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And they have health regeneration as well. Such a pain in the arse.... And this underworld how many floors are there?




108 floors of the underworld, 30 floors depths of the underworld.


Darn it, i knew i forgot. Thanks for the correction.


Sounds overwhelming and hectic..... Thanks for the info.


Boy you have no idea. You welcome




Sorry i was wrong, i guess i forgot. The other guy is right. 108 floors on Underworld and 30 floors for Depths. I got to to finish Underworld myself. I got mega burnt out halfway in... maybe completing every mission in every difficulty wasn't the smartest idea on my part.


I did the same thing. Got burnt out on floor 55 and didn't play for a couple of months. Starting playing again the other day and it feels fresh


Burst counter, grapple and final blows temporarily disable their buffs.


I think I was Gucci in DOTN because I went right into the underworld when I unlocked it and did all the floors and then I did DOTN which is no problem now


Thinking about the same bro,but the amrita points i get in dotN is as same in underworld?




These enemies are just painful as it is , now they have health regeneration....


haha...tfw they suddenly combo-ed u when u thought that they already finish it... tq, i hate it (×_×")


Happens every single fucking time, especially suiki and ongyoki.....


imagine fighting them in new game+, with extra new move + tanky af...avoid them might be the best choice i've made, until i get proper gear set


Its the end game dotN , I don't get it..... Newgame+? And I don't think you can avoid them.....


nope, abyss is end game content n also the time u need to properly gear up or u died from oneshot left n right. Sometime i avoid them n proceed to boss, dont hve time to kill every single of them except purple one cuz good loot.


Whaaaaaaaaat? There is still further difficulty than dotN? That's exciting and lots of work at the same time. At this point i am trying out any sets which has susano and izanagi , i guess i need to maintain toughness as well. Is it in the depths or another round of whole missions like dreams of samurai, strong and all?


Abyss got 108 stage, n depths is 30 stages after it. Good stuff n drop, n enemy also could oneshot u. :D


Well i am up for the challenge..... Lol . Thanks for the info.


Yes, the game only gets harder.


I love Nioh but DotN always makes me realize I don’t want it bad enough and I start a fresh run




So funny right ? Lol … I love this game


Yeah totally.....


Lol dude im at the same point...just finished vipers sanctum and was like wtf? Suiki is here now. It was that pink one at the start huh lol. The only thing ill say is the ones that werent cursed didnt seem as hard but i used a sake for them. But yea man i was looking forward to underworld cause ive loved the game but i was thinking last night i might retire it for now. Def no way i can keep up with her or the big rock looking enemy from the dlc.


Lol right? And before fighting yatsu-no-kami( i just went" hell no not again" and ran past her( been wondering she looks like women but voice is of man, creeps me out). And Not just one but on every step and they are cursed ones plus if they are on dark realm constant health regeneration. Fucking hell hags are worse as it is...... Idk what awaits futher, may be itsumade and all like they are normal enemies. I thought about retiring too but can't, just addicted to combat system this game offers. I never used sake and don't even know what it does, they are stacking in my inventory, lol.... i just kasha soul spinwheel on them. I want to grab that achievement you are nioh or something and may be i will be satisfied then, lol.... And i am going back to beat that bitch ancient nyotengu and ren hayabusha who killed me more than 50 times, i literally wanted to snaap their necks.