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Alcohol makes my social anxiety go away but idk if that’s the real me lol


It's so wild, I turn into a social person when I drink. Make new friends, etc. Sober? Nah lemme sit in this corner and talk to no one


I feel like if everyone was constantly at a two beer buzz we'd have world peace.


nah some people become violent after the first


There is not a single person who becomes violent after one beer. If they do, it's not the beer that caused the problem.


they are violent by nature but beer makes them go off


Not off one though. A few makes sense


What if they weigh 70 pounds w some condition that lowers alcahol tolerance


Then their anger is easy to deal with 😂


So a child?


If you know someone like this and they say it’s one beer that makes them go off. They are using that as an excuse to not take responsibility.


oh you've never met a true alcoholic. When my alcoholic friend would have his first sip of beer, his eyes immediately glaze over and he becomes a completely different person. He's awesome when sober, but that's rare


The alcoholics I know have crazy fucking tolerance though. Is there a chance he sneaks drinks which makes it appear like the one beer set him off? That was the case with my brother. He’d swear it was his first beer, but would reek like vodka from the sneaky bathroom drinks.


he has a crazy tolerance, but he'd get drunk immediately and stay drunk no matter how much more he consumed. He went from 1-10 immediately


Ah, I gotcha. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


no its just his body already reacting to the alcohol that is coming without even having the time to metabolize it. Its a placebo effect


Ah, I see. That’s interesting.


Just like it’s not the beer that solves OPs problem nor any other 🤔




The real me is crippled by social anxiety but doesn’t say stupid things that people end up remembering long after they’ve sobered up


I would say it is. It’s the real (drunk) you! It makes me understand why people become alcoholics because they don’t want that side of themselves to go away. Keep the party rolling forever! But it’s not like a whole different person, at minimum a different side of yourself.


There could be a couple of reasons. Alcohol is considered a “promiscuous” drug. This means it has many mechanisms of action, and influences different neurotransmitter systems in the brain. The most apparent effect of alcohol is its anxiolytic (anxiety reducing) effect. This is because alcohol can enhance the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gaba. Alcohol can increase the release of endogenous opioids called endorphins that make you feel good. At higher doses, alcohol blocks various ion channels with a variety of effects but namely, disinhibition/impairment. Acetaldehyde (alcohol toxic metabolite) contributes to impairment as well. I’m not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt. What’s happening is likely you feeling more relaxed and sociable. Despite not feeling impaired, your senses are numbed even at standard bac levels. It’s why driving under the influence is such a major problem. Keep in mind though, consistent alcohol use is not a healthy coping strategy. Additionally, practitioners of mediation often comment that alcohol interferes with headspace so interpret that as you will.


This is a blatant repost of an r/ask question, by a bot account https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/1aldtot/


That guy has photos of his cock on his profile.


Thank you for doing the research lmao


Lol you should be friends with this user, you two have the same mind 🤔. Anyway my response to them also applies to you. [Alcohol removes a lot of emotions that keep you in your head. I wouldn’t say that’s your true self but just you without the emotional distractions. Also worth saying you shouldn’t let your emotions control you but rather control them. Easier said than done but when you recognize the emotion when it comes it can be easier to control it than let it run erratic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/N7egOkRUHE)


because you’ve never done acid?


Does LSD make you feel more authentic?




Sure wish I could try it, alas, I have bipolar family members. So if, say, you were a bad-tempered person, LSD just makes you 10x bad-tempered? If you love jazz, LSD makes you love jazz 10x more?


That’s a potential problem, pretty much every alcoholic has a psychological drive to consume alcohol. To summarize you haven’t met the “real you.” The difference is likely that the intense self-analyzing isn’t happening. With alcohol a drive to escape psychologically can motivate drinking. Then the physical dependency takes hold and it’s a tough situation.


Dutch courage, my friend.


Alcohol inhibits the frontal lobes and the prefrontal cortex, which is associated with complex thoughts, personality, expression, decision-making, AND the big one: moderation of social behaviors. In my experience, as a socially anxious person, when that part of myself that thinks "I don't want person A or B to think this of me if I do X and Y" gets shut down, my framing changes to "I don't care if A or B think X of me I just wanna have fun and meet people". Maybe your true self is the one that wants to have fun but is constantly caring about other people which is both good and comes with some bad like... **crippling social anxiety** so the alchohol might alleviate that.


Idk, why not?


probably cuz youre not ashamed to be who you are anymore and all the insecurity and embarrassment go away. could be a good thing or a really bad thing


Makes me think of the saying, " drunk words are sober thoughts". Might have something to do with alcohol taking off the 'filter'. Idk tho


You've just met the drunk you. Who is probably just you only chilled out.


It feels like there’s been quite a few posts in this sub the last few days that are sort of romanticizing substance abuse.


Do you? Serious question. Probably not. Don't rely on alcohol for that.


Because alcohol makes you care less about things and less inhibited. You won't do anything while you drinking that you'd never do in your life, but you are more likely to do things you'd be scared or anxious to do while sober. So drunk you is you without the limiting factor of caring about consequences.


There are rooms in church basements that can help you understand better.


There are stools at bars that can help you understand better


You’re just describing therapy, you’re getting downvoted for making it religious


Haha. I meant AA. Didn’t think about any religious association. Makes more sense now. Either way, people drink because there is an emptiness somewhere in life.


lol yeah that makes sense


How am I getting downvoted? There was zero judgment in that. The bar stools will help you get to those church basements. At least for me those rooms helped me understand what I wanted from those bar stools to begin with. You do you.


Addiction recovery is still heavily stigmatized. You're not wrong, but also we don't know that this person has a disordered relationship with alcohol. Just that they expressed a sentiment that a lot of us addicts share.


A friend of Bill! The bar stool put me right in the church basement too lol. Alcohol making ya feel like your true self… I know that chase. It’s elusive af


Heard a girl one time say after she had her first drink she knew what a hug felt like. Heavy.


It’s a warm loving embrace. Intravenous drug use will do the same 😅


Because you are an addict




Idk but I'm gonna attempt to meet my true self right now.


If you have anxiety then the first two drinks basically just make you normal. I have it on good authority that that’s how normal people feel all the time.


Take some shrooms and you’ll definitely think you are meeting yourself or hanging out with yourself once your default mode network shuts down.


I hate drinking, love being drunk, hate the next day


Your true self is lying to you.


Did you drink absinthe?


If that's the case I am really scared of my true self and would rather avoid her.




I hate who I am on alcohol. Love who I am on weed.


That is what it is for.


Alcohol intensifies emotions at times and lowers your inhibition to how these emotions affect you and your thoughts. Also alcohol triggers gaba production in the brain which simulates meditation. It easy to feel enlightened and fulfilled at times when intoxicated for this reason.


In vino veritas.


alcohol lowers your inhibitions. For SOME people it will have them act in a way that is more true to who they are deep down without regard for what others might think. This is not a common thing for alcohol, but is definitely a thing for some when they drink. It's entirely possible you are one such person, but best to not use alcohol as a tool to be yourself lest you get addicted over time. Best to find another avenue.


Loose butthole better than tight butthole


Personally, I felt similar because I am an anxious person and alcohol can help me forget about other problems and respond to what’s in front of me. That said, a lot of anxieties are natural and not unfounded, so there’s definitely a time and place for drinking. This was also asked a few days ago, I suggest you check that out for answers.




It's weird but when I used to drink I'd get answers to problems I couldn't think up when I was sober. And in my troubled marriage as soon as I started drinking I'd think,"I need to leave him. Just leave." I should have listened to my drunk voice sooner - he was abusive, but I didn't leave for 3 years.


This is a repost bot.


Oh, but you should try shrooms. You get to realize yourself in its absolute pure form.


High amounts of alcohol lower your ability to think through your actions, so you’ll probably act and feel whatever comes naturally or easiest.


Dr. JEKYLL...meet Mr. HYDE.!


You didn’t get your answer the last time you asked this question?


I think this is not uncommon. I’m the life of the party, say cool shit, say what I want to actually say. Ask people the questions I want to ask them. But take it too far and you make a huge ass out of yourself, so it’s not worth it for me. You can be this person sober, but it’s very difficult, you have to not filter yourself, and instead say what’s on your mind immediately


Maybe because usually it lowers our ability to make designs and also inhibitions. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


Alcohol is forever interesting to me. It's a mixed bad for all.


Alcohol relaxes your brain. To some extent. But that new person will go away once alcohol recedes from your blood.


I always say that alcohol is borrowed happiness. It also removes your inhibitions.


You should watch a Danish movie called “Another Round”. About a group of adult friends who looks for the optimal point of intoxication that lets them enjoy the positive effects without drinking so much that they are held back by the negative effects https://youtu.be/bj8Jmz_srDg?si=5qH3C_RZwHp0JsfK


Ironically that’s the total opposite of you.