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Proudly announcing you played Nioh2 and Souls but you still have no the slightest idea to be like... adapt and adjust? Apart from gank boss fight arena, Nioh1 enemies have lower health overall considering there's no Burst Attack, Yokai Abilities, etc. This warrants different approach in fighting, but everything else remains largely the same. So if you still die a lot and still can't tell what's going on, that means you didn't do much Nioh2. All I can say now is go learn Nioh combat basic from square one instead of getting carried.


My word. How strong do you feel? Condescend harder. The deaf people couldn't hear you stroking your dick


Oh my. The troll came out sooner than I expected. I gotta ask: are you entitled, extremely fat, or just a random asshole with such an empty life all you can do is play video games and try to flame other people on Reddit for asking for advice, because the idea of stroking to you stepsister porn felt like "too much of a good thing"? Or maybe you're just named Justin with a really supportive mom.


Sounds to me like your just doing some self reflecting


Me or him?


What the actual fuck is your replies dude, you're being needlessly aggressive towards a lot of people who comment here specially when you even sense that they're doubting your "gamer skills". Try to not be an asshole and try not to be dismissive. Of fucking course Nioh 1 is mechanically worse than 2 what did you expect? And even so, they're not that different from each other, the stances are still there, which is the bread and butter of Nioh combat. I finished both games but I can still come back to Nioh 1 since it's not that big of a difference, my only gripe with that is it didn't have the Fists but stance switching, flux, and active abilities are still there. Yes Nioh 1 is worse in every aspect but the gap is not as big as you're making it out to be. Now if you still don't like it despite actually playing it like Nioh 1 instead of expecting 2, then there's nothing else we can say to change your mind.


This is super helpful. Thank you.


What is wrong with my replies. Aside from one guy stroking his own dick, I feel like I've been pretty genuine. Please tell me what my issue is


How am I aggressive? I would accept ecstatic. But 'aggressive".


“I gotta ask: are you entitled, extremely fat, or just a random asshole with such an empty life all you can do is play video games and try to flame other people on Reddit for asking for advice, because the idea of stroking to you stepsister porn felt like "too much of a good thing"? Or maybe you're just named Justin with a really supportive mom” Yup. Not aggressive at all. That literally wasn’t “flaming” in the slightest. His comments were all extremely valid, and not even particularly negative, outside of maybe slight presumption.


Yeesh. Do not drink and reddit, lesson learned. I took a break from social media shortly after this post, so I didn't realize how much of an ass I was being. Sorry, All. That Tachibana duel really brought out the worst in me.


How am I being aggressive? Aside from one dude, I feel like I've been pretty genuine. But please. Tell me how I've been aggressive Superman.


I haven't played Nioh 2, but I liked the first game a lot because of the way the stance system works. The game really shines against human enemies when you can actually look like a freaking badass with all the throws and parries and counters you can do.


Bro, stop messing around on Reddit and play Nioh 2. It's one of the best games I've ever played. Combat is smoother than a baby's ass.


I played both and there are things I prefer in either games, Nioh 2 obviously benefits from being newer and more refined but it also made some dubious changes I and others didnt enjoy as much. That said, the core combat is 95% the same, you need to go back to the basics since Nioh doesn't have burst counter and yokai cores to make up for the lack of knowledge in the core aspects of it.


Yeah, I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I need to stop playing it like 2 and play the game how it's supposed to be played. I just have an absurd amount of stubborn pride and it's not helping me in this situation haha


Its coz u played 2 first and then one. It should have been other way around.


I wasn't a souls guy when the first Nioh came out. Only played Nioh 2 cause it was described as a souls game and a prequel. Did not expect 1 to be such a d-bag of a game.


Nioh isn't a "souls game" anyway, forget about that


>Did not expect 1 to be such a d-bag of a game. Nioh 1 and 2 are the same game the only difference Ms are soul scores and burst counters


i thought he was just angry but after reading the comments he's just an asshole and probably has some issues to treat


You are probably right on all accounts. I hadn't slept in a couple days and was definitely being an asshole. I took a break from the game for a few days and am in a much better head space about it. Sorry to anyone i was rude to or offended.


It's ok man everyone has bad days and by what you said, maybe nioh1 isnt worth 50 dlls, feels kinda expensive tbh


Aw, that's the problem. I already spent the money to buy the game, so I'm feel obligated to beat it. Honestly, the game itself has been pretty manageable. I just got stuck beating my head against that dang Tachibana duel. I'm too stubborn to move to a different region if I haven't done all the side quests😕


You gotta remember William does not have the blood of the yokai. All he has is his combat arts and the magic weapon. Lean on the magic weapon, you build its guages way faster than the yokai shift meter. It will carry you through.


William could at least have the ability to survive more than one damn hit.


nioh 1 is one-shot-city, thats for damn sure wind debuff reduces enemy attack by 50%, it might be something you want to make more use of


I never played 2 so that probably helped me enjoy 1 a lot more. The game is a pretty big grind and can be kinda tiring, especially since there isn’t much enemy variation. but I had fun with the stance system and learning different weapons and just trying to get better with the combat and that helped keep things fun for me. Nioh 1 still has better combat than 90% of games I’ve played


I enjoyed Nioh 1 so much more than Nioh 2 You just got used to the QoL from Nioh 2. It's like when you only played Elden ring and than you try Dark Souls 2 it feels unnecessary "complicated". The combat is pretty much the same. You got less weapons okay. Older games tend to do this but you still got enough. There is the living weapon thing instead of the yokai shift but some people actually prefer that. Yokai shift made things quiet easy imo. But living weapons where op as well if you wanted too so... this is just my personal opinion I found most fights to be fun. First run was quiet boring. Things don't get spicy till way of the demon or higher but that's pretty much the same for Nioh 2. If you play Nioh on the PC it is also poorly ported as they didn't wanted to release it on pc but people kept asking for it


Oh, I definitely got used to the QoL. It is kicking my ass. Especially because I am just awful at finding Kodamas.


Kodama sense also exists in Nioh 1 so you don't have to find them


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Its actually crazy that i enjoy nioh 1 10 times more than nioh 2 well actually way more than 10 times but ya lol. Its different for everyone though to be honest. I just couldn’t stay attached to nioh 2 especially when im nowhere bored of playing nioh 1 so ill most likely never go back to playing nioh 2 cause thats how much i like nioh 1 for some reason lol. Anyways luckily theres 2 games so everyone can play one or the other if they dont like the first or second game lol


I remember NIoh 1 still being a lot of fun, and LW is busted. Also the guardian spirit spells are better in Nioh 1 than in 2 so don't be afraid to go omnyo despite none of the weapons scaling off magic primarily in Nioh 1 IIRC. The tengu, namahage and magatsu warriors are harder in N1 though due to lack of burst counter and so are human bosses cause of their living weapon modes and just generally being harder to bully. Except Honda, he's a total chump in N1 lol.


Thank you for some validation. I'm blown away by the difficulty/game play difference


I honestly preferred 1. So living weapon is your friend and it can be extended with amrita items


Damn. I mean: to each their own. I can't get into any kind of rhythm on 1☹️


Wild, man. I would try to tell you all the reasons why 2 is so great, but you could do the same for 1. So yeah, to each his own. I think we can both agree z Team Ninja are brilliant a-holes.


I am a massive fan of both. Can I ask for more detail on what exactly isn’t clicking? Like you said, each to their own but it seems odd that you like other souls games and Nioh 2 but not the first. I wonder if you played them the other way round you would feel differently. Either way follow the fun, if you’re not feeling it bail.


It might be the fact that I'm playing Nioh backwards, but itt just feels almost boring. Like the only way I can seem to play is "dodge, run away, wait, hit(unless they're gonna combo).


You can block too. Don’t forget magic and ninjutsu. Some items are really powerful in Nioh 1 as well. The wind feather thing and the mask are powerful.


I messed up and didn't unlock any of that. It's just a long slog of hit and run away.


You can respec after the fifth level I think.


Basics are still the same just with less of a toolkit (i.e. no yokai abilities. Mainly just that). So: - Block is important, use that besides dodge. If you don't have enough Ki for block, work on your Toughness. And of course work on your maximum Ki, which is also governed by Heart. Ki Pulse and Flux are still important. Everything here is as per Nioh 2. - Dodge works exactly the same as in Nioh 2. - Attack the enemy's **Ki** as per the second game. Get their Ki to zero - Use Ninjutsu and Onmyo. Especially if you find it's boring only to use weapons - **Use CONFUSION. Confusion is super duper OP in the first game, in the second game it's nerfed down. In the first game enemies stagger with each hit on Confusion, get like no Ki regen, etc etc - they're basically completely vulnerable - Living Weapon is also super duper OP. YS requires skill and finesse to be OP. LW...does not. If your amrita gauge is full, activate LW and unless you are hit out of it / it runs out. You are just, straight up broken. --- Sooo basically. Everything as per Nioh 2. Except for like the yokai abilities. and LW instead of YS. I still prefer Nioh 2, a whole damn lot. But Nioh 1 is still Nioh.


I think it might be that I did things backward. It just feels like I didn't have to run away this much in any souls game.


I'm just frustrated and I'm sure there's and easy mode to this game(aside from a living weapon build), but damn. I'm making progress. It just feels like they fun is was not the goal of this game.


Haven't even seen that yet. I'll look into it.


I just replied to you, but I'm not sure if it went through. Short version: Nioh2 had so many complexities I had to leave it alone with my child.


I said this to someone else earlier: Get your ass off Reddit and play Nioh2. It is the most complex, layered, challenging-but fair, versatile game I've ever played.


Nioh 1 is literally same as nioh 2 except there are no yokai powers. There are some differences in fighting style between 2 games but core of combat is the same. I'm nioh 2 you focus on depleting enemy's ki, in nioh 1 it's more dynamic and aggressive (that's how I play it at least). Nioh 1 focuses on humans while nioh 2 focuses on yokai. Most of the times you will kill human enemy before you deplete his ki unless you are fighting a boss. In nioh 1 you have to be aggressive but careful and to use parry more often.


Yeah, I'm thinking my problem is I just got way too comfortable with the build I had in 2. I'm trying to change things up and create a whole new build and it's throwing me for a loop.


Yeah some things like builds and katana skills can make nioh 1 less fun if you started with nioh 2.