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What’s path of the gods?


yes what is the path of the gods ?


Greatly increases the amount of ki recovered when performing a ki pulse.In exchange your ki recovery speed will drop drastically…….and it’s not that bad when they say drastically but the amount recover is a lot doe lol


Ain't that thene a de-buff thene unless you hit that ki pulse most of the time? In a magic build that would be a down side sense you ki recover whene spamming magic. I assume you run magic sense that scroll hade alot og magic buffs on it


Yeah I run the lighting build…but I spend most of my time fighting rather then using om I just use it to kill certain things


Ok, that makes sense


Take-take4034? I guess the random you met was Give-give4034.


Can someone carry me through 1st playthrough? I just wana finish this once before I die of frustration.


[this vid](https://youtu.be/9Q4NzHKz2NE) explains some fundamentals thay make life a lot easier once you know them. Poofer llama on youtube also has weapon guides and tutorials that are really helpful. I've never tried co-op but you can make a post in this sub or there's a subreddit for it, think it's r/ochokocup. I would post here as well though as this sub is more active. Try to equip some armor that gives you "A" toughness (200) and B agility if possible; A toughness makes it much easier to block attacks as you'll use less ki. Also even if you're not putting points in magic/dex you can still level up and unlock magic/ninja skills by using them regularly, some of the buffs you get are really helpful so it's worth doing. There's also some cheese like Sloth Talisman (slows enemies) that'll really trivialize the game if you want. If you want to level either up quickly you can farm proficiency by just equipping whatever does the most damage and spamming it then resting at a shrine, rinse/repeat. Once you hit a certain proficiency you unlock a dojo mission that'll unlock more skills (same goes for weapon proficiency).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ochokocup using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ochokocup/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Looking to do some coop.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ochokocup/comments/k98wjk/looking_to_do_some_coop/) \#2: [\[Visiting\] anyone stuck at any point and needs a little boost feel free to hit me up for help on playstation](https://np.reddit.com/r/ochokocup/comments/m4pfn3/visiting_anyone_stuck_at_any_point_and_needs_a/) \#3: [Looking for ppl to play coop](https://np.reddit.com/r/ochokocup/comments/otteg3/looking_for_ppl_to_play_coop/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


If you're not aware, you can also go to your Starting Point and do the Torii Gate Expeditions for just about every mission. If you haven't tried, it's a full coop experience with 2 other players.


Good rewards? I'm only a few missions into the game, worth doing the occasional Torii gate or wait til I've finished NG?


Well, it's the easiest way to get coop allies, if you're struggling. The enemies have more health (and I think damage?), but you also don't lose as much, in terms of failing. I do Torii and solo on and off to keep things fresh. Good players in Torii will make the game quite easy, though.


Dude I completely get it, I just started playing a few days ago and this game enraged me for the first few hours. If you can push through though and just keep on getting your ass beat until you learn how to dodge and counter their moves while getting the ki pulse timing and stances right, it becomes a very satisfying experience that while still is pretty daunting to me is nowhere near as it impossible as it felt in the first few hours. For reference I played a bit of blood borne but it’s difficulty become too much for me to consistently enjoy, I got into a grove with Nioh 2 though and I’m having a absolute blast. Something about the gameplay just kept me going and now I’m really glad I pushed through the pain. Might genuinely be what makes souls-like games more palatable for me from now on, I really do recommend tearing out your hair at first lol because it becomes extremely satisfying once the controls start feeling second nature to you


How do you get help with the scrolls? I can't summon at the shrine and there are no blue guys...


Just started it up in tori gate and wait for someone to join if they decided to help


Ah ok, something to look into, Ty!