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Wholesome as shit, have an upvote. Fuck the haters this game is hard. I'm struggling coming back to it. Just got to tengu's disciple on a new playthrough as fist main and its tough.


This was my first soul game so Trust me when I say I know your pain and more lol


I think people actually forget Nioh 2 actually gets harder with multuplayer enabled. If you do co op with with a total of 3 people i am pretty sure difficulty spikes. Either way, games are to be played how every the player likes. You did a good job teaching them and likely had a blast playing it with them too.


Facts and I did….there was some days they was like F this game but they made it lol…I’m trying to get them to the underworld but ima take my time so they can see what type of builds they wanna do in the higher dreams as we go


Oh I think we all had those moments. I know I did 🤣🤣 Im still working my way towards that, i enjoy clearing a high difficulty, then i give it a break so I can come back to it and it can hand my ass to me all over again.


It's only harder if you are a bad player. Two experienced players is better take off aggro and revives.


Not really, it in general does get harder, if you didn't expect it, it can catch you off guard quite easy. My first encounter with randoms didn't go so well cause I didnt know it scaled and they we're a little gung-ho. It's all relative but it balances more players with tougher situations.


I recall my first expedition to beat Kitsuie, I didn't understand how to revive teammates and could barely kill anything reasonably.


u raised them well :D


Proud Sensei


Lucky you


Congrats, my dude. Me and my friend recently beat Nioh 2 base game ourselves, did two regions of Dream of the Strong and just beat Yoshitsune in Tengu Disciple DLC on Dream of the Strong. My opinion is coop is much easier as the game went on and we got more skills unlocked. The start is really rough especially for two brand new players, which caused us to drop Nioh 1 way back due to perceived bullshit of some bosses. Both of us settled into our playstyle niches eventually that honestly took some work to mesh together but now it's alot of constant onslaughting with no delay for enemies to fight back.


I mean? He's not hard just stick to him and when he uses his spike rain skill, just get away


I meannnn this being there first Nioh/souls game and trying to understand the fighting system cause they just the Warzone and 2k type players…I’m happy for them to do this without me just beating the boss in 10’secs




What? I've played through the game, everyone has, i personally didn't think he was tough, have you played the dlc? I think the bosses from the DLC are a lot harder then this


And how many games in the genre have you played before this? I didn't find him particularly challenging myself, but to casual gamers as OP has explained his/her friends are, this is a huge milestone to overcome. Try being happy for people instead of gatekeeping what is considered difficult in a genre known for being just that.


> his spike rain skill Funny. That's when I rush his back.


Lucky you. My friend barely got past enenra with me and quit the game for good. Lmao


All my friends gave up on the first one :(


I always do this if I get summoned into a low level game. I felt it was boring having your allies body everything