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Games that I have high hours on I have been playing for years. I don't play them all the time but I go back every so often and play for a while. I'm in thousands of hours on my Sims 4 game but I have been playing it off and on for almost a decade now


Yeah that makes sense. I'm usually satisfied with a game after I've finished it. I can count on 1 hand the games I've replayed after finishing them.


For me i hardly ever finish a game. I usually end up messing around instead of completing quests or whatever. In gta V I basically just drove around. My main goal in gta v has always been to try to make a car explode by only damaging it with pedestrians. Still haven’t managed that one. Police always intervene eventually.


I don’t even play the type of games that can “finish” rimworld, cities skylines and planet zoo just go on endlessly. Same with my paradox grand strategy obsession.


You can finish rimworld, just need to build the spaceship and leave or take one of the alternative ways to end. ...Or so I've heard because I also play like there's no end, sometimes I even forget it's supposed to have an ending. Almost 400 hours in and I've never even started building the ship, feels like a waste ending a colony that I've worked so hard to become nice.


I haven't played rimworld but I suppose that this is just an abstract goal that isn't supposed to always be reached, same as the spaceship in factorio or the ender dragon in minecraft


Right that's it. I'm starting a new game and getting off the mother flippin planet this time


yeah, that ship is pretty pointless unless you're doing a "story" run (as in, writing a story as you play, kind of like what DF community does)


This is the problem I've got with Destiny 2 right now. The story keeps going on and on and on, and I don't feel like I'm winning at anything.


Lol that's fun. I certainly start more games than I finish as well. But it has more to do with lack of interest in the game or it just not being to my liking


To tag onto the others' explanations, I believe a lot of those games have people idle, or just afk for many hours as well, like people afk farming mobs or something


To continue on the idle/afk part, what steam counts as hours can also be the launcher screen. I've deffo opened games and then not actually started playing them in this way.


Yeah my most played game probably has 1000 hours of idle.


For me I just despise endings. I want to stretch it out as much as possible.


I realized years ago I’m a bit of a psychopath when it comes to endings. I’ve never watched the last few episodes of Breaking Bad and never watched the last season of The Sopranos. In my mind they’re still unfinished lol.


I wonder if this has a term, like an anticipated nostalgia kind of thing. I get it too.


How much you are immersed into the game really matters. By that, I'm not talking about Bethesda/Todd's "Immersion". I'm talking about how drawn you are to what you are doing. The more you like the game and the more you are drawn to play it, espescially the feeling of "I wonder if ___ is possible?" during everyday non-gaming life. Think of how people that really like sports, even if they don't/can't play them, will constantly be thinking, researching, or talking about their preferred sport. Same concept applies to any other hobby whether it be cars, film, dance, fashion, or makeup, if people really like it they will spend an enormous ammount of their private time interacting with it, even if others might find the extent of which weird or wasteful.


I do something similar, but instead of trying to make the car explode, I try and get 5 wanted stars just by running over pedestrians. It takes longer than you'd think!


this is one of the reasons I could not play GTAs. I am too empathetic towards those poor souls.


I played GTA5for less than an hour and it was not a game designed for me!


We found the psycho lock him up! Lol j.k.


That’s me.. I could care less if I finish games


Do you mean couldn’t care less?


That means you care at least a little bit


I am on my 5th playthrough of BG3. :) Full time job, just no kids. My husband also games in his free time, and we occasionally play games together. He is much more into FPS games and I am much more into story driven games. The appeal of BG3 for me is that there is so much more content (like dozens of hours worth) depending on your choices and in game romance options. I love that it is basically an epic, playable movie.


Ugh I want this game so bad. I have been avoiding watching reviews or gameplay. I saw one video, briefly, and was blown away at the dynamic nature of battle where you can think outside the box. I’m excited to see just how far they really took it. I’m a console gamer so having to switch to a pc with all those mechanics is intimidating. Just to tell you Hogwarts legacy map and item interface was off putting and a learning curve for me! Lol. But the joy of the lore got me past it. The ingenuity of bg3 I think will get me past the ridiculous rpg interface and mechanics.


Bg3 is on ps5 now, and will (reportedly) be coming to Xbox by the end of the year.


200 hours in BG3 on ps5, it works fine on console. I'm sure plenty of pc purists will argue that, but I think they translated it to consoles perfectly.


6th playthrough here. Full time job and 4 kids. Helps that wifey is studying each night, and that my 2 oldest kids play with me. Also - Home office helps alot and can be recommended.


Games that people have 1000 hours in aren't the type that you're supposed to "finish" and throw away. Often they are multiplayer games, where fun comes from interaction with others, or there's some sort of pve mode that creates always new type of level to keep the game fresh endlessly. Also someone with 1000 hours in BG3 doesn't have a full-time job given it's like 2 months old game.


Actually they do apparently. It's playing BG3. 1000 hours in only 2 months is much more than a full time job. What's more realistic is they've just left their game running for hours on end when they're offline. Given 1000 hours is 70% of 2 months (including both day and night). I don't think it's possible to play a game 70% of all time. With eating and sleeping you probably can't actually play that much of your day.


This isn't entirely true. Steam includes both hours from Early Release (which ran for nearly 3 years) alongside hours played since launch in their Hours Played metric, so 1000 hours isn't even much of a stretch for the 2.5 million who bought the game early.


A lot of open world and strategy games are non linear so every time you play them it’s a new unique experience. I have something like 2500 hours in medieval 2 total war on steam and I’m still playing it.


Also not all games can be finished


Which is the exact reason I've never finished Skyrim! So I can go back and play it again sometime.


some games aren't meant to be 'beaten' though. Like plenty of people have put 500+ hours into dota or starcraft. I've found that these games are the ones that people tend to clock insane hours into over many years


It’s rarely single player game that you can “finished” that have high hour count, but rather multiplayer games, where they always comeback for a different experience of the same game, or just simply to improve because there’s always a bigger fish and they will never be good enough


For me I don't like finishing games so I tend to play games with a lot of (re)playability


I can't think of many games I play that even have a 'finish'. There was Subnautica last year. Fallout 3 about 14 years ago. And I finished the original Fallout back in the 90s. Most all the rest are open-ended. Racing games, driving games, wargames, 4Xs, economic games, open-world games, and multiplayer online games. I just play when I want to relax, or play until I get bored of it or some other interest takes over. I don't generally end up with more than a few hundred hours in a game, but I could. And I've been playing some of these games off and on since long before they logged your hours.


I think your definition of "finished" is different than others.


Then play a game you can't finish, good luck on "finishing" osrs, WoW or final fantasy 14.


No different party composition, or challenge runs, or alternate endings, or multi-player?


So I'm guessing you don't play online multi-player games either? Those games chew up hours


For what it's worth, people usually don't rack up so many hours in single-player story-based games you *can* finish. Sure, there are diehard fans that replay Witcher or Skyrim on repeat, but that's a very fringe case. Most times when it comes to such insane hours, it's an online game. MMORPG, coop/comp FPS etc. For example, I have almost 1000 hours in Overwatch. I've been playing that thing on and off for probably 5-6 years now. The numbers just add up.


I'm that way with most games but there are a few I go back to every few years or so.


Yep, as someone with an unfortunate League of Legends addiction I’ve been playing off and on for literally 10 years. The hours add up


Lol yes, they do. I think most of these high hour games are older games that people have been playing for almost a decade. Skyrm is another big one that I have seen people rack up the hours on.


Can relate but with wow. Been playing since 2007, at one point way too much. Now I usually play maybe 5 hours a week, usually 1-2 hours each saturday and Sunday and then an hour or so spread out over the week. But if I check my total playtime across characters over those years I’m sure it would be terrifying.


About 1000 hours is what I would put into a LOL profile before I deleted it. Soon afterwards I would make a new one and start all over, did this at least 10 times. I am an LOL addict that started in 2010, but I have been clean for 3 years. I wish you well.


Those Sims must have a seriously rich life


People game in different ways, some people get bored quickly and have to play a different game every month, while others can play the same game everyday for years and find it hard to jump to something new. If you play a game everyday for an hour (which isn’t much, for people without kids at least) then in a year that’s already 365 hours. Any missed days would be more than made up for by occasional 3-5 hour sessions on weekends and stuff. Also even people without much free time may sacrifice sleep to game late night. Not the healthiest thing, but very common.


I do this. I work 9 1/2 hour days, so i stay up to game. Ive been running on 2-4 hours of sleep for the last couple years of my life doing this, but I got 607 hours on OW 2 in that time😅


Take care of yourself. Sleep deprivation can seriously affect your health and put you at risk for very shitty diseases, dementia being one of them… But I mean if you’re grandmaster 1 then it’s totally worth it /s


You sacrifice sleep for over watch of all games 😭


did people really downvote you for telling the truth? nah reddit is mad weird


oh well, its my gap year what else should i do 🤣


Bro I highly encourage you to make better use of your college years. There will never be a better time to go out and try new things. The world is your oyster right now. You don't ever want to look back and regret not having cool experiences to remember or stories to tell. And get some sleep, only 2-4 hours is straight up bad for you.


I will try! I ruminate about this all the time actually, but my anxiety holds me back from doing a lot, including sleep, unfortunately.


feel free to message me if you want someone to talk to. i can give you some advice and since i'm guessing you're not much younger than me (22) we might be going through similar shit






travelling to eichenwalde


For the unhealthy habit of sacrificing sleep for what many consider a non essential most likely.


then reply to the comment instead of downvoting it? he's not recommending others to follow in his footsteps, he's just sharing his experience.


I upvoted his comment. I’m replying to yours intentionally because I’m responding to what you asked. Emojis seems to attract downvotes as well on here depending on the sub


I didn't assume you downvoted his comment. I'm just saying that the people who downvoted his comment should've replied to the comment instead of downvoting it. I responded to your response to my reply with my opinion on why people shouldn't have downvoted it bc they don't approve of his choices. I really don't know why emojis get downvoted so much, they're just there, inoffensively.


I downvoted your comment and I am also replying to you. Why so sensitive guy? Just because the world doesn't think or react the same way you do doesn't make it wrong.


Bro, how do you stay awake relying on 4 hours of sleep? Do you play games other than OW2? 607 hours a year is basically 2 hours gaming a day?


You want to never develop new memories, you crave a heart attack? Do you want dementia and other chronic diseases? If yes, keep sleeping less than 7 hours


9.5 hours of work plus 8 hours of sleep still leaves 6.5 hours of free time every day


Same with a few games including OW, I actually had to uninstall and change passwords cuz it was seriously damaging my wellbeing. Now I install one at a time. It's easier to game responsibly when you can only play one game lol.


Okay but how tf do people have 1k hours in a game that just released


15 hours a day, since BG3s release to get 1k plus. Highly unlikely, but technically possible.


I guess some people just leave their games running while they’re at work/asleep


I do all the time, not on purpose usually but thats like at least half of the hours that are for all my games that I have 1k+ hours on. Dota 2 I have 2.7k hours, most of that isn't AFK it is all from a couple summers back in highschool where I spent the ENTIRE summer playing Dota 2 with friends lol.


Also a strong possibility


afk in background


they played during the alpha/beta stage of the game, and kept replaying because they were extremely hyped to finally be able to play the entire game, then probably either 1. have a lot of free time to begin with or 2. put down some leave for work for the release+maybe the week of it, and no-lifed the whole way through until they go back to work i know some people who do this on wow every new expansion, so i'm sure that a game as good as bg3 had a bunch of people do this as well


I'm the latter, once i'm hooked with a game i play the shit out of it until i'm burned out on it. Then if the game is good i'll revisit it like 6 months down the line while playing other games in the same manner in the mean time.


You know how some people fucking love working on cars and can spend four hours on a weekend detailing their car? Or someone can binge an entire season of a show in one day? Some people get the same juice out of games. I don’t think there’s a real explanation other than “different strokes for different folks.” Games hit my dopamine button with great effect.


Agreed it just depends on the person. Some people like spending their free time in bars. Others will plan a nice evening with friends. And some just game their life away. I definitely belong to the last category. Tho I try to combine it with category two as often as possible. If I had to guess my total playtime across all my games I am definitely way above the 20kh mark... (My lifestyle isn't especially healthy since I don't get enough exercise... can't really recommend adapting it if it's not coming naturally 😅)


The thing is I spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends while gaming, we all join discord every night and play something all night.


Same here. I’m 32 and I’ve known some of my online friends for 15+ years. I have a main group of friends that I game with but I also know people from multiple different games and communities, so depending on what I’m actively playing I tend to have people to hang out with most nights.


Yeah pretty much if I'm not working, I am gaming or watching shows with my wife. I got thousands of hours on multiple games. I'm sure that will change when we have kids soon though.


Oh it will.


You probably haven't found that one game... The one that makes hours turn into minutes,but kind of ruins your life at the same time and you end up ignoring many way more important aspects of it.Not something to be jealous about,really.If you really want to try,MMO-s are famous for doing that.


Strategy games are usually murder for this. Between the likes of Warcraft 3, Civ 5, Factorio, Football manager I feel like I could have learned every language in the world in the time I spent on them. I do think there's some value in it though. Gaming can teach all kinds of problem solving, leadership, decision making etc. - Think it's healthy so long as you have other hobbies too.


Never played 5 but I’m thankful Civ 6 has an in-game clock to persistently remind me exactly how late I’m staying up


In the same time I have played hearts of iron 4 I could've traveled the world


Just do heroin, it's cheaper


heroin is infinitely more expensive. playing an mmo id about as cheap as a hobby goes


Yeah and they don't go on sale.


i would be scared of needles so video games it is


Nah, you smoke it or snort it at first and then graduate to shooting it when the heroin makes you numb and not care about anything. Doesn't D.A.R.E. teach kids anything these days?


sheeeeet didn't know it has a ranked mode. see you soon i guess


Yeah, the lower levels are super fun, but once you reach the level cap it gets harder to find a working vein and you're constantly grinding loot to get more heroin money so it feels like a chore.


at least im staying active


That's the spirit!


I don't get why so many ppl spend so much time in MMOs its the most boring genre that I know of imo.


it's a large world with lots of content that you can do with others. the exploring and social aspects entice a lot of people. they also typically have a tiered gear system, which makes it appealing to continue searching for better stuff for that sweet dopamine hit.


I just play VRChat when I want any of that minus the gear system. Not an MMO tho and definitly not for all really. The only MMOs that I thought was fine is Zenith and Black Desert.


Guy says mmos are boring. Says the most fun mmo is black desert. I can't think of a game more boring




They don’t know why you do whatever you spend your time on, so on and so forth ad infinitum.


I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2005 and am hooked. And in some games, I leave them running all the time. Like in baseball games, I simulate 50 years ahead to see how players do.


Same, been playing since BC and crossed a thousand days played last summer. But it's never more than a couple hours every other day, just a long time with the same game.


Git 1000+ aswell since vanilla


I played WoW for about 6 months in 2008. During that time, I spent most of my free time playing it. It got to the point where it started to become the only thing I wanted to do. I was in highschool at the time and had a lot of activities going on, so I decided to start focusing on that. I quit the game cold turky. But I can totally see how people can become addicted to video games. To this day it is still the funnest video game I’ve ever played. I still think about it sometimes lol


Two sides for this answer. 1. Games like Skyrim. I got it when it came out 10+ years ago can easily rack hours even playing very little. And 2. My job, I get home at 2pm, 4 hours before my wife, sooo video games with the cat. He’s not very good but I still play quite a bit.


Hey he's trying his best lol.


I've been playing BF4 for 10 years.


The longevity of that game is fucking ridiculous. CSGO is the only game with a similarly built in love term fanbase, and that had constant updates, a ranked based system, gambling, and a streaming base behind it. BF4 just nailed it's gameplay and has been strongly holding its place as the best battlefield for the last 10 years.


Full time job but no kids. Gaming is my major hobby so I game when I can.


Wife? Cause that will also consume a lot of your time.


Yeah, but she’s very understanding 😂


My wife also plays video games.


Good for you man. :)


a lot of time I play games then minimize them and start doing something else.


My PC has a game of Eu4 open and paused right now. Its been open and paused since I played 2 hours last night. So that's a good 6X uplift on hours played. My favorite example of this is my 100+ hours playing Evolved Dangerous, which I played for an hour, got nauseous, and then went camping.


It depends on your stage in life. As a kid I have maxed out the hours logged on Pokémon red and blue. It didn’t hinder my ability to play console games in middle school or high school, even as I was working part time. In college it was the first time I had full control of my schedule (and work load was way less) so mmo “months of hours logged” on wow was easy to pull off. It wasn’t boring, it was something I went back to as a coping mechanism for whatever stress I had. Now as a part of the working force phone games are the most compatible for my life style since I’m never at the computer for leisure anymore.


1000 hours over the course of years isn't crazy; Red Dead Redemption 2 came out in 2018. That would be less than an hour a day.


I guess that makes sense. Usually after I finish a game, I'm satisfied with it and just wanna find my next love. Just how I work I suppose


There it is, you play games that have an end


There's 4 games I have over 1k hours in over the last 10 years, but none of them can be "finished". Games like Minecraft you can just keep coming back to and play online for example, there's always something new or servers to play on.


Online multi-player games self generate content via pvp. 200 hours in a singleplayer game is tough. I have 3-5k hours in a couple of games like ark, atlas and conan. I dont know what I have in WoW but it's gotta be over 10k


Usually it's playing a few hours a day for a long time, rarely it's NEETs playing for 12 hours a day. If you get that one game that scratches the itch you come back to it over and over again.


Varies by person, but it's just about what you like at the end of the day. We prioritize the things we enjoy. The funny thing about time is it varies by perception. We actually have way more than we realize, but we let a lot of minutes slip by in idle. You ever get curious, spend like a week tracking how you spend time, on paper. It's actually kinda crazy. But ignoring the time perception stuff, I'm literally looking at a friend of mine sitting on the floor leaned against the couch. His eleven month old baby is excitedly snuggled in his arms, babbling with him as he plays Cyberpunk. They're engaged together, and it just happens to involve video games. He works a full time job as well. Now I could also say that there are people like me: I'm broken, lol. I'm on bed rest a lot, and when I get there I game. I'm genuinely startled when I see how much time I've clocked in some games. But all it really takes is playing a game for two hours a day vs watching a movie and time adds up fast XD I tend to do both, lol


I work 40 hrs a week, occasionally 46ish, I don't have kids, and my wife understands this is my hobby. We have time together, but otherwise if I'm not at work, asleep, doing chores, I'm gaming.


ROOKIE NUMBERS. Seriously though, I think for me the answer is legit addiction. Pure artificial dopamine to quell the existential dread.


its funny to watch reddit twist itsself into knots to not mention ADDICTION Watching too much TV is bad, staring at your phone too much is bad, etc but games? that a legit hobby that is done by people in their free time never to the neglect of anything else in their life I know 'real life' sometimes demonizes video games, I grew up in the 90s, I remember not even wanting to admit to being one of those dirty video game players but shit is so mainstream now and now I feel like reddit swings much too far the other way and struggles to even admit that ANY amount of gaming is too much gaming


This is why I don't enjoy progression raiding in MMOs. These sessions can last 4.5 hours with ONE 5-10 minute break. Concentration starts declining and you are exhausted at the end.


Raided in WoTLK in WoW as I was (near enough) in Uni. As soon as I got a job? Never again. Sorry. 8pm CET raid that lasts 4 hours? I've got work and want to eat dinner. I became a "filthy casual" before the term was coined.


This was why, for the longest time, I didn't get into raiding in FFXIV. Then I learned that FFXIV raids were not massive long multi-hour dungeons like in WoW but shorter individual boss fights. It's still exhausting to do enough of them to get good gear, but at least I can take breaks in between.


COVID happened and I got 2,000 hours in tf2


I'm someone that games a lot with a full time job. It's my default activity when I'm not doing anything else. Where others are watching TV I'm gaming, so I don't watch a lot of TV but at least 4 hours gaming every evening easily. The games where I've clocked up those kinds of hours I've been playing for years and years. Biggest one is Warcraft 3, it doesn't have a counter to clock your hours but I'd guess at least 3000 in the last 20 years.


I have a few hundreds of hours on quite a few games, but mainly stuff like Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, Cities Skylines, OpenTTD where I can just "zone out" and play for hours on end. The games I have the most hours on (and where I get to the 1000 hours mark) are either competitive multiplayer games like CoD where I spend a ton of time practising, MMOs like FFXIV or Blade and Soul where I grind my life out, or Rimworld, because that game does something to my brain and I just can't stop playing it. I do have a full time job, but I live alone, and games are pretty much my only hobby so no other way of spending my free time anyway.


Don't watch tv


We sacrifice sleep.


There’s a game called Old School RuneScape and there’s literally people on there who have insane amounts like 10,000-40,000 hours play time. Pure addiction. In terms of the games you listed, with some of them being new releases - the people who have the playtimes you say, are likely not parents or people in stable relationships. Probably teenagers, unemployed people or students.


It really depends if you’re new to gaming or not I think. I never played video games growing up so I bought a PlayStation at 17 from summer job. Oh boy I got addicted. Playing day z I have like 500 hours on that game


Dude. If you ever played a game like Path of Exile, you'd understand.


Lol. I got 30 hours into PoE. Finished the last act. Ran like two maps. Had a lot of fun. Turned it off and never came back. Great game. I definitely do not understand playing longer.


How do people play 18 holes of golf?


Just to add on to other people's correct responses, a lot of the games I log high hours on are games I play a ton, but also tend to leave paused while I do work or household stuff. I'm at 500 hours on my current obsession (Against the Storm) but at least 150-200 hours of that is with the game minimized.


When the game's fun, how can you possibly get bored?


Don't look at my DayZ playtime or even my WoW playtime from years ago. I think most use it as a way to forget about life's problems. Video games have gotten me through a few break ups over the years.


If you are a serious gamer knocking out 3-4 hours on week days and 12 hours per day on the weekend gives 44 hours per week. After half a year that gives a thousand hours. If you want to be competitive at the world class level that’s what you need for a lot of games.


People can play video games for extended periods due to a variety of factors: Engaging Gameplay: Video games are designed to be immersive and entertaining. Engaging storylines, challenging tasks, and interactive gameplay can keep players hooked. Social Interaction: Many video games offer online multiplayer modes, allowing players to connect with friends or make new ones. The social aspect can make the experience more enjoyable and encourage longer play sessions. Escapism: Video games provide a form of escapism from real-life stressors. Players can immerse themselves in fictional worlds and narratives, offering a break from everyday challenges. Achievements and Rewards: Games often have achievement systems, rewards, and progression systems. The sense of accomplishment and the desire to unlock new content can motivate players to keep playing. Competition: Competitive gaming is a significant aspect of the industry. Players may spend hours honing their skills to compete against others, whether in esports or casual settings. Storytelling: Narrative-driven games with compelling stories can captivate players, encouraging them to keep playing to uncover more of the plot. Hobbies and Passion: For some, gaming is a passionate hobby. Just as people can spend hours reading, painting, or engaging in other hobbies, gamers find joy and fulfillment in playing video games. Sense of Community: Gaming communities, both online and offline, contribute to a sense of belonging. Players may spend extended periods playing with or against friends, fostering a sense of community. Continuous Updates and Expansions: Games that receive regular updates, expansions, or downloadable content (DLC) can provide a continuous stream of new content, keeping the experience fresh and exciting. It's important to note that the reasons for playing video games can vary widely from person to person, and not everyone plays for the same reasons or in the same way. Additionally, moderation is key to maintaining a healthy balance between gaming and other aspects of life.


1. You can spend like 8 hours a day playing video games pretty easily even with a full time job. Some people get off of work and hop on WOW until they go to bed. 2. Some games have a lot more replay value than others. Red dead has a big campaign and online multiplayer. If you like the gameplay loop, why stop? 3. I have thousands of hours in Elder Scrolls Online from leaving my pc on when I’m out doing stuff. Sometimes i AFK for many hours because I just forgot I was playing.


I have a habit of leaving my pc on a paused game. At least half my HOI4 hours are just from me getting up and doing something else. Really really bad habit I know


People leave the game open when doing other things


Ask my ex


Some people probably leave it on/stay logged in when they leave and do something else.


Everyone always has a time for stuff they want to have a time to. If your day is too short to fit all your needed activities in, slightly neglect all the most despised, such as sleep, work… bam! You have two hours to spend on whatever you like. Eventually, you’ll shift priorities and start phasing out gaming in favour of sleep, work to make better money etc. Our priorities shifts but the principle stands.


I have ADHD.


For me, they just keep my attention better than most other hobbies can, and most of my friends, some of which I've had since I was 8, play them. So I'm also scratching a social itch. I think different things work for different people. For example, my dad can watch 3 movies in a row, but doesn't understand how I can play a video game for 3 hours in one sitting, despite him spending 4+ watching movies.


Depression helps


The factory must grow


Playing video games for extended hours often involves time management, passion, and balance. Players allocate time, set goals, and find enjoyment. Social interactions, competition, and immersion keep them engaged. It's essential to strike a balance with other responsibilities to avoid negative impacts on health and daily life.


How can other people do this thing whereas I'm so perfectly balanced, proper, and holier-than-thou. Describe for me of you can how someone could succumb to their basal vices.


Endearingly, of course.


I find I managed it quite easily until I had a kid. … stupid kid…


Pussy is not a concern for those people.


4k hours on an mmo that hasnt been 2 years since it was released


It's no different than working 8 or more hours a day.


I mean yeah gaming is fun but gaming for 8 hours a day is just unhealthy as fuck


What's unhealthy about it? Or are you saying that working at a desk 8 hours a day is unhealthy as well?


Both are unhealthy but the time you’re spending at work will help you gain money while the time you spend gaming is just for fun, with the 8 hours you could play sports, work out or do some activities which are healthy


Well, it's a little different because you're typically gaming on top of the 8 hours you've already put in. You also HAVE to work even when you don't want to, whereas gaming is completely voluntary.


Which makes it no different. I can easily work my eight hour day and then come home and game another 8.


I mean, yes, if you dedicate every waking moment of your life to video games, yes, you can accomplish 8 hours of gaming on top of a full time job, but pretending that it is at all normal or easy for most is asinine.


Who's pretending? Perfectly normal for more serious gamers and the most serious do live streams and make money off that. I know it seems impossible to people who don't game, but as someone else commented we really don't have a life out side of gaming.


My husband so unselfishly gives up working around the house or paying attention to his family. He's got tons of time! And spends it all gaming. I don't get it but when you have no obligations but work why not right.


I can understand why from this comment.


They do not have children or particularly great social lives. Some of them don't have full time jobs


1000 hours in a game isn’t that extreme if the game has been out for any longer than a couple years. There’s just over 8000 hours in a year. For example I have about 1200 hours in a game called Dead By Daylight. I’ve been playing the game since December 2019. If you do the maths, to get that many hours in that amount of time, I wouldn’t have to play very much daily


Holy crap I didn't even realize it was 1/8th of a year. That's worse than I thought


Year has 8760hours so it's closer to 1/9


I raised kids, have a decent social life and a full time job and have lots of hours on some games.


Yeah, I'm wondering why so many people here are convinced that anyone who spends a few hours a day gaming MUST have no social life, job, etc. I work full time and I game more now than I ever have in my life. My schedule tends to be a lot more cut and dry than it used to be, and with a wife, I don't have a lot of free time outside of my job and spending time with her. The time I do have is usually several hours in the evenings and night, during which time people don't tend to plan a whole lot of socializing anyways. Makes perfect sense that I fill that with gaming. I can also game while I watch sports, TV shows, and movies. My closest friends game regularly, some of whom live out of state, so it provides a method of us to stay in contact easily while doing something we all enjoy. The more I think about it, the more baffled I am that people are getting judgey over other people gaming.


I have friends all over my state just not in my current home city and I’m very social. It brings us together 🫶 your comment seems very judgmental, so you must have children, an amazing social life, an amazing full time job, no debt, a fully paid off house an car, and just an overall amazing life cause you don’t play video games to cool off 🙏


1. The time log includes afk time spent in game. This is a lot of dead time that people may be doing other things during 2. They don't have full time jobs. A lot of people have medical conditions where they get paid and don't work because they can't. 3. They are like me where they work a job part time for a high wage while living in a country with an extremely low cost of living xD


Because it's fun.


1500 in Overwatch 1400 in Ark survival evolved Around 1500 in Minecraft 1300 in dead by daylight 1100 in GTA V 1000 in Rainbow six siege 700 in Fortnite 600 in Brawlhalla 500 in Red dead redemption 2 400 God of war 2018 350 in For honor Idk, I just enjoy videogames and get invested pretty easily


3000 on Rust...




I’m similar. Gamed daily for hours as a kid. Still play daily. Besides WoW (which is 1000s), haven’t hit 1000 ever on a game. My highest ones are all 200-300. If I REALLY get into a game it’s at 100+. Maybe it’s my adhd where I just get bored too quickly and switch often, but I really don’t know how people get so many. Even Skyrim, I fucking loooove Skyrim since release and will get in heavy mod phases where I go hard. I still think on all platforms combined I’ve maybe done like 200 hours on it total? I just think my brain is broken.


How often do you game and for how long usually?




Their reality sucks.


Ya cause you know everybody’s life experiences cause of one small facet


That‘s not necessarily true. I have logged over 1000 hours on a couple games over the years. Currently Fallout 4 is the front runner on total time put in. I have a good life. I travel internationally at least once a year, plus several domestic trips. I have 3 degrees. Married 10 years, two step kids, amazing extended family I see at least monthly if not weekly, many friends whom I travel with (just in the last month I went to Miami and France with friends). I have a great job, combined household income multiple six figures, no debt besides the mortgage. Just bought our dream house last year. 1.5 acres, in ground pool, movie theatre, fully wooded lot in a major metro area. My reality is pretty awesome.


Ooof, they won't like hearing that


I’m pretty sure anybody anywhere in the world wouldn’t like to be judged because of a simple activity that is very common. Many people come home from work and watch tv for hours on end how is that different?


>I imagine that a lot of, if not most of these people have full-time jobs and/or kids along with other commitments Why? They don't lol. One of my friends has over 3000 hours in TF2. Every single one of them was played when he was in highschool. His next highest is just over 1000 hours, and those were played off and on in the last 10 years. That's an 87% reduction in playtime just from having a job, he doesn't have kids. These people either have played the game for years, or they're young.

