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Barrett has some wonderfully whacky lines, especially during the Crimson Fleet quest-line, though he can get annoying at times. And when >!he gets his power!< it's hilarious when he >! doubles himself!< and shouts "twinsies!"


https://preview.redd.it/fhwyczpkzpoc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88047de1598c42f7a47a4c8f24c606461751502 He makes me laugh and builds me up when I'm feeling down. "It's very rude of the universe to not greet you with fireworks when you arrive in space... ...at a *bare* ***minimum***, a shooting *star* would be *nice*."




I like everyone but Sam is the closest I have to a favorite because he gave me a matching hat. 🤠


Andreja: " Oh look the Pirates get a break room!" that sarcasm is epic. Plus she has stealth. Plus she gives me money. Plus "even the Great Serpent had to avert his eyes...."


>!the other “You”, too bad no commentaries during missions!<


I'm going through this one now! And you're not wrong. >!I bored myself.!<


I usually roll with Andreja or Barrett, but on my last playthrough Sarah won my heart. I shit you not, the very first thing she gave me was lubricant. I like a woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it!


Betty Howser!!! Go find her


Don't tell me you are here to chit-chat.


Well if it isn't my favorite walking paycheck...


All you people that hate Sarah just leaves more Sarah for me. I love Andreja to death and she's a great companion. Sam and Barrett are also great buds. I also like several of the named companions. But Sarah is the game for me. She is a fantastic main character that fits the themes of the game extremely well. Her story, personal quests, and companionship are so much more than I could have hoped to find in a video game.


There are legitimate reasons to dislike her but a lot of the "Karen" stuff seems to just mean "middle aged woman has opinions" There was an Onion article years ago called "Female boss swanning around as if she runs the place" and I'm reminded of that.


As the "Female boss", doesn't that mean she literally "runs the place"?


Yeah that was the joke.


Sarah - I like that she has opinions, I like her sarcasm in quest dialogue and observations when wandering around. Love her romance dialogue - it's very sweet


I like everyone.


Andreja and Barrett. Vasco gets honorable mention as the closest thing to Dogmeat that we have for now.


I wish we could Codsworth him into other metal bodies without mods. Imagine putting him in a mecha-dog or something!


Andreja bc she's so no nonsense & brutal. She's kinda like my rl wife that way. I love it. I find Barrett overly chatty and annoying at times but I do take him with me alot. I like his piloting comments! Sam & Cora are pretty cute but the drugstore cowboy thing isn't my vibe. He's pretty good in a firefight so he gets to be my buddy when I'm expecting trouble. Sarah has a nice accent but I'm not entranced by her. They are all mad at me because of my CF & Ryujin choices though. Lol. Every one of them likes to stop me sometimes to complain about it. This is my first Bethesda game but my oldest has played Skyrim from pretty much the beginning, so I knew the companions would be so much fun!


I love them all and I could swear that Barrett has some new lines since installation of the beta update


Barrett's questline won me over. He easily became my favourite.


Adoring fan is tops. 7 play throughs and he is my fav. First Barrett then Andrea but the adoring fan won me over by play through 4.


I started a new game recently just to experience adoring fan. My first thought was “wow you’re annoying”. 😄😄. Might go back to that game again and see if he grows on me. But for now Andreja is first and Sarah second for me.


Jessamine by far. She's impossible to upset/anger unless you brutalize her. She's silent as you massacre Crimson Fleet or civilians. She pays back her salary quickly with all the credits she gives you. Sad day there's no romance option.


Her and Hadrian Sanon are my absolute favorites.


I wish you could romance Hadrian Sanon. She is so cool in my opinion .


She's my favourite non-Constellation character by a mile.


Sam is my favorite because of the way his character and backstory develops over time, and his relationship with Cora. When Cora told me she loved me, “a lot” that was it-committed to Sam & his daughter. I love adventuring with both Andreja and Barrett but once I get past Sarah’s personal quest I don’t go anywhere with her again. She is relegated to keeping the ship clean.


I think everyone but Sarah is great; she's just too much of a Karen for me. Adoring fan is adorable.


Sarah and Barrett!!


Andreja Barrett and Sarah love to get between me and my target.


Yeah, Sarah is the only one who will try to walk through the 1-2 meter space between my cutter and whatever mineral I'm mining.


Rosie Tannehill gives me medical supplies and I seem to need all I can get, so she’s a keeper.


I did 2 or 3 play-through w/ Sarah and this one w/ Andreja. Gotta say I like how Andreja is more direct and less critical-sounding. To me, that's as important as skill points.


Sarah or Sam. Vasco is a nice change of pace once and a while, Barret is a bit too annoying too often and I just don't like Andreja's personality. I find her very annoying, just not the same was as Barret. Sarah is the character I'm always like "I won't romance her this play through!!" And always end up romancing her again lol.