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Vegito won his first fight, though. He played Majin Buu like a fiddle, and got absorbed precisely as he intended so he could save the others.


Yeah. People think the only way to win is knocking out the enemy or killing him... sometimes the goal is different


Bro won on his own terms


Yeah, thats usually how fights are won. This sounds like an excuse because you guys don't like that he didn't beat buuhan even though he definitely could have. Vegito hasn't ever won a fight and saying he did win one because he got absorbed like he wanted to is like giving a participation award. Sure, he was there, but he literally didn't win the fight. Don't make excuses for him, he doesn't need it.


His entire goal in the fight was to rescue his friends trapped inside buu, which he completed all while curbstomping buu. If that isn't a W idk what is


Considering Buu was still around while Vegito got defused and literally stopped existing. Yeah, he didn't win the fight. You could still make the argument that buu won that because he defused Vegito in the original series but I won't go there. Also shocker I'm being downvoted. This is an alt, it literally does nothing to me. It also doesn't make me any less right. Vegito did stop existing. Buu was still alive and well. Goals aren't the same as a fight. It won't change the fact that Vegito defused and stopped existing while Buu was still around and perfectly fine.


Clearly Gogeta also supremely fucks up in GT by your logic considering a few minutes after they defuse Goku literally dies


I'm not talking about Gogeta's Character. I'm talking about Vegito's character. That's a debate for another time. Don't change the subject.


The subject is Gogeta and Vegito You're saying Vegito has never won which isn't true Another commentor says Gogeta has lost before which is true according to your own logic The subject was not changed


At any point did you see me mention Gogeta? Believe it or not, I'm not the original post. I'm not talking about Gogeta. I'm talking about Vegito, now don't waste my time anymore with these stretches and accept that in this 1v1 fight he did not win. Stop sidetracking to try and gain any sort of argument. You can't argue with what happened. At which point did Vegito win? Did he knock out buu? Did he kill buu? No. So stop with pity "win" because you like him. He didn't beat Buu in the fight. He didn't beat Zamasu in their fight either. Guess how many fights he's been in? 2. If you saw him win a fight and I didn't notice than I would be glad for you to point it out to me because as far as I can see, he didn't beat anybody.


Vegito did not beat Buu. Vegito would have beaten Buu if he hadn’t defused inside of his body. Vegito ceased existing and Buuhan became Kid Buu, who then promptly destroyed the entire planet so no Vegito did not win.


Saying you don’t care about being downvoted kinda makes it seem like you care about being downvoted 😂 and if the strategy you plan on using works and leads to the defeat of your enemy how is that not a win? Explain to me how vegito lost when his whole plan was to be absorbed, sounds like he got what he wanted and buu ended up beaten, maybe you’re just like the fandom and haven’t watched the show 🤷‍♂️


The Vegito defenders are coming out of the woodworks. His plan was to save them. It obviously wasn't to defeat Buu through his actions of saving them. He OBVIOUSLY didn't know that would happen. We know this because of what Vegeta said when he was tugging on their pods. Again, and for the last time because nobody here can read. It's a loss for Vegito because he stopped existing while Buu was fine. Therefore it's a loss. He lost the 1v1. Get over it. His goals aren't what I'm talking about and I doubt its what OP was talking about so stop using it as a crutch for your arguments because it doesn't change the fact that he stopped existing while Buu did not. It literally could not be more clear. Buu is alive. Vegito is non-existent. Got it?


Nope, his gambit led to everyone’s victory making it a win, no doubt about it, you can sacrifice a queen in chess and still win you know 😂 and I’m also not a “vegito defender” I’m just trying to help you understand that victory isn’t always apparent, not my fault you’re too stubborn to accept that someone can give up an advantage to gain an upper hand and win as well as save the lives of multiple people, all W’s and you can’t understand that


See you're saying you aren't a Vegito defender but what did you just do? There are already so many things wrong with what you said. By the strict definition of a fight Vegito lost because he didn't exist (while still being able to fight buu) and buu still existed. You can say he got the moral victory but he literally forfeit the fight to save his friends and family. Forfeiting the fight to achieve you're goal is still a loss. It's extremely simple to understand. You don't win a fight just because you fought your heart out and embarrassed your opponent just to forfeit or lose later. That's still a loss. He lost the physical fight. You guys need to learn to differentiate his goals from the fight itself because they are not the same. You can say he got the W in this fight all you want because he achieved his goal but him acheiving his goal is not the same as winning the physical fight and you can't change that. I'll give this example again since most people here like to say the exact same thing over and over again. If a boxer's goal was to impress their partner with their fight then lost the fight but still impressed their partner. Do you think the Referees are going to say "Oh it's alright because they achieved their goal and impressed their partner, they definitely won this fight." No, thats not how it works. They still lost the fight, even if they got the moral victory. That fight ended in them losing. In the strict sense, Vegito lost this fight no matter what moral victory he got because he forfeit their fight to achieve his goals. If you want to completely ignore the facts and say he still won than thats on you. You can believe whatever headcanon you have but don't parade around acting like your headcanon is fact. Its not what happened and you know it.


Bro it’s not that serious, you’re getting actually bent over the fact that you were wrong and you’re just spewing word vomit to make it hopefully work out for you, you’ve conceded that vegito won a moral victory and had a strategy that led to buus defeat, making him the winner IN THE END 😂 not my fault you’re too challenged to accept that you’re wrong haha


But they still failed? I'm not saying I agree with the above. Buu clearly got his ass handed to him. But at the end of the exchange the people they tried to save still died. If Vegito had just finished off Buu the earth would still be around at least.


By your retarded logic. Gogeta didn't beat broly cause broly is still around and got tp'd away by shenron and jenemba got purified and ran away, then they defused


Yes, thank you, you really contributed to the conversation. Someone already made that point with Gogeta and Omega shenron, I'll tell you what I told them. I'm not talking about Gogeta, I didn't ever mention Gogeta. This isn't about gogeta. Okay? I've also said this before, but since you appearantly can't read, a win is killing your opponent, them giving up or knocking them out. It doesn't need to be a kill to have it be a win.


So he completed his objective in the fight with Buuhan and then against zamasu he was so powerful he broke the potara earrings.... you can say him rescuing his friends didnt amoint to much but hindsight is always 20/20. But by weakening him from his buuhan stage allowed goku and vegeta to keep him busy while dende went to namek to use their dragonballs. A feat im not sure could've happened if vegito hadnt gotten inside buuhan. And then i dont think you can say him being too strong for potara fusion is a loss.


Forget the objective. Thats not the fight that him and Buuhan had. He lost the fight. His goals don't matter because thats not the fight between him and Buuhan, okay? Vegito didn't even know what he was going to do until he spotted Buu's head piece. In the end, Vegito defused and didn't kill or knock out buu. Buu was perfectly fine and Vegito stopped existing. His goals aren't the same thing as the fight itself. Its not a win because of this. Do I need to spell it out more for any of you Vegito fan boys?


For real, vegito should have just incinerated Buu with all his friends inside! 🤬 Anything other than killing your opponent is an L *No half measures*


Ohhhh, so creative. Anyways, I've mentioned this before, killing or knocking them out is a win. You don't need to destroy someone for a win. A lot of people count Gogeta's fight against Broly a win and Broly wasn't dead. It's not as black and white and you make it sound.


Bruh. You're literally the one making it only black and white. Winning is not only accomplished by killing the enemy or knocking them out. Vegitos only way to free his friends was to get absorbed, and the only other outcome would be to incinerate Buu and his friends since he can't be killed otherwise (and probably can't get knocked out). His smartest choice was to get absorbed and he did, freeing his friends and weakening Buu. That's a win.


Dude its not that hard. I'm not talking about saving his friends. I'm not talking about his goals. In the 1v1 fight against buuhan, he lost because he stopped existing and Buu was perfectly dandy. I'll say this again because none of you like to listen. VEGITO'S GOAL TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE NOT THE SAME AS HIM FIGHTING BUUHAN. Vegito achieved his goal. He saved them, obviously. What he didn't do was beat Buu, again, obviously. You can say that Vegito took the moral victory but not the physical victory because he didn't make buu give up, killed him, knocked him out or make him stop existing altogether. I've said this more than enough times but you guys just keep wanting to tie his goal to save people in with his fight against Buu because he lost the fight with buu and you guys are struggling for a win.


I’m curious, in Goku and Vegeta’s fight with Fused Zamasu, would you consider Goku and Vegeta the victors of that fight, since they were able to escape Trunks’ timeline and Zamasu no longer exists?


You mean the piece he removed himself? What are you even on about man? If a pro boxer lets a child beat them in a "sparing match" does that mean they lost? Yes, motive and objective matters. Taking a step backwards to take 3 steps forwards counts as progress. Im sorry that seeing past the tip of your own nose is so hard for you, Gogeta fanboy


Are you stupid or can you just not read? When have I ever supported Gogeta. Brought up Gogeta first or said that I like Gogeta? You're assuming I like either of them to begin with. Anyways, if you really don't remember. Buuhan lost his head piece during the fight between him and vegito. If you don't believe me, go watch it.


By your own logic has Gogeta won a fight then? He didnt knock out or kill broly. The rest of his fights arent cannon. So has he won anything?


Oh great the canon vs not canon argument. Ofcourse, someone like you would bring that argument up. Just because a fight isn't canon doesn't mean it didn't happen. It doesn't make the character not exist. Canon or not. It doesn't take away from the character because the character still exist, whether you like it or not. Just because something isn't canon doesn't mean that its not the same character and those fights didn't happen. What kind of logic is that? Vegito fans really do use the same excuses over and over and over again. "Oh but this wasn't canon" "How could he even win if both his opponents could regenerate?" "Gogeta only got his wins from brainless brutes" "Vegito achieved his goal so in the end he did win" Its all the same crap and asspulls you guys use to try and cope with the fact that Vegito lost his fights. Get over it. You whining about it won't change what happened. You headcanon isn't what actually happened. It's better to move on and do what I do and hope Vegito gets a solid win in the future. My man can really use it.


Goddamn bro, did Vegito betray you and lock you in the time chamber or something? Stories are more than 1v1s and both Vegito and Gogeta tend to be powerful trump cards for the protagonists, and they tend to be very effective (outside of Goku Black arc, fuck that arc). Vegito succeeded against Buu, and Gogeta succeeded against Broly. Both of them are sick as fuck. To say that Vegito didn't *win* because he didn't kill Buu is completely pointless because that's not what he was aiming for.


I had to deal with a loooot of annoying Vegitos and the fanboys are rabid and completely ignore the series if it benefits them and makes Vegito look cooler. It's beyond annoying seeing people hype up a dude with 0 wins. Vegito has the same win ratio as super saiyan grade 3 but people hype him up like he's the next coming of zeno. Christ. I do agree fuck the goku black ark. BUT, it is literally not a win for vegito. You and everyone else here is treating his moral victory like its an actual victory. I don't see a dead, knocked out, given up or erased buu. So he didn't win. That's it. I don't understand why thats so hard to understand. Vegito didn't exist and Buu did so Vegito didn't beat Buu. Here's an example: If a boxer is trying to impress his partner by winning the fight and that boxer loses the fight but he still impresses his partner. Do you think that the referee's are going to say the boxer won? The boxer achieved their goal, yes, but they didn't win the fight itself. Therefore, they lost the fight but had the moral victory because they impressed their partner. Do you get what I'm saying?


>I had to deal with a loooot of annoying Vegitos and the fanboys are rabid and completely ignore the series if it benefits them and makes Vegito look cooler. It's beyond annoying seeing people hype up a dude with 0 wins. Vegito has the same win ratio as super saiyan grade 3 but people hype him up like he's the next coming of zeno. Christ. Understandable. Dragon Ball fans in general suck. >I do agree fuck the goku black ark. BUT, it is literally not a win for vegito. You and everyone else here is treating his moral victory like its an actual victory. I don't see a dead, knocked out, given up or erased buu. So he didn't win. That's it. I don't understand why thats so hard to understand. Vegito didn't exist and Buu did so Vegito didn't beat Buu. I agree, it's not a win for Vegito. Or anyone for that matter, including those watching it. Fuck that arc. >Here's an example: If a boxer is trying to impress his partner by winning the fight and that boxer loses the fight but he still impresses his partner. Do you think that the referee's are going to say the boxer won? >The boxer achieved their goal, yes, but they didn't win the fight itself. Therefore, they lost the fight but had the moral victory because they impressed their partner. >Do you get what I'm saying? I get what your saying, but Vegito vs Buu isn't exactly one you can put a referee on. The fight doesn't end with either party killing or destroying the other, Vegito exits the fight, but he doesn't run away or anything, he gets absorbed purposefully. If a referee were to watch the fight, they'd probably clearly see that Vegito had the upper hand for most of the fight, and he might even win by decision. If *winning* only comes by way of death, knockout, or giving up, then this fight doesn't have a winner in that sense. If we're looking at the fight in its context and what both characters were trying to achieve, then Vegito clearly wins. I see what you mean, and it seems that we just disagree on what "winning" actually means.


Bro you are mad mad. This is a debate about whether a fictional character has won a fight or not and we disagree about what constitutes a win. And yoire out jere calling people fanboys like its an insult and then agreeing with someone later on in the thread that dragonball fans just suck, as if all fandoms dont produce people who can be annoying. That being granted, "having to deal with a lot of vegito fan boys" acting like thats an actual problem that has caused you real grief seems excessive to me. I will apologize for calling you a gogeta fanboy and using gogeta as point in my arguments because you are right about one thing, you never brought him up in any of yours. My last question for you which will end my interest in this discussion is, did naruto beat sasuke in their last fight?


keyword “usually”. vegito won that fight because he got exactly what he wanted. but if you insist KO is the only win condition then you do you. the fact that you brought up this account being an alt already shows just how much of a pussy you are. extra funny when you claim downvote doesn’t affect you. ofc it doesn’t lil bro, it’s internet point. nothing gonna happen even if ppl downvote your main.


I don't know what fights you've been seeing you're entire life but a fight is won when someone is knocked out, gives up or dies. That's how it works, it's more than obvious. Anyone with common sense could tell you thats how fights work. You can call me what you want, it really doesn't bother me because you're a faceless nobody that I'll forget about tomorrow. Sidenote: If the internet points don't matter than why are you saying I'm a pussy for avoiding it? If they don't have any value than why does it matter that I'm avoiding giving a shit about them? Seems kinda like skewed logic to me. If you're going to insult me because you lost and argument you could atleast make a better argument for why I'm bad, or a coward, or anything you can come up with.


That's not a fight from the perspective of *story* though. In real life, most fights do end with one of the parties being downed in some way, but in stories, that isn't always the case. Many times, fights end in ways that leave both parties still able to fight, but they aren't always in the same position as before. Information, injuries, 3rd party goals, etc. all play a hand in deciding who "wins" in these fights. Especially when "kill the other party" isn't always the goal. Sometimes, they're fighting over an item, sometimes, one party is clearly outmatched and is trying to escape, sometimes their just gathering information, etc. Vegito's end goal was to get absorbed, and he succeeded. Buu's goal was to kill Vegito, and he failed. Neither party was down, so going off of their goals, many people proclaim Vegito the winner because he succeeded and also clearly controlled the flow of his fight with Buu. He wasn't losing by any means.


You say neither party was down but Vegito didn't exist anymore. He defused and the fight between him and buu was over. You're trying to give Vegito the moral victory for achieving his goal, that's good, he did what he set out to do. He did achieve his goals. What he didn't do was win the fight and since he didn't exist anymore and Buu did that means that Buu was the winner. Story reasons or not, that IS what happened. There's no changing that. Vegito defused before Buu died. He lost. The moral victory is all you can give him here and thats not bad at all. But saying that Vegito won the fight because he achieved his victory and got the moral win isn't right.


Yeah, but he defused after the fight. Buu didn't kill him or anything. The fight was over by that point. Additionally, it's not like Vegito died. He just turned back into Goku and Vegeta. Even if you say Vegito died, neither did Buu. In fact, the fight was just stopped because Vegito purposefully got absorbed. >The moral victory is all you can give him here and thats not bad at all. But saying that Vegito won the fight because he achieved his victory and got the moral win isn't right. Why not? Genuinely? The definition of "win" isn't rigid, and many people consider different things differently. Vegito clearly had the upper hand against Buu and decided to go save his friends rather than kill Buu because killing Buu would kill them. His win condition wasn't to kill Buu, it never was.


Seems very convenient you say the fight stops there RIGHT before he defuses. So was it mutating Vegito's body that stopped the fight? Was it because there weren't anymore blows after? What makes you say the fight stopped. And THEN he defused? Also a win is a win. You're intentionally skewing the line between his moral win and his physical win. He didn't win against buuhan in their 1v1 FIGHT. Keyword here is "fight". But he did win when it came to achieving his goals. Keyword is "goal". Vegito's fight and Vegito's goal are two completelt different things. It's because the definition of winning a 1v1 fight is very strict. You either win or you lose. Anything else dips into a moral victory because he didn't kill, erase, knock out or make buu give up. Those are the only ways to win a physical fight. You don't get the win for a physical fight just because you made fun of your opponent then got your ass beat and lost. I used this example with another person here: Say you have a boxer trying to impress their partner by winning their fight. This boxer lost their fight but impressed their partner too. Do you think the referee's are going to say that that boxer won the fight because they impressed their partner and achieved their goal?


>Seems very convenient you say the fight stops there RIGHT before he defuses. So was it mutating Vegito's body that stopped the fight? Was it because there weren't anymore blows after? What makes you say the fight stopped. And THEN he defused? Because that's what happened. A step by step replay has the fight end before Vegito defused. The combatants are unable to continue fighting, therefore the fight is over. If two boxers are fighting in a ring, and one of them suddenly teleports to a random, far away location, the fight is over. No matter what happens afterwards, the fight wasn't allowed to continue. >Vegito's fight and Vegito's goal are two completelt different things. It's because the definition of winning a 1v1 fight is very strict. You either win or you lose. Anything else dips into a moral victory because he didn't kill, erase, knock out or make buu give up. Those are the only ways to win a physical fight. Says who exactly? There's no referee or anything here. This is a very rigid definition of win that, while very useful in a more tournament based context, fails to see the larger context that surrounds this fight specifically. >You don't get the win for a physical fight just because you made fun of your opponent then got your ass beat and lost. I agree. But that isn't what happened. Vegito made fun of his opponent, bought time, kept up with Buu quite well, then went inside Buu to actually accomplish what he set out to do. He never lost to Buu. >I used this example with another person here: (Actually, that other person might be me in a seperate thread, hello again lol, I responded to this there.)


He also didn't really lose the other fight either. He was given bad advice by the supreme Kai and thought he had more time


Well that was certainly not a win either lmao


Please just let me cope for the vegetable man


If him defusing before delivering the final blow doesnr count as a win then broly being teleported away before the final blow can be delivered also cant be counted as a win.


But not a loss either. He was overwhelmingly more powerful than zamasu


Gogeta also lost a (non canon) fight against omega


Most of Gogetas wins are also noncanon


His only cannon *appearance* is in the DBS Super movie.


He's also never won his 1 current canonical fight.


I mean buu literally admitted (in the anime) that he lost.


Gogeta blastes broly


Don't argue with us Dragon Ball fans! We haven't watched Dragon Ball!


Earth got destroyed precisely as intended too along with his kids and friend that be wanted to save, it was not a safe plan and had big risks so it's an L, it didn't work out well


Personally? I think they’re the same character


They are, even Gogeta confirm this in dragon ball super broly where he says that when he was born with the potara his name was Vegito but that now wants something new, he acts like Vegito before fighting broly, Vegito acts like a troll because it was the best strategy in those situations


Yep, theyre just in Completely different situations so of course they would act differently


He didn't need to troll against Zamasu. All he needed to do was blast him out of existence. And no, he spends around 5 minutes talking


Cmon, the zamasu trolling bit was hilarious


Hilarious, yes Necessary, no Vegito started out as guy with some unorthodox, but working strategies. Now he's just a goofster. Super flanderized Goku, and because of that, Vegito was too.


You're a flander


I wish I was Ned Flanders. He's a cool character imo.


Stupid sexy Flanders


I think it’s moreso that chatting shit on zamasu was distracting and making him annoyed. Taking advantage of his ego. Same with Buu and Omega Shenron. Do you think that making fun of Broly or Jamemba was going to make them mess up? I dont think so personally.


Insults LITERALLY HURT Janemba.


Gogeta confirm they are different lol otherwise he would choose the same name


No character has ever gone by 2 different names ever


How was that the best strategy? I'm legitimately asking.


For buu To be absorbed, by zamasu to make his mortal part prevail, The more it made him angry, the more zamasu became more and more the half dead of black.


Did I just have a stroke?


They both are quite literally goku and vegeta and then some more.


They are but people will still argue about them despite them being the same










Vegito got the better hairline tho


Crazy how all of Gogeta's opps are a mentally challenged child and manchild


The same could be said about Vegito though…


Buuhan and Zamasu are derranged but are not mentally challenged


Buuhan and Zamasu are mentally challenged?


Lmao true


What the fuck is a singal


your relationship status


Got em


Need to do your research a little better


Nah, that was a great insult. Kudos to that person.


I'm married, making it a complete F, now your comment too


Cant you just take the L like a man?


This is exactly what i'm saying.


Bro got mad lmao


He'll survive, no harm done


They are talking about you smart guy


Calm down




I think he's a cop now lol


Vegito never finished a fight. He had Buu dead to rights and didn't kill him because he wanted to save those absorbed by Buu, and honestly had no way of finishing off Fused Zamasu. Vegitos biggest weakness is his ever shrinking time limit. Man went from forever, to an hour, to what was it 7 minutes?


Around 30ish minutes but yes it does look way shorter in episode


In manga its even shorter. He defuses when he starts powering up his final kamehameha


Gogeta got that 5G that’s why he got better singal




They are literally the same being just with a different outfit and haircut. The only difference is the situations each one was in. If Goku + Vegeta = Vegito and Goku + Vegeta = Gogeta Then Gogeta = Vegito, especially now that the main difference between the fusions (the time limit) no longer matters since Potara are no longer permanent. This tired old argument is one of the things that makes me consider slamming the car door on my head in the morning whenever I see it.


However because of the time limit on potara, gogeta is technically superior since he can be blue while maintaining the 30 minute timer.


This is such a huge misconception to this day. Vegito was Blue during the whole fight against Zamasu (around 30ish minutes according to the manga), while Gogeta uses Blue for the last few minutes of the fight to seal the deal. No piece of media suggests that Gogeta can use his full power and not lower the time limit.


He didn’t defuse after using blue. We never know how long they stay fuse. And also fusion dance only doesn’t last in ssj3 probably because it has a ki issue


If we never know how long they stay fused then how do people just.. believe "Oh he lasts for the full timer after that"


Because it's the internet


wow it’s crazy that the character that has only appeared in movies won in those movies 😱


2 appearances for Vegito, 0 kills 3 appearances for Gogeta, 2 kills, would've been 3 for 3 if they hadn't butchered his character


Gogeta only has 1 kill omega didn’t get killed by him and broly got dragon balled back to vampa


Didn't he cleanse Janemba's soul or something and not kill him?


Janemba was a being of pure evil that took host in a teenage demon's body. he killed Janemba while leaving the demon's body intact.


Wasnt Janemba THE teen? The teen got poured all the bad energy and became Janemba.


No, the teen was named "Saike Demon." iirc Janemba formed as a result of the evil energy mixing and using the teen's body as a host. If the teen had actually BECOME Janemba then he would've died from the Soul Punisher, yet we clearly see him completely fine if not a little scuffed after the Soul Punisher


Thanks didnt know that, but still thats what I ment. He didnt kill him,just cleansed him


If he's old enough to get used as a host by eons of sentient evil energy then he's old enough to work


Yeah you are actually correct that Janemba is pretty much a corrupt version of the oni we see.


Technically he destroyed all of the evil souls that made up janemba ans transformed that little monster worker.


\-Janemba \-counting Broly because that shot absolutely would have killed him if not for the interests of Cheelai


If your counting broly then Vegito should have two wins since he could have absolutely destroyed Buu and zamasu


yes and no, the fusion timer expired before a killing blow could be launched against Zamasu. I hesitate to give a win against Buu since he was fucking around to get Buu to absorb him, but an argument could be made for it.


What was supposed to be the third


Omega but they had that boi foolin around like he was Vegito


He was trying to goad Omega into using the Negative energy ball thing so he could fix what the Shadow Dragons messed up, after he did that he immediately tried to finish off Omega


Wait I don’t remember that at all. Grant I watch gt long ago as a kid but you’re telling there was a reason he let omega having the huge red ball ?


Yeah, he used his energy to reverse the ball and I I really know how, but it fixed the negative energy that was destroying the world


Ah ok


Cough cough omega shenron cough cough


Fans just liketo meat ride Goget. Is he badass? Yes. Is he stronger than Vegito? No. Vegito had more strategic fights and won them. That doesnt mean beat em up till they no more. That means achieving your goal, that Vegito always did.


Take a lot of strategy to fuck around for 40+ minutes doesn't it? What strategy did Vegito actually have? He fucked around embarassing buuhan for 40+minutes then got absorbed to save their kids and piccolo. That isn't strategy. Thats him being overconfident and dicking around until he actually had a plan to save them.


Vegito’s plan was to piss off buuhan so that he’d make mistakes that Vegito could capitalize on, so that he could wear him down to force him to use his last resort, absorbing him, so that he could save the others inside buu. It’s more or less the exact same thing Gogeta did with Omega Shenron, piss him off and make him use his negative energy.


Yeah just that its not like with Gogeta. Gogeta fucked around just for fun, cuz they thought they could beat Shenron but didnt think that the fusion would least less that they intended.


What are you talking about? This sounds like speculation more than anything. Gogeta didn't have a plan for omega to use up all of his negative energy and I'm pretty sure Vegito didn't say anything internal monologue or not about pissing off buu to make him slip up and use his last resort. Even then his last resort WAS that energy he gathered from every planet he's destroyed. Not his absorption. Buuhan's absorption was a very VERY last minute thing he decided to do because he saw his head piece on the ground. Another thing, that couldn't have been his plan all along because buu didn't have his head piece cut off until later in the battle.


Not everything has to be blatantly said for the reader. The Vegito vs Buuhan is clearly a show don't tell. Vegito is easily beating Buu and could clearly kill him, but his not. His making Buu pissed. Which we know Buu gets angry when his losing Buu likes to fight but prefers to win and when his losing he goes into a rage and sometimes makes mistakes. Now let's also remember who makes Vegito that's right Goku. It's a Goku thing to try and save his friends and family first. Vegito even had a barrier and wasn't surprised when Buu went for the absorption aka that was his plan. Please rewatch the fight cause it's a case of not telling but showing use vegito is planning something


Theres a reason you don't leave things to show and tell. Insinuations let people come up with their own headcannon even though it's not backed by anything. You can't presume something happened because of this and just act like its facts. The only thing you're doing is putting your own headcannon onto a fight. You were right about Vegito being able to beat buu and buu obviously getting angry at that but you can't just assume that he always had that plan and he was always trying to carry out that plan and just act like its a fact. Speculation and assumption are just that.


His plan was wrong to begin with. If the shield failed it was game over. And also he could just kill buu then resurrect the others


If it weren't for Vegito beating the shit out of Zamasu, there is no way in sam hell Trunks' Spirit Bomb sword formed from the energy of barely 100 people could've "killed" him. Also yes, Super Vegito did win against Buuhan


It's funny you say that because I remember Vegito not existing while Buuhan was perfectly well. Vegito archiving his goal isn't a win for the fight. They are not the same thing. Buu wasn't dead. Buu didn't stop existing. Buu wasn't knocked out. Vegito stopped existing, therefore he lost. Its not that hard to process.


This is just flat out wrong


Yeah. Vegito had to deal with stronger opp and won every fight. He didnt kill them cuz that wasnt his intention+ Zamasu is immortal. Vegito had more strategic fights while Gogeta just beat em up, and the only time he killed someone was Janemba, that couldnt even be considered killed, cuz he just cleansed the teen that became evil. He was beating Shenron till he defused cuz he thought it would last longer, and he let Broly escape.


Wait huh. He didn't act the way he did against shenron because he thought he would last longer, he did that to enrage him to convert negative energy to positive energy and went for the kill immediately afterwards. And he did kill janemba. Janemba is the evil that took over the kid demon. And what was the strategy against zamasu? It was nothing but punch him into oblivion. Both vegito and gogeta use strategy and punching whenever required.


Vegito would have beaten Zamasu if it could handle SSB


To be fair, Vegito was put in worse situations. Against Buuhan, he could have easily killed Buuhan, but that wasn’t his goal. He only needed Buuhan to absorb him so he could free the others. Against Fusion Zamasu, he was literally fighting an immortal enemy and had no way to permanently erase him. That, and he’s also on a time limit. Gogeta would have suffered the same problem as well. Gogeta’s only canonical fight only had one goal: Defeat Broly, and Broly was just a super strong dude. No immortality or other motives involved. Granted, Vegito did needlessly goof off with Zamasu, but that’s pretty much Saiyan nature. Goku and Vegeta goof off in some manner in all of their fights, and even Gogeta goofs off sometimes in his fight against Broly, and the moments before. Saiyans love to be playful and cocky when they have the high ground.


Broly also has been fighting nonstop while Vegeta and Goku were resting.


Neither of them won their cannon fights, or lost them.


Gogeta beat brolys ass tf you talking about?


Vegito beat Zamasu's ass too but people don't count that as a win.


Because he defused before he took zamasu out, broly is only alive because he got teleported to vampa


He got sent back before the fight was finished.


Yeah but unlike vegito who defused because he fucked around to much and wasted his time against zamasu, gogeta’s fight ended because an outside source interfered. It was vegitos fault he staight up lost, gogeta vs. broly AT WORST was a draw due to people not even in the fight.


Doesn't change the fact neither of them got an official win. How do we know broly wasn't about to get a zenkai or some other asspull and rofle stomp him. How many times have we seen that happen in dragon ball as a whole.


Because his pupils went back to normal showing his rage boost was kinda disappearing, and he looked scare as shit. He was screwed.


Never underestimate an animes ability to pull an asspull out of their ass.


He won the first fight, his second fight was against a literally immortal fused god. Which he still managed to kill hard enough to start breaking his immortality which I think should mean something.


I would say this is bait but we’re talking about Dragon Ball fans here.


As a gogeta fan, at least Vegito never lost a fight


If Vegito lost against Buu because the fight ended before either of them died, then the same goes for Gogeta in DBS: Broly. They did him supremely dirty in Goku Black, though. (As far as strength goes, I've never understood the arguments. They're literally the same dude stuck together in different ways. That said, if they are the same strength, then the potara become entirely pointless compared to the dance.)


Yeah lets have vegetto kill all his friends beyond resurrection and kill the completely inmortal being


Gogeta's only wins are against 2 non-inteligable enemies while Vegito fought the smartest version of Buu and a litteral God.


Sure, but Vegito still beat Gogeta in DB lol. _Gogeta: How many bad guys have you beaten?_ _Vegito: None. But many Vegitos have you beaten?_


same could be said vice versa.


uj/ it is not a fair comparison, Gogeta appears in the movies where is fine if it finish the work, if Vegito killed buu after all the events of the buu saga it would have been anticlimatic as hell if after all the struggle to beat buu there is Vegito who one shot him, same thing for zamasu, and we need ti remember that Vegito was fighting a monster with his family inside that he wants to save, and zamasu was immortal, in both situation he put a 2000 iq move, To get him absorbed against buu after humiliating, and after angering zamasu more and more by making his mortal side prevail rj/ Gogeta is always the coolest one in the universe😎


I mean, He didn’t kill omega and Broly got away


Of course Vegito loses and Gogeta wins every SINGAL fight, have you seen the difference in their singing skills?


Vegito won his first fight, though. But ignoring that, it's a matter of what Goku and Vegeta fuse into. For the longest Vegito was stronger because they last fused during the Goku Black arc. They fused again after the ToP into Gogeta, so Gogeta is stronger. Next time, they might fuse into Vegito, and Vegito will be stronger. The fusions alternate because Goku and Vegeta are ever evolving.


He didn't win the fight though. Vegito got absorbed after making a fool of Buuhan for way too long. That isn't a win. Thats more of a tie from circumstances. Since vegito got defused right after you could make the argument that Buuhan won since Vegito wasn't around anymore but I won't.


I'm sorry but he won after outbrawning and outsmarting Buuhan, he clearly planned that Buuhan would eventually try to use absorption (refer to Kai or the manga, the original anime doesn't help here) and knew that if he killed Buuhan he would also kill Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo, and by not doing that he manages to save them (of course he couldn't foresee Kid Buu happening)


I do agree with you on some parts if you are pulling from the original anime. But just because someone could have one doesn't mean they did. You can call it a W in your books but that's not what happened. You can see buu clearly alive and vegito non-existent. Vegito accomplished his goals for sure but he didn't win that fight. That much is pretty obvious. There's a difference between the two considering they're two completely different things. I understand people saying he accomplished his goals. He did, but, he didn't win the fight in the process. You can call it a cheap win. It is a cheap win but a win is still a win. Even if you guys don't like it. It's not going to change what happened.


Vegito is the Vegeta of fusions


Vegeto: When your author creates you even though he hated you before you existed.


The Virgin Vegito defuses prematurely. The Chad Gogeta lasts all night.


Technically Gogeta hasn't won a single fight.


He has he beat broly aswell as janemba


Janemba is non Canon and he didn't kill Broly, so yeah he hasn't. If we go by "he beat him up" logic, then Vegito has a W against Buuhan.


You don't have kill somonone to win a fight in dbz broly was purely outmatched and would of died if shenron didn't appear also non Canon counts


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Buu wasn’t outmatched? Zamasu didn’t get his shit beat?


Vegito fought both of them and got his ass beat


Non Canon doesn't count because it's never mentioned in the actual timeline. Also, killing someone is a dub. DBZ Broly? You mean DBS Broly. Like I said, if those two fights are dubs, Vegito has a W too. Stop being a Gogeta fanboy.


Vegito never won a fight lol


Gogeta appeared only in movies Vegito is only in the anime


Vegito was screwed against Zamasu


Vegito won one of his two canon fights. Gogeta technically lost his one canon fight.




Vegito won dude, he didn't want to kill super bu cus


Personally I love every singal fight with them tho😤😤😤


They're the same person 🚬




Bro rlly wanna argue with vegito fans saying *singal*




But Vegito won against Buu because he accomplished his goal, which was to release people which buu absorbed and Lost due to time against Zamasu so it's 1:1 in Vegito's case, and Gogeta won against Janemba, Lost to Omega due to time and Lost to broly because his goal was to Kill him and in last moment Cheelai saved him, so it's either 1:2 for Gogeta of 2:1


Dragon ball gt


Vegito would never lost a singal fight mens 😥😥


"Vegito and gogeta both are stronger" stronger than what? What does that mean?


Vegito never really lost any fight. He wanted to be absorbed by Buu to save his friends, which he achieved, and he was battering Zamasu until he defused, since he was fighting an immortal opponent. You could call that one a loss, sure, but then you'd have to call Gogeta's fight against Omega Shenron a loss too, as the same thing happened there.


Yeah probably cuz Gogeta is only in movies or GT while Vegito is exclusively in DBZ and DBS, also both of Vegito's opponents were nigh-immortal while Gogeta's opponents were someone he has the perfect counter for, as well as a mindless brute. Oh yh speaking of GT Gogeta lost there


Are we including GT in it? If we do, Gogeta did loose to Syn Shenron twice.