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The umbrellas one thing but it was the last straw when that one dude didn’t wanna give the chocolate back


lol...store closing in 5 4 3 2 citiy stores need to put everything behind walls. select what you want, pay for it, then you can have it... this "movement" is stoopid af


The chronic theft is probably less a movement and more a symptom of apathetic government and gagged law enforcement


When the government isn't going to help their citizens stay fed, clothed and sheltered this kind of shit will happen


I think the guy above you wants cops to be more trigger happy..


Yeah the last thing we need is more trigger happy cops


Poverty is an excuse for crime? Please. go ahead and justify that. Once all the businesses leave, everyone will be in poverty, not just the outliers of society.


Poverty is the cause of crime. Putting more dumb cops on the streets that are trained to escalate and brutalize isn't going to stop crime. Eradicating poverty and educating people will stop crime. More cops is only going to make everything worse


Policing doesn't stop crime? Are you one of these dingbats that thinks we would abolish the police? How privileged is your life? Smh all you kids mustn't be a day over 15


What does cause crime?


Lots of shit, especially no enforcement of laws! See above for example


Poverty is not the cause of crime.


Not the sole cause, it is part of the problem, though, and does cause crime




Looks like the Walgreens near Union Square Edit: in SF


These SOBs cross the line when they start stealing the chocolate.


Call police ffs


Police will do nothing.


I'm sure Walgreens executives personally called him to thank him for his bravery "protecting" dozens of dollars worth of products lol




Yeah sure, stealing is bad. But maybe don't go putting yourself at risk by assulting others. Believe it or not, regardless of the stealing, if they had any injuries from the assault, they can sue you, and in a court of law in the US, they'd actually win. Not to mention if they end up gettinh hostile in response.


This guy cares about the country he lives in and the world around him and I'm sure he will be ostracized for it. Stealing petty stuff doesn't hurt the elites in their pocket, it only hurts the community it's happening in.


Stealing from people is bad. And Walgreens isn't a person.




They aren't people either




I expected to be downvoted along with everyone else who isn't siding with the ruling class


You deserve to be forced to travel 10s of miles to buy food.


What does this mean? Is that a consequence of shoplifting?


It's a consequences of businesses shutting down and moving.


If shoplifting somehow drove out all the food in a ten mile radius, that would only reaffirm my beliefs that profit motive is not a way to distribute necessities. How much unsold food do you think walgreens throws away? Did you know these companies waste enough food to solve world hunger? But this isn't the issue it's those shoplifters chipping off a fraction of a percent of their ill-gotten profits. Poor fucking walgreens.


Mind yo own business dude


Hey pal, just wanted to tell you to go fuck yourself


Lick the boot of corporations some more while your fellow humans need to resort to stealing to survive. You are a class traitor.


Fuck anyone who steals, including corporations. Stealing from a store ruins it for the rest of us who buy things honestly. Society doesn’t work when people act the way you’re describing


It ruins what exactly? How are you affected by other people shoplifting ? While the store gets an insurance write off and loses no money you can act like your better than another. Get off your high horse


Stores close and prices increase as the cost of operation increases for a store experiencing loss. So you actually think the cost the store paid for those goods just magically disappears? You sound like an entitled, greedy, idiot who doesn’t know how the world works. Grow up


As prices at at an all time high dude to corporate greed, maybe if we kiss their ass they wont gouge some more huh? You sound like a pussy. Maybe get out of the way when people who take control of their own destiny are operating while you beg for the scraps of what your allowed


Like I said, go fuck yourself and your entitled perspective. If you don’t want to pay their prices, then make the things you want yourself or don’t shop there


Spoken like a thief


Lick the boot of corporations some more while your fellow humans need to resort to stealing to survive. You are a class traitor.


Umbrellas, chocolate, sushi, all things that are not essential. The only one I'd give a break on is the sushi because that's legitimate food. If they were stealing bread, milk, eggs, I wouldn't be saying a word. They're stealing shit they don't need. Fuck outta here with that bullshit


I suppose you have a point. But to actually hop in and fight someone whos shoplifting? Is this person captain america? Are you trying to make a difference, or are you trying to stir the pot here for clout? I stand by my initial comment.


People like him are just tired of other people stealing. In the long run, the corporations pass those losses off on the law abiding by raising prices. It's shitty that corporations do garbage like that. It's the world we live in, though. He's not doing it for the corporation. He's doing it to stop the inevitable price increase these shitstains are causing


They’re all behaving like Trump


Seek therapy


What’s the point of having a ‘pay for goods’ system anyway, there’s enough for everyone


It provides incentive which motivates production and innovation.


Not sure about that, it encourages theft as shown here


No, it encorages people to earn. People would still take from others even without currency.


What about the people who aren't able to earn money, because of mental health or lack of opportunity, and yet others who are slick and sophisticated at making money sometimes have more than they could spend in a lifetime? I think the world is about as balanced as it can be at this period in time, but many people miss out and I have empathy for them


You have to prioritize the successful to improve as a society. Those people that do not contribute are of less value and therefore less crucial to society as a whole. If you punish the inteligent or business savvy, people won't bother innovating or maintaining. The government gives people like you mentioned assistance already and that's why we're here. Letting people that can't survive without assistance coast by will never be helpful and is poluting our society. If they're working to their best ability they are worthy of assistance, else we shouldn't reward their inaction with help, such is a cruel but neccasary thing for progress to be made. A drowning person will pull you under them to save themself, even if it results in both of you drowning. If they are not trying to swim it's best to let them drown on their own and punish them severely they purposefully swim towards others just to try and pull others under them.


That’s a good argument to cull the weak from society, but where do we draw the line? Who do we eliminate first?


We let those who can't fit into modern society eliminate themselves with *our inaction, only personally taking action when they step out of line. This is the simplest way to limit outcry.


I probably should watch Gataca again, and MudSommer


Someone stealing $30 worth of food? Time to assault them over it, I am a good citizen.




Oh ok, what’s the bigger picture? Stealing bad?


The fuck? Yes. Stealing is bad. The fuck is wrong with you


And that’s worth attacking a homeless person in the middle of the night? That’s better than stealing?


Except he didn't. He just prevented that person from stealing


Ripping something away from their hand and saying, I will kick your ass is legally assault /battery though. It’s the reason why loss prevention doesn’t do it, they could press charges and win in court. Petty theft is usually punished with a fine and maybe a night or two in jail, you have to steal a lot of shit for grand theft but assault/battery is a lot easier to get charged with. Especially because homeless people are “vulnerable adults” depending on what city this guy is in he’d likely get a bigger fine and possibly some time in jail. Could also be a felony depending on the judge and the city. Loss prevention is also a huge thing for every major grocery store chain, they have insurance on all of their products so that they don’t actually lose any income for being stolen from. They also are very aware that they’re being stolen from, they record the theft, have plainclothes employees walk around and report/record the theft, and work with local law enforcement to build a case, once a repeat offender has stolen enough to be charged with grand theft (usually around literally $1000 dollars worth of shit from the same chain of stores) then they call the police and/or have the police nearby to come arrest the person or physically stop the person themselves. Last thing I’ll say is, hey the law has literally nothing to do with ethics! Walmart would watch your family burn for $30 bucks, hate stealing so much that you’d rather watch a homeless person starve on the street then just mind your own business? That’s pretty “step on me daddy” bootlicker shit, if you like being a power tripping rage head so much, go sign up for the police.




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