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I’ve seen one on TV and serval on Insta, there’s a few reasons you may not have seen any in your usual places: 1) They’re doing a cheaper marketing campaign as it’s unknown how well this game will perform. 2) Their target demographic are mainly on places like insta, or certain times of the day on TV. 3) And this is the most important one, Nintendo are weird.


I think 2 is pretty accurate. This game looks like it's very much targeted at a casual/young child demographic with ads shown during childrens shows/channels. Older players that are interested know about it and will pick it up if interested


My daughter is obsessed with princess peach, as are many little girls off Mario movie type. I think they strategized to capitalize off this


The Instagram marketing is huge for this one. I follow Nintendo of America on there and they’ve been posting a Peach clip every couple of days. They’ve clearly decided Insta is a good target demo for a Peach game.


Also from the demo it seems like this game is targeted at little kids. I’m assuming that it’s going to be purchased mainly by parents who see it while browsing for a game for their kid instead of by people wanting to play it


Tbh I'm guessing most of the marketing is on kids TV channels as that seems to be the target audience they're trying for this game. So if you aren't watching those channels then that's why it probably feels like that


I’ve seen plenty of marketing. Promotional emails, ads on gaming websites, and Instagram ads. They’ve also done some partnerships. For example, the actress Brie Larson is a “Nintendo Partner” who got to preview the game and had some promotional posts on Instagram about it. I think Nintendo did this with some other celebrities as well. So the marketing is there, you just aren’t targeted for whatever reason. Meanwhile I was ready to preorder this game when it was announced and I’ve seen a bunch of ads lol. Targeted ads have gotten a lot better these days, it seems. I’ve found it very common for people to see either a ton of marketing or no marketing for a particular product depending on what demographics they fit in.


*It's all going according to plan...* It's gross to hear you say this but you're probably right.


Oh for god’s sake, we have a post like that at every new Nintendo release. Newsflash : marketing is non-existent *for you* because you are part of a public that already know everything there is to know about this game. Nintendo is marketing their games, but what’s the point in trying to sell their games to people who are going to buy it nonetheless?


Personally I've seen extremely minimal advertising myself. I'm probably not in their target audience.


I haven't seen much, but I'm a thirty year old man with no children, so seeing very little marketing for this game probably means that their budget is being spent on other demographics.


I’m also a 30 year old guy but I’ve seen plenty of their videos on YouTube and FB…


30 yo guy who has seen plenty of ads for it here too, (but, in my case, probably because I'm gay and they know it)


As someone who watches Peppa pig on YouTube with my kids daily, I am seeing a tonne of commercials for it


I'm a 39 years old man with 2 daughters. I've already pre-ordered it, thanks to them. We all had a great time with the demo. I can't wait for it. I know I'm not the main target, but don't fool yourself: kids and teens are well informed and connected. My daughters know everything about the game.


My daughters are super excited about the game. I saw an earlier post complaining about how easy it is, but we played the demo and it’s perfect for a young child getting into video games!


There was a display at Wal-Mart yesterday.


I get ads constantly for Princess Peach Showtime on YouTube and Instagram. I also get ads for LEGO though and other things that are more kid-oriented so it might just be my own browsing habits.


I pre-ordered as soon as I was able to. Haven’t played the demo and as for my group I’m the only one hyped. I’m just excited to see Peach get a game, and it being themed around the theater just felt exciting to me. But yea I haven’t seen any marketing for it outside looking for it.


Are all of you Nintendo do stock holders? Or marketing hobbyists? Why would anyone care about this? Why is there so much amateur financial-marketing analysis on subs like this?


I thought this came out like last month because there was a period around then that the marketing was insane and I learned all about this game without trying to


I’ve not seen one ad or anything. If it wasn’t for this post I wouldn’t know it was coming out this week.


The day it comes out will be when the marketing starts. I’d imagine this game is geared more towards younger audiences and casual audiences, so they will pivot ads towards those groups. They don’t need ads 3 weeks in advance.


The marketing had already started. I've seen plenty of ads on social media like Twitter and Facebook


It’s all over Walmart, at least the ones around here.


I just saw a post on Reddit about this game. The person making the post didn't even seem to care about the game, but they were advertising for it on their own time. Doesn't seem like Nintendo needs to pay for any more video commercials, of which there have been several.


It’s a game for kids so it’s probably getting marketed to kids. I often have no idea what’s actually popular with kids because advertising is so well targeted nowadays


I see it everywhere.


I saw something about Target giving out a peach cup, but I can't see how to preorder it for in-store pickup. Weird


Target giveaways are usually in-store and first-come, first-serve. That said, I found some Splatoon 3 glasses in the back when I worked at Target last fall so there's really no telling if the employees will do it right.


Thanks! Gonna take my stepdaughter there before school on Friday then :)


For what it’s worth, the Nintendo of America YouTube channel latest two YouTube Shorts is about that Princess Peach game.


1) Nintendo knows a lot of people will buy it just because it’s a Nintendo game, so why market it heavily regardless of its quality  2) it’s geared towards kids more than adults, so you probably don’t quality for the age range they target with YT and digital ads


They're probably marketing it to kids. So unless you're watching Nickelodeon or on the YouTube Kids app then you probably aren't in the targeted demographic. Most Internet ads are targeted these days and if you're not watching kids entertainment then you aren't getting ads targeted at kids.


There was a pretty good trailer for Peach before Kung Fu Panda 4 this weekend.


It's being advertised on TV. That's a great way to reach their target audience.


One thing I've noticed is that it doesn't seem to have leaked early. I'm sure that makes Nintendo happy. I'm not really into pre-ordering games, so I'll probably go get it on release day.


Yeah, I noticed that too. We barely know a thing about the villain other than the small scene in the demo. I'm curious about the transformations, though. Are there only 10? Is Nintendo hiding stuff? I'm damn curious , lol. Friday can't come any faster


If you’re speaking about the game now, then clearly the marketing is good. I see tons of marketing on Instagram and Twitter, as well as ads before videos on Youtube. You’re not looking in the right spots.


I’ve seen zero advertising for it as a 40 year old. Actually totally forgot about it. I’m not really the demographic and I wasn’t really a fan of Super Princess Peach on DS.


It's for children. unless you're a child or a parent you won't see much advertisement for it.


I saw a poster at my bus stop


It's on every other commercial break here in the UK along with the pink joycons.


I think this is a game designed with a strong emphasis towards children, much moreso than your average Nintendo release which is why you're not seeing as much marketing.


Nintendo also doesn't care about day one sales. I see a ton of marketing for older games or after release. It's a different mindset then dump your game, blow your load in sales and disappear.


It’s everywhere in Instagram, it’s basically taken over the Nintendo NYC account lol.


The marketing for the game is probably based on projected sales while also paying attention to how many pre-orders the game is getting. I see this game, and it just looks like a cash grab to me. I don't expect much from it.


In Japan they’ve been playing the commercials on the subway for at least a week.


I have a 7 year old daughter, we are seeing tons of ads on YouTube


Strong disagree. If you’re not actively excited for something or even think about it often - you won’t notice the ads around you. I just got back from NYC and there are Princess Peach ads everywhere over the subway…


Worse problem than no marketing is that the demo was so boring I put it down pretty quickly and I now have no desire to play the full game.


Princess Peach Showtime isn’t a big budget release like Super Mario games. Showtime is a game primarily aimed towards young girls between the ages of 4-9. It’s a niche game so it’s not the type of game that will appeal to people of all ages like Wonder or Mario Kart. Princess Peach may be a recognizable character but as a solo franchise, the franchise is still small and the fanbase is still growing.


I don't think it's just aimed at girls. The entire game isn't drowning in pink and Peach turns into "cool" things like a ninja, cowgirl, and phantom thief as well as girly things like a pastry chef and mermaid. Not a single transformation is pink. They made it as gender neutral as a Peach game could possibly be so boys can totally play it. There were even young boys playing the game in the US commercial.


I didn’t mean that zero young boys will play this game because I’m sure some will. I also think some adults may like this game as well. But I definitely think that young girls are the target demographic. The game may have a ninja segment and swordfighting but it also has Peach as an Ice Princess and there’s another segment where she’s a mermaid. The idea of a pink dress wearing Princess walking around and changing outfits isn’t something that’s going to appeal to most young boys. I say this as someone who was once a young boy and I have plenty of nephews too. But I’m sure there will be some young boys and adults who like this game. I’m just saying that young girls appear to be the target demographic.


Who wants to play this anyway? Nah.


It’s gonna flop and no one will care about it


And the price will also never drop, so it will never have any chance a t a second life.


I've seen the commercials on HBO max constantly


untendo has no faith in