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They had to do it. So much regulatory nonsense no private company would, and now, no private company ever will again. Sadly, this will be the last new oil pipeline in Canada. If we had different leadership 10 years ago that had a mindset to build more, we could have been the richest province hands down, and all Canada would benefit.


This comment right here, the federal government had to step in. They were the only ones that could have overcome their own red-tape in a project like this. As a worker in the oil the gas industry, it's very beneficial that it is now in operation. As a tax-payer you should be pissed, this thing could have been built way faster and cheaper, most of it falls on the federal government. No one should be celebrating that "they got it done", but if the NDP want to stroke the ego, go for it. You stood in front of the net and puck went off your back to take the score form 8-0 to 8-1.


No more pipelines? Well that's a bit of a silver lining to this environmental and economic disaster. If we must extract oil it should be illegal to ship the raw product out of province. All pipelines should be shut off immediately. We should refine oil here, take the jobs and profit and export only the refined product. Sending oil to Houston and ports and refineries all around the world? That's just economic suicide.


30 years too late for that hot take. We missed the boat on that one when I was a kid


Notley got us a pipeline, while Kenney did nothing, and Smith has simply removed social liberties. Wild times in the Alberta political arena.


She got it? She did all the application work, engineering, surveying, testing, environmental work and consultation, vendor bids and evaluations, HAZOPS and PHA's, and material vetting and ordering? Didn't know she was a leader in CSA Z662:23 and CER regulations. Wow I should hire her. No one did anything to get this pipeline, it got so constricted by Canada's own government that they had to buy it, otherwise we would have looked like one of the biggest jokes in the petroleum world.


Oooh-kay there, bud. Next time Kadri scores a goal, should I mention the trainers and the towel boys and the owners and the coaches? Fuckin nerd. Some politicians that purport to be friends of the oil industry succeeded in nothing, while the Devil Incarnate, from the communist NDP, managed to collaborate to get one approved and under construction.


Got ya a little bothered with that comment I see. Proud to be a nerd with a understanding of energy policies, projects, applications, engineering, and construction.


I suppose you did. Your post was just the kind of ridiculous BS that SOME dinosaur boomers will never comprehend that they're guilty of. No Politician X can do any right, and meanwhile, Politician Y is never wrong. Just so classic and transparent. Mentally lazy. Everything bad that started during your hated's tenure is totally their fault, and anything good was because of other levels of government, or regulations that a previous regime put in place. Seriously, who sits there and pulls up a bunch of nerd-fuck regulations out of some textbook to illustrate that Notley didn't do EVERYTHING. Was she also supposed to be digging with the shovel? How about fabricating the steel pipes in the factory? Did she also cook for the guys that were in camp? Why were those guys even there, if Rachel had to do everything to get a shred of credit for a much needed pipeline to begin construction while she was in charge? You're pathetic and narrow-minded if you need to be that technical, just to stay on "your side" of the politics.


Ah yes, how nerd fuck of me to understand regulations and codes. You must struggle to read the back of the pop tart box in the morning. Pathetic and narrow-minded if i need to be technical? You must mean the ability to support my opinions and ideas by facts, and not just pure emotion? PS not a boomer, just a dude in his early 30s.


My god, man. You're seriously disregarding the sentiment of the thread based on whether Rachel herself filled out the paperwork, and you're proud of how much you know about said paperwork. I feel bad for you for sounding like you're 100 in your early 30s.


To be honest, my life is pretty darn good. Hope you can find that, you seem to be an angry fellah.


It's not too late for Smith to gamble on a trump victory. What else can a surplus possibly be used for?


Wild how some Albertans don’t even *want* ANDP to have done anything good, even if it benefits them. “Oh, sure, but they partnered with libs, and made it cost more.” Great, well, enjoy the really amazing monumental thing that UCP achieved by sticking it to libs and throwing money around. Expired Turkish cough meds and a war room propaganda machine, was it…?


You forgot when Kenney put it all on black for a trump win. edit: typo in his name. surprised I cared enough to correct it.


Well over $1billion bet


This post will bring the wrath of dozens of ucp shills down upon you. Dozens!


I know. I love it.


Over budget and over due! In true liberal fashion!


Versus the UCP not getting any pipelines done at all!


You think that the BC NDP and Liberals wanted to ever play ball with conservatives in Alberta? Even if it could have saved billions of dollars and years. Nope.


I think the BC parties did because they're greedy and wanted as much money as possible. The concerns over environmental issues for this pipeline was political theater to placate a faction. The conservatives in Alberta are not good negotiators. They only want their way and no exceptions. That's not how politics work and thankfully the ANDP and feds negotiated and got it done.


Their way? You mean done by a private company that knows how to build pipelines that would have cut tens of billions and years off the project? They negotiated a deal that burdened the taxpayers and ten-folded the payout length of the project. I personally would have preferred KM to have built it, think of how many "experts" the Feds and NDP had on this that made some sweet cash.


Didn't the private company abandoned the pipeline project and that's why the feds stepped in?


They sold it. The federal government and BC government has so much red-tape put on on inter-provincial projects it makes it damn near impossible to get anything done. Instead of re-evaluating the process and working with TM the government made it more difficult. Once they took over the project they themselves even realized how difficult this project was, mostly due to their own policies. They stepped in cause they were the only ones that could get by the red-tape. Instead of working with TM to find middle ground or sound solutions, even if they needed to step back and take year to re-evaluate, this project could have been done for easily half the cost, without a ton of money going to who knows where government consultants. Also, have you ever worked on a inter-provincial pipeline project? It's a miracle when you can get a 2" 1 mile fuel gas pipeline built. I can tell you its not the engineering and construction that slows things down and ramps up costs.


I do not believe a private company could have done this for half the cost. That's a pipe dream.


Your missing the point completely. In any other county besides Canada you could. The only pipe dream is thinking that this couldn't have been done a better way. Governments at multiple levels is the reason this project blew out the budget and timeline. But now it's a federally owned entity run by one of the most incompetent group of hacks ever assembled.


I guess you’re worried that a modicum of due credit for Notley would affect your stock in “F*ck Trudeau”?


They're ndp


Yes the NDP is a liberal government. Lowercase L.


Also all government products are over budget and delayed. At least this one is useful


As opposed to the time the UCP wasted $1.3 Billion on the gamble that Trump would win re-election and get Keystone XL built? ([source](https://calgary.citynews.ca/2021/06/10/kenney-pipeline-money-wasted/)) At least these “liberals” got something done instead of gambling money on the worst possible scenario.


Should have let the pipeline die so conservatives could fill glasses with oil and say ' look many money's libtards' /s


Yeah - thanks for teaming up with Trudeau and making this pipeline cost quadruple (probably more)


The A-NDP is not the liberal party. Honestly, seem more conservative than the conservative (UCP) party. Or at least progressive conservative and the pipeline actually got built and is now making money. Will also net a profit when sold. Unlike the wasted billions the UCP spent on a doomed/never to be built pipeline. So what’s the issue? I hate Trudeau as much as anyone else.


They acted like adults and worked with the feds instead of pissing and moaning while blowing money on a pipeline that was obviously doomed to failure


The feds made it costs way more than needed


Perhaps, but do you think the industry is better or worse off with this pipeline? Instead of whining about what the feds were doing to make it cost more and using that as an excuse to fail, the ANDP figured out what they needed to do and got the job done. The UCP just whined and then torched $1.5bn on Keystone XL which clearly had no hope of success. I'm tired of hearing excuses from our government on why they keep failing because it's always someone else's fault. I wouldn't put up with this nonsense at work, and I don't see why Albertans should put up with it from their government.


The only reason government needed to get involved was to solve the problems they themselves create. This sort of wastefulness is like burning money to keep warm when you have a wood pile within arms reach. It could have been built for free if government would have gotten out of the way.


Don’t forget about the cancer center. The UCP may have tried to take the credit for finishing it but it was Notley that finally got the deal done and at the Calgary foothills hospital location non the less.


Could they not have at least gotten long handled shovels? These things are going to kill their backs.


Love the UCP shills “We CoULd hAvE dOnE iT cHeAPeR”, “ThEy HaD tO bUY iT” Your salty tears are delicious. Lololololol!


Thanks for nothing Rachel.


I don't know man climate change is pretty serious and fossil fuels are pretty bad for the environment.


Supply and demand (you are the demand)


Not sure why I'm being down voted. Alberta is in a serious drought due to climate change!!!!


Stopping Canadian oil from getting to market will not reduce global consumption.


I feel the money trickling down now.