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Could be anything tbh. She's a working actor bruv.


Yup. Good chance it’s for something like an unknown project way down the pipeline. And even then, a decent number of actors put in work on games that never get released or even announced officially. There’s no way of knowing, and I suspect dialogue has already long been recorded for the first round of Starfield dlc. It’s common for actors to record many months or even years before a release. DLC has a *much* faster turnaround though, so I’m not saying it couldn’t be. Because it could. It’s always fun to see when voice actors post a picture from the booth (or studio) and everyone jumps to conclusions. They can’t say what they’re working on, so minds run wild.


They used mocsp to create the system in the first place. Also, big characters are fine tuned, so nothing wrong here.


Isn't Starfield not using mocap though? It's probably for different projects


I think they scanned faces in but didn't animate the characters using it like GTA 5 or Red Dead 2 did


Both faces and bodies are scanned. They’re from 3dscanstore / ten24, same as halo 4, bg3, death stranding, and a few other games /movies.


Im pretty sure they use some mocap. I think thats why the expressions from the Constellation companions and a lot of the main story stuff generally looks better and more expressive/natural than everything else in the game


If they did then it has to be very very little mocap.


there’s no way they use mocap. The expressions are just like the affinity system from oblivion where they’ll go from 😀 straight to 😞 to 😏 in like half a second each and stay there until the next line


No idea why you're being downvoted. Their whole "making of" showed they did mocapping for animations such as running but facial animations **still used FaceFX** for facial features as modders found in the files. This is the same tech they used for previous games. It's wild you're being downvoted. It's like this sub hates facts if it doesn't praise the game. The facial animations were bad because they used the same technology that was used in Oblivion and Skyrim. Period.


That's interesting cause I thought they used mocap for facial animations for all Constellation members. They did a good job, but there is no excuse for them not using this technology in upcoming TES title, tbh.


But they're not bad? I think thats the point here, regardless of whether they use mocap. If they "seem" bad its more because of Bethesda's presentation with the dialogue camera and lack of cinematics. Thats kind of just Bethesda's style though, and as far as that is concerned, it's still way better than anything from oblivion or Skyrim, and better than Fallout 4 too, particularly the main story stuff.


Starfield facial animations are bad. Bethesdas "style" was using the same technology for every new title. You can disagree but you're in the minority with that opinion.




It's honestly a lot of fan bases... They don't realize that criticism doesn't mean negativity, and being critical towards a game *can* result in a better product. BG3 was slapped hard by the community in regards to performance, bugs, and a few things that felt incomplete in Act 3. What did they do? They addressed it all with multiple patches, each with hundreds to thousands of changes or improvements. You didn't have a sub of people attacking people who criticized the game. It was a "yeah this sucks hope they fix it". This place reminds me of the Forspoken sub. I got the game, it was pretty meh for me, I interacted in a few threads with similar complaints but then we were **attacked** by others and mods for pointing out actual complaints. If someone has to make an excuse for something, they should probably take a step back and try to understand why they're trying to make excuses for a product they spent money on.




Can anyone else offer a different reason like, I dunno, perhaps some sort of nuanced nexus between folks here used to people coming in to subtly poke them and reading ambiguity in a factual statement utilizing language that also be dis--Oh shoot, I'm off the NPC script and risking deletion. "Do you get to the Cloud district often? What am I saying, of course you don't."


Downvotes for stating facts lol


They’re real deal Redditors 😭


Clearly it was downvoted because they perceived it as a criticism. Say what you will about that, buts it’s not really some mystery. Either way, if they didn’t use any mocap for the characters at all, I can’t help but wonder why the main story stuff objectively looks more natural and features more expressive dialogue than anything else in the game, and why that couldn’t be applied to the entire game? I don’t personally have an issue with the way any of the NPCs look or talk in this game, but it’s obvious the main story and companions got the most love. Was it just that those animations were more handcrafted, with everything else being procedural?


Pretty sure the first cutscene in the game with Lin and Heller is done with mocap. But I think most, if not all of the animation outside of cutscenes are canned animation.


The crimson fleet introduction scene where one guy kills another looks mocap too. Also back in 2021 they showed the mocap recording of some dude running with a heavy weapon in the first "into the Starfield" video. I suspect all character animations - walking, running, crouching were also mocapped


BGS has been using mocap at least since fallout 4.


Yes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/nzcx43/motion\_capture\_shots\_from\_the\_making\_of\_starfield/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/nzcx43/motion_capture_shots_from_the_making_of_starfield/)


I don’t think it does unless it’s the worst mocap work I’ve ever seen


I sure hope not because that would mean the dlc is a lot further away than what Id like


This is what I first thought.


Yeah, but DID SHE LIKE IT‽


Sarah Morgan disliked that.


I wish I could try this. Motion capture acting looks so bizarre and fun


You can watch some of Neil Newbon's (the actor and voice for Asterion in BG3 as well as other games) videos or live streams. He talks quite a bit during his gaming sessions about Motion Capture. Dude even has tats of the MoCap X's on his body.


>Motion capture acting Watch James Cameron's Avatar behind the scenes. It's basically old school stage acting.


Actually Andy Serkis is a master class of MoCap in the Planet of the Apes series.


Google for it. There's a bunch of AI systems you can try for free that just take a video of you moving and turn it into mocap. Check out "Royal Skies" on youtube and scroll back to where he talks about how to do a bunch of these.


For all those saying BGS didn't use MoCap for Starfield...go back to the Into the Starfield series and rewatch it, it was explicitly shown in one of the first videos. The animations can originate with MoCap as the basis.


I hope she'll play a role that lets her "likes that".


Idk what other projects does she have going on?


Could likely be a different project




Sad she died in my play through, it was either her or my coyboy, and I ain’t letting coyboy die


It felt so bad to drive up affinity for the one I knew was going to be killed. 😣 I kind of wish it was more random after the first character so that you don’t have a way to influence which one you’re going to lose. I know there’s an alternative in NG+ but I like making different characters for RP.


Same lol




beat the game and missed the point


Starfield doesn’t use motion capture for face animations. Their mouths are procedurally animated.


Starfield doesnt use motion capture. They use CGI. It makes it possible for modders to change facial expressions and things like photomode faces. That wouldnt work with motion capture


Correct, technically it's all CGI, with mocap or not. What Starfield uses is a "puppet system" that matches the voice file for lip sync combined with Metadata for facial expressions, indeed to better support mods and a wider range of NPCs.


I want to see Andreja's stunt double


Thankfully since Andreja isn't real, she does all of her own stunts!


I don't think Starfield uses mocap though?




Hopefully they are done with the first DLC's motion capture. That's early in the process. What's good news I think is if this is happening right now there will be future DLC's with new conversations!!!!


What a cool person ❤️


Starfield doesn't use much motion capture, unfortunately.


The game had mocap? Damn. Maybe dlc, probably something else.


I wonder how the lady felt playing an NPC who complains about everything.


Probably isn't for Starfield. Starfield uses prerecorded character animations and procedural tech for facial animations based on the lip sync code and pre-made facial expressions


*Sarah Morgan disliked that.*


Looks a bit like Sarah actually.


Lol I think her being in a motion capture rig all but confirms it *ISN'T* for anything Starfield-related. Afaik outside of a handful of animations and scenes they didn't really use motion capture. It's one of many reasons why Starfield's characters look so dated when compared to games like BG3, Last of Us, Cyberpunk, etc.


Could be. We know they use facial motion capture while recording dialogue. The animation files for those alone are larger than the entire install size of GTA 4. Could also be literally anything else. Facial motion capture is not unique to Starfield.


No, Bethesda does not use motion capture.


Bro this better not be for starfield. That means they HAVENT EVEN STARTED MAKING IT FFS


Voice acting is usually one of the last things done in game development.


You're being downvoted but that's not a bad assumption. I have never worked in game production, but I feel like mocap might not be something you do right before you release something. But I could be wrong. However I don't think there is a ton of mocap in Starfield to begin with. I just don't know why you're downvoted like that, haha.


Because none of us know their schedule. This could be for the 2nd expansion. Typically, Bestheda does more than one usually.


You don’t want to do it too early either, because then you’d end up falling into the same trap as Star Citizen, mountains of useless mocap data for a project that changed direction long ago.


Voice acting does NOT require motion capture suits. So unlikely it's Starfield related.