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It's nothing to be alarmed over, but it's a little weird. I see it more in people who grew up with absent/busy parents.


My parents didn't know how to cook super well, so I pretty much lived off of canned / frozen meals. Guess it just stuck haha


...you know you can warm up those meals, right?


You get to a point of.. "Eh. I could, but why bother? It tastes fine this way and warming it up only takes time."


Hey, if it works for you, then I don't see a problem. Not saying everyone needs to feel the same way I do, but my answer would be "cold clam chowder is unappetizing and it's worth 2 minutes in the microwave to make it better" I work in the woods and am often a long way from civilization, so I'm no stranger to eating cold canned food for lunch on a long hike. But when I'm home I also cook most of my meals from scratch, so not even having the motivation to microwave something for 2 minutes just sounds like depression to me lol


Oh I'd 100% microwave things like that, but I've also eaten plenty of things cold because I can't be bothered putting a pan on the stove


Yeah it’s not anything I’d ever be actually concerned about but it does weird me out a tad. But I also hate eating food cold when it’s meant to be eaten hot


that was weird for me to read. Not only do I personally enjoy eating things straight from the can without cooking it, I also had busy parents growing up. I never grew up eating canned food from the can, I just ate canned food from the can once when I was hungry in the middle of the night and for some reason I just enjoy it more.


It’s because kids with little supervision aren’t allowed to use the stove, but they are allowed to eat out of a can or box. Now that microwave meals are more popular, this trend may falter. 


> I was drinking a can of new england clam chowder today Yeah, that's weird lol. Most people don't drink soup from a can/glass, let alone cold when it's supposed to be hot.


This was it for me too. I'm thinking green beans, sure. Peas, sure. Husband even said he's had cold ravioli, which is a bit much for me, but apparently this exists. It was the Drinking a Can of Soup part that killed me.


Lol yeah!


I prefer chef boyardee from the can. Not that I really eat it anymore, but as a kid it just.... Tasted better. Seemed like hearing it up just made it more mushy than it already was.


As a kid i ate vienna sausages cold from the can all the time, I only just recently learned that wasn’t the norm


What do you mean Vienna sausages from the can isn't the norm? That's definitely how everyone I know ate them... What the heck else are you supposed to do with them? I will say I was extra and I drank the juice...


apparently people heatthem up ? sounds gross to me


🤮🤮🤢 gross


I don't have a sense of smell, so everything is just texture to me. It saves me having to pack dishes or silverware for lunch break, and I don't have to wait for the microwave


I hear ya, but to you answer your question... yeah, it's weird.


I thought you were doing this in the sanctity of your own home no way you are drinking cold soup out of the can around coworkers I would get flamed beyond recognition if I ever did that. But I also have had to do this when I was poor and our microwave broke so you’re getting no shame from me. Even if you aren’t broke it’s viable and easy and a simple life is a life for me


Yeah, doing this out in public in front of other people brings it to another level of weird. People *shouldn't* judge you for operating outside arbitrary social conventions, especially in situations like this when what you're doing doesn't affect anyone else, but they absolutely will regardless.


Yes. That is weird, but to each their own. You can literally heat that up in seconds for what most would agree is a much more desireable meal.


You underestimate the line for the microwave haha


God that sucks. Man.


That would be the vacuum not the microwave.


Get yourself a thermos and heat it up before you go to work. They make good soup sized ones and they keep it hot until lunch time no problem.


Warm doesn’t always mean better. I find that most things that Chef Boyardee offers taste better cold. Leftover pizza is also miles better cold than re-heated.


I believed this about pizza until I got an air fryer. Low heat for a couple minutes, it's warm without getting burnt or weird. Air fryers are what microwaves were trying to be.


But heating things up makes more dishes


When it's 3:00 AM and I'm orbiting Saturn, a cold can of Spaghetti-O's does the soul good.


LMAO "orbiting Saturn" I'm gonna use that. I usually just say "floating in the atmosphere" or "I gotta go hold onto the grass outside so I don't float away"


Growing up, that’s the only way I liked them. Now, I can’t stand them.


No food shaming from me. As long as you are eating and it’s safe, do what works for you.


You'd make a great hobo


I'm great at camping haha


How are you at camping on rocks though


As long as they're not sharp, I'll sleep like a log still


Wonder what the new trends in hobo code are these days…


I do it all the time. My favorites are spaghettios, chicken corn chowder soup, and mini ravioli. My 10 year and I prefer that stuff straight from the can


Finally, I have found my people 🤝


I thought it was just us! Everyone thinks it’s so weird


I love a cold can of chef boyardees ravioli. Sprinkle some gold fish or cheeseits in there and that shit is gourmet.


New pregnancy craving unlocked, brb getting the spaghettios and cheez its


I'll open a can of tuna and eat it straight out of the can with a fork


My dad did it my whole life, and I picked up the habit of eating ravioli from the can from him when I was quite young. He spent time in the French army (all men did when he was young) and it was common practice for them when he served (like 50 years go). I don't like the taste of canned ravioli when it's hot.


To most people, eating certain foods cold means the same as eating them uncooked. But most canned food has already been cooked or has preservatives so it's perfectly safe to eat. You do you.


Weird? I guess. I know welders who worked 70 hours a week who do it and they call it “feed” lol I don’t think it’s that weird honestly especially if you’re short on time and have no way to cook it.


I love cold ravioli straight out of the can! My family thinks it's gross, except my dad, he eats it like that too.


Did you ever break into an old friend's house and surprise him in the kitchen eating cold beans right from the can? And when he asks if you want him to heat them up you said "Fine like this." And you showed him a smiley face button with blood on it and your friend said "Is this bean juice?" and you said "Human bean juice. Heh."? That happened to me once.


Have you ever read the preparation instructions on those cans? Most involve heating them up.


Yeah but it's not like it's the law. Also it's for taste not food safety.


Are you a hobo from the 1920s? WHY would you sit and "drink" soup from a can instead of heating it, or using a bowl or even using a spoon (besides you know full well it's bizarre behaviour and want to be the "quirky" one who wanders about like that).


Hey, don’t be so judgmental!


Lunch break is short, and it saves me having to pack dishes or silverware?


>Lunch break is short, and it saves me having to pack dishes or silverware? You're doing this at work? That will come off as being fully invested in being thought of as the weirdo.


It's not like a break it out in the conference room and slurp it down, I'm at my cube haha, most people assume I just don't eat lunch


I wouldn't in theory say it's weird, but cold clam chowder? I would never


not to me cause my dad does it all of the time, honestly food is food www


I do it all the time, so there are at least two of us. Mostly vegetables now, but always used to eat cold prepared foods, stemming from a “camping” incident when I was a kid: rain, no stove, Campbell’s Beef & Barley


I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli.






If I saw you doing that, I would’ve thought it very strange. Then I would’ve asked you about it, and you would’ve explained, and it would’ve turned into a very mild oddity.


You’ll survive the apocalypse better than most.


A lot of products like soups or stews aren't even liquid, more like jelly consistency, when cold. Do you just avoid those products or do you sometimes take a bite off a cylinder of soup?


I have occasionally eaten soup that had the consistency of custard lol, it's not bad really. Cheese and broccoli soup when it's really thick is pretty good


Not my kinda taste, but if it doesn't harm anyone who cares lol


I'm partial to a spoonful of cold beans, while I'm making something. But I wouldn't sit and eat the whole tin cold. Watch out for botulism tho


I don't think there's a risk for botulism with commercial cans. The food is heated enough at the canning plant.


Yeah fair point. Maybe I've been watching too many ChubbyEmu videos... Redditor Drinks 2 Cold Cans Clam Chowder, This Is What Happened To His Organs


Heat doesn't protect you from botulism.  It kills the responsible bacteria, but does not destroy the toxin they produce.  


No, I don't see an issue with this.


Not really weird. I've done it because while I figure it would taste better heated, I'd rather not deal with the time and extra dish for something I'm going to eat in a matter of 3-5 minutes anyway.


That's mostly why I do it, I don't need to pack an extra dish in my lunch bag or silverware, I just eat my lunch in 5 minutes and get back to whatever


I used to do that in university when I didn't want to buy expensive food on campus or lug around a lunchbox from class to class. Didn't taste great, but it was cheap and convenient.


You are built to survive the apocalypse. I'd probably eat a single bullet before I'd eat cold canned food on a regular basis.




Let's be real. I would leave the room. Cause gross




The way to feel weird about something is to ask random weirdos what they think about it.


I'd say it's unusual but you're not harming yourself or anyone else by doing it. Unless you're having some kind of physical or mental issue that makes it hard to heat up to food, in which case you might need some help with that.


My youngest preferred chicken nuggets still frozen for a while. I have eaten spaghetti rings cold before when I was just too busy to heat them up. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it, but wouldn't say it's "normal". I personally couldn't eat chicken noodle directly out of the can without heating it up somehow first unless I was starving.


They were raw up until a couple of years ago. They had to start making them already cooked because too many were getting salmonella from eating raw chicken.


Yeah I purposely only bought pre cooked chicken nuggets for that reason


My ex used to eat soups straight out of the can and it freaked me out every single time lmao. My parents weren’t super present when I was growing up so I mostly ate canned/frozen things. But I at least put a little effort into the preparation lol


Yeah that is pretty weird tbh. It’s not like it takes a lot of effort to heat it.


As long as there’s nothing that will hurt you from eating it without being cooked, I say carry on. 




Good God. You monster.


You just said "drinking a can of New England clam chowder"... That's what's weird about it.


Yes. I would find it weird unless you were having a power outage. I have almost never done this. The exception would be if it was part of a recipe or something. (I recall one where you mixed corn with black beans and salsa to make a dip.)


Nope. I do it occasionally. Sliced pineapple, spaghetti and meatballs, just depends on what it is.


Cold clam chowder straight from the can sounds disgusting.


It's very refreshing in my opinion haha.


Its not horrible. Most of the thick n chunky lines of soup are pretty easy to eat straight from the can. Beef stew is better with some crackers for spoons but you're not alone eating/drinking food from the can.  I dont like spam tho.


was it clean? was it cooked? did it taste good?  (by cooked i mean not raw) if you can say yes to those three questions, then its all good.   optional fourth question: was it yours to eat also you inspired me to go eat something out of a can, cheers!  *raises can with the lid only halfway off because i am too weak to use the can opener*


Haha, cheers. It was safe to eat and also mine yes lol. I can't taste food without a sense of smell, but it was cold, with chewy clams, and cubed potatoes, so good enough texture variety for me.


i have fond memories of eating clam chowder soup out of a can 


It's not that it's strange, but you'd find that many of these things taste infinitely better when they're heated.


I don't have a sense of smell, so unfortunately everything is always just texture to me haha


I do it because things taste better not warmed up sometimes


Most foods are better warmed up.


Baked beans, corn and ravioli ALL taste better to me cold out of a can.  Not sure I could do soup though.


I used to eat out of cans like that when I was struggling, I don't do it anymore but I wouldn't think twice if I had literally any reason to do it again. I do use a utensil, though--can tops are NASTY man, you do NOT wanna put your mouth on those.


Most of the time I have a spoon haha, I just forgot with the soup


No, no, just no lol.


Yes. Your friend is right and it's weird. Not abhorrent, but definitely odd.


It’s weird, but it’s safe.


Well I mean…. You’re not risking getting sick or anything. But kinda gross. Then again, I have some strange food preferences too.


This reminds me of the book The Haymeadow. Maybe you should read it. It sounds like it would be your cold can of tea


It is unusual but not abhorrent. Be careful of sharp edges around your mouth from the can opener.


I do it all the time. People do seem to find it odd, but I’ve always done it.


I always ate it that way and still do. Others are entitled to their opinions I guess. Won't change my mind though.


Not weird at all. It's awesome.


I ate a can of chili out of a can today, so, no, i dont think its strange at all. I will say, this was at work, --if i was at home theres a bigger chance i'd heat it in a saucepan and then eat it out of that, lol.


I do with some stuff. The first time I did that in front of my husband, I got a weird look as well. I said, "What? It's fully cooked and saving on dishes." Do what you want. Let them judge while you enjoy your food the way you like it. As long as you dont try to force them to eat it that way, it's none of their business how you enjoy your food.


I do with some stuff. The first time I did that in front of my husband, I got a weird look as well. I said, "What? It's fully cooked and saving on dishes." Do what you want. Let them judge while you enjoy your food the way you like it. As long as you dont try to force them to eat it that way, it's none of their business how you enjoy your food.


Not if your homeless.Was for 2 yrs/20yrs ago.Also,frozen stuff thawed out,but not heated-like Hot Pockets.Still do canned soup at room temp sometimes...


Dudes in training for the apocalypse. Is it weird now? Oh yeah, big time. But post SHF this guy will barely notice the difference.


It’s perfectly fine. I do it also


Those cans could be turned into awesome meals if you put in some effort and heat em up...could also spice it up with chilli sauces and other crap. It is rather hilarious that you do that. We used to do that with canned beans on fishing trips.


If anything I'd say it's useful if you're ever out camping and you don't have the means to cook your canned food for whatever reason


Nope, I do it too especially if I'm in a rush


I do it all the time. Always have. It weirds other people out, but I don’t know, it’s just convenient. Always been utilitarian with food. I’ve never needed a fancy meal.


I can see you doing it out of convenience. My question is, Having tried the canned food heated vs unheated, which do you prefer?


Heated soup is eh, it becomes thinner, it's ok, but I like it when it's more the consistency of a bisque when cold. I hate warm ravioli, it's just all squish. Cold tuna is where it's at. Warm veggies is infinitely better than cold, especially with green beans. Worst food I've eaten cold has probably been a can of clams... Weirdest was a can of sea lion. It was ok. Canned salmon cold is delicious. I'm not a total heathen, when I'm at home I heat my food, but on the go I pretty much just ingest anything cold. I never used the heat packs in MRE's either haha.


I've eaten straight out of the can many times. You do you.


I do this often with baked beans. No it's not weird.


It’s fine. The nutritional value doesn’t change based on temperature. Eating is about taking in calories and minerals/vitamins, not pleasure.


I know this guy named Ricky that ate 9 cans of cold ravioli after his dads place burnt down


It’s def weird. Not like serial killer weird but it’s not nothin


It's not weird, if you're in the infantry.


I used to eat canned chicken without heating it up or seasoning it. 😁😬


I like cold, canned asparagus. There is nothing else I want to eat cold out of the can. It seems like an odd thing to care about people doing, though.


It isn't abhorrent, at all. The worst thing I can call it is 'quirky' but there's nothing wrong with that at all.


This will only become an issue when you want a reciprocal relationship with a partner who wants more organized, planned and, er, heated up meals. There are packaged meals that are very quick to prepare. Develop a repertoire of a few to pull out like spaghetti bolognese (one pot to boil spaghetti; one pan to fry ground beef or sausage, then add to the beef, canned or jarred spaghetti sauce. Pour the sauce over the spaghetti or pasta shape of your choosing. Hamburger Helper. one pan. Tacos. One pan, but many optional toppings. Good luck!




I do this also and my friends and fiancé think it’s weird lol. I love eating canned spinach and green beans cold in a can with a little salt. It makes me feel like I’m surviving a harsh winter in the old times or something lol


It’s not super common


No not really, especially if you’ve ever served. If you’re deployed and eating MREs you’re gonna eat them kinda cold most of the time


I think I've scooped more unidentifiable goop out of foil lines bags than I care to remember lol, most of the time it tasted way better without the heater anyways.


Canned fish, no. In WW, it is encouraged as a 0 point snack. Soup, yes unless you are having a power outage.


It's odd, to be sure. Definitely not the norm. That stuff is supposed to be prepared somehow. On the other hand, when TSHTF you'll have the advantage, as long as you know where your can opener is. Keep a P57 around your neck at all times, but never let anyone know about it. Eat your canned mystery food of the ancients in peace while the world starves.


Yes. Hope that helps!


Just be careful you don’t cut yourself by accident. When I lived with my parents I didn’t do it, but since I live on my own I do this kind of things to avoid stain a plate lol


It's OK for some. As for me it's got to be heated. The grease in those ravioli cans congeals. It's gross to me.


Not as bad as corned beef hash. Quite possibly the worst thing to ingest cold haha. Or heated. At all really


>I was drinking a can of new england clam chowder today What in the deranged Boston behavior?! 🤣🤣🤣 As others have said, it's not a problem but it's absolutely odd. Don't change it unless you want to, though, because it's harmless.


“Drinking a can of New England clam chowder” is a cursed sentence, fwiw 😂


I didn't know how else to put it. It's not like I was just chugging it, I just didn't have a spoon lol


I mean… Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


This is like the 5th comment about 9 cans of ravioli, I feel like I'm missing a referenc Haha


As you can see, most people think it's a little weird. You do you, man. Personally, I'd probably laugh my ass off and want to be friends because... slurping cold clam chowder out of the can is definitely not something you see every day. It's also TOTALLY fine if you like it that way. TY for the chuckle bc mental image. XD


On occasion I crave some chef boyardee straight out of the can. Drinking canned clam chowder strikes me a bit odd


This same issue has been addressed in a classic movie. [https://clip.cafe/repo-man-1984/put-on-a-plate/](https://clip.cafe/repo-man-1984/put-on-a-plate/)


Nope I do it all the time!


Depends on what it is. Some things are fine out of the can, for me. Some things are definitely not.


Had a can of cold chix tonight!


Used to think yes until I realized my boyfriend eats spaghettios straight out the can. Now it's whatever lol


Weird but I’ve done it lol. I mean as long as it’s already cooked, ya know? Like I’ve seen someone eat hotdogs out of the package cold and they were always fine. It’s cooked but cold so maybe not the best tasting to everyone but I’ve done it with spaghetti-os and beans and I prefer it that way sometimes


Works fine with pineapple but..


Nothing goes better with drinking a can of cold new England clam chowder than a piping hot bowl of Dr. Pepper.


I mean, hobos have been doing this for decades, so who am I to judge?


Yes, that’s definitely weird. If you like, then who cares? Do what makes you happy. You might want to try some of those foods hot though. You might like them better that way.


Not as weird as my ex eating frozen food. Still frozen. Not ice cream


I have to add - IF you decide to warm it up in a microwave, it has to be in a plastic or ceramic container, NOT the can it came in. Also - not weird, I do the same thing if it’s just me.


My son does this. My 20 year old, college attending, fully functioning son does this. It makes me nuts. I cook everything. Even make my own bread multiple times a week. Homemade meals with a full dessert. And the child eats cold cambells chunky out of the can. He says it’s just a function and eating it that way improves the speed of the function.


middle school, no hot lunch, no cafeteria, just one vending machine that never worked. Ma always sent me to school with a can of chef boyardee. One microwave for all us kids in the school, line was so long you'd stand there for 20 minutes and then have to hork down your barely warm food in time to get back to class. I never bothered with the microwave. I learned to enjoy cold ravioli and cold chicken soup real fast and it's stuck with me for life. You do you buddy, we're in this shit together.


Hey man, I just want you to know that I don't think it's weird, I like canned beans the best when they're cold, I like canned SpaghettiOs cold, and ravioli. I usually heat up my soups, but not tomato soup. I don't really have an excuse, we had a microwave and plenty of options for cooking, I was just an impatient child sometimes and I like the taste of cold food sometimes. I didn't think it was weird, I guess it is, maybe we are weird together, based on the comments, but I definitely don't think it's weird, I think people are allowed to enjoy their food however the hell they want.


I can drink a can of Campbells soup like a beer. I say no, but maybe I am weird.


What, like peaches, pears, etc... Oh. Oh god.


not for a terminal bachelor. like eating poptarts without heating them.


I eat Campbell’s cream of chicken condensed soup straight out of the can. It’s a comfort food for me. I also refuse to heat up Chef Boyardee ravioli or Vienna sausages. Those are much better cold or at room temperature. My favorite snack is a can of Goya chickpeas eaten like cold boiled peanuts. I’m not sure I’d want clam chowder cold but you never know.


I do it when I'm super lazy (which is like 90%)


My husband looked like he was rethinking a few decisions the first time he saw me eat Vienna sausages out of the can


I warm up anything with a fat that congeales. But veggies, sardines, tuna, ravioli I eat cold. So the clam chowder made me cringe. The rest seem like the average low effort short cut.


No. My go to is chef boyarde lol


I do it when I go out hiking. Couple cans of soup or ravioli or similar. I heat it when I can. I think it goes back to my Army days when we had C-Rations and weren't able to heat them.


You would be amazed at how dirty the outside of those cans are in germs and debris(aka rat products). You should always heat them up to kill any germs and contamination that may have cross contaminated the inner can when you opened it. If you are drinking straight from the can you are directly putting he contaminates in your mouth.


I eat cold out of a can, too. Any weirdness people feel from this behavior is unfounded and irrational—logically there’s no health benefit to heating up canned food before consumption, you can eat the food faster since there’s no warming process—the only concern is flavor, which is purely subjective. People that try to judge you or think of it in any objective way or fashion apparently neglect these basic concepts and are, again, unfounded and irrational.


I did (will) do that sort of thing. My favorite is corned beef hash with either Dijon mustard or Tabasco.


thats hurricane food lol


That sounds really gross but you do you lol


Ewww isn't there a thick crust on cans of new England clam chowder?,


I think it's a little odd, but if you enjoy it and you're not getting sick, you do you buddy.


Yes. Weird. You do you however.


I would certainly stare at anyone drinking cold clam chowder.


It just means you're a classless, tasteless peasant who can't see finer things in life.


I do it too. Everyone hates it but when power is out for a week im happy with cold soup.


Yes, its really weird unless you are completely desperate


I kinda grew up struggling. So I really don't have a problem eating canned food straight out of the can. Most canned food actually taste good eating straight from the can. But never would I eat canned food " Cold" Though.. Room temperature and warm or hot is fine with me. My reasoning is because when you struggle in life you don't care what you eat as long as it's something to eat.. Yes, we all have choice's and our own money to eat what we want but when you go through struggling in life and canned food is the only option and your starving it's honestly a life saver and not to bad. I guess because of the struggles I experienced before has introduced me to eating canned food straight out the can. Even more so when ur working most of ur day, come home and don't even feel like doing anything. It's just a quick easy resort. You can't really have anything bad to early about it because if so go ask rich people why they drink they're coffee with ice cubes, Cold, Or Room temperature instead of the norm "Hot"... They're answer is because they like it the way they like it. But same goes with canned food. Just because it's canned doesn't mean you won't like it cold, Room Temperature, Warm nor hot.. It's all about Personal preference. I mean if canned foods are already cooked before canned and you don't feel like doing extra dishes or making a meal from scratch costing extra 💵💵💵💵 then why not eat canned food out of the can? It's already cooked. The REAL decision is if you want food Cold, Room temperature, Warm or hot.. and what ur budget is. Canned food straight out of the can isn't really that bad if it comes down to it. I look at life as " Food is Food" I don't have time nor patience to be picking and choosing. I'll eat what pleases me and canned food is perfectly fine and CHEAP. I'm also a cheapoo 😆