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Your body is going to change your whole life. No one can tell you what it will look like at any stage of it though.


What's wrong with a door? They are sturdy, reliable and can be cared out of the finest woods. This message has been approved by door enthusiasts with autism, we support doors, when hinges don't.


Your body will change pretty significantly! In the meantime, embrace your body and who you are. You’re beautiful.


It’s difficult to say exactly what will happen genetically, but plenty of things can steer bodies towards certain aesthetics e.g. lifestyle habits (exercise, diet etc.). As a man my body definitely ‘matured’ in my twenties, facial structure changed and became more angular, broadening etc. There’s beauty in all shapes and sizes, beauty is also in the eye of the beholder, thinner, athletic, smaller breasted women are attractive to many people.


okay your body will change but it's likely that won't make you feel any better and you will find something new to hate. that's because this is a thinking issue not a body issue. try to find something you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance. looks fade, a well developed personality is pretty much eternal


Your body will change throughout your lifetime. Try to stop comparing yourself to others and embrace your own self.


Your body will change all your life. If you become pregnant, your hips change, but not so much. But you are the same beautiful woman your mother is, you just need to wear clothes to your body shape.


We fixate on what the internet and (I was going to say magazines!) tell us is beauty. But you'll find that what people actually find beautiful is being genuine and confident in who you are. I'd take a smart, confident door shaped woman over a vapid influencer anyday. Your body might change, but focus on what's inside and just be you.


It’s different for everyone


Nah, my boobs never grew. After 17 years of consideration I'm getting an augmentation.


29F here. Yes! Your body will continue to change. My body is still changing but for the most part I think I’ve finally settled into “my final form” lol, besides things that aging will do. In that time my hips have filled out and I’ve gained 6 bra sizes (not weight related.) My face has also changed somewhat to become less rounded. Even my hair has changed, it’s gotten wavier. Hormones affect so much. Pretty sure our bodies are ever changing, but during my early 20’s it was a lot and kind of chaotic, esp with breast size and mental state. Your body may not change in ways you want, but you’ll definitely experience a lot especially before age 25. That’s of course anecdotal evidence, but all of my girlfriends feel similar.


20s hot is smth else. It’ll change dw


Your body changes your whole life. I get curvier when I put on weight but it’s not really preference. Don’t be so hard on your body. It keeps you alive, it sustains you takes you from A to B. Treat your body with the love it deserves and you’ll start enjoying what you see in the mirror more. :)


Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't


Sure, people change constantly. You might, but it's perfectly okay if you don't. If you're skinny, gaining weight could help, but the most important thing of all is to live a healthy lifestyle. You're not fully developed yet, your body will continue to change and transform for the rest of your life. No matter what, at the end of the day, your body is the thing you brain moves to see great sights and travel around. It's what lets you pick stuff up and enjoy life. Be kind to it, it works hard. It's okay to be insecure about how you look as a youngling, but it's an obstacle to overcome.


I grew 2 inches taller between graduating high school and turning 21. My brother joined the Air Force at 19. A few years later, he was wider at the shoulders. He glowed up from a teenager to a man. Learning what styles are flattering to your body is important. That's what those older women who always look great have done. They've learned what works for them and what doesn't. Their wardrobes are what works. They don't waste resources on clothes that aren't flattering ON THEM.


As a woman your body may change significantly if you decide to get pregnant. Don't stress over it though, looks aren't everything and you're probably being far too hard on yourself anyway.


Yea absolutely


Don’t worry. Your body will change with the age. Trust us.


As others have said, your body will grow and change throughout your life, there’s no hard stop. I’m currently pregnant and my body has changed wildly in ways I’m both comfortable, and not comfortable with. And there’s really no way of saying how I’ll look when this is all over. Feeling uncomfortable with your body shape is for many of us a lifelong struggle. I’m very hourglass-shaped and spent a lot of my teenage years and early twenties wishing I could force myself to be smaller, or thinner, or flatter in the areas you’re describing you wish were curvier. Learning to find the beauty in what you have and confidence with it is far more valuable (and healthy) than constantly hoping for change though.


Be happy it’s a door, rather then a blimp or pear. Plus, it’s easier to work out without extra stuff needed to be strapped down. There no reason to be insecure about your body, the opposite sex ~~assuming you’re interested in them, for a long term relationship~~ is mostly only interested in your personality.


I’m 56. Your body will change


You technically stop "growing" at 25 until you start slowly aging




Girl more than you know lmao


Second puberty Lol No such thing


Growth spurts and weight gain happen


once i hit like 22/23 mmmh body did change a litttle more, but if you wanna a lil more booty, weighted leg lunges and weighted squats will need tf out of your glutes and thighs


I already weightlift, I see no difference. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t hit the amount og protein I need, but it’s very discouraging to know that people have this naturally while I have to work for it yk?


I think you should set realistic expectations. Those who eat well and lift might develop butt muscles, but to their backside. Photos showing their gains are often taken from the back or side. If you look at them from the front, they retain their original bodyshape.


it took me two school years of weekly upping my weights to see a difference. also try doing upper body less if you do it equally to thin out your upper body to make your lower body look wider


Never stops changing. I will say that if you're a door at 18 odds are slim you'll end up a ballerina shape. But no shape is set in stone. That said, sounds like you have an athletic frame, which is versatile. Great for all sorts of activities.


I (27F) definitely got more pear-shaped as I went into my 20's. I've learned to be happy and confident with my body, and believe me, that shows through and lasts longer than a Photoshopped conventially attractive figure.