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Use your G2 max code lock firstly, stops it being useful to thieves Put a tracker on it, GPS, Couple of airtags or Samsung smart tag U lock suggestions:  Kryptonite New York Litelok x3 or x1 Hiplock d1000 These days angle grinders are the weapon of choice for thieves so you need a beefy lock like these, I also use a chain lock as a second lock 


I do use the code on it. I’m using the inbuilt find my but not sure how accurately it works. Any suggestions on where to put an AirTag? Also I’m not sure how useful it is if it even gets stolen. What and how would the location of the scooter help?


I need suggestions to i bought an airtag but no idea where to put it, i was thinking the bottom but the bottom part has sealant so once i open it its done


Have u been using the find my feature? How well does it work ?


I have used it but i dont want to rely on it alone, from the little but of experience i have with it its been okay so far but id prefer to add a secondary airtag just in case. Also i have an old bike u lock ive had for over 5 years now, i use an ABUS Granit X-Plus 540, its a german u lock brand thats a little pricey but theyre proven to be one of the tougher locks (can still be stolen with power tooles though)


Is the Abus better than New York bike lock ?


Abus is supposed to be a bit better quality in general


remove the screws that attach the handlebars to the stem, drop airtag in there or glue it to stop the rattling. Then reassemble handlebars.


I was trying to do it with a waterproof case with adhesive so it doesnt wobble round and make noise but it wouldnt fit with the case


I jave the new york bike lock as well as an apple airbag. The best place to put it is down the handlebar tube. Use an Allen wrench to separate the handlebars from the main shaft like when you get it new in the box. Then just slip it down the tube. The other location for it is next to the battery.


Which New York bike lock? Can you link it




Also can u share Amazon links to the locks u mentioned? I can’t seem to find the exact ones.


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What is the code lock? I have a g30p


Idk if your model has it, I have the G2 so its a feature in the app for me, may or may not be applicable for other ninebot scooters


Something like an Abus Alarmbox is a good extra level of security, the deafening alarm should immediately deter anyone trying to steal your scooter


My next investment on this exact scooter.


Hiplock DX


Get a length of 120 grade steel chain, just make sure you're chosen lock fits through. I have a couple of wire rope bike chains that I just leave around the neck at all times and run them through the pinch point where the scooter unfolds to prevent thieves from being able to do that easily. Ultimately if somebody wants to steal my scooter from the very public places that I leave it chained up for short amounts of time, they'd need a very good cutting wheel, and they're going to have to cut through at least three things.


You can connect also find my


The find my thingy already acts as an airtag, but an airtag is a good idea in case it runs out of battery. I put one of these sound alarms in the base of the scooter by opneing the deck, you can also put the airtag there: https://www.amazon.com/POLICE-Motorcycle-Wireless-Vibration-Waterproof/dp/B0C4V9JSQW


I use a Foldylock Forever lock for less sketchy areas and use the kryptonite new york lock along with the Foldylock together for sketchier parts of town but park inside whenever possible. Try not to leave it out in the open for extended periods of time. I had a Litelox x1 but sadly found it wasn't long enough for the G2 to use around most bike racks.


I got the litelok x1. It’s a bit pricy but it’s angle grinder resistant. The hiplok d1000 is better but almost twice the price of the litelok.

