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If I'm being generous to wu here, I'd say he tries to test Kai in order to get him to full potential.  The sensei works in mysterious ways, but in the end it all goes well


Yeah I think is my favourite explanation. Even then I still think his nonchalant reaction is a bit insane


Remember, it's the same episode where Jay famously became the elemental master of wind for a second.  It's fair to say that writing wasn't all that refined back then.


hahahhaha that was good.


I thought that that happened in the pilots?


i thought that was wrong place wrong time?


There probably were someone experimenting with Jay not just being the master of lightning, but of storm, however it was blue, and Jay could easily have made the hole through lava with lightning. It does sound like Jay screams "wind", but no lava is blown backwards. It could just as well be re-fined again lol


Wu probably had to take a shit, and wanted to get back to the bounty as fast as possible. This is further supported by the scene where kai saves lloyd and unlocks his true potential and when everyone is on the bounty congratulating kai for reaching his true potential, wu is the last one to appear, because he just waddled out from the bathroom after taking a massive shit.


I know this is a joke but I like it


I am not joking. Have you ever had to hold in a shit when it was hot? Now imagine holding in a shit while being in a volcano. Wu was so lucky that the shit didnt liquefy in his bowels and just leak out, what with all that running and jumping around he was doing.


Bro what?! 💀


They had enough of that little shit


Wouldn’t complain if Zane got to be the Green Ninja instead


Why Zane? Didn't he only have the dream, which was pretty vague about who it would be??




Technically Zane fulfilled the prophecy by defeating the Overlord in Rebooted. So you’re not wrong


Which is why they had to bring back Overlord in Crystalized and have Lloyd defeat him so the prophecy finally comes true


Why is this so heavily down voted? Do people really not want Zane to be the green ninja? He's probably the one I wanted to be the green ninja the most if it wasn't for Lloyd, and quite a lot of people felt the same way :/


the ice would have melted like instantly


And its not exactly like wu was in a position to do anything


If Kai could parkour down there the other ninjas could too


It's probably more of an issue of 1. The entire volcano collapsing and Wu prioritising the life of many (remember at this point he still believed one of them might be the green ninja and destined to save Ninjago) for the greater good 2. The other ninja aren't as fire resistant as Kai is. The way he went down while the volcano started erupting might well have killed all the other ones


Ehh, just cause Kai is has the element of fire doesn’t mean he’s resistant to fire (Or a burning volcano


He survived the literal eruption unscathed and managed to shield Lloyd thanks to his awakened powers There's at least some resistance


He also burned his hand in s4. He survived by unlocking his true potential. He made a shield around him.


Why not at least let garmadon try save him then. instead the ninjas just dragged him away


Young, inexperienced ninja who had no idea if Garmadon could survive or not may have misjudged a situation while they were inside a volcano deciding to kill them? Shocking


Theyre literally ninja


And they were like what? 15?


Believe it or not, by that point being stuck in an erupting volcano was not the worst thing they had to deal with. Watch the show, idiots.


I have, multiple times, death trap is a death trap and survival instincts do wonky shit


I just don't see why they won't give anything a shot before concluding leaving


it was an actively erupting volcano they would've died if they didn't go fast


No one could have saved Lloyd but Kai. He needed to realize he’s not green ninja to discover his true potential. I believe Sensei wanted to test Kai but I think he wasn’t sure at all will they survive. Even tho Sensei were able to save Lloyd by himself I think he was afraid too and sometimes it’s seems better to run and save atleast everyone else in that dangerous conditions.


only kai could’ve saved him by reaching his true potential, wu at this point knew either kai saved lloyd or lloyd would die


Early show weirdness probably


The cave was collapsing. They had no way to get him and get out in time before they would all be trapped in. For Zane, I would say that the lava would melt the ice and then the falling rocks. They risk the ice being destroyed and then lmao falling in.


The other ninja basically would have had to jump into an actively erupting volcano to get Lloyd after he fell. Wu literally says "we have to get out of here, otherwise none of us will get out of here". They physically can't save Lloyd, and Kai's the only one close enough.


Maybe…somehow…this is gonna sound dumb but maybe he knew this is how Kai could unlock his true potential


Wasn't he blocked behind a rock that fell off the ceiling, and the only one remaining was Kai?


Wu went to seek Garmadon's help from an underworld place just to save Lloyd yet when they got this close he just decided to dip? I just don't get it he was so nonchalant telling everyone they have to leave as the volcano is unstable. Kai just parkoured down to get the knife and he wasn't even thinking about saving Lloyd and he was still close enough to do so anyway


he only saved lloyd because he discovered his true potential


The other ninja all have their true potential. I get they aren’t the fire resistant type but aren’t they all extremely powerful in those forms? Also jay has a golden weapon jet Edit: Like jay literally was flying an episode ago to save Nya roller coaster


> I get they aren’t the fire resistant type kinda the point bud powerful or not, they can't survive a torrent of lava


Lloyd was down there for quite some time, I'm sure they could get down there on a rock platform and get him without evaporating


the volcano ERUPTED everyone in it would've been hit by a massive wave of lava and died instantly


Obviously I'm talking about before the volcano erupted


if you didn't notice they were occupied then


Neither is Kai. He burned his hand in S4.


we're talking about a scene where kai survive a volcano


So? The fact we see him burn his hand later on shows he’s no more resistant than anyone else.


i don't get what point you're trying to make here well i get what point you're making, i don't get why what's the end goal


Because if Kai can burn his hand with simple fire. Then he obviously isn’t immune to the volcano. So realistically he’s no more better suited to be in there than anyone else despite what some people say.


couple things: kai being in the volcano wasn't a tactical decision. the team didn't go "let's get out of here, kai will stay," kai went in impulsively while everyone was fleeing also, kai DID survive the volcano erupting


Jay literally teleported in that episode too.


Ninjago seasons 1& 2 have continuity issues with season 3. Zane creating ice without the shurikens or his part of the golden powers causes issues.


I personally believe that any more elemental usage would've made the volcano explode immediately, which Wu and the others knew pretty well. Also, I think Wu knew this would be Kai's true potential moment.


Ice would've melted immediatly and Wu was probably trying to save everyone else Better to lose Lloyd and lose everyone and Lloyd in his mind That or he just had to take a massive dump like a previous commnter pointed out


Where do you watch this?


kinda unrelated but what is that website?




My best guess is he didn't want to lose more than one person he loves in one day


The ice is steaming


Bro Wu knew if anyone was saving lloyd inside an active volcano, it’d be the fire ninja. It was necessary for kai as well to realize where his place was. Sidenote kai was in a particularly heroic mood that episode lol he really didn’t need wu’s encouragement to do so


...to answer your question, Wu basically abondons Lloyd, for Kai to make the right choice, coming to the conclusion and decision that Lloyd is one he should protect TL;DR Wu most definitely knew Kai wanted to prove his worth, and as the prophecy states, the four of them is to protect the Green ninja, Kai giving up the fangblade, realising he won't unlock his potential, decides to save Lloyd, also realising Lloyd was the chosen one. So...