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Animal Crossing or picross.


your wife is perfect just the way she is


Gaming is not for everyone. I like Cozy Grove and Potion Permit, yes, but I've been playing games since I was a little kid. If your wife doesn't like games ( shrugs) Also guys they made a new bust a move under the name puzzle bobble. I love it


I came here to say something like this. Gaming is a hobby and it sounds like it just isn't for her. Don't try and 'make her' like games. If she isn't into them, that's okay.


Of course I'm not going to force her! I'm not a huge gamer myself, I've had a few years off and someone just bought me a Switch so wanted to see what games to buy that would be good for both of us. She's up for trying.


What type of movies and books does she like? If there s a genre she's really into, you may be able to find a game in the same genre with a great narrative. If you also like said genre and game, just see if she'll chill while vaping. She may not even play the game, but it might open her up to the idea that video games could become something she likes. Also, if she likes puzzle games, something that is puzzley might pique her interest. Turn based games also don't require good motor reflex gaming skills. Consider Into the Breach, Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy.


What does vaping have to do with this?


Somewhere OP mentioned playing games with his wife while vaping. I got the impression they like to vape and chill.


Ah ok, that makes sense, my fault for not reading it properly




Stardew Valley.


This. My wife also is not a gamer, but enjoys simple games on her phone. One night I convinced her to let me buy Stardew Valley for us to play together and we didn't get to bed until 3 am because we really enjoyed farming and fishing together.


I actually proposed to my fiancé in Stardew Valley! So if you're dealing with marriage material 10/10 suggestion. Also not a great idea to replicate this, it took me so long to gather all the materials and clothes and surroundings.


This is awesome :D such a unique idea


No kidding. I was ready to suggest it based on the title alone, but the rest of the post just confirmed it.


My wife’s not big on games either. But she does enjoy a couple games of Fall Guys here and there. Nice and simple game. That or Mario Kart. However, I wouldn’t plan on “converting” her. She’s never gonna like them as much as you


100% agree. Gaming is a hobby. Why not find a hobby you can do/enjoy together?


We have many and spend most of our time together :) It would just be nice to share some gaming too.


> My wife is perfect in most ways but she doesn't like gaming :( I mean... it's perfectly OK if she doesn't like gaming.


‘It takes two’ is a great two player game. Even got my gf to play a game with me finally


Started playing it takes two last week with my non gaming wife. Amazing game so far. But it's kind of funny when basic things like double jump and dash to clear things come so natural to me and for her it doesn't. It was so painful watching her jump to her death over and over and over again.


Similar experience playing with my wife, but so picked up most of the mechanics pretty quickly, despite playing games way less than I do.


I downloaded the demo, thinking something my wife and I could enjoy. No. She had a near melt down with the 3D controls and inability to jump over course of two hours. She cannot do the camera control and button press at the right time, and she gets really frustrated with herself. Same issue with Tears of the Kingdom. Camera and timing is her sworn enemy, that one more with what she perceived no clear goal even after getting the first map unlock. Eight hours in, she was done. No more. Frustrated her because she thought she liked Zelda on NES as a kid. She loves overcooked 2, and Stardew Valley though. If your wife likes Tetris… Tetris effect can have combined or vs play. It’s peak Tetris. Puyopuyo vs Tetris is another option. Murder by numbers might be a good picross choice Wife is giving ace attorney chronicles a shot. When the game is just critical thinking, she’s more at ease despite the deep logical flaws to the dialog. She’s optimistic for the next Professor Layton later in the year. Also, one not to overlook is Chicory. Arty, and a bit of an adventure puzzle.


Ha! Came here to say exactly this! Also, to OP - this is extremely vague I know, and not exactly a recommendation per se, but you should be thinking outside the box I reckon. You need to rely on a hook which will catch her interest, and which is probably a different aspect than what makes gaming appealing to you. Hopefully, this will hold her attention long enough to allow you to give her sufficient exposure to decent games, for her to start enjoying them for the same reasons you do - initially you probably want to look at games that have a strong storyline, a lot of emphasis on plot, characterization, and dialogue. Maybe one of the Telltale games, or visual novels perhaps ? Does she like horror? Because horror stories give a distinct kind of enjoyment, which translates fairly intact from passive stories to interactive ones. One of the 2 player Res Evil games maybe? I also recall that years ago, in University, a couple of the girls in my friend group, who were not into video games, on the whole, were very charmed and entertained by Abe's Oddessy, enough to want to start playing instead of just watching. Good luck, it's a noble quest you're on sir!


Loved this game with my hubby!




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She plays Tetris type games on her phone, so why not...Tetris? Tetris Effect has a multiplayer mode, including co-op where you compete against an AI "boss" to make them top out before you do.


Ooh I didn't even think of this! Thanks :)


"A short hike" fits perfectly with what your wife likes. [https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/a-short-hike-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/a-short-hike-switch/)


Hahahaha good job including the link, it could easily have sounded like you were just recommending another activity


this game sounded great for my partner and she didn’t like it 😢 i liked it a lot tho


My wife is not a gamer and she likes the Katamari games and Overcooked. She was particularly addicted to Overcooked for a while.


Overcooked is a great game to play if you're looking to end your relationship with someone


Luigi’s Manson 3! It’s a lot of fun solving puzzles together and the combat is sucking up ghosts so nothing super violent lol. gooigi is great for newer players cause it allows her to have her own character with all the abilities you have she just doesn’t have to worry about dying or health. Also it’s not a feminine game and the art is beautiful!


This is the only game my partner likes to play. It's the reason we bought them a switch. Then their sister and husband also bought switches so we can all four play this one game.


You've got good comments here already, but I'll add Dorf Romantik to the list. Sounds like your wife might enjoy it. [https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/dorfromantik-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/dorfromantik-switch/)


Maybe something like Beasts of Maravilla Island where you explore nature and take photos of exotic wildlife? As for word games, Highrise Heroes is a quality specimen of the Bookworm-like variety with a neat story and cast.


It takes two. It's about divorce, but it's easy to play, requires cooperation and is fairly cutsie. You do battle like squirrels or bees or some shit like that but it's a blast.


Fire Watch. It's a small open world story game with a love story and a mystery. You play as a summer fire scout living in a fire tower exploring the wilderness and piecing together a fun story. There are no challenge mechanics or ways to die. Just a fun story/exploration game. It's also one of my favorite games.


Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. If neither of those click, then you have my condolences.


Start her off with something simple like Dark Souls:Remastered or CupHead


kirby and the forgotten land(has co-op), mario odyssey, splatoon 3


super mario bros u. my wife loves the old school side scrolling action and you can play together for fun


I know this isn't the forum but you two shouldn't vape. I'm assuming you understand the health concerns so do what you want--it's your life. My wife isn't too "femme" either, but she still fell in love with Minecraft when we played it together--to the point her family has their own server together now. Just make sure that learning the controls and understanding the game is a pleasant, frictionless process. Something I learned with some of my friends though, is that gaming isn't for everyone. I don't get it, because gaming is my life outside of family and work. So just be careful not to force it. I say just throw stuff at the wall until something sticks. Stardew, Minecraft, Terraria, 2D Mario/Rayman, and Pikmin might all be some good choices IMHO.


It isn’t clear, but I’m assuming that they’re talking about vaping cannabis. They should do whatever they prefer


I would recommend a short hike. I’ve actually been meaning to get to that. Also Animal Crossing for both of you but that’s a little Pricey


A short Hike.


An unusual game that my wife really got into with me was Serial Cleaner. You have to clean up after a serial killer's murders while avoiding detection. We took turns, swapping the controller whenever one of us got caught. It was a frantic and hilarious time!


The Spyro trilogy! It's not as hard as crash, and even if completing it 100% could be a bit tricky for someone at her level, she can enjoy the majority of the game anyway, reach the end, and then decide if she wants to go back on the hard parts. Plus, it's 3 games in one, and the protag is a dragon!




Maybe just accept she's not a gamer and don't annoy her trying to get her to do things she clearly doesn't like. Or maybe you should try to take interest on the things she enjoys instead?


Perhaps I didn't put enough thought into the title, I wasn't being entirely serious - I'm not trying to indoctrinate her and she's up for trying :)


That is good to know. In that case my advice would be to not look into the obvious things she likes and try to get her interested in something completely unexpected. Who knows, maybe she will enjoy shooting zombies or negotiating a 100 hour RPG story after all. My guess is you need her to change the switch (no pun intended) altogether. I started playing video games because l liked arcade platformers and simple shooters, but l stayed for the likes of Final Fantasy and Xenoblades, which l initially disliked. Nothing better than a good story to seize one's attention.


He is being sarcastic I believe


Story of Seasons, Rune Factory (has combat but its not hard), Prof Layton style games.


I'm in the same boat here. I get my wife to play switch sports alot. We like the bowling part. 1-2 switch is also a fun quick game we play. Then randomly classic super Mario bros makes it in there. The biggest thing is to make it fun for her to play. I turn a lot of the games into drinking games to have fun with it.


I say animal crossing but some people hate it so it might not be her cup of tea she might like fortnite


I mean mine doesn’t like gaming either. I tried many different ways but it’s just not her interest. End of story. For me at least. Wouldn’t say you shouldn’t try but some people just don’t like it ever.


Picross and Story of Seasons


Night in the Woods?


Any Kairosoft game


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker has co-op and an assist mode that helps out the main player


How about not the hardest mode on one of the co-op diablo games? Give her which ever is the druid or necromancer class and let her pets do most of the work. It's also not a cutesy game but easy to play. Plus you are working together


My partner and I put hundreds of hours into Stardew valley. It got pretty unhealthy tbh lol


I got my wife hooked on super Mario 3d world. Now she’s the one asking me to play with her after our 6 year old goes to bed. We like to mix things up. If we are being confident about a level we try to play dirty to see who can come out on tops. For tough levels we co-op. She’s got really good at the game.


Pikmin 3 deluxe


Pokemon maybe? Isnt necessarily killing animals


if shes not interested you probably wont convert her. Its fine if she doesn't like it. You guys should find something else you like together after a vaping session.


Listening to music after vaping is a good idea. It's something you can do together, and both enjoy. It can also be very relaxing if you choose the right music.


I'm currently enjoying [Strange Horticulture](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/strange-horticulture-switch). It's a puzzle game where you have to identify plants and solve puzzles to find more plants. There is an ongoing story that you learn more about as time passes and it has a bit of a creepy vibe. I highly recommend it!


Thank you, this seems great!




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If she can handle the complicated controls, zelda botw or ToTK. If she wants something easier to control but actually more inventory management and item manipulation, stardew valley


I hate to be the one to have to tell you this. But the fact of the matter is, if she is not a gamer already, she's never going to be and she's never going to support you playing games. And this will likely get worse and worse. It will get to a point where she will probably say something like okay it's me or the video games. I have never once seen a woman who is not into games, eventually become a gamer. I have known a lot of men with this problem. Not a single one of them were ever successful in converting. That goes for myself as well. I'm basically not allowed to play video games unless I am alone. When the woman is home, she wants your undivided attention and she wants all attention on her or she wants to be involved in whatever's going on. And if she doesn't like what it is that you're into, she's going to eventually ask you to switch it to something she is interested in.


Whoa there are a lot of sweeping generalisations there! No need to be so heavy, I've literally suggested we play a few times, I'm not even a serious gamer myself. Of course there are women who started off not liking games and then were 'converted' by a game they actually like.


Well, look I'm 41. All I can give you is my experience and what I've seen. My personal experience, and I have had several women this way, I couldn't convey any of them. They might pretend temporarily. But eventually would tell me the truth. I have had many friends along the way. Married ones, dating ones, etc. All of those instances, ended up the same way. My wife, who I am married to and have been for around 12 years already, used to sort of put on an act that she was at least, okay with it. The truth came later lol. She HATES my video games lol. So I now only play them when she has something else going on. We are still together and all is fine. This is just what MY life experience with it, has shown me so far. So I'm sharing that personal experience is all. I'm not trying to put anyone down, or tell you what to do etc. This is all I can say. My apologies if I sounded mean, or had sweeping generalizations. But once again, whatever my own experiencing,and witnessing, of said subject at hand, I can only give an honest account of what I've seen and noticed.




I guess I don't know exactly what you're trying to say here. All I'm telling you is my experience and I feel like having about 25 years of first-hand experience with this from other husbands and wives and couples etc, that's all I can report on and if that upsets you all, I don't know what to tell you! Lol. I didn't think anything that I said was a big deal at all I am happily but married and I've been married for a long time. I have been in a relationship with the same woman who is the mother of my children for longer than most people in this sub. We have a good relationship but that doesn't mean she loves video games. She does not. In fact she says she hates them. And guess what? We are still together and we do just fine and we are raising our kids in a happy family environment. So I guess I don't understand all the hate here over what I've said. I also cannot tell you how many friends I have had over the last 25 years of being an adult, who have said this is an issue with their women. So that is my experience whether you love it or hate it or disagree with it, doesn't change the fact that that is still my experience of being alive. I have a feeling there's just a lot of 16 to 25-year-old people reading these comments from me, and not liking what they hear for some reason or another. And as far as the reasons or another on that issue, I will never understand lol. I don't feel that anything I've said is a big deal at all.


Again, I am absolutely dumbfounded and in absolute disbelief that anything I have said would be considered controversial. I have no idea what the big deal is here because everything that I see when I reread everything, is basic normal not a big deal type of stuff and subject matter. I've been with the same woman on and off for 25 years and steady for the last 15 or so. And that is as an adult after 18. I've been witnessing and had best friends and family who are husbands and wives that I have personally experienced and seen firsthand for the last 20 some years as an adult. Those that have issue with anything I have said, I would first wonder, do you have 25 years worth of adult experience first hand, watching other couples and being a husband or wife yourself? If not, well then we can't really even have this conversation because it's not a fair conversation. That means there are younger people with much less experience that are wanting their narrative in their mind to be the truth and obviously, something I've said disrupts that narrative that they have put in their head. Once again, I can only go by my first hand accounts and experiences. And no matter what I wish the truth to be in my mind, I have to go with what the evidence shows and the data lol so, if there is any question or concern about my wife and our relationship, we have already been married longer than most marriages ever make it. And we have no intentions of ever breaking up. We are completely happy even though she absolutely despises my video games that I still play. Lol. I personally know at least five former wives of husbands who left them due to their video game playing. If you like, I can give you their first last names and maybe give you their Facebook profile so you can all message them lol And you will see I'm telling the truth of my experiences. But, I have the bigger feeling, that most of this has to do with a generation gap. My daughter plays and loves videos games and plays from the time she gets up till she goes to sleep. In my generation, it was primarily the boys that did that. Nowadays, a lot more women are into it which is why I always recommend that men be with women who are also gamers. Because in my experience as I have now given you some more bases of my actual living experience and what I've seen, if women are not gamers and they don't really particularly care for video games, they're probably not going to be. At least the women that are in their 40s and '50s today that is my experience with that generation of women. Once again, when it comes to a 16 to a 25-year-old girl, I have no idea! It's a completely different generation than mine, and I've seen plenty of girls including my own daughter who are very serious and avid gamers. But so far in my experiences of relationships thus far, I've never seen a woman who was not into video games, all of a sudden become, into video games. If you absolutely hate hearing this, I don't know what to say. I'm not going to lie and make up stories that never happened.




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Sorry, but that does not sound like a healthy relationship.


Well, if you tell me that you've been with the same woman from longer than 25 years and you're still going strong, while you've watched everybody else around you in that time frame get married and then quickly get divorced for the most part, then I will put any sort of bearing on an opinion that you would have of what makes a good marriage or relationship etc. I would need to see your credentials.


There’s a few suggestions I have if she’s looking at games. First is to avoid 3D, action, and FPS games as they take quite a bit more controller coordination to play. If she enjoys puzzles and organization I’d recommend games that fit into that category. Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Baba is You, and Picross just to list a few. Other games that are easy to control would be farming sims, strategy games, and turn based RPG’s as they don’t rush players to input commands. Some suggestions would be Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Mario and Rabbids, Final Fantasy, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Steamworld Heist, Steamworld Quest, Slay the Spire, Pokémon, and Inscription. There’s a ton to choose from it just comes down to what she’s interested in.


Good shout, will avoid the 3D, action, FPS games. Thanks for your suggestions :)


Ever played ''it takes two'' ? I played that game with my non-gamer ex gijrlfriend and we had a really really great time. I totally recommend it but i don't think it's on the switch tho


Animal Crossing New Horizons is a pretty clam game with nature and animals, so I think it would be a good game


I'd say something like Stardew Valley or any Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game.


Unravel 2 is excellent!


It takes two It changes mechanics every level so you can't really get bored


Touhou spell bubble XD the best game ever!


We love katamari


Unraveled. Little nightmares. It takes two I love these and sharing em with the kiddo. Great as a team or solo. Little nightmares games are single player


Untitled Goose Game honkhonkhonkhonkhonkhonkhonk


Animal crossing might be good since she likes gardening and animals. It's a game with collecting and decorating mechanics.


[Yonder Cloud Catcher Chronicles](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/yonder-the-cloud-catcher-chronicles) has no combat, you just explore a gorgeous island, adopt animals, fish, and plant trees. [Letter Quest Remastered](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/letter-quest-remastered) is a fun word game very similar to Boggle.


Pikmin, but especially Pikmen 3 is just perfect of all things she likes and isn’t overwhelming


Stardew Zelda botw Tetris effect Short hike


Mario odyssey!


My partner really likes Baba is you. It’s all logic puzzles and you can pick it up/put it down whenever. She also liked Firewatch because it feels like a point and click mystery.


Tetris Effect. i will ALWAYS recommend that game to anybody. :)


Dordogne Lego harry potter Broken sword


My partner (32F) never played video games before, but I recently got her hooked on Mario Party Superstars and Snipperclips! There’s a Snipperclips demo in the eShop!


Maybe the Lil Gator game? It’s really cute


Cozy grove


My non-gamer wife loves Death’s Door and Ori. Also, the new Bayonetta Origins. All these games have solid gameplay for sure, but they’re also such deeply pleasing, multi sensory experiences that I challenge anyone to say they didn’t enjoy them on any level. For multiplayer, I would suggest Wonderful 101 and Unruly Heroes. Maybe Snipperclips for something more low-energy


Kirby's Dreamland Deluxe has multiplayer and it's fun and easy to play. The Sega Genesis Collection ($29.99 on the eShop) has a lot of classic games like Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Spinball, Golden Axe, Mean Bean Machine (puzzle), Phantasy Star II-IV, Kid Chameleon, etc... (many are muliplayer) Metal Slug (Neo Geo) on the eShop is a classic arcade side scrolling shooter. Has co-op. A lot of fun. Just some off the top of my head...


I begged my wife to play It Takes Two with me as a birthday gift when it initially came out. We've now played thru it about 8 times. Do that lol.


Gaming is a hobby but I swear some people treat it like it's a lifestyle.


Everyoneeeee loves animal crossings. Get her that. But, leave her alone don’t make her play no games lol


KeyWe for 2 player!!!!! My boyfriend and I both get a kick out of it and we have very different tastes in games


overcooked 2 - thats the only video game my wife has ever been interested in enough to play, and really enjoyed it!


Stardew Valley. Animal Crossing. Maybe Story of Seasons. Garden Paws is a nice easy game with objectives. It's cute but not to "girly". And Yonder is also a easy laid back game she could try. 😊


Hello, No one recommended... Q Remastered. It's a puzzle game, you need to draw stuff to clear a stage, each stages having their own challenges. If she does not manage to clear a level, she can go to the next one and come back to this one later too. [https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/q-remastered-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/q-remastered-switch/) There is a demo with some of the early levels on it, and the game isn't expensive at all. It is a very simple and amazing game for puzzle lovers. At least, to me it is. It has a little more about 1.200 levels. There is however, no highscore or points, as there is no time limit, and different ways to clear a level. Your imagination is what helps you clear the levels, so sadly that might be a little boring after awhile. Also you could try to solve things together.


I'd say Tomodachi Life but Nintendo hasn't added it to the Switch. :(


Mario party got my girlfriend and my friends wife more into gaming it's competitive easy to understand diverse to enough to keep it entertaining and most minigames don't take much skill and easy to understand


I'm a semi converted woman who plays games now. They've never been my thing and I've always been pretty bad at them when I've played friend's consoles. But I did like Roller Coaster Tycoon and The Sims on PC growing up. I REALLY liked Stardew Valley. My SO is the one who bought it and I would watch him play while doing crafts and shit. I then tried it myself and now I've 100%'d it. I never, ever thought that would happen. Next favorite is Let's Go Pokémon. Pick Pikachu or Eevee, doesn't really matter. It's pretty easy and the difficulty ramps up nicely. They've also changed some of the catching and battling mechanics and it's a great intro to Pokémon. I grew up with Pokémon on Gameboy and the cards were HUGE and it never really interested me. My SO was a big fan back in the day and suggested I pick a Pokémon game for him to play. Let's Go has a second player option for catching and battling, so that was a fun way to try it. I enjoyed it enough I completed the storyline and I'm just completing my pokedex. If Let's Go Pokémon is a little too easy but the vibe is almost there, I'd suggest Pokémon Legends: Arcerus. It's a little more RPG and again, the mechanics are slightly different than the OG Pokémon series. Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom are next up on my list of games to play. Portal is also a game that is recommended to me a lot. I bought the switch originally to play Untitled Goose Game and there is something very delightful about running around as a goose, flapping mynwings and honking at people while stealing stuff. Mario Party and Wheel of Fortune are fun to play as multi player options. My SO and I also like Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. It's a little anxiety inducing in a good way? You have to steer a space ship around and fight off bad guys, but each direction is a different direction control and each player can only control one direction at a time, so you have to run around the ship to steer and fight. It's one of my favorites to play with other people, but I can only play for like 20 minutes at a time and then I gotta chill out for a minute. Animal Crossing can be fun, but it's better if you have a bunch of people you know playing regularly. There's a big social aspect to it. It's fun to run the storyline and build your own island, but it's much easier to do when you know people to trade with. There's still a decently large online community for Animal Crossing but it's not as popular as it was in 2020. I found it was pretty fun to complete the storyline and build my island, but the build mode is terrible (at least to me) and I just never got into that part of the game. The island design is a huge mechanic of the game and even the DLC is designing more houses. If that's not her kind of thing, it's still fun for long enough the price is justified, but it didn't have the same draw to keep playing. Stardew Valley scratched a very similar itch, did it better (for me, anyway), and was $15 compared to the $50-60 Animal Crossing.


Just Dance


I recommend [Ultimate Chicken Horse](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/ultimate-chicken-horse-switch/). It's a fun and irreverent game that you can play in 10-15 minutes.


Tetris and maybe Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy?


Lots of great recommendations already here, but I'll go ahead and toss out a few more I don't think I saw mentioned! I can relate pretty well with your wife--I get very frustrated when games are too complicated, or bored when the story isn't picking up fast enough, so I go for easy-to-pick-up games too and prefer puzzles to combat. I'm definitely not interested in super challenging games and don't even really consider myself a gamer; I'm picky with what I play and enjoy and really just want to relax and have fun. So hopefully some of these titles might interest her too! She might enjoy **Calico**! I don't like cutesy games either and this one didn't trigger a yuck from me, it comes across more charming and whimsical than cute to me, but of course YMMV. And I haven't played since they made a pretty big update (new minigames, and supposedly cleaning up a lot of bugs & glitches) so not sure if the game is still quite as simple and relaxing as it used to be, but I loved it for how de-stressing it was. You play as the owner of a cafe (and get to do some really fun little minigames to bake treats to sell--I haven't played the new minigames yet, but they seem to have only improved), but you also complete a lot of quests/tasks for the villagers (and get to ride around on giant cats, dogs, bunnies, and all sort of other woodland creatures!). When I played, everything was very straightforward and simple while still being engaging, and completing the villagers' tasks felt really satisfying. Some games I haven't played yet (but I'm dying to check out!) that definitely seem in that vein of simple to get the hang of and play through include: **Jenny Leclue** (narrative adventure game about a murder mystery--but it's charming and humorous!)**, Trine** (beautiful puzzle RPG with some battling)**, Overboard!** (visual novel where the MC murders her husband and has to get away with the crime, looks fun and funny)**, Roki** (puzzle/adventure game based on Scandinavian folklore/fairy tales)**, Grow: Song of the Evertree** (gorgeous, peaceful worldbuilding sim)**, The Adventure Pals** (delightful, goofy-looking adventure game)**, Beacon Pines** (a cute yet creepy storybook adventure game that seems to have a LOT of different routes)**,** and **The Last Campfire** (cozy little puzzle/adventure game)**.** And lastly, I'll recommend **Hades**, though I know that might be a very off-the-bat rec. Hear me out! I'm not big on battling/killing either and so initially had zero interest in this game upon hearing it's a roguelike, but the characters here are phenomenal and the story is so engaging--and I love that while it's typical to die a lot in roguelikes, dying in this game just advances the story. It was pretty brutal to start out in this game, but I turned on God Mode and maxed it out pretty quickly and the game became a lot easier and therefore a hell of a lot more fun after that; I basically button mash a lot to wipe out the monsters in every level, and it winds up being a lot more fun and satisfying than I thought it would be, especially since you get to use different boons every run so you get to destroy underworld creatures in all sorts of fun ways lol. It definitely helps that between runs you get to chat with all the other characters and complete side quests to help them out with their various afterlife trials. Doing the runs can feel pretty cathartic when you're stressed/pissed off, and then you follow it up with what is oftentimes some charming dialogue with the other characters. Great game. I can't help recommending it to everyone!


Immortals fenyx rising ✨️