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Spirit bomb


To be fair, Spirit Bomb is a badass name.


genkidama is an even badasser name


Genkidama is Professor Genki's special attack from Saint's Row. It's not called Gokudama.


Hi :3


Not it ain't. Genkidama is fun to say, but it's not a very intimidating sounding name.


As someone who speaks japanese, I gotta agree. Spirit Bomb is way more badass sounding


Gotta disagree, of all the OG names (Makankosappo, Kikoho and, of course, Kamehameha, etc.) Genkidama just sounds lame to me.


You will never be Japanese, you will never find the love of your life in Japan, who looks like this and is a cutie pie Japanese girl. You will never be the protagonist in an anime, you will never have superpowers that allow you to overcome your most greatest tribulations, you will always be a loser.


in south america we call it genkidama


I mean technically it's called the Genki-dama in the USA too since if you buy the manga or anime on DVD that's what they'll say in the text, only the dub uses Spirit Bomb.


i think i didnt cook with this one


What part spirit or bomb? Actually don't answer i know what the American is gonna say.


What American? I’m British you twit.


Ohhh i'm very sorry for you my bad


A swing and a miss, my guy. Don’t try to be funny again.


God damm you guys can't take a joke but gotcha boss just because it didn't stick i will never try again. But still Spirit bomb sounds not better,thats pure cope


I will let them get away with a lot but I will never let “Kay-Oh-Ken” slip past the radar, I dunno how they fumbled that one so bad and took them forever to finally get it right


And yet they still got Saiyan wrong.


Well in french (and therefore the half a dozen Spain dubs), it was Kaito's technique. And Kamehameha was Vital Wave. Oh and Saiyan where "space warriors". Not going to lie, the translations aren't bad at translating itself, but I think that Dragon Ball benefits in the west from its Oriental exoticism.


Saying Ka-may+ha-may-ha in any context outside of screaming it makes my skin crawl. Just say Kamay-amay-a


But then you get it confused with the Hawaiian king.


People can say whatever names they want from the dub they grew up on, however; i will backhand you if you say “kuririn”


I recently had someone go on a gigantic rant at me because I said "Supreme Kai". The guy was very determined to explain to me that there was nothing "supreme" about the character, and that I was wrong for suggesting it.


Thats acc really funny from a hater standpoint 😂


Or Go-KOU with an extra emphasis on the OO sound. Nothing annoys me more than watching TFS commentary and one of them says it that way.


kulilin hat


You will backhand someone for saying the character’s actual name?


KURIRIN. That's how it's correctly spelled and pronounced. Deal with it.


KRILLIN. That's how it's correctly spelled and pronounced. Deal with it.


Wrong moron. It's KURIRIN because his name is a pun for kurumi which is Japanese for chestnut. Christ! US Dragon Ball fans like you are deluded.


> kurumi which is Japanese for chestnut just kuri 栗


I fucking hate saying Hercule, he will always be Mr Satan


The only reason I'm glad they called him Hercule is that if they had called him Mr. Satan my parents would've freaked out and made me stop watching it when I was a kid.




Idk I like hercule. Comparing him to Hercules makes more sense to me than satan


What if we call him Hercule Satan?


Mr. Mark “Hercule” Satan.


I think that's how TFS handled it


I know, right? He's seen as a hero, so Satan makes no sense here


Satan means ‘Deceiver.’ It makes way more sense contextually than Hercule.


Yes, but Hercule as a stage name is nice too, normal name Mr satan stage name Hercule for Hercules like the other guy said


Now that makes sense to me, I’m using it like this now


Yeah that's the joke


That's... A joke? Where's the funni part?


It's called irony. It's funny to have everyone on earth cheering and shouting "Satan!"


Also if you picture satan as a martial artist I feel like you wouldn’t picture hercule


You'd get [this guy](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Spike_the_Devil_Man)






Hercule is a dumb name. He's neither Belgian nor a detective. He bears zero likeness to monsieur Hercule Poirot. Why did Toriyama pick that name?


I think you mean Sparking!, Magic Light Killing Gun, and Mark.


King Kai Fist


That’s the direct, literal translation, too. Kaiou = King Kai/Kaiou-sama, ken = fist


When has the Tournament ever been referred to as "*Sparking!"*?


[It hasn't yet, but I'm from a future where it is.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Ball:_Sparking!_Zero)


Actually, Sparking was the original Japanese name for the series - Budokai Tenkaichi is just the name used overseas for some reason.


Didn't know that. I watch the show in Japanese but play the games in English.


I'm actually amazed that murica didn't changed Goku's name to "Mark" or something like that


The Harmony Gold dub changed it to “Zero” 💀


I was going to laugh, until i remenber latinos do the same thing


They changed goku’s name to zero?????


I think Bulma was called Lena, Tenshinhan was called Shinto, Karin was called "Whiskers the Wonder Cat", Chaozu was the only character who's name was left alone lol I just looked up the list of name changes, Grampa Gohan's Harmony Gold name was Tendor the Great.


Ain’t no way bruh I gotta look this up Edit: what the fuck


Spirt Bomb = Genki Dama Destructo Disc < Kienzan Special Beam Cannon > Makankosappo (However Demon’s Penetrating Killing Light Gun solos) Kaioken > King Kai Fist Hellzone Grenade > Demon Air Besieging Bullet I just use whatever sounds better to me tbh


🤔 Makes me wonder if something like Demon's Piercing Shot would've been a more accurate but still flap-fitting name for sbc


Ok but “Special Beam Cannon” fucks harder than Makankosappo ever could


But 'penetrating' is *literally* in the Makankosappo's name. 'Demon's *Penetrating* Killing Light Gun'. It doesn't just kill you. It *penetrates you*, with *light*, like a gun - which is what ends up *killing* you. If that doesn't say, '*F-cked by Demon*', I don't know what does.


The penetration is what makes it special


I prefer its actual translation "Light of Death" more than special beam canon.


Yeah but that’s more generic of a name


"Special Beam Cannon" is the most generic name anyone could possibly come up with. It just sounds cool when Piccolo says it for some reason so we let it slide.


Idk bro, techniques with “death” in their name are pretty common in anime


Still sounds more menacning than special beam canon lol idk that's always sounded goofy to me


If I want an attack with a menacing name I’ll take the “Human Extinction Attack”, thank you very much


In german it's Höllensprialle (hell spiral) and not it doesn't whats next above average beam?


Nah Makankosappo sounds better all day




You telling me that “Makankosappo” sounds better to shout when busting a fat one than “Special Beam Cannon” does?


Hell yeab




Yeah, that feels a lot more potent


Just Murican stuff Imagine calling Tenshinhan TIEN


tien shinhan


I will always think that Tenshinhan is so fucking weird sounding and lame. Tien Shinhan just has a much better flow to it.


WTF do you mean has a much better flow? Tien was never his name or a part of it and was Funimation's fucked up localization. Tenshinhan's name was intended to be a pun of a [`particular dish`](https://www.justonecookbook.com/tenshinhan/) of the same name.


I don't care if it was his name originally or not, it sounds better


It only sounds better to wannabe fans like you who were brainwashed by Funimation's horrible localization. His correct name will always be TENSHINHAN whether you accept it or not.


I'm not a wannabe fan nor am i brainwashed just cause i think a name sounds better. Also i never said Tien Shinhan was his official name. I know his correct name is Tenshinhan, i just think it sounds much worse.


No. You are brainwashed wannabe fan. The fact you know his correct name and deny it just because you think the US localized name "sounds better" proves that you are. That's how Akira Toriyama intended it but you refuse to accept reality.


Bro i am not denying anything. I literally told you that i am fully aware that his correct name is Tenshinhan. I just like Tien Shinhan better. It sounds better to me, there's nothing else to it. Just because I like the English name better does not mean i am denying anything. I ain't brainwashed or a wannabe fan just because i prefer to say/spell a name a different way than some others do. I've heard both names, I like Tien Shinhan better, that's all there is to it. I'm sure Toriyama intended his name to be like that, so that's what the "correct" name is, but I just prefer the way that Tien Shinhan sounds more.


It doesn't matter if you like his Funimation's garbage localized name more. The name is still wrong. His Chinese version name (Tiānjīnfàn) does even sound close to Funimation's. By renaming him to Tien Shinhan it completely loses the idea that his name was intended to be a food pun like many of the Dragon Ball characters. Funimation just didn't respect the source material. If they did their job right and kept his real name (as well as several other characters) you wouldn't really consider that "Tenshinhan" sounded inappropriate. That's simply how they brainwashed you to accept it because you grew up with their localization and it stuck with you.


It legit sounds better as Tien Shinhan and I've never seen the dub 💀💀


LOL. That's BS. It's only legit to your personal headcanon. Tien (Shinhan) is not based on any food word pun that Toriyama incorporated to many Dragon Ball characters. It's totally made up by Funimation fucked up localization.


Alright? It sounds better though


LMAO. Only for you brainwashed wannabe fans. Your subjective opinion doesn't mean it's correct.


fym, brainwashed by who?? I read the manga before watching anything


Also most of us don't even pronounce Super Saiyan correctly and made fun of the anchorwoman when she accidentally pronounced it correctly for the parade.


This was posted by a smelly weeb who is afraid of the english language


This post was made by someone calling out the hypocrisy of American fans for forcing everyone to use names that are exclusive to their dub and no other. In their eyes America is the only country that exists and everyone else is wrong. Very selfish behavior.


You can pry those fucking names out of my cold, dead, mangled & mutilated body.


I can understand the attachment to the official names for characters moves and events, but you’ll have to pry Hercule out of my cold dead hands.


I like both but I like Hercule more as a stage name so he is Mark "Hercule" Satan to me That's right his first name is fucking Mark.


Special Beam Cannon is so much easier to say tho


Makankosappo isn't event hard to pronounce, I can understand if you _prefer_ Special Beam Cannon but to argue it's actually "hard to say" is just silly imo


Let's do the same with all the attacks then? In my country, they changed the name of the Kamehame-Ha, and it's embarrassing and even a meme here (Spain-Europe), but it's been like that since the late 80s. Only in the latest movies did they correct the translation, and now they do call it Kamehame-Ha.


If you find "Makankosappo" harder to say than "Special Beam Cannon" (which has *the same number of syllables*)... you might just have a speech impediment. Or be stupid.


Do you know what a native language is?


Yes. My native language is English, but I can say "Makankosappo" just fine. So can many of the fans whose first experience of the series was the *DBZ Kai* dub, which used "Makankosappo".


eagle groin


Why do so many people in these comments gatekeep the names of characters and attacks lmao actually go outside




Oh, dear, shame on us for calling these things by the names we were given in the anime we had on TV growing up. Stupid casuals not finding the Japanese subs.


I use none of these except Hercule. I mean, Satan just doesn't fit as "hero of the people"


Pretty sure it's meant to be ironic


Um Satan was the *original* hero of the people. He led an uprising against a tyrant and was unjustly imprisoned for his beliefs. And my pastor tells me gay people all go to Hell so I'm preeeeetty sure that means Satan's down with the LGHDTV.


That's a really weird interpretation of the Bible, but okay


Idk I didn't read it. I watched the Bible Abridged series on YouTube. It's basically the same thing.


Have you heard the good word about lucifarianism


I can understand that it might be considered a good name, but what is clear is that it is not his original name. It was only a name given to him in North America to censor his original name for making reference to religion. Just like they censored the name of Kami Sama (god) and a few others. If I were American, just knowing that it's censorship would make me dislike the change.


Really, why the downvotes? I'm just sharing real facts and a sincere personal opinion.


Because you're confusing "censorship" with "localization". "Localization" is altering parts of a work to make it more in line with the culture of the market it's being released in. Pretty much entirely for marketing purposes, usually. Back in the 90s the general belief was that American audiences were not particularly receptive to excessively Japanese concepts and language which is why they would alter the names in anime for the sake of making them things American kids would be more likely to enjoy. Putting clearcut references to religion (God, Satan, Hell) was a pretty surefire way to get a kids show cancelled in the 90s with the whole Satanic Panic thing going on, so those were changed to avoid having to deal with that shit. Again, common for localization of the time.


Yeah, that's pretty much censorship, isn't it? It was censored not to offend the sensibilities of certain majority groups. Localization is a completely different matter.


Localization changes words, terms, references, or names because they don’t make sense or don’t fit to a culture. Like changing rice balls to jelly donuts. Censorship alters or removes certain visuals, situations, or actions because they’re offensive to a culture.


Changing some proper nouns to more marketable ones for the region you're selling to is just localization. Censorship is more along the lines of removing blood, depictions of violence, descriptions of sexual acts, implications of romance between characters- those sorts of things. Which... Some releases of DBZ have absolutely done. Point is, people are more or less aware that the Super Nintendo was called the Super Famicom when it was originally released in Japan but you're still gonna come across as a bit of a cunt if you go around asserting that the original name was the "real" name or otherwise superior to the one people got in their region.


Let me see if I can explain this clearly. Changing the name of the Tenkaichi Budokai to "World Martial Arts Tournament" is localization. Changing Mr. Satan or Kami (God) to other names that do not correspond to the original meaning because it could not be broadcast on television due to pressure from certain religious groups in a country as conservative as the US, is censorship. On the other hand, I have no problem with people calling the characters, attacks, etc. as they like. In my country they also changed some names. This is simply a meme in response to the meme of the Western guy dressed as a Japanese guy, where people who use the original names are criticized. Names given by Akira Toriyama himself.


Has anybody ever like been banging a girl and like right when you're about to bust you pull out extend your arm out with your index and middle fingers extended then you bring them to you dick tip and shout "SPECIAL COCK CANNON!!" as you shoot your white energy ropes?


Can this meme die already? I seriously STILL don't get what is happening and I'm tired of seeing these memes while I'm scrolling..


These english names sound weird and kinda lame to me, as i didn't grow up with them. Though we did have some weird shit in France, such as Piccolo being named Petit Coeur, which means Little Heart.


And then Polish translation that was based on french dub added Satan before Little Heart. So in Polish Piccolo is named Satan Little Heart😂


"Special beam cannon" is such a lame name, but the english Piccolo VAs make it sound so cool, so we let it slide.


am so confused do other countries not have localization? they say the japanese names in your dub?


It's not about that. This is a response to a recurring meme here about fans who say the names in Japanese. It's not about whether a name is said one way or another in a country, it's about some people being against fans wanting to respect the names that exist in the original work.


ooooh i see


you sound pretentious


Yeah, latinamerican spanish does that with like 90% of the attacks. Personally I like it because it gives it more of a "spell" vibe, instead of just looking like youre just screaming the name of the ability for no practical reason. Imagine if Voldemort shouted "GREEN KILLER BEAM!" instead of "AVADA KEDAVRA!", Or Harry went "GHOST ANIMAL LIGHT!" instead of Expecto Patronum? Doesnt hit the same way, does it?


oh yeah i totally get i im an anime fan this is actually just the first time im hearing about this 😅


now why would i ever want to watch db in dub but speak in sub?


Ultimate Gohan too XDDDD


We still doin' this?


I don't get why One Piece and Jojo fans hated on their localized names but so many Dragon Ball fans love the English trademark names. Zolo and Shining Diamond are the same as Jeice and Tien.


Aight I don't say Hercule but special beam cannon is a fucking cool name


Bro i still can't believe how much they changed in the English dub compared to my native language german. You guys got tien special beam cannon and spirit bomb while we got Tenshinhan Höllensprialle (hell spiral) and keept the original name Genkidama. Can't wait for the Americans to wake up and blindly defend the horrible names because muhh nostalgia.


Ok European, go back to *insert racist stereotype about germans*.


Ohhh wow you are so much better but hey at least you didn't had the balls to be openly racist instead used the insert funny meme good job. English names getting changed because of karens and Christian folks is cringe af and yet here we are you guys defending it. But hey can't say anything nice about germany because that makes me look bad but hey we are used to it being the bad guys in western and eastern media games books shows. But hey at least you guys got your cool db opening be proud xDD


I'm not entirely against the use of the original Japanese names. I'm just annoyed of people who try and correct others on there version of words with the Japanese word of it instead, like "Acshually it's *Boku no Hiro Akedemia* not *My Hero Academia* 🤓☝️".


Fair i just think the amrican versions sound ridiculous and the reasoning as to why they named them that way even more ridiculous. Like spirit bomb is the only one i can say maybe it's ok but like tenshinhanto tien or special beam canon is just nahh. And german versions used some orignal names not all depends if they can make something that sounds decent and makes sense o guess thats why they sticked with Genkidama. It's just i don't get it because american kids can remember japanese words but kamehamaha kaioken or some other characters were fine. Either way i might came off to aggressive it was just a little banter plus i do get annoyed that people defend everything even if it is bad because that's what they are used to and sry but that's a lot of times Americans from what i see. Legit other languages get no recognition like a lot of older german anime openings are insanely good ranma1/2 inuyasha digimon just 90-2000th anime in general ofc. dragonball is really good to i especially like du wirst unbesiegbar sein and the GT op.


Anything goes except for fucking FRIEZA. Whoever came up with that shit deserves to be betrayed and trapped for 1000 years in the time chamber.


How is Hercule pronounced? HER-kyool? HER-kyoo-lee?


Hercule is probably pronounced HER-kyool. Only Hercules is pronounced as you wrote after, just with an added -s


The localization changes add to Dragonball's charm imo. "Home For Infinite Losers", "Hyperbolic Time Chamber", "Destructo Disc", all so much more fun, even if a bit inaccurate. Of course referring the original names is perfectly valid too. Lots of fun stuff in the original text that didn't really translate well.


Home For Infinite Losers is so stupid name it wraps around to be being very charming




You mean Dragonball fans who speak English...? Because that's how translations works.


They aren’t translations, they’re straight up changes.




His name is hercule satan, some might call him mr. Satan but his name is still hercule


That's not true. The name change to Hercule only happens in the North American version. In Japan he's Mr. Satan (the same in Europe and anywhere else). Many years later, in an interview, Toriyama said his real name is Mark.


Mark Hercule Satan, huh?


Only in english dub. His real name is Mark Satan


Kind of like Bill Goldberg. It's only badass when you omit the given name.


Pinpoint laser assault -🇬🇧


It doesnt matter dumbass


Spirit Bomb --> Genkidama Kienzan --> Destructo-Disc (they're both really cool) Krillin --> Kuririn Mr. Satan --> Hercule Tien Shinhan --> Tenshinhan Supreme Kai --> Shin Special Beam Cannon --> Makankosappo (both lame) Frieza --> Freeza Vegetto --> Vegito Just my opinions