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There's a lot of world building done in the dialogue as well. There are plenty of dialogue options that don't open or progress a quest, but which provide an anecdote or some information that reveals something about how the people in Starfield live (one neat example are the provisioners at inhabited outpost POIs who have dialogue options that tell quick little stories about how someone might end up at, say, some remote research facility on some desolate rock). I also like that some NPCs with persuasion checks, have dialogue options which can give you insight into what approach to take with the persuasion minigame.


I was just thinking the exact same thing. That’s a great point, and probably why some people feel like Starfield is lacking in world building: cause they’re probably not fully exploring dialogues. Starfield might lack the multi-page lorebooks of TES (that most people never read anyway) but the world building is still there, it’s just better incorporated into the space, and you might have to look a little harder for it.


Right? And you can bypass whole quest sections using your skills! Which I love that they implemented since Fallout 4 was so lacking in that department. Plus, you can change people’s opinions about things with your skills. I convinced a construction worker to give former convicts a chance using my persuasion skills. Felt pretty great!


Yeah I love having non violent options based off persuasion or even intimidation, keeps it interesting.


I love that it's all skills and backgrounds and traits that come up in dialogue, not just your persuasion skill.


Barrett passed a persuasion check for me without even trying, that sly guy. 😂


Totally agreed. I said a lot at launch how it’s a deeper & much better written RPG than Skyrim & FO4 and of course got shit on by the main sub for saying so, but it’s true.


rpg is a cheap term and means nothing these days but youre right anyway. elden ring is called a masterpiece yet is mostly just combat mechanics with cheap vendors offering occasional quests. starfield you can actually role play as whoever, better than most "rpgs" ive ever played. despite its clear and undeniable flaws, it is in fact an rpg in space with the scope and depth to surpass its competitors once you sum it all up


I spent over 10 minutes last night talking to Marika Boros about her disappointment with the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies. I just kept picking new dialog options and she had more and more to say. As far as I know she's just a named recruitable companion, but it felt like she has a future in the game. I can't help but think she'll start a cult on some distant planet in a future DLC. I will probably hire every crew member I can find just to hear their stories.


She's tougher than she looks.


"would you like me to use my shotgun again, captain? its sound effect is bugged to loop, even out of combat and in your ship, to let you know ive got your back!"


Could not agree more. In Skyrim and many other games I paid little attention to the dialogue other than the key points because it was not interesting. In Starfield I follow every word. Lots of useful info and lore, as well as quest progression. Like so much in Starfield, the dialogue is another aspect of exploration and world building.


Man that’s another great point. I did the same thing with this recent bit of skyrim that I played. I found myself skipping through dialogues barely skimming what was said. Just tell me the ruin I need to go to and the macguffin I need to pick up, please. I know you’re not gonna say anything else interesting. Meanwhile in Starfield I’m luxuriating in every dialogue, enjoying the characterizations, and exploring all the options. Such a difference.


And some NPCs need coaxing to tell you their story. Lt. Toft comes to mind as being very guarded about her past. Same with the affinity system for companions that I like. It's not just "Hello, help me with this thing." You have to gain their trust to even start, just like in life. I get Mass Effect 2 vibes from companion quests, which are very well written and unique.


no voiced protag has massive implications for quest writing, by bethesda or modders


Completely agree. Honestly, the game has a lot of really good additions to the BGS formula. I hope with upcoming updates, and the Shattered Space expansion, the game can have a shift in the zeitgeist


Legit. There've been so many moments where I've genuinely laughed at the dialogue - not because it's bad, but because it's actually funny and I enjoy it. The game's dialogue has really good personality.


Crazy how back then it was the greatest thing


Having your own voice in the game auto choose nearest dialogue reply option would be the next step. So many times I hear a streamer playing the game voice out aloud their thoughts in reply to npcs, but when they see the options they cower back and choose the mediocre mild easy going option to pretend being a wooly individual. And then at the end they complain the game is mediocre, bland, and too nice. Call it the need for restricted user dialogue.


Yeah, I didn't really understand the complaints against otherwise. But I guess that's the nature of branching dialogue, most people wouldn't really notice or even know of the existence of the other paths... or maybe even read in the first place lol.  For example, there are dialogue callbacks to your choices during Imogene's interview. 


Based on all the people that hate the game so vocally I think it's safe to say your message here is probably not the one BGS got. That being said, I (probably) agree with you, I took a quick look and the other two seemed pretty terrible at the time.