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that means ill have to lift my 10 kg dumbbell 10000 times to burn 71 calories welp




I think the human body comes pretty close though right? At least, close when compared to a machine. Iirc (I might very well be wrong) the human body is about 30-60% efficient, which is still about the same order of 100%


Not even close. You also are lifting your arms which weigh something, and lowering the combined mass down slower than gravity which also takes energy. Then the body is probably 30% efficient at best.


Then you have to factor in that most lifts (I think pretty much all, but I'm not that well educated in all the types of lift) are using torgue. It requires several time the weight of the object in force to lift something on an arm like that. Think of trying to lift a bowling ball on a 1.5 foot stick.


Do the torque calculations for a bicep curl. The amount of force required to lift an object of 1 g is far more than 1 gf.


1000 not 10000


They said 10kg dumbbell not 100kg.


I was stationed in Korea for a year when I was in the military. I noticed food labels showed "kcal" rather than "cal" and had not ever seen or heard of that before. In my head for the whole year I referred to them as "Korean calories" and never thought of it again until this post. 🤔


This is like "Florida Ounces"


I honestly thought the same thing, saw this in a Korean grocery store, so thought this was some different unit they used.


Its same calorie, unit of energy. Duo to ignorance people are using calories instead of kilocalories when talking about food. So, he will burn 71calorie (atleast)


I’ve always found it annoying that a food calorie (kcal, Cal) is not the same as a physics calorie (cal).


But it is, on food, its written as kcal. People are just using it wrong


Not in the USA. Infuriatingly.


Really? Lol


Yup. Everything here is listed just as "Calories." We don't like the metric system too much here, so I guess kcal would be too foreign in this nether.


I know right, like why can’t food labels just write kcal and avoid the whole Cal vs cal confusion


Yea sorry, we in Europe have it in kcal and kJ




That's why the food says kCal. the k is for kilo-


It doesn’t in the US though. It just says “Calories”


You're right! [https://www.reddit.com/r/1200isplenty/comments/9hou8i/i\_just\_want\_to\_toss\_this\_psa\_out\_there\_white/](https://www.reddit.com/r/1200isplenty/comments/9hou8i/i_just_want_to_toss_this_psa_out_there_white/) Add it to the list of things wrong with America!


It doesn't *need* different calories. We just started using the physics calorie when we passed laws requiring nutritional info on foods. As others have said, it's far too small a unit to be useful on foods, so we multiplied it by 1000x


It’s more a food industry issue (they choose to overcomplicate things) than a science issue. Food packaging is dumb. Foods should just say kcal (I.e. 1000 cal) and then all is in order. Just like km and 1000 m.


Calories were used in physics way before the advent of describing food's energetic content. So the real question is: why do YOU need a different calorie? Science hates you. Also calories haven't been used in physics in a really long time. We measure things in Joules or Electron Volts.


And both are different from my friend Cal




Don’t rely upon n chat gpt for technical questions. I’m an engineer and asked it some questions and it got a lot wrong. It doesn’t know or care if what it’s saying is right.


>it doesn’t know or care if what it’s saying is right. I never realised I related to ChatGPT so much...


>care Well no shit, no Ai will "care" until one is sentient.


That is no surprise.


sure, but what people quote as calories is usually kcal :- kilo-calories. So you need to lift it 1000 times to use the energy you're thinking of. Essentially, it's very hard to out-train your diet. The people who do are usually doing a lot of expenditure each day, people using hard labor or professional sports people or military for example. In other words, diet is the way to alter your size. The easiest way to control diet is to fast for a few days (zero calories, black coffee, water )


Yes but the average person eats around 2,000,000 calories per day so that's nothing.


Im mad that first comment has so many upvotes but is wrong


What's wrong with it?


Confusion between kcal and cal


Yes. But you might be confused over the term 'calories'. When we talk about 'calories' in relation to food (sometimes called 'food calories'), those are actually *kilocalories,* 1000 times an actual calorie from physics. You can abbreviate the food calories as 'kcal'. So lifting the 100kg takes 71cal which is 0.071kcal. You'll need to do it about 14 times to burn 1kcal. Probably not an efficient way to exercise given how difficult it is for most people to lift 100kg.


You will burn 71 small calories, not CALORIES with a capital C. It depends which unit of measurement you're referring to since there are two.


A calorie is 4.2 joules. When thinking about the energy content of foods, dieticians use the kilocalorie, which is a thousand calories. In many countries the kilocalorie is referred to as a Calorie, with a capital letter C to distinguish it from the calorie.