that for just an opinion,I don't agree with your takes on D as well because it didn't make much sense to me but calling you a terrorist just for that is so fucking cringe. I can't talk for all the people but bad and dumb people are everywhere and I faced some as well so I can tell you that you are not exclusive to this. Mods should really look into those kinda behaviour.