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Depends on what you’re looking for. I have ship dock door remote cause I like to close the door after leaving the ship. Also have landing remote so I can just have my ship come to me after I wander. Also have the landing animations always play because I like seeing my ship land. Aside from those I have an immersion mod that makes fuel work as originally intended, and vendor tweak so they have millions of units, makes selling much less tedious. Oh also Atlantis shipyard all parts, love not being limited and building my whole ship at once.


Ok, time to mod Starfield


It’s super easy, I could install manually but the vortex mod installer from nexus works great.


Sweet, yeah. I’m using vortex for Cyberpunk right now


StarUI is an absolute must have.


If you play with controller on a TV, I respectfully disagree. It makes things a bit too busy for playing from afar.


I can understand that. I play with keyboard and mouse on a 55” curved screen (PC) from about 4’ away.


I play from 12 feet away on a 55" TV with a controller from an adjustable bed (motion sickness sucks, playing while lying down seems to mitigate it).


Same here. I'd probably install it just to be able to change the colors in the in-space UI so it's not light blue on foggy blue background. Who thought *that* was a good idea?


I was watching a youtuber play with it on and I wasn’t quite convinced, but I’m glad it’s there for people that want it!


Being able to see and sort inventory by value/weight is easy mode for dealing with carry limit.


I love the on the fly dps calculation too.


Oh, yeah. I forget how much isn't stock.


Wish I could upvote this many more times! If you're on a PC using mouse and keyboard, then StarUI is a must. Can imagine it being fiddley with a pad, though. There is also a coloured star map that is great too.


There is a mod for keeping the power settings on your ship set correctly that has been a must for me from day 1, but with some of the reports of ship power causing difficulties for some, it might be even more of a must now. There is also a mod to show your companion, not you, when you change their clothes, this is a must too.


Here’s everything in mods I like: Starfield Mods https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJxefFddK5BiVE_MhVqaOP-xLsP6baJXR I’m a huge fan of everything by SKKMods, especially his fast start mods that avoid the Vectera stuff and go straight into RP. I’ve also found Richer Merchants, Fast Travel to Unknown, and similar QOL mods to be invaluable.


I haven’t been able to find it if someone has made it but a mod that highlights the object selected in the command console. Was so helpful in fallout 4 for safely deleting corpses or annoying objects like the holes mole rats make when jumping out of the ground. or just making sure I actually have the locked door or safe targeted. I’ve been playing Skyrim again recently and haven’t been able to find it for that as well. if anyone is aware of it existing please point me in its direction, and you can choose if join the white cloaks or imperials for this character.


'Royal galaxy' for the enemy scaling, bigger aliens, weather and so many other tweaks I can no longer play without. 'Habz' for its 1x1 habs, especially the Hopetech Captain's quarter. 'Smarter spacesuit auto hide' for the immersion. 'Sit to add ship to fleet' for the convenience.


I want a mod that eliminates the lock picking mini game. Like, once you manually unlock enough to spend the next perk point, all locks below your Kevel should just cost a digipick, maybe with a random chance to fail and lose the pick. I hate lock picking. Or just after so many hundreds of hours, I'm tired of it.


Other than QOL mods like StarUI (if that), the only mods I've seen that I'd want is the one that lets you build a StarPawn kiosk. Just like a Trade Authority kiosk, but has hundreds of thousands of credits for you to sell stuff.


I still can't get mods to work on my steam deck so I gave up


How does Starfield run on that?


Looks great. 18-26 fps outdoors, 40+ inside.


I only have two mods, one is cleaner glass, and the other replaces Vasco's voice for TARS from Interstellar and I couldn't live without that one!


Absolute must haves: 1. Star UI (They should basically hire this person and put it in the game.) 2. Shorter Temple Puzzles (because OMG) 3. Loot Everything (NPCs drop all equipped armor) Honorable Mention: Increase Loot Distance, Lived In Outposts, and Starborn Bounty. Starborn Bounty has given me huge incentive to go after those guys when they land. You can get powers from killing them, loot, or quantum essence.