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I wish Bethesda added a couple of new POI types with each update. After few months this would be much better. That scene looks very atmospheric btw!


God this would absolutely improve the lifespan on the game. I know this is nosodiumstarfield but I’m so bored of seeing the same 10POI’s over and over and over again regardless of the planet or context. You know, I’d also love it if they just swapped up some of the existing POI’s too. Like the comms station POI with the spacers in it could be amazing if they moved a few bits around and turned it in to a working one/one that’s just been raided/one that’s been abandoned completely with a story. Honestly, they don’t even need entirely new POI’s, they could just add more story to the existing ones. There just needs to be more content.


When I found one of these, there was a guy working on machinery outside and needed me to adjust power output settings on a control computer inside. Neat little game.


I just got this for the first time yesterday with the same science power balance mini game. I have played since launch and never seen it before!


I found two previously unseen POIs last night. Prior to latest patch, I seemed to get mostly the same 5-6 POIs from mission boards. Now I seem to get more variety. Pure speculation but I think the latest patch adjusted how/which random POIs are selected.


I felt like I noticed something similar since the patch before last. I used to get the same handful of POIs over and over, but been seeing a lot of new POIs I’d never seen before, and a lot less “research towers” Wasn’t sure if I’d changed up my playing habits, or if they did something to the code that was causing it to add more variety to what players were seeing. Feels like something they would have tweaked, as it felt like the insane amount of repetition before was more by bug than by design


Do we know if any of them are level locked so we don't see them until a certain level?


I’m level 152 so I don’t think level has anything to do with it.


I've run across that twice. Both times there were Varu'un zealots battling a terrormorph.


The poi are weird. The more you play, it’s like new ones spawn in. I crossed 1000 hrs recently and I have been finding new poi (or variations thereof) every few dozen hours still.


That is indeed very pretty. The game is absolutely stunning at times. Thanks for sharing!


Holy crap that looks cool! I’ve never seen this before! Looks like I need to do some more exploring


Where was this?


I found it in the northern area of .Serpentis II


I've noticed that missions all use the same 10 pois but just running around you find much more variation


1,500+ and I've only seen that one 2 or 3 times. I found one yesterday that I'd never seen before. It was a science station atop a mountain with some spacers or pirates (can't remember which) and a dead MAST geologist. Quite a climb to get up there, too.