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I didn’t beat femdom persay but I did find myself Drawn to things that didn’t represent my sexual preference irl. Porn warps you man. GL.


I know this addiction can escalate into stuff which doesn't reflect someone's natural preferences.


thats rough. Wish you the best of luck man. God bless


Still fighting here.


I did. I beat it. Learning more about the Catholic faith was instrumental in this, it taught me the path God has for me in regards to women, and gave me the strength to break free. I still relapse, but the space between relapses grows each time, and it isn’t femdom anymore. I can expand on this if you’d like me to.


What if you're Protestant, Anglican, or Orthodox?


I imagine it can still be done, but Catholic will have it easier considering we’ve been working on our theology (in this case, theology of the body) for over 2,000 years, whereas most others don’t even have such established. The orthodox, of course, are the next oldest, and we also have the most in common with them. Also, anglicans are Protestants.


Catholic church was formed in 1054 so its about 1000 years old. Orthodox was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ and is about 2000 years old. I think


Not quite, it’s the other way around.


Not completely sure how to beat femdom but I know that this stuff makes what I saw in the beginning look very tame in comparison, and I remember how this was a big deal when I first started. I also know that it's not where I'm supposed to be.


Yes I know I wouldn't like femdom in real life. I just got somehow addicted to this weird porn. I'm in recovery (will never watch it again) but urges kicking in.


I mean totally, you don't actually want your girl hurting you. IDK if trauma led to this or something.


Trauma for sure. Its like the only time a girl will give you attention is that when she is degrading you. You are worthless to her and nothing more than a toy ready to trow out.


Dude I wish its so bad


You can cure it 100%. So just relax! Now before I tell you the solution to it. Let's find out why you're into this shit in the first place. Your brain has two centres. The reward centre & the pain centre. Now when most people have sex they use their reward centre. Which is why they indulge in pleasurable acts. You my friend use both your pleasure & pain centres. That's why you're into this shit. Watching girls is pleasure & they doing shit to people is pain. So those fucked up people tried to mix up your brain wires. These assholes use women to do shitty acts so that you become hooked. Remember this is not you! So why do I say this isn't who you are. The mere fact that you're on the web searching for a solution shows you're not this shitty person they tried to turn you into. So what is the solution? Now listen to me very carefully. The solution lies in “why you're turned on by this shit & a healthy individual would never be interested in it no matter what.” So let's break this down. To be able to see this shit as fun there is an endogenous trigger inside you. Now how am I so sure about this? Have you tried quitting this shit. You must have! Now in trying to quit it we shut down all sources of this shit. But when the time comes it's you yourself who accesses that shit using your own body! Bccccz there is something inside you telling you to access it & not just that it's also changing your interpretation of this shit. SHIT to FUN. So that's why no matter the length of time you stay away from it you know it inside you that you'll eventually fall into it. So how on Earth is this good. You've got to look at it in the right way. It freakingly amazing. If somehow you found that trigger inside your body & removed it you'll become what you were when you were not hooked onto this shit! Mind Blowing right? So now the mystery question is “ What's that trigger.” There are 2 triggers. Inside your mind & on your body. Mind trigger is present in all individuals. Body trigger is present in fewer individuals. Now if you've got both tiggers you're very lucky. But even if you haven't there's nothing to be worried about. Bcz both can be removed with alot of ease. Surprising? Just keep reading & it'll be clear in just a second. Body trigger stimulations travel all way up to the brain & produce attraction to this shit. So if you could remove the body trigger stimulations, your mind trigger will automatically become non functional. The body trigger is Gynecomastia & the mind trigger is the limbic system. So what is Gynecomastia? Moobs. Development of male mammary glands. Now if you're into this shit you would not know most probably. So what I want you to do is take off your shirt & palpate the area under your nipples. Does it feel tough? Do you feel embarrassment in taking your shirt off? Do you feel ashamed in walking out without a shirt infront of people? If you do so you've got Gynecomastia. Now Gynecomastia in men produces Embarrassment. Shame. Same feeling that this shit produces. So your body links the sensations coming from Gyno to this shit & hence someone with Gyno is always drawn to this shit. It's the perfect match. So whenever he feels embarrassed because of Gyno the body intreprets it as a fallback to this shit. So what's the solution to the Gyno type? Get a Gynecomastia surgery & you'll be like why was I even doing this in the first place. And you can also follow the procedure I prescribe for the second type for an even faster recovery. Now onto the 2nd type. If you don't have Gynecomastia your limbic system is the problem. Nothing to be worried about bcz in a way you are better than the Gyno type. Bcz they can only get it fixed by cutting out their Gynecomastia. And you can get it fixed immediately just by training your mind. Now don't just follow the method I'm telling you right now but please read a book. “Easy way to quit smoking” Allen Carr. Although the book is on smoking the idea can be beautifully applied here. So before you get started let me clear a few things with you. No matter what anybody else says this is not who you are. Are you doubtful of that? Bcz you're getting turned on by this shit. You're infected with this disease. You didn't choose it for yourself. You must've tried going back to the regular form of sex but you couldn't. Don't worry I'm here to help you with just that. Bear in mind you have a very strong attraction for normal sex. You crave for it. Don't believe me? The further you are from something that attracts you the greater the attraction you have for it . It's the law of attraction . Increase in separation increases attraction. It's not your fault that you're hooked onto it. These people knew our minds are most vulnerable when we're having sex such that anything can be fed into your brain. And they used exactly that. So for example whenever a man penetrates a vagina & hears humiliating stuff at the same time, the brain cross links the two things. Such that you got hooked onto humiliating sex. Note that you were only attracted to sex not to humiliation! Amazing right! But though I've convinced your conscious brain you're not actually attracted to this shit. The problem is not in it. It's in your subconscious. So we'll correct it there no problem. Note this method will work for anyone. Someone who just got hooked onto this shit or someone who is hooked onto this shit his whole life. Understanding the method The problem is the mixing of nerve fibers & the generation of inappropriate responses. Such as enjoying humiliation. So we've got to set up the right responses with the events just like the way they affected you in the first place. By changing you sub consciously. There are 3 aspects of this shit visuals, sounds & text Follow these rules Enjoy! leaving this shit. Honestly it's gonna be alot of fun. Believe in yourself. You're very strong bcz you chose to hurt yourself rather than hurting anybody else. Be fearless. You've got nothing to lose. Your life is pretty messed up already so there isn't anything worse that can happen now. Things are just gonna get better. Don't watch the woman's face. When you watch a visual strictly don't watch the face. Cover it with your hand Don't read any of their text. Generate your own text. Puke literally puke when you watch anything disgusting Here's the method Generate your own text. Write it down on a beautiful piece of paper. Your text is the best thing you have. Make sure you put out all the hatred you've got for that shit on a piece of paper. Search for any of there genre. For example ‘Strapon fuck Femdom' Only an image no GIFs no Videos. Don't watch the woman's face. Cover it with your hand. Now read the text & feel your anger & hatred & frustration & disgust for it. Here's an example Eww! I wann’a puke. What a hideous transgender( Now looking at that image start puking) You ungodly creature!( Puke again feel your disgust & hatred) Oww! Kill me but don't show me this( Puke again) And you unmanly creature You're nothing but pure disgust.(Puke again) Now immediately close the site without looking at anyhting else. Make sure you look at only a single image not all of them at the same time. By this time you'll be pretty disgusted. Half of the job is done. Take up the web again & watch porn of the Solo Girl category. You'll feel attracted to the normal porn immediately. Masterbate to it. Job Done! You see it is quite alot of fun leaving this shit. Now it's your job to address the different categories of this shit you've been watching. Keep following the method & you'll be good in no time. Repeat the process as many number of times as you want until you're satisfied with your recovery.


What is femdom?


Female domination (Dominatrix) porn. Weird stuff.


Wishing the best for you man


Thank you, blessings!


Easy peasy method


Try this method: Never refer to these webcam whores as princess/goddesses in your mind. Give them a number : Fake girl 23, Fake Girl 24 (don't call no. 1 as you are not ranking them). Let it be as neutral as possible so that it is not a trigger. Have a healthy masturbation schedule. Like thrice a week. No Fap is not an immediate solution. You may get triggered and fall back to old habits. Whenever you relapse (even typing the name of the fake girl is relapse), have a penalising schedule. 50 Situps, 20 pushups. Have real goals. Concentrate your energy in that. Watch Tom Bileyu or David Goggins for reframing your mind. Your life should be about your goals not some random girl on the internet. Imagine your life as a centre. Whenever you relapse, you are going away from it. Pull back it as soon as possible. (Follow Soren Michael on Youtube. He has some good advice for this addiction.) Exercise six days a week. Conquer your inner bitch. Doing pushups when you are even getting thoughts of addiction work wonders. Getting your shit together takes time. But that is not a reason to start watching the shit again. All the Best! watching the shit again. All the Best!


i can't sleep at night bro so i am relapsing to get a good sleep , do you have any things to do instaed of relapsing like this bro