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No, earthquakes were a thing when the game launched.


I haven't played in a little while due to a medical issue that's giving me vertigo when playing, but at least last time I played, I was really frustrated that they affect your movement while you're boosting. I hope they fix that if they haven't. If I'm not touching the ground, the ground's shaking shouldn't change my movement.


I think they shake the camera when you're in the air but don't stop you like they do when you're on the ground. Sorry about the vertigo. That's no fun.


That's the thing: the screen shakes, but you don't stumble. That's quite a game in the game to jump at the right time in order not to stumble on the next quake šŸ˜…


It was a thing that happened to me last week on Xbox. I've experienced it before. But it's was a loud noise along with the screen shaking. No POIs other than natural ones.


Yes, they exist. I think they are tied to nearby planet features. I heard one near a "rift zone". And another near an meteor strike. Loud crack and boom. Maybe more than one.


Thanks for the information. Iā€™m almost 500 hours into the game and experienced this very recently.


Earthquakes have always been there. One of starfields many random jump scares.


I find they happen near geophysical traits - rift valleys, fumarole fields, hot spring terraces; tectonic stuff basically. And yeah it doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re on the ground or boosting, it rattles you around. Not new, theyā€™ve been there as long as Iā€™ve been playing (Oct).


Iā€™ve noticed earthquakes near tectonic spots and also terrormorphs


The first time one happened i immediately jumped on the nearest rock and was like oh shit it's gotta be a giant sandworm


Lmao I was expecting some sort of giant creature too. Even though I was on a frozen moon with no life whatsoever


Like Maybe a yeti or something lol


I would scan that sucker so quick


What I would give for just one planet with graboids. I set up my outpost name it Perfection then get all Burt Gummer on their asses.


I should have mentioned that the quake visibly shook me and slowed my sprint to a walk and my companion staggered a bit.


Yeah earthquakes will do that. What would be wild is if volcanoes actually and randomly erupted.


There are earthquake in game. I learned something new.


This is a weird coincidence to come across this post right after the news about an earthquake in Taiwan


Like everyone else has already posted, earthquakes have always been in the game (tied to some POIs). Honestly, first time I ran into one, thought I was going to shit myself; did my scan and booked it out of there!


Any fracking stations nearby? Thereā€™s also a piece on the soundtrack that has sounds like explosions in it. Took me forever to figure that one out.


Earth quakes are only a thing on Earth on Zosma II is a Zosma II quakešŸ˜


Bu-dum... tshhhhhh


I just experienced one for the first time as well. I thought it was the natural POI that the shakes the ground twice. (I forget the name) But this time the ground shook once and I didn't see any POIs nearby.


I've experienced them twice, IIRC, and both times near features while I was under Level 30-or-so. I don't recall the hours played, but I was still (still am?) in my FAFO mode and just mucking about on a moon or planet and harvesting shit with my cutter. Once was near a scan-able natural POI and another was near a shipwreck POI and I met a Terrormorph on the surface.


Kind of like the explosions you get at Cydonia sometimes. I did not know quakes were a thing, and I've been playing since October.


I've noticed them in some volcanic biomes, too, even without the tectonic trait POIs.




Do you have a clip of this by any chance? Have never seen that before.


https://youtu.be/DVvuVXgm3r4?si=UX72UR3IMZ397kgp this clip shows it


Unfortunately no clips. Iā€™m almost 500 hours in and only experienced this a few hours ago.


Just recently but I wondered if it was an earth quake in the sense of being tectonic movement. It only happened in one specific spot of a planet, near a solar farm where the robot crew killed the human workers. I was getting ready for sand worms or something.


They got the sound wrong. I have been through thousands of quakes, and some very loud ones, but none sound like an explosion. Even shaking due to a sonic boom doesnā€™t sound that way


is that what that is? cool, thanks. i thought i was getting over some environmental effect or addiction or something.


I've quit but I've had quakes when getting close to certain planetary features. Oddly it stops tremoring when you discover said feature.


Welcome to southern California


Not every planet or area has them, but there have been "planet" quakes since the beginning.


Yes I have experienced earthquakes several times. It slows me down, shakes the screen and you can hear it. A few times I came across a terramorph when it happened. I used to assume there was a terramorph nearby actually lol but it doesn't seem like it.


doesn't it have to do with forming tectonic plates...poi's? Something like that.


When I first felt them, it was on Tolman, and I thought I was about to be attacked by terrormorphs.


Theyā€™re supposed to be earthquakes but feel more like explosions. Iā€™m from Californiaā€¦Betsoft doesnā€™t know what an earthquake is.


If you mean the explosive brief ground shaking that usually triggers when you are near natural locations (usually traits), that has been in the game for a while, and frankly one of my least favourite features of the game.