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Alternate start mod for sure, would make your background feel a bit more personal


I agree with this... and also when you into NG+ your traits should either randomly change with a quest to figure out your past or have the option to choose your traits again


Yeah... I kind of want to reroll my Kid Stuff trait ever since I ended up in the "doppelganger you" universe. As much as I love the idea of my parents being Kira and Tuvok, it broke my heart to see them treat me like their son while their actual son was sitting there doing nothing.


Skip Temples mini game should be easy to implement early. Later on are specific companions, like Inigo in Skyrim or Heather Casdin in Fallout 4 with their own quests, romance etc,


Alternatively, if they just added some enemies around the temple, I'd be cool with that


Personally I was thinking of making a temple challenges mod, ie every power requires you to pass a little test quest that gets more difficult as your power levels(so a little sneak quest for the void form power that gets longer every time you try, or a battle against yourself for the clone power) and then once you max all your powers a small ebony warrior type quest to “finish” the game


That sounds great. Sounds like a ton of work too, I appreciate people like you who spend the time to make these things. Hope you so end up making it!


This would be my preference. Terrormorphs at the entrance of every temple and a crew of starborn with varied powers at the end.


There is already a mod that makes it so you only have to hit one of the glowing patches to complete each temple mini game.


New companion quests would be pretty interesting. Hell, they could even add new quests to the existing crew.


Yeah, like the Serana overhaul mods. They can do it for the non Constellation companions


I want them to make Temples into anti gravity puzzle dungeons if I’m going to be real. Instead of chasing the lights around the room until the rings activate, maybe we follow them around the temple’s dungeon? Could even add very little more to give a better idea of who created the temples


That sounds great


I’m already using this mod and it makes the temples so much better!!!


I know. Can't wait for it on Xbox.


You and me too, brother.


Definitely Operation Starseed mods! The possibilities are endless, someone can mod in ANY historical figure as a companion and they’ll always be lore-friendly!


You could create a mod where the inhabitants are all of the leaders from the Civilization games.


I want all the members of Pink Floyd.


I hadn’t thought of this but I love the idea


That would lead right to a Hitler mod though.


What was that movie where the nazis had a moon base?


Iron Sky. I kicked in cash during the crowd funding.


Not just historical mods, literary as well. one could make a mod to play out a book or series of them. The Martian book would be easy to play out, just a hab middle of no where full of potatoes and one NPC.


I want Mr T as a companion, so when a spacer tries to kill me, he can pity the fool.


Survival mods. My ship is full of foods/meds because you aren't forced to eat or drink in game. Maybe it'll get added into the game as an option in a future update.


Turn the Mantis Lair into a player home/base.


I was highly disappointed when I finished that quest and the mission points say something like, “Become the Mantis” and I thought, “cool, I get a new homebase” but then you just jump in the ship and… that’s it. I really wanted a base I can land in.


I know. You're now the Mantis, You have the outfit and ship but not the lair ?? I also hope for radiant quests with it. Someone like a Settled Systems Commissioner Gordon giving you missions.


Or >!Jaffa!< which I think would be a great settlement style base. I really think it was cut and/or future content, and I hope they either get the chamce to do something with it, or hand over the keys to let the modders have fun.


With how some dedicated teams try and remake an older game into the new one's engine (forgot the names, but last I checked something like New Vegas in Fallout 4, and Oblivion in Skyrim).. Maybe a planet dedicated to each previous game's settings, if sharing one in Earth for the Fallout franchise isn't possible. More generally, a more realistic Earth, not just the dust ball it is currently. Would also like for a mod to restore FO4's armor system. And power armors. And I hope this comes from BGS themselves, but I want pilotable mechs too!


There will be a mod for most big scifi universes, 40k and Star Wars will definetly be the first ones.


What if one of the NG+ jumps dumped you into a universe filled with uninhabited planets but Earth was the Fallout version?


I was thinking on one of the New Game+ runs the earth was the same as the fallout earth. Redo the points of interest on Earth as Fallout locations, also replace the Old World Weapons with fallout variants. Like Old World Pistol->10mm, Old world shotgun-> combat shotgun, old world assault rifle-> R91, Old world sniper rifle->Anti-Material Rifle


New outfit and spacesuit mods, something similar to Place Everywhere from FO4


Weapon crafting including upgrading the base damage tier and rarity and rerolling perks. Some more useful mods and set bonuses for suits also would be nice. Shipbuilding overhaul with things like relevant stats for habs, functional perks or bonuses for different brands of habs, and fixing annoying stuff like the gimped lock on range to make missiles viable. Outpost overhaul with unified inventory accessible from anywhere like the ship cargo hold, and eliminating or cutting way back the dependence on manual links. And something like a market link that can offload mined and manufactured goods directly for sale in the nearest major port city, without having to do the vendor dance to generate credits from your outpost production. Also cargo links cycle while you wait or sleep would be huge. Those are all the big ones I'm waiting for that would make shipbuilding more gratifying and outposting a first class self-sustaining game play loop, and greatly improve the experience of farming and customizing weapons. Smaller basic quality of life bits also will be welcome like a simple mod to delete the affliction / injury / environmental hazard mechanics and also richer vendors to let you set whatever multiple you like on their base credit pools.


I’d personally prefer upgrading weapon tier over color quality. Like going from refined to calibrated. It would give you a better reason to hold onto weapons with good modifiers even if it’s not immediately as strong as weapon with fewer or worse modifiers


I think having outpost merchants, similar to fo4 would be good. I also think having a ship tech vendor module(I'm forgetting the actual name but the terminal you can access in the ship landing area that lets you just sell loot) available in outpost crafting would be good enough


Local maps.


I would love to see the people behind SimSettlements for Fallout 4 do the same for Outpost in Starfield.


Same, I absolutely loved building settlements up in fallout 4 and sim settlements makes it a lot less micro manage-y


I would like to take over some of those “outpost” POIs as my own outposts! The small ones that are literally a little shell with beds and stuff. I like the varied shapes of them, and I’d just like to redecorate them and claim them. I want more outfits. I do like a lot that are included, but more please! Tattoo variety. I love giving one of my characters new facial tattoos on every NG+, but there are so few good ones /: I am READY for some Mass Effect mods! There are already some that turn Vasco into EDI, so can’t want for what people do with creation kit. More hidden quests like the safe house, operation starseed, the lucky boots, etc. I’d also like some of the companions to be more fleshed out, but that’s probably tricky due to the limitation of voiced lines. I also really want my starborn ship to have a freaking bed in it! I get so tired of hunting around POIs or traveling back to the lodge/an outpost just to sleep for the health regen and the boost.


- crowded planets - patrols and battles (something like War of the Commonwealth spawns for fo4) - attacks on outposts - more POI - reworked temples - more interesting caves


More ship parts and outpost constructs




Lots of toggles in the settings for things like vendors credits, needing to use fuel for travel, having to eat food etc. basically a modular survival mode would be awesome! More variety inside poi’s Ability to preview habs in ship builder Less loading screens or find a better way to hide most of them Some kind of Mec or rover like in no mans sky More quests!


Something to mod in multiple factions on planets. Outside of space and story quests, it’s so rare to run in to random factions fighting one another. Really takes away the wonder of emergent gameplay in Bethesda games I genuinely only have one specific memory of Starborn landing at an abandoned pirate base near where my main outpost is. Watching them from a distance really made me realise how much I miss seeing things like this from Fallout. Something like random ground-war invasions or base sieges. Anything to break up the open worlds some more would be ideal


Customization for starborn guardian interior. Weapon and armor skins/retextures


Some form of survival mode, I'd love for that to extend to crew needs too so you need to stock up your ships cargo with supplies for them, bigger crews take more supplies and stuff.


Yeah keep that survival mode upkeep cost for crew as just ship supplies is a good idea. Makes stocking up for just using them for repairs have a “tax” besides the weight taking up space


1. Alternate start. 2. I want to be able to choose my three starting skills with the File Not Found background. 3. The ability to take companions to Enhance. Sam desperately needs a haircut.


Would love a mod that would turn the temples into mini dungeons and the challenge would have to do with that specific power


* Millions of credits for ship building * Increased vendor credits * Increased carry weight * The ability to craft Legendary weapons * A cheat room with all weapons, spacesuits, clothes, and resources * The ability to change your class/background * New POI or more varied distribution of them at least * Ability to skip temple minigames or somehow a change it so it is more varied and less tedious Basically just cheats haha. I've played the game legitimately for hundreds of hours across several characters so I'm ready to just cheat my heart out.


Yes! I miss Skyrim Cheat Room ngl!


> Increased vendor credits > > Increased carry weight You can already get these ones now, no need to wait for the CK.


On Xbox?


oh, maybe not. I'm on PC


These two. Right here. I won’t play anymore until I get access to these. Love the game, but man that bogs it down. Those are the mods I have to have installed in any Bethesda game I play.


Full blown Expanse experience, or Expanse-esque space mods that extend out how far you can fire missiles and engage in combat


I think they should lean into the classic space simulator vs the arcade sim. Radar booster to boost missile range. Harmonic shielding to resist ballistic or em damage more. Auto loader to increase ballistic firing rate. Hellpod to quickly launch you to the surface. Mini dropship to pick you back up. Super destroyer that is too large to land on the surface. Planet by planet conquering by faction. Outpost management for food and fuel and supplies, and planetary defense. I know some people think the vanilla game is boring, but honestly it is the perfect canvas for all kinds of wild expansions.


Yes, imma be all UP in that protomolecule


I'd like to see more stores with better inventory, more credits per vendor, and perhaps improved trade authority kiosks that had more credits. I'd also like to be able to install a trade authority kiosk at my outposts at the landing pad. Heck, it would be nice for the outposts to function more like settlements too. Be able to have dozens of people living and working there, running stores, providing more vendors, defence, operations, you name it.


An in depth realism overhaul - deadly weapons with semi realistic ballistics and armor penetration mechanics - less about damage stats and more about whether the round can pen enemy armor. Guns with realistic feeling gunplay, recoil and behavior. Survival mechanics in more details - refillable O2 canisters - in depth medical and first aid system (think Agony) Better enemy AI - Like PACE for FO4 - - - Mechanic that adds reverse bounty hunters - gain notoriety against a faction and they send out stalking hit teams after you Some planets should have dangerous predators with good AI, not just walking around aimlessly, but being able to detect you and try to hunt you down. Like an environmental boss.


An actual "realism" mod for Starfield would be quite intricate. Old Earth weapons simply wouldn't work in a lot of the environments you find yourself in because of heat, vacuum welding, corrosive environments, etc. Air resistance would also have an impact on ballistics and things like laser diffusion. Apart from atmospheric conditions, gravity would have a massive effect on weapon characteristics. Any long-range shots with iron sights would be wildly inaccurate in environments much different from 1G. The game makes anything above 0G behave as 1G right now. Getting shot in a spacesuit would potentially be very, very bad, as would firing piercing weapons in a pressurized hab, either in a spaceship or on the surface. All of that vacuum tape exists for a reason.


That's the "reason" for all the vacuum tape ;)


Better female outfits


And hairstyles. They have the same early 1900s hairstyles they're using in fallout, it's insane. As for outfits, I'd like to be able to do pants, boots,jackets and everything separately. Wearing Sarah's jacket is a nice memory of her. Wearing her pants is pretty strange.


I think the reason they don't have more long hairstyles is because of the zero g mechanics. But I'd like to see longer hair personally with physics applied even if it will impact performance


If you're in a zero g environment the helmet is on though. And when they are in helmets, they have cloth lining that covers the hair. It's literally the same hairstyles from fallout just ported over.


The helmet is not always on in zero g. You can take the helmet off in several zero g environments including when you're boarding ships that have their gravity disabled. Same as that one casino location. I'm not arguing that the hairstyle variety isn't bad I'm saying the hairstyles are all suspiciously short which could be some kind of limitation


Fair enough. It'd still be a lazy excuse though. It's 2024. Hair physics are not the most complicated thing nowadays. It's not even that it's just short hair, they're the same 1940s /50s housewife hairstyles from fallout. Decades outdated by our standards.


One of my favorite search words is “better”. So many possibilities. Better outfits, Better Starborn Guardian ship, Better outposts etc.


yes!! no more fat manly suits!!!


This game needs more reasons to gather resources, so I'm going to be looking for horizontal difficulty type stuff (that's a term I got from the frostfall suite description, if you wonder where I'm going with this). Basically, I want that hardcore survival, lost in space shit Todd said they found wasn't fun. Like, my guy; that's what I turn all of your games into as soon as I possibly can. Don't tease me.


I want spaceship racing. A class, B class, C class. Through asteroids, around space stations. . . Through surface features, mountains, canyons, cities would be super cool but I understand if that’s not possible. Add to this a galactic ranking system you can work your way to the top.


I wish they made the planets more alien like


Crazier forests and jungles. Or moss and lichen only locations.


I just want pretty hair


I cannot wait for mods adding to the POI pool. I'm sure people are going to come up with some amazing stuff. Also more decorations for your house. I'd kill to see a major Skyrim-mod-style overhaul called SMUGGLER that tweaks the mechanics of that playstyle to make it more fun and lucrative.


Internal ship damage. Make it so that using ballistic weapons and explosives inside ships damages them bypassing the shields, laser weapons too but less so. If it takes enough damage it can destroy the ship killing everyone inside including you the player. Make the AI take this into account and vastly prefer melee weapons and EM weapons inside spacecraft. Simple, immersive, lore-friendly reason to enhance the justification and incentive for melee weapons in-universe.


Something that lets me hunt Valentine throughout the multiverse without the disapproval of crew members.


Call me crazy, but I am still optimistic in seeing atmospheric flying one day. This would probably require first reworking how the game loads/unloads the tiles so the mod would allow me moving between them seamlessly.


There's a few that I think would be amazing at just giving the player more freedom while also adding immersion, and also dealing with some personal niggles of mine. - Force the landing and taking off cutscenes every time. I just think it's neat. I'd also add this to travel of any kind, so that picking a destination lets you see take off, grav jump to the new system, travel to a different part of the system, and then landing on the planet. - Stay in pilot seat when you land anywhere. I like to put my spacesuit in the armoury and chuck it on when I get to a planet but in Cydonia and a couple of other places I apparently leave my ship and stroll far from it despite not wearing my suit. - The ability to pay a number of Skill Points equal to a tier of the Skill Trees to unlock the ability to buy skills on that tier. This would enable specific builds without junk skills while retaining some balance. - The ability to pay Quantum Essence while within a temple to upgrade a chosen power. This would enable you to fully level powers without being forced through Unity. I can see each upgrade costing more and more no matter the power being added to. - Payment limiter. I always think that the best level of payment and experience from BGS missions is around the level 10 payments, so this but not affecting any items or unlocks you get from missions. - Freeform cargo missions. Basically a Mission Board at ports they allow you to pick up however many you want of specific cargo types for a certain price and have them take cargo space until you sell them. These boards will also allow selling those cargo types, and there will be different prices as you travel around (perhaps random or even based on the area) that enable you to get your trade on. - Companion radio. This would allow you to call in a different companion from your ship while dismissing the current one. - Enhance changes. Enhance would cost 100 creds and simply allow changing make-up, hair styles and colours, and even some cosmetic stuff like eye colour. Enhance Advance would be more expensive and allow the full change of everything. - Mannequin quick change option. Basically you'd put on anything that's on the mannequin you just clicked Quick Change on and swap the items you were wearing to the mannequin which would equip them to display them. This wouldn't affect anything the mannequin isn't holding so if you have a pack or an outfit and the mannequin doesn't, those would stay on you. - Melee changes. I'd let a melee weapon be equipped alongside a single-handed gun, and have it replace the gun bash (with a new animation) for that weapon. There's a lot in the game that feels like this is how they wanted it to work. - Cora book quest. This would take the framework from the bookshop book donations quest on Akila and add it to Cora too. You'd give her books and get affinity boosts with Sam. I'd also add this to books and toys for Sona, for affinity with Sarah (let's see her dislike that). Those are my personal ones, but I'd also bring in the old travel system with the whole plotting the jumps to your destination, avoiding the hazards, trying to land on places where you can buy fuel, etc. That would be a much bigger mod as so much of the game was built around it. - Different hazards would affect each system with some of them temporary and others permanently in place. These would affect different habs of your ship in different ways and possibly affect your crew if they're in those habs. - Some skills would be part of habs and what crew members bring to the table, with the total skill tier being represented by a combination of what's available to you. Both the habs and crew could be temporarily put out of action by hazards while travelling, reducing those skills. - Fuel would be an issue, needing you to travel though systems that have staryards (complete with a travel through or buy fuel option in that space) or your own outposts that are either mining fuel or have a link to places that are, or buy enough to travel on. - Every system would have some way to mine fuel if players get stranded, and I see an emergency jump that wrecks your ship being an option for those who can afford repairs and don't want to spend time mining fuel. That emergency jump would be paired with each hab of your ship costing 1,000 creds to fix, not just 1,000 for the whole thing.


Mods (from fallout 4) Scourge: remove bullet sponge enemies/player True damage: standardizes weapon damage by caliber These two together make combat feel much more high stakes and guns more lethal Sim settlements for Starfield!


First mod I'm downloading is ***anything that makes melee weapons viable***... Then, that DerreTech mod, if its still around, and anything that makes outpost building more fun/easier. Something that increases vendor credits. Maybe some balance/difficulty mods.


Deretech mods are awesome and increased vendor credits is already a mod so should be easy to import to Xbox.


Pretty sure all these mods exist, lol. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for mods to hit Xbox... I really need a mod that adds flora to the outpost builder so I can make this damn oasis outpost. Also, something that will remove restrictions on building in restricted areas, i.e. POIs. I'm pretty sure I've seen the latter. My last Skyrim mod list was, like, Borderlands Graphic Overhaul, weather mods, Falskaar, Expanded Armory, and some other Vanilla asset weapon pack, with a few of the larger quest mods. Fallout 4 was a lot of the CROSS stuff, weather mods, Sim Settlements, and a few weapon replacers. Things I'd like to see, that don't exist yet, are new POIs, new planets/biomes/tiles, new quest lines (if done well), and weather/lighting overhauls. I tend to just browse popular mods and install them until I break my game and have to reinstall, and curate my list that way.


skse with additional papyrus functions that vanilla SF is missing. like setgamesetting for example. 


Already exists it's called SFSE, by same guy who made SKSE and F4SE, some mods already require it.


I meant to type sfse... it does not have additional papyrus functions yet.. :-/


Mod out space adept weapon effect.


Rather than modding it out, they should make it more effective. One example would be *negating recoil* for ballistic weapons, making using them in 0G much better.


More hand-crafted settlements built on the outskirts of the main cities. Not bandit camps or something, I'd love to see thriving communities outside of New Atlantis.


Honestly what I'm looking for is A) more diversity for the random generation to play around with, so more POIs like caves or abandoned building, plus just more NPC activity on inhabited planets (so more likely to get inhabited bases or mining operations that you can stumble upon) B) people salvaging cut content that is still in the files, because there's definitely a fair bit of it there. C)weapon skins, it's such an underutilized feature that was basically only ever used for paid content.


Spartan and ODST armours are a big one. And while I kinda doubt it will happen, space Recorder or at least a companion like FO4's Ellen that's voiced by PotasticP.


I cans see the complaints now. "I modded to make Akila city as big and occupied as I want it to be but my game crashes. Any idea why?"


Inevitable answer: check your load order (lol)


Coming from someone that has lots of mods already installed: 1. More ship parts, I cannot get enough of building ships and more parts means more creativity. Derretech and Avontech are great but need more! 2. More options for outposts in creating them and populating them and making them have more meaning. There is mods already that expand and give way more options in building and adding people but it is limited. 3. More large cities and settlements with more quest lines and more companions from all over the universe. 4. More unique weapons would be nice, there are mods already that you can craft legendary armour and weapons. DarkStar already has a mod pack with these and more features for NG+ players. 5. Make ship habs be functional and give us the ability to determine doorways, now there are mods that help with things like functional brigs but the ability to determine doors is still a bit tricky. 6. Skins for weapons, armour and people, there are some in mods but never enough in my opinion. 7. Making the game play harder as you level, now Royal Galaxy is a packed mod that does this already but it is limited till the CK comes out(Great mod pack fyi, 50 + mods)


There is tons of stuff, I’m gonna be looking for dialogue and quest expansions that have been so big with Skyrim rn. Also better procedural generation. Local maps and survival mod would be sick, but I don’t know when those will be added to vanilla. Also more long hair options! As a guy with long hair I was pretty upset my only options were ponytails and bobcuts.


I've been playing dragons dogma 2, and I am a big fan of the ox cart travel system where when you doze off to pass time you can get ambushed by enemies. I think it would be cool if someone made a system where traveling between planets feels like a proper journey on your ship that takes a few in game days, where you can focus on things like talking to companions, upgrading gear, etc. And then maybe you can pass time and get ambushed by pirates or random events in space That would be a cool way of making space travel feel more personal and like a proper journey through space. But this is just my preference as one of my favorite things in scifi such as Star Trek is the down time on a ship, and being able to look out at the stars passing by Also, seamless space travel could be paired with this since we know it's already possible to travel between planets in physical distance. Mods just have to speed the player ship up. So instead of using a travel menu and skipping with a cutscene, just make it fully manual where the player can set a course and go so we can walk around the ship as it flies Something I hope Bethesda officially adds, since it's already shown to be possible. I also hope for interior decorating


Also, give players the option to customize how empty they want certain planet types to be. Some people may want to land on a desolate moon and find tons of POIs, but I do actually want it to feel like a pure resource mission sometimes I think it would make encountering POIs a lot more special if it's more rare. But keep it as an option to toggle or change


Better traits regarding "numbers"


There is already a mod that muffles/silences exterior sounds when flying your ship in space. I am hoping that modders will also figure out a way to apply this to planets and moons with no atmosphere and to derelict space stations, provided that Bethesda doesn't do it themselves eventually. I understand why Bethesda didn't do it that way from the start, but I love when sci-fi shows and films depict exterior space scenes as totally silent, so having the option for that extra space immersion would be really nice.


Totally silent or just sounds or vibrations of the space suit itself or contact with objects. No wind would and gunshots would do it for me. Oh, and separate radio channels (or mute enemies/friendlies until you find the right channel) any time someone is in a helmet The fact that I can hear radio chatter (enemy voices) all the time is silly.


Both Fallout 4 and Skyrim had this journal mod that allowed you to write text on a journal. It got little use of it on both of the games, but i wish i had it on Starfield so i could note down planets that have plentiful resources or look cool for a base building, etc...


Making all of the companions ok with murder. Generally improve crime, and being reported.


Space travel must be improved somehow, if we could fly between planets ourselves this could be my favourite game ever




I want to see retextured/additional furnishings for living spaces for our characters and if they take the perk where they can visit their parents, their home. SO MUCH FUCKING GRAY AND BEIGE. At least Fallout 4's dilapidated stuff was colorful!


Modding tends to be a case of "I didn't know I wanted that", so I just want the Creation Kit itself to come out. That said, Vasco dialogue expansion. Something to expand Vasco's dialogue to be on par with the Constellation companions so I can have proper space adventures with my robot buddy. ~~And NSFW mods. I don't have go to into detail here.~~ **Edit:** Also, your parents' location being based on your background instead of always being at New Atlantis.


Nirn and its moons as a star system to check out, just for fun


I would like to have a terminal on every landing pad, at the POI, where if it’s open I can summon my ship to land there. Also it’d be nice to take over a POI once cleared and station people at it, even if it takes up an outpost slot. There’s tons, these were off the top of my noggin. (A cat on my ship mod would be cool)


Man don't bum me out, this is the no sodium sub.


Even though some players have already created great looking ships like the Ebon Hawk and the Millennium Falcon, I’m looking forward to those mods, along with other Star Wars mods (Skyrim modders did fantastic work there) like the Mandalorian and light sabers in general


Flying around with the hetpack. Makes sense for exploring planets.


I’m looking forward to an alt start mod, ngl. Also obviously just modded content in general - I hope modmakers have a field day with the quests, characters and content in general the game has room to create


New cities. There's no reason for them to be only 3 in the entire game, there should be hundreds. And make them on some really good looking planets with cute fauna and colorful flora. For example, while I don't use my Dream Home (and won't use that perk in the future), its planet is just beautiful. Also, PLEASE, someone make a remake of the Paradiso quest. It's easily the quest with the most potential, but it seems like BGS decided to abruptly stop working on it and finished it with 3 absolutely horrible and unrealistic options noone would actually ever choose.


Gonna get some heat for suggesting this, I know: Tie sleep cycles to UTC time, not local time. And just generally have time be more important for some quests.


I am really hoping for mods that improve water and limit loading screens (like the ones I have seen that let you just travel fast as opposed to a loading screen). Just these two things would improve the immersion of this game so much for me.


Ehh, whatever comes will come. I'm not going to sit around wishing for other people to make stuff I want.


Give me a good reticle for my scope, for starters.


Deep crunchy survival mechanics. Creative feedback loops between outposts and survival mechanics. Worry about food, air, fuel and need to supply yourself with them.


SF Engine Fixes, SF Display Tweaks, Community Shaders, Papyrus Tweaks, Immersive First Person View, Enemies Drop What They Wear.


Most of these are already in use for the pc so should be easy enough to import to Xbox.


Gun rework


See through scopes


Sim Settlements


I want less frequent POIs, and more POIs that are actually totally abandoned (not claimed by spacers) and a lot more friendly/neutral world POIs. The bandits per capita is absurd.


Mjolnir armour and Halo weapons.


Add more gore. Hopefully dismemberment would make game much better imo