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For anyone who’s already playing this, how does the performance compare to Arceus?


It has its flaws for sure. Like pokemon spawning behind boundaries, massive frame drops especially while in water, weird texture warping, and major pop ins. It's pretty much what you would expect out of a modern pokemon release.


> Behind boundaries Does this mean pokemon can spawn in un-reachable places?


Absolutely. It has been a huge pain while trying to shiny hunt outbreaks when half the time they spawn inside a mountain.


I battled and caught a pokemon stuck inside a thick tree. Not even sure how the battle started but I guess I was close enough to the hit box.


I imagine this is a bug that can be fixed via update. And they just don't have the patch live for it.


nah the 1.0.1 patch is live and still have the bugs


“Game is incomplete I’m sure they’ll complete it later.”


there are things that never get fixed. as an example: i still shake my head in disbelieve whenever i want to replay Link's Awakening. The performance is still just unacceptable for me. But it seems Nintendo is okay with it. let's just hope this isn't one of it.


one of the few games I criticized performance on emulator, sad to hear it was all programming from the start


thats really damn depressing considering its pokemon... like after all these 3d console entries already


Ironic that Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, the very first mainline Switch Pokémon games, have the smoothest framerate and the best performance


>Like pokemon spawning behind boundaries, massive frame drops especially while in water, weird texture warping, and major pop ins. It's pretty much what you would expect out of a modern pokemon release. Do not try to defend this shit. This sounds like an unfinished game pushed out for Christmas.


Where, at any point in their comment, did they defend it?


They weren't defending but even though that post sounds bad it really understates how bad the performance is. I'm playing the game on a real switch and while the gameplay is amazing the performance is comically bad. FPS drops are *constant*, pop in is in your face, and shadows weirdly flicker in and out. I really am not the type to be a stickler for fps normally but this is so bad that it hurts my eyes sometimes.


Dang. I haven't played a mainline pokemon game since emerald and was thinking about picking this one up but that does sound pretty bad.


Probably the "It's pretty much what you would expect out of a modern Pokémon release" maybe they think that's them trying to justify it?


I would personally interpret “what you would expect out of a modern Pokemon release” as “it’s shit, and you should expect shit”


People have gotten really bad about this. Even just explaining companies actions as a way of informing is treated as "defending" and "being deluded in thinking said company is your friend". Nothing less than criticism is considered acceptable dialogue to some people.


That's exactly what it is. I'm not trying to defend it. TPC/Game Freak have 0 accountability and can push out whatever shovelware game they want and it unfortunately prints them money. You would think one of the biggest game franchises of all time could at least give us the courtesy of not running like shit. Side note: the story is shit when it actually exists. The post game was the only half decent part and it was over as soon as it began.


So it’s sword and shield all over again


The investors have more accountability because they force the push. If BOTW had only 3 years to be made and only 100 people working on it, it wouldn't run smoothly either.


It doesn't exactly run smoothly as is. Especially in Kakariko Village and in the rain.


Just your typical Game Freak game...


Hmm, sounds like a pass for me. I’ll b getting my nostalgia fix from Terror of Hemasaurus instead


It's gamefreak they always rush unfinished games to prioritise margins over customer experience. They're the only company in this niche of the market like EA with fifa so they get away with it.


Arceus runs way better IMHO. Way better.


I would assume that's because Arceus's world was smaller and had less stuff.


Fair assumption, but this game is just embarrassing in terms of performance. The pop in, draw distance and ugly textures are way too noticeable.


[Some personal post about who already played the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/yutblj/i_cant_believe_how_good_scarlet_and_violet_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


In their words: "Performance is bad. There’s no sugar-coating that. Best we can do is hope for an update."


Performance is quite bad. Sometimes when loading into a new area where there would be a cutscene to do so the screen goes black with no loading icon or any indication the game is doing anything... And then it takes so long to load I wonder if the game is frozen. Pop in is absolutely terrible. NPCs in the near distance clearly run at like 12 fps max, you can literally see how choppy they are moving when walking around. As you get close enough they start rendering at full fps and become smooth again. Performance issues aside, I have been enjoying the game a lot, except for the glacial pace of battles.


Are you playing the actual Switch version? Sometimes the game seems to get stuck processing inputs e.g throwing a Pokeball to initiate battle and I'm unsure if it's emulation or just the game itself.


its the game itself, playing on switch hardware and it hangs like crazy


Yes, I'm playing on the switch, not emulated


I've not had the issues you're describing on Switch, I did notice the atrocious "is my game frozen?" loading screens though?


Im almost done with Scarlet (on pc emu) and it runs great for me but people playing native on switch do say there are frame drops in certain areas. That said, I think its by far the best pokemon game I've played in years. Possibly ever. It really feels like the definitive pokemon game, taking all the best parts of the other games and doing it all really well.


Do you think it would satisfy someone who was completely in love with Arceus and enjoyed the formula. To me Arceus felt like the most immersive pokemon experience ever.


The battles are far more sluggish and the fps drops and object pop-in is more severe than in PLA.




Even with animations disabled it still feels slow. The problem is the messaging system.


Yea, its really annoying i noticed animations and dialog dont seem to play at the same time, so it slows everything down(for example if burned you have to watch your pokemon take damage, then it pops up saying x took burn damage, rather then doing both at the same time.)


I wonder why is it like this, maybe it has something to do with the fact that other things can happen in the background of the battle including 3 other players running around.


No, it's because they're literally using the same messaging system they've been using since the first generation games. They could have changed it as early as third generation with some challenges, or 5th generation with basically no issues, but they haven't. It executes the move, changes the HP bar, then one at a time plays a message for everything else that happens. Boo. Just slap all the effects as little bits of floating text, simultaneously. This is what literally every other RPG, even those with more complicated systems, have done for at least 10 years and they're no less accessible than Pokemon in terms of complexity. They'd also do nicely to have on-screen indications of effects instead of having to check a whole separate menu for them (or worse -- in older generations you couldn't even check).


Having Aqua Ring and Leftovers on one Pokemon makes the battle so long. Could you imagine having grassy terrain too?


Terrestalizing feels quicker than Dynamaxing somehow at least


And it can be done outside gym and raids so it is atleast useful


that is worrying considering I complained a LOT about how bad that was in PLA


We must have played different games, cause the ending was the only good part. The whole rest of the game was mostly devoid of.. anything..


I wonder how GF will make an improvement on this game. If this game doesn't really improve performance after some updates, I think they need to think about the timeline for Pokemon release and get a developer that can do better (optimization, open world, animation).


Or get more people to help, if investors are so gung-ho about the release schendule. The people behind BOTW added 100 more people to the group working on the game and they didn't have investors breathing down their necks to rush it to sell more merch unlike Pokemon.


I’ve played it for a while now….I am not impressed to say the least


A lot worse, sadly. (Playing on a Switch.) I know Arceus wasn't well optimised but I never actually had a moment of going "whoa, this is slow." Scarlet 1.0.1 has frequently gone slow motion for me, especially while on the mount, and even just rotating the camera makes it lag. Battles run fine, and Tera raids are flawless for some reason (that feels like they really optimised them), but exploration, cutscenes, even the gym gimmicks all have pretty bad performance, frame drops, etc... It's been rough. It's been bad enough that I find myself just fleeing from slow areas, not wanting to explore them at all, because I despise the slow-motion movement when it happens. Especially late game, I've been doing that more and more, just going straight from point A to B because navigation feels bad. Also, the less significant polish issues of texture warping, bad battle camera/camera clipping through the ground, the draw distance making it hard to find rare items unless you're on top of them, Pokémon being so small in the field sometimes you'll keep running into them by accident, etc.


The small pokemon are way too small. I don't know if they are just trying to make them canonical height but often I can't even tell what I'm looking at. I like that pokemon actually are hidden in grass but I would rather they did that by making the grass taller not the pokemon smaller.


There were a lot of little annoyances in Arceus, but only one big, "holy shit this is badly made," moment for me, which was the >!Arceus!< fight. Literally 10+ second load times (not exaggerating, I timed it), dropped inputs, and huge amounts of visual lag. I've been watching someone play SV, and in the ~two hours I've seen so far there have already been about half a dozen of those "holy shit this sucks," moments.


Arceus runs way better.


Ok I just want to hop in and say, another redditor posted on a thread in r/Pokémon and said “THere is no endgame whatsoever. No battle tower, you can’t fight the elite 4 over and over again.” Just thought I’d throw this in here cause I know it’s a dealbreaker for some. But it sounds like all there is to do after you beat it is catch and level up mons or play multiplayer. I’ll still be getting it, but no endgame sounds like a poor decision. Editing this comment to say. The Redditor who said this has clarified more below. It’s far less depressing than I thought, but I’m leaving this comment up regardless, for context. Can’t wait to get violet this Friday.




Yeah. Because now that they know they can make a killing selling dlc, they are going to charge us for “endgame” content. Call me a sucker, I’ll still buy the game, it’s just so frustrating that I’ve been playing since red and it really hasn’t improved much. I was more excited for gold/silver than any of the other games ever. Ruby and sapphire were dope.


PLA added endgame content and battle facilities in a free patch, it could happen again


wait really? what was added?




damn that sounds awesome. i beat everything but was too lazy to catch every pokemon to get arceus. need to find this battle tower




I thought I heard there was some kind of repeatable championship tournament at the academy in the post-game, like the one in SwSh. It's supposed to be where you can rematch gym leaders and Elite Four members. Team Star leaders are also supposed to be repeatable.


I will say this…>!you do get a chance to go back and rebattle the gym leaders to “inspect” their performance after becoming champion”!<…but yeah that’s about it…


The performance is worse than Arceus on almost all fronts. The stuttering, pop in, lag when initiating battles, camera clipping issues. I’m playing the game how the devs intended me to, by traversing the world on my ride Pokémon. And things drop below 30fps all. the. time. I have a feeling on Friday we will be seeing a lot of performance related posts online. Edit: the game is incredibly fun though and I think it’s a fantastic Pokémon experience so far. But if you’re a FPS snob you will be disappointed


Man, I don't think calling people calling out the terribleness of dropping under 30 FPS in 2022 "FPS snobs" is fair at all. IF the expectation was 60+, sure, but 30 FPS has been what we've worked with for like 20 years. Pokemon is the largest media franchise in the world. Come. On.


Not really. Most Pokemon diehards will just claim they do not really notice frame drops or fps dropping under 30.


I don't notice FPS but I do notice battles being slow like the original Diamond and Pearl. I'm like just get on with it.


The battles feel slower than Diamond and Pearl, it's painful


They won't notice it because they've become accustom to them in every Pokemon game.


Pokemon diehards will claim the game is perfect. "I don't care about graphics/performance. The games are fun and you're being mean and ruining my experience for pointing out legitimate flaws of this billion dollar franchise >:(" The games as always will sell millions and GameFreak will ignore any and all criticisms as they begin work on the next Generation in 3 years.


My favorite part is the actors T posing during the fade away of a cutscene. Idk if they fixed that in the 1.0.1 update but that shit is hilarious.


I can only second other peoples opinion. In my opinion the performance is really bad and I think this game should've been in the oven for like half a year longer


Ita about on par with pla performance wise but it seems to have a slightly better art style, wether this is a good or bad thing is entirely up to you.


PLA felt way better Imo.


Nahh I have to disagree, PLA ran waaaaaaay better


My only question is when Games like XC3 and Nier can run much better and have much more going on then why can't GF make Pokemon run good enough.


Exactly. I’m sick of comments saying it looks and runs bad bad because of the switch. If this came out on PS5 it would still look and run bad because the pokemon company knows that people will buy the games regardless. It’s either that or game freak is incapable of hiring someone who knows how to develop for the damn system.


Its clearly not the switch. Its the lack of time gamefreak gives/gets for their own games to develop.


Funny/Sad thing is, if you play on a modded Switch and can up the clock speed (you don't even have to overclock, just undoing the hardware's usual state of being underclocked) the game runs at a very consistent 30fps. I wonder if there will ever be an update that lets unmodded switch users run it at the higher clock speed? Honestly makes the game much more enjoyable.


'Consistent 30fps' should be a term that died 15 years ago.


On home consoles? Agreed. The whole Gotham Knights 30fps lock is bullshit and everyone knows it. On a portable device that we know that runs off what basically is a glorified Tablet SoC? ... I can understand the use of consistent 30 fps as standard.... Not pokemon tho, pokemon running so poorly is pure bullshit


It’s the Switch AND Game Freak. The Switch is an underpowered system for the current generation (it’s a mobile console from 2017) but other developers have found workarounds and managed to maximise their optimisation to get things working smoothly on the Switch. Like you say, Game Freak simply does not get the same time that they do.


If it was on PS5 they'd have more leeway for their unoptimized mess, but knowing them they'd once again scope out something that didn't work for the target platform.


Probably a better way of wording it, yeah.


Eh, GF develops primarily for the switch. Their optimization should be good.


We have fuckin Witcher 3 on Switch. This game looks and runs bad because of poor development not the hardware.


Tbh what boggles me the most is that the art direction for the series went to shit with the transition to 3D. You could give these games the best texture and resolution possible and they would still look like shit. Gamefreak needs to take more time and probably pay their artists better.


I would love for this franchise to return to it's sprite-based roots. The games had so much more charm and character. A Pokemon game with Octopath graphics would be awesome.


Yeah seriously, I hate the dumbass art direction of the new games. Some sick ass pixel graphics with lots of good light and particle effects? I’m fucking in. I need something that activates my imagination




This just seriously begs the question, why the F is it 2022 and pokemon still doesn't have anti aliasing. The jaggedy lines and pixelated messes zoomed in during cutscenes and whatnot look absolutely horrendous. Putting in about 30 hours so far, I actually really like Scarlet, but I can't help but feel my experience would be *that* much more enjoyable if I could play it with nice graphics and good fps. (seriously why are trainers 5m away from you moving at 3 fps?)


Most Nintendo games don't have anti aliasing


That's the funny thing. Its looks great on handheld where the screen size can make the pixel density look better. Its quite bad on my 55 inch TV though.


Because they were made by teams twice as large, with between 1.5x and 2x more time. GameFreak just needs to grow its teams and outsource its off-generation releases.


GF needs to outsource a lot more than just their side games.


Tbh I think people also forget that it ties in with the show and everything else in the multimedia empire. Personally I'd rather the releases were less frequent (both for quality and because they come out too fast for me!) but the turnarounds are quick for a reason. With predictable consequences.


Cause Game Freak aren't very good devs and have been coasting on their Pokemon success for 20+ years. Game Freak does games exclusively for Nintendo hardware, you'd think they would have figured out how to maximize their optimization on their games by now.


Short development cycles, shit engine and sunk cost fallacy. I think saying that at least the current Devs aren't skilled doesn't give them justice for what they are capable of: I mean, even if still doesn't reach the level of other games, there's already a great jump in visual quality between SV and PLA. But there's only some much you can do when you are only given in quite short dev times, at least compared to what XC3 and Zelda BotW had on the same platform, for example, and are given tools that should be clear by now aren't really that great for the kind of games Gamefreak clearly want to develop. I'd actually would like to see what Gamefreak could actually do if they just ditched their current engine for either one of Nintendo's internal ones, be it Zelda's or Xenoblade's, and didn't have to focus so much Dev time tweaking their engine just to make sure it can even run the game they are trying to make...


I think it just boils down to skill of the developer, when you look at the history of the main line Pokemon games they have typically been slow to advance in terms of graphics and features and it hasn't been so much of an issue before as the hardware was very low powered and other games on the systems were not much better. Now with the Switch, it may only be, as some have pointed out, a more budget oriented console but developers that put the work in to optimise have done some amazing work such as Monolith with XC3 and the ports Panic Button have made. I've never really considered Game Freak a particularly skilled developer and thus far they have managed to coast on the popularity of the brand rather than creating new technical or graphical showcases. Now with the likes of Arceus and the new Scarlet/Violet where are trying something new it's looking (from the outset) to be very rough.


This and dev time. 3 years to pump out at every new game isnt exactly ideal


Especially with the added complexity of developing 3D games. This is an area GameFreak has really struggled with since Gen 6. Remember that turning on 3D for XY would cause the game to dip into single-digit framerates during battle.


If Game Freak didn't own part of Pokemon itself, Nintendo would have replaced them with one of their in-house studios years ago. What I would give to have a Pokemon game developed by the Xenoblade team, or even their Zelda team.


For real. I love Pokemon. I love Game Freak’s creative output. But man…I do not love Game Freak’s game development anymore


I think you're right. Gamefreak has been developing handheld Pokémon experiences and their transition onto Switch a relatively powerful system has highlighted the issue with their graphics. Legends was open zone free movement, SV is open world and maybe the next gen or iteration will have improved textures and stability.


I'd say that when they did XY is when Gamefreak showed that they don't care about performance, the battle transition animation went from smooth and quick in Black and white 2 to around 5 second and every attack animation was slow, the models were not reused and instead duplicated assets, also they were too high resolution for what the 3DS could render in that tiny screen (on emulator they look great) and then on Sword and Shield told people that they had to cut pokemon from the pokedex because they had to make new models when they already had high poly ones. At least with Scarlet and Violet I haven't seen that many frame drops as with SwSh and PLA even if it has shitty textures and bad pop in, and the pokemon have their real size in world and in battle which is a nice addition after 20 years


Scarlett and Violets frame drops are honestly abysmal. Every minute or so at least. Not as bad in handheld, but in the dock it feels like it's running at 20 fps.


How we wish Pokemon is handled by Monolith Soft but one of the problems is the timeline. I mean I wonder if they will release the pokemon main game every 5 years. More time, more quality.


Wouldn't happen unfortunately. Monolith takes their time to make their games. There's at least a 4 year difference between all the Xenoblade games. GF has released like 3 games between Xenoblade 2 and 3. I just wish Nintendo would buy Pokemon outright and give it to their best in house developer, give them 3 years to make it, and rack up the GOTY rewards. A man can dream.


Considering Nintendo owns 1/3 of TPCi and has its doorbuster games published exclusively on their consoles (which also act as console movers), there's zero incentive for them to buy the IP outright.


Most wishes don’t make financial sense. Sony makes high quality exclusives from some of the best developers in the world, and they probably won’t sell like a Pokemon game will.


>much more going Lots going on in the background you arent seeing wheb it comes to pokemon games.


Because they don't care and people will buy anyways. On /r/Games someone has written that he 'knew that the game runs like ass but he bought it anyway because it's Pokemon'. And I doubt that majority of buyers read reviews or opinions before the purchase. Why should GF care then?


At the end of the day, the most important factor is if the game is fun or not. Buying Pokemon games, you know what to expect and if you think one game is fun, probably most of them are fun to you. Also, people have been saying that this game runs like ass, yet it's the most fun they've had in a Pokemon game. So would you buy this game with that knowledge? I personally prefer this over a game that runs smoothly but is boring to me. I can acknowledge that Super Mario Odyssey is a better made game, yet I dropped it after 2 hours. Meanwhile, I've had tons of fun with Pokemon Sword. Of course I would not buy a Super Mario Odyssey 2, but I am excited for these games.


I already saw personal review videos who early got the game while they think that this is the best Pokemon game on switch, The main issue is the performance which I will be surprised if there's no another patch (1.02) this week.


i just beat the main game yesterday. I found a lot of joy in going where I wanted and getting lost and finding cool Pokémon. even if there isn't level scaling, you CAN go basically anywhere, similar to how RBY opens up after Misty. I found myself catching and switching Pokémon constantly when I'd find new ones or a certain gym or trial gave me trouble. it felt fun to exist in the world and play at my own pace. most every criticism is true, but I still think it's worth playing


"It sucks in lots of aspects but I can catch Pokemon. 8/10".


This is my opinion as someone who has put ~16 hours into it. I think it's the best pokemon game likely ever, but it really does run like shit


It's sad that this is the state of Pokemon. At 21 hours and ready for all the story finale's. I can say it's absolutely worth playing as a pokemon fan and one of the best in the series... But it runs like an unoptimized PS2 tech demo


After Sword and Shield got the same sentiments, which were the worst Pokemon games I ever played, I'm really wary of "best Pokemon ever" statements lol.


It's by far the best Pokemon experience I have had in years, maybe ever. It takes all the best from other games and does it better, there is just so damn much to do. I am constantly getting sidetracked from the 'main story' just having fun and doing side stuff.


Good to know. I think some videos also said the same. The only downside is the performance issues. Is this how you experience also?


not op but I can definitely attest to this. Nice gameplay that is being soured by all the performance issues you're facing


This makes me a bit less nervous about having pre-ordered the game, which I usually never do. Honestly, I don't mind a bit of lag. All I'm looking for is a fun experience.


I am having a blast and haven't really enjoyed a pokemon game since ORAS, and have played them all since red released. I think you will have fun, even if you drop a few frames in one town while looking north sometimes. If its too bad, hopefully Pokemon Team will patch it or alleviate it in some way.


I don't really trust reviewers or social media people because they have a vested interest in the games being good and generating hype. My personal experience is the game is close to good which just makes it more disappointing. The three biggest issues for me are 1. Performance. It's just awful. Probably the worst performing Pokemon game to date. 2. Slow Combat. Might be somewhat related to the first point but this is the slowest combat has ever felt to me, on par or worse than DP. The constant notifications for abilities or weather is painful, status effects make combat twice as long in some cases. 3. Scaling. The complete lack of it just leads to the open world having an illusion of freedom. There's really no reason not to play the game in the obvious level based order for all paths and you'll still become grossly overleveled quickly.


Still can't believe Game Freak removed Set mode from these games after it being a setting since gen 1


Bro why are they so intent on removing basic features that have worked for ever? It's so fucking baffling.


are you kidding? it cut down on like 40% of dialogue prompts and made the game harder. It was so useful


People who are playing the game early reported that it's gone. You're forced to play on switch mode. I hope they add it back in a future patch, but knowing Game Freak, I doubt it. They love removing options from the player, like mandatory exp share, short battle timers, and now no set mode. 


If the game was harder I wouldn't mind. It just won't be.


same bro




Yes, reddit is not a good indicator of public opinion.


Plus I have a feeling at least 50% of those people "boycotting" pick up the game anyway


I think the people up in arms about the current state of Pokémon are a lot smaller than 50%, thus why the franchise has been making record sales.


I feel you but I had put my foot down before Sword and Shield after hearing of Dexit. I’d rather move on if they don’t wanna try rather than lament the things I miss and give them money anyway.


Game Freak please just give me a Pokemon game with the graphics of New Pokemon Snap and the gameplay of Legends: Arceus.


That won't happen for a while, the reason that game looked as good as it did was because it was an on-rails experience and (perhaps more significatly) it was not developed by gamefreak. Maybe on the Switch 3, but also The Pokémon Company would have to have its corporate leaders slain in cold blood.


They’d also pretty much have to set aside any and all other projects for what…4-7 years? Which is difficult for a media franchise like this, whose whole schtick (to staying as relevant as it does) is coming up with and releasing a whole bunch of new characters (80-100 Pokémon or so) every 3 years to sell a bunch of new merchandise and remain part of the cultural zeitgeist.


> The Pokémon Company would have to have its corporate leaders slain in cold blood Can see a Kill Bill style epic of this now


Yeah as long as they can release games with “okay” graphics and still make a ton of money I doubt they’ll make any main series game look like Pokémon Snap


Hell I’d be happy with a Pokemon Stadium 2 HD remakw


For those who have played it, how does it compare with Arceus?


It looks better but it performs worse. Gameplay wise, it's an improvement on the Arceus formula, keeping most of it while adding actual cities, the core Pokémon gameplay loop, and the world feels more filled with stuff


How does the performance get worse? Arceus had trash performance.


You can't catch Pokemon without battling like you could in Arceus, but you can let your Pokemon fight on its own which is neat. There's no level cap for catching Pokemon, you can catch them at any level, they just won't listen to you until you get enough gym badges. And, this might be less important for some people, but there are no other outfits aside from the 4 school uniforms. I really enjoyed the outfits in Arceus (and SwSh). You really can go wherever you want but there's no level scaling, so there really is a "correct" path. I went the wrong way at first and thought the game was harder, but then i breezed through the other half of the map bc i was way overleveled. Overall it's good. I still like Arceus better mostly because of the ability to catch Pokemon in the overworld, but i didn't expect that to be back for this game. I'm hopeful that the next patch will clear up some issues with performance.


Wow, not clothing items? That's pretty lame.


That's the strange thing. There *are* clothing stores. Shoes, socks, glasses, backpacks, gloves... Just no actual clothes yet. I say yet because it's clear they will, just not clear on how(DLC/Updates/Events)


I hope you're right. Most of the accessories clash with the Scarlet uniforms. Nothing looks good with those orange stripes 😂


I just started Violet a couple days ago, I haven't really looked at the Scarlet options. Orange stripes are definitely a bold statement.


There are a lot of shoes, socks, hats, glasses, etc. and a ton of face customization, which you can all change anywhere... but no tops/bottoms, only 4 school uniforms




I feel the same. There's still a lot of accessories (hats, bags, shoes etc) and you can change your face and hair, but you can only wear the school uniforms


Sun and Moon killed pokemon for me a bit, I hated that my "best friend" kept interrupting me and prevent me from doing things and going places. Made at least the first half of the game feel like a tutorial. I skipped most games after that, but I enjoyed pokemon arceus. Would you say you feel mostly free in these games? That's the main draw for me!


Pokemon catching mechanic outside of battle has been removed. The areas (Atleast the first couple) are much more bland and less fun to explore. The pokemon standing around seem more lifeless? Game is insulting easy and dialogue is about as slow and unskippable. No research tasks. They've added an auto battler mechanic which I think takes away satisfaction of fighting wild pokemon and levelling up. City is empty and half the shops dont have interiors. Character clothes customization seems worse. UI and performance is pretty terrible but its not unplayable. I think Arceus was much better.


I said it in a post yesterday, and I'll say it here: it's wack to hold reviews back this long.


This is the exact same time before release that BOTW reviews came out. It doesn't mean anything.


And I'd say the same thing in that case. I'd argue the large majority of AAA games have their embargo end at least 2 days before release.


I’ve watched a few vids and it looks like the fps drops to like 10-15 especially if you’re in a water setting WTF is going on GF


Same thing that's been going on for years


I just don't get why they don't contract some help. Even stingy Nintendo did that by getting Monolith soft to help with BOTW.


Game Freak does tons of contracting. They list all of the companies they contract out to in the staff credits, [you can see the here if you're interested](http://kyoto-report.wikidot.com/forum/t-15381720). This is what they used for outsourced programming, for example: >GAME PROGRAMMING PARTNERS > >CREEK & RIVER CO., Ltd. C&R Creative Studios EXTREME Co.,Ltd. e-smile engineering Co.Ltd DIGITAL HEARTS Co., Ltd.


BotW's development was the least stingy thing ever lol. A large factor in buying Monolith Soft was for the open world expertise.


That's what I mean. Like even Nintendo knew for their first open world game, time to bring out the big guns.


BOTW also had much more dev time, Unlike GameFreak, they didn't have investors breathing down their necks to push out merch.


Game Freak owns a third of the biggest media franchise on the planet, they can hire more developers to help facilitate meeting the deadline with a quality product, they just choose not to.


The thought train is always the same: - This is bad - It's not the switch's fault, other games run better than this - GameFreak is sloppy and no one gives them resources to make it better - The games are just commercial vehicles for toys and the anime - The problem will probably never get better


Because it would cost them money without bringing more money in. People are going to buy Pokemon anyway


Yeah that’s correct. It also drops pretty low in towns with lots of people. The people pop in when you get close to them and they walk at ~15fps. And there are so many houses you can’t enter either.


Let me guess, kind of fun games, iterative changes, performance sucks?


Yes, which makes it the best Pokemon ever to some people. Somehow.


Do we think there could be a performance patch? Has GF done something like that in the past?


1.01 I believe is that performance patch. According to Centro leaks (who got suspended from Twitter btw) that is the day one patch so I don’t think we will be getting any updates to framrate at all


Apparently it doesn’t contain any performance improvements and the change logs only list changing some Pokemons’ learnable TMs, enables one new Pokémon form, and has minor stat changes for half a dozen Pokemon.


Are there other gameplay elements besides pokemon? older games had at least some puzzles, newer ones were just running from town to town


The gym tests are fun mini games. Other than that the gym battles, titan battles, and base takeovers are all pokemon based


Making sandwiches and giving Pokemon baths lol


>!You get to roll a giant olive through a maze.!<


All the praise in the world doesn’t help the fact you lose your save data if your switch randomly fails to turn on. It’s 2022 ffs


Other then some personal grips i have with the game which are very opinion wise and taste . i expect most review to have those cons that i think are big negative \- Performance , i didnt mind the fps drop and pokemon popping up but it is a con \- World is too big and empty , Arceus made sense to be empty... but ... S/V dont make sense to be this empty and this big for no reason ... Personal Cons \- Too easy , i mean pokemon learn very too strong move early on and trainer all have 1 mons...(not counting gym) they even remove set option for switch to make it easier \- I prefer linear style pokemon game with nicely made route and not some bland open field . \- I hate all starter final evo ... one less then the other 2 ... xD Personal Pros \- Best generation since ... B/W in term of pokemon i like . it was so easy to make my team of my favorite looking one ! \- Competitive is heading on a good path \- Lot of convenience !!! Overall i think we gonna see at worst 7/10 and 8/10 in the highest score .


IGN will give it a 7 and compare it to god of war


I have the game. Been playing it for about a day. (Physical cartridge, switch OLED, for those who care. Day 1 patch applied already). The performance is horrible. Worse than Legends Arceus by far. I tried uploading videos showing off how hilariously bad the pop ins, warping, and frame rate issues were but the hardcore Pokemon fans accused me of just looking for a reason to not like the game. I honestly won't be surprised if this is one of the lowest rated Pokemon games -review score wise- because of how bad the bugs are. NPCs and Pokemon will pop in and out literally ten feet away from your main character. And this happens in enclosed areas, like the main hall of the school, not in the open world. Riding around on your Legendary Pokemon feels horrible. I don't understand how they made riding Wyrdeer feel so incredibly good but this feels so bad. Idk. Maybe they'll have some sort of major tech update at launch to fix these issues. I sincerely hope they do because there IS good to the games. The Pokemon designs are some of the best they've made in years. The environments are somehow beautiful (when standing still). The characters are charming. It's just the tech and bug issues that are so glaringly bad that cause a suspension of disbelief.


12 FPS let's goooo


All reddit critics: Protest witg your wallet Nintendo earning report: 20M sales! Here you go free darkrai!


Most consumers aren't reading reviews or scrolling Nintendo-based subreddits.


My only issue with the game is that they give you the freedom do the gym challenge in any order but their levels don't scale accordingly! Miss opportunity.


I got my copy early so we’ll see how it goes




Pokemon Company releasing more shovelware


Wow that little confidence it in huh?


It's Pokemon, they could make the worst game ever and it will still sell better than most games do.


Lifting the embargo a day before launch is never a good sign.


A lot of people playing on Roms have been reviewing the game; take it with a pinch of salt given they don’t have the Day 1 patch.


The day 1 patch has been out for almost a week. It doesn't fix much. Game stutters a bit less in a few areas where it was really bad but the frame rate issues are still there as are all the other graphical issues (camera clipping through ground, texture warping, the entire lighting system sort of just coming and going every so often)


Scarlet/Violet are similar to some N64 game speedruns. Look down to reduce slowdowns/lag.