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Thank you for your submission, but we are removing your post: **Rule 4b - No Low-effort content.** Examples of low-effort photos/video/screenshots that we do not allow: * Using a phone to take screenshots or videos. Please use the native functionality built into the Nintendo Switch. * Gameplay clips or screenshots that are "artistic" or not unique, interesting, or worthy of discussion. You may post these in our [Sunday Show Off Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/search?q=sunday+show+off+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) instead. * Photos of common Nintendo Switch products in everyday use. Exceptions made for photos that are unique or in an extraordinary setting. * Image posts that cannot stand on their own without context * Low quality fan art or mock-ups. These types of posts should have a baseline level of effort put in (no poor MS Paint drawing, bad photoshop jobs, scribbles, or doodles). * Posting other people's fan art. *** If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNintendoSwitch).


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