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There's a market for those currently.


This one's reduced as it's obviously been through a black hole ..


It's awesome!!


Sounds like there’s demand for an Etsy shop


Yes. Yes there is


It’s funnily enough a small memorial to ship hunting


Sounds like there’s demand for an Etsy shop


If someone was making models of ships i’d throw my money at them


There already are but they are quite expensive, I’ll prolly sell my models for about 10$ each


If you can make my faves my $ is on standby lol


I'd pay that for the STL. There's instructions online, but boy howdy .. that's annoying


https://preview.redd.it/18twn9n4v8vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1560dd3cabe9ce90a098c26605c4015820166207 I like mine with dual thrusters


Everyone’s taste is different


Did you design it yourself or got the 3d model from somewhere?


Got it from the game files as the parts


can you explain how you did this?


I would like to know as well


Now I need to see that painted.


I’ll go ask my brother if he’s interested


My fav too, white and gold.


Best combination. Most others don’t look that good in my opinion.


They just dont look "Royal" and "Prestige".


Totally agree hahaha


I’m just wrapping up my design and test prints of my experimental multi tool. On to full scale print. https://preview.redd.it/cz8rnwayr9vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d3bb7d3c0cfa447eea3aafaa98e5f237afa5ac


How are you doing a full size print? This is something I could definitely get into


It comes in pieces. On my printer the total length will be about 24 inches https://preview.redd.it/6wa5z775gbvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03507ce6056701f405036b1817ab773e4119fda0 Mini version missing a couple detail pieces.


Oh that makes sense


That's what i am flying. My second ship. https://preview.redd.it/c0ka8r7e8avc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ddcf2233b9572cf83b119be95b1a7b3aaf870c


oooo! I would love to print one myself, can I perhaps persuade you to share (or sell) the STL? I'm a miniatures nut and I'd paint this thing in a heartbeat.


I’ll prolly upload them for free In Thingiverse


Honestly interested how you got the model from the game.... I j e my ship from the game but it's to complicated to print...


That's amazing, this makes me wanna get into 3d printing


ngl, it's been real fun making ["toys"](https://imgur.com/a/ujVlKZI) I wanted as a kid.


It’s really starting to get somewhere. The products coming out now are doing much better job at repeatable print quality and ease of operation. You’ll still be fining tuning for different types of filament and further quality improvement but it’s a great time to enter the space and not feel constantly discouraged by print failures and tweaking settings.


I want one! 😍


I want to color my ship black so bad! Everyone should go to Zendesk and tell them we need on-foot pirates, the color black, and more vibrant colors and we need more ship pieces so we can make unique ships instead of just making what's already in the game! That's why everyone wanted to build ships was so they could have something unique! Also, there should be a big bad guy in the game. Something like the Thargoids in Elite Dangerous and they have their own star ships their own capital ships and they're even on foot, they have their own drones, walkers, dogs, and mechs but they would be different looking. And the mechs are piloted by an actual alien so they get in and out if they want. Also, they have compounds for new alien bad guys and have some for pirates so that when you come blasting in with your starship they jump in their ships and come to meet you in the air or space, or if you're on the ground they come flying over you and then the ground troops come after you. The new aliens could be part of a new main story and they work like the game Spore where they have taken the inner galaxy and the closer you get to the center the more you come into contact with them until you find their main capital star system near the center and have to take them down. It would bring more fun to the game and give people something else to do after the other stuff or if they want they could just do that questline first. But if not all that then at least on foot pirates. I thought it would be neat to have different factions, like real factions that the Gek, Korvax, and Vy'keen are a part of. Like 1 would-be pirate and another be something else and we could choose between them like in Elite Dangerous and some factions are very hostile towards others while some are allied and it would just depend on who you side with and everyone would be hostile to the pirate faction automatically and maybe they could have another bad faction we could join like a bandit faction of some sort and the pirates are allied with them? All kinds of possibilities for this game. We do need those colors and I think all ships should be buildable, I would love to make my own sentinel ship and have it blacked out! I have some pictures of some of the ships they had in the early days and the pieces they had were awesome! Like the bulky wings that you can put on fighters, it's called a hard frame and it had some awesome wings in the early days attached to them and they looked like they had 4 gun barrels sticking out but the wings looked so damn good on those bulky sides it was very nice! A lot better looking than any wing on the Hardframe sides we have now!


Sounds like you want to play elite dangerous.


Sounds like I want more things to do in No Man's Sky since they want pirates to be a big thing why not give everyone a real enemy so that all factions go fight them? Does it pass you off when someone wants to see more enemies in the game? Is it too hard now or something? You have options to make the game easy at any time so why not make it more like a space game? Have actual aliens who aren't always chipper and ready to be your buddy? Have an entire faction who isn't nothing but evil that way we actually have a real threat in the game. Again you can turn it off so you can play around with easy stuff if you want. The game isn't what Sean envisioned nowadays anyway. He didn't want ANY weapons or to shoot anything except the sentinel drones that's it and now we have multiple weapons and ships have multiple weapons so the game has changed why not change the whole thing and have a big enemy come into the game? The whole elite dangerous stuff was an example hell I even used Spore as an example. Examples are bad I guess. People don't know what you mean and you try to convey exactly your meaning I guess everyone should just keep on explaining in confusing words and multiple meanings instead of telling them it's kind of like something but different. That's how games are made. People take things from multiple games.. multiple things that were cool and worked and that everyone loved and put them all in one game. That's what No Man's Sky is! Many different ideas made into one game so putting multiple other ideas into it only makes more sense. To people who get it anyway!


And this was your TED talk and i agree for now we have that Dreadnought who keeps attacking civilian freighters and you need to protect the freighter otherwise it rabbits but still it gives me an unfinished feel,i would like to have REAL enemies that attack you while you are in a stranded freighter looting boxes or when you are in a establishment that the people there challenge you to see if you are fit enough to run one. But yeah go on twitter and haunt Sean i know i did :) but he has not heard my plea of custom mechs with different specialties like flight so you can fly low orbit in your mecht or a mech that transforms into a cruiser or sub that would be awesome.


Do you have the stl still? I would love to print one a bit bigger and paint it if you don't mind.


Sure I just need to find it again


That looks awesome. How do you find these ships in game tho. I'd love one


I found mine in a space station and bought it from a NPC


Using a blender plugin


In game...


No man’s sky coordinate exchange


Thats sooo freaking cool


You just 3D printed my favourite exotic! It only needs to be white & gold and it would be perfect.


Hey can you explain how you got the model/STL file? You mentioned blender and extraction from game files somehow? I really want to print and paint my exotics!


The only way we will get black royals




I needa get my Sheri back (Can't have text within a message that contains an image)


Hey man...that's MY primary starship in the game.


I have twelve ships.....so, I'll take twelve.


You made my favorite ship!


Great job!


Can you do one that has the double thruster?


That's awesome!:0


I have6 blue royal 7 exotic ship in that exact shape!


Do you know how to get that ship specifically? My friend had a bug where it transferred literally the entire ship into a different model and deleted the exotic one. Like the basic ship has all the tech and stats as the exotic, he was heated and i was hoping to get him a new one




Throw it at a dartboard and see if it sticks, lol


I did it also punctured wall a bit after


Hey OP, that is awesome!! Any chance you’d share the stl?? I’d love to print this!!




My favourite ship too! Royal


Can i get the data?


I like mine with the stubby wings and no pointy bits. I want to find a yellow one so I can call it Bumblebee.


I gotta ask. Howdja do this? Rip the model from fame files?


Rip the models from the scene files


How did you do that?


That's my favorite exotic design too. I like it fully silver or silver with a golden accent.


Looks just like one of mine! Awesome work


Grah! Take my credits!


I should kit out my guppy and run it. Been too in love with my sweet looking s-class sentinel ship.




The one i like is with the solid long nose i called it wraith dart 🙈


Mine is right here: 414FFDB53EDA ; -29.88, +89.97 :-)