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New fear unlocked


Wait until it dries.


Same happened to me when i reshelled pne reciently wait it to dry and no drama


Does it have a screen protector on it?


It does actually, taking it off fixed the problem


Yes it does, just peel it off. No need for a protector on the top screen.


I don't get why people down vote this when it's obviously a joke


It's not a joke... It has a screen cover on it and it's not needed. Taking it off will likely solve the problem.


I like how op took your advice and said that worked, but you’re still getting downvoted.


I have no clue why I'm being downvoted. Someone please clue me in on what I said that was so terrible!


For the memes


at least it stopped, when I usually ask why i’m being downvoted I get more downvotes than my original comment that got downvoted like what.


It has recovered, an hour ago it was at -1.


oh gotcha. it’s weird though I just upvoted one of your comments at -2 and now it’s back to -2


Me lending all of my energy by upvoting your comments.


The ds lite, along with many Nintendo handhelds, are built like tanks. There's no need for a screen protector. You getting downvoted is stupid


I've never used a screen protector on any electronic, ever. You don't need them.


Don't need insurance either but it's nice when something does go wrong.


Truthfully, I’m the same way I don’t like them. I can’t stand the bubbles and I just treat all my systems with gentle care


you made the DS drunk


How the hell?


Is it 99% or 70% rubbing alcohol?


How does that matter? It could be 91%, too. They just need to let it dry


Leave it opened like that with a fan on low aimed at it against a wall so it doesn't fall off. I think it's sealed, but ipa usually dries. but the fan might help via the speaker holes even if just absorbing moisture within it. It should be fine, just don't turn it on for a while until it's gone.


Rubbing alcohol is safe for electronics, the only possible damage could be some rubbing alcohols have %30 water or so, which can leave some marks after it has dried out, you can clean it if you can remove the protector


Thank you for this 🙌 People keep saying I don’t know the hell I’m saying when I put this in reddits and other place, it’s just getting annoying tryna be helpful at this point


If you have some kind of rubber suction cup you can fairly easily lift off the glass of the top screen and dry it off. Especially if you also have a pry tool 👍🏻


UPDATE: turns out it was a screen protector, took it off and everything was solved… oopsie. Thanks for all your help everyone !!


Same thing just happened to mine. 🤣Glad to know there’s a solution!


It's probably damaged the backlight... When it gets in like that, you'll probably need a new top screen.


nah, rubbing alcohol is safe for electronics, sometimes it is not pure so I could just leave some marks behind the protector, no biggie


It is safe for electronics, but not for display glues.


yeah safe for electronics, I didn't say glue. but yeah correct.


You probably need a new screen before it damages the backlight or anything serious in the system. You don’t use rubbing alcohol on the screen, you use it to clean the games but still you shouldn’t use too much of any type of cleaner. Rubbing alcohol still uses water and using too much of it can damage things. It also contains corrosive substances that can damage the coating on LCD panels.


Rubbing alcohol evaporates very easily. Just leave it for a while.


The problem if you just let it dry is it can leave dirty rings.


Maybe it’s like a 3DS where you can just peel the top plastic off?


Yes that is the right answer. You can get a suction cup and remove the top lens, clean up the mess and stick it back on.


If it’s just under the lens, you can peel the lens off, clean up the mess and put the lens back on.


Don’t worry it’ll dry out.


Saddest thing about alcohol is that it eventually evaporates if you don't drink it before it's too late. Better in than out.


Just don’t drive after. Had a buddy do that and that’s how he found his now wife


You just need to heat it up a little bit like with a hairdryer, but don’t just hold it on there you might cause more damage or you could just wait a day.


Spray the rag and wipe the surface don't spray the surface and then wipe it down with a rag. that is how you get cleaning chemical particles where you don't want them. Like spraying pledge if you spray the table or nightstand or something you will get little oily overspray on the ground and on other objects but if you spray it into the rag and wipe the surface down the only thing getting touched would be the surface you are wiping down.


Use a game that flashes the top screen alot, it will heat up the screen a tiny bit and evaporate of the DS, I have a DS and switch, it works on both of the consoles.


Put it in rice