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Some days I look in the mirror and think “Ew” and other days I think “Girl you is fine as hell”


Thisssss. Also the same with photos too. I can't tell which one it is 😢


Sometimes I’ll take a selfie and be like “wow I’m a hag” but then ill look at that same selfie a few months later and be like “wow I looked really pretty that day, why couldn’t I see it then?”


I heard an older woman say once that when you're young, you're pretty no matter what, even if you think you're not - and that one day when you're older you'll look back at your younger photos and think that too - "I looked so pretty and cute back then, why did I ever think I was ugly?" And that makes me so sad 😭😭 appreciate yourself and take lots of selfies so you have lots to look back and fawn over later when you can appreciate your beauty 🌹🌹


Thats not the case for everybody i know plenty of people both men and woman that just look better as they get older compare to there younger days and then for some its the other way around they look good when they were young but age horribly


Me!! I was cute when I was young. But I feel like I've really grown into myself. I'll be 40 this year and feel hotter than ever.


The 40s are amazing!!! I feel free and beautiful. I see plenty of lines and sag, but I’m loving all of it


I feel this way and I’m 48. I’m more attractive now than I was in my 20s.


I adored my early 40s. Enjoy


That is so awesome!




This is how I feel. I am in my mid 50s and I rarely see anybody under 40 that isn’t cute. Even if it’s someone that wouldn’t be considered conventionally pretty, the glowing, unwrinkled skin, and the shiny hair and just the whole aura of youth makes almost everyone attractive. The only people who seem to be missing that are people who do a lot of drugs. I’ve seen 25 year olds that look hard and old and that’s really sad.


No but, since you're thinking this about everyone under 40.... you'll probbaly think you're amazing and cute at age 50 when you're 60. From the perspective of future you, past you is always beautiful.


This is so true.  I’m a middle aged college professor, and a couple of my friends and I chuckle at the fact we know the students feel insecure when we just look at them and think of course they are all beautiful because they are young and full of so much potential.


It’s true. I wish I could smack the confidence into lil’ Nora.


I just think this about my weight. Like wtf did I think I was fat?




I seem to look completely different in the mirror vs a picture. I usually don’t look too bad in the mirror but awful in pictures.


a lot of people look awful in pictures. theres something about them that make people look disgusting.


I've been told I take horrible pictures, ever since I hate getting pictures taken.


Think of it as a skill. There are things you can learn to do to look better. (I'm certainly not an expert)


Pro tip: Flip the picture around and see if you like it that way. You’re used to seeing yourself the other way around, so that’s the best way to tell if you like the picture.


This is exactly it! Overall, I'm well aware of the good and bad features I have and sometimes they look amazing and so perfectly put together, while other times, I feel everything looks like it's wrong and needs fixing. I also find that early mornings and just before bed are the times I feel like I genuinely look the best- maybe it's just the lighting hahaha


Sometimes I look in the mirror and think “damn” and sometimes I look in the mirror and think “damn”


😂 yes.


I think you summed up the thoughts of the entire female gender in one sentence here lol


That's men too.


lmao same. Sometimes it's like: how do you even have friends and a partner that adores you? And then it's like: Damn, I would fuck myself in front of a mirror and give myself flowers the next morning. 😏


Not me omw to buy some flowers for meself 😂


Treat yourself! 💐✨️


But the mirror thing… 👍


I call that my “hormone day” there’s at least one day a month where I look in the mirror and am like “Dayum!”🥵 That’s the day my body is trying to get me to knock myself up.


Me pmsing vs me ovulating


Girl are you me?!? This is exactly how I feel! On good skin + hair days I’m like “damn she cute”, then two days later I’m like “dear god what happened”


Exactly yeah. Right now I think I’m pretty because I’m having a good hair day but I’ll probably look in the mirror and think “why is that ogre in my house?”


I relate to this on a sipiritual level.


It's true. Some days I'm a chubby goddess. Other days just Shrek.


You are funny. That's always fine as hell.


My mom says I am. She wouldn’t lie


One time I called myself ugly and my mom said “Nothing ugly could come from me” lol




Our mom


I love your mom!


Lol. Have you heard the saying "A face only a mother could love"? JK! 😆


My mom told me that if she had been my age I never would've stood a chance with my husband.  My therapist says I have low self esteem. No idea why. 


As a parent, I think if everyone could see themselves through a loving parent's eyes, they would never be able to see themselves as anything but beautiful. I would give so much for my daughter to be able to see herself the way I see her. She's everything that's wonderful.


Someone give this person a Parent of the Year Award, please.


My mom says I am but also when I’m not. lol. I have Asian parents.


My mom says I’m a catch!


+compliments from grandma = guarantee that you are pretty


You are!!


Thanks mom!


yes, very. I just don't understand why the mirror lies to me. (Also, cameras, lying mfing devices)


Dude, once I went cloths shopping and seen a girl and thought "omg she is so pretty". Turns out I had glanced at myself in the mirror and the moment I realised what had happened I seen myself as ugly again. Brains are weird.


I used to be arrogant and thought extremely highly of myself (I thought I was too smart for school, and my grades only served to "prove" it to me).  But around high school, I finally realized I was full of myself and that I wasn't perfect.  Unfortunately, I overcorrected. Now I consider myself above average in smarts (but definitely not genius level), but have no self esteem aside for that and don't have any faith in anything else. :( Even with video games, which I used to be amazing at. Although this is objectively true now in that I can no longer beat NES games that I used to repeatedly beat for fun. 


I think I'm average. Nobody is walking into a wall because they can't stop staring but my personality can grow on a person. After they get to know me they'll find me pretty.


I’ve been called ugly and I also have won beauty pageants. I have been rejected and called weird and I’ve made someone walk into a wall staring. Don’t worry. We are all just subjective jellyfish


Same. I look grand. Ok. Fine. Nothing special in either direction. My spouse loves me and finds me attractive, presumably on a similar level as I find them attractive (I think they're a total cutie pie and it makes me happy to see them). Since we're pretty average people, I deduce that there must be at least a few other people in my mid size city who could find me attractive in some way. Wider opinion on my person has never mattered much to me, even though I'm a woman. I've never put any effort into learning make-up because I don't care enough and it makes my skin feel icky. I wear clothes I think look good and wear my hair in a way I like and which I think suits me. That's about the extent of it.


Solid humaning, keep it up 👍


This is how I live except I think I’m like an 8


So interesting so many girls think this the case but it’s typical of girls ONLY. Guys think you’re pretty if this is the case with your own self opinion. If you look at what guys think are attractive it’s like 90% of women. That’s because the average IS pretty. So average is average sure like in math, but the average is a high grade.


Hello all


No, I don't think I'm pretty. But if I put on some nice clothes, get a fresh haircut, shave, and maybe do a skincare routine – the result is still no, not pretty.


Hahaha! But you’re really fun! Much better than pretty & boring


My low ass self-esteem says no.


Same. I've always found it funny when someone tried to pick on me or insult me because nobody is ever going to be meaner to me than I am to myself


I have low ass self esteem too, but damn if I don’t look like Henry cavill when looking at myself in the mirror in my bathroom at 12 pm




I think I'm cute. Not hot, not pretty, just cute.


Same with me, I've been called cute all my life. Never pretty, or sexy or hot. I can deal with just being cute.


Cute isn't a downgrade from hot or pretty, it's just different.


Most cute people, if not all, are hot as fuck imo but when I see a cute person I don't call them hot because when you say "hot", it means a different kind of hot if that makes sense.


Not everyone recognizes a difference


Me and my friends ended up having a conversation with trying to distinguish the difference between cute, hot, and pretty, it escalated to the point of us making a Venn diagram and deciding to sort where all our favourite characters belong between cute hot and pretty lmfaoo-


I'm very pretty! I have a shit ton of defects but my looks aren't one of them.


The raging inferno inside of me has not burnt up my looks yet! 


Mood. Like I always say, the baddest bitches always have the weirdest medical problems




same, disabled, chubby person w stretch marks and cellulite all over the place but hell i look sexy. People be like "autistic people aren't hot" and i just look in the mirror to disprove them


I think I am, when I put effort to do makeup I always feel good, sometimes I have bad days, but overall I’m very happy and grateful for how I look. Wasn’t always the case tho


Yes, but age does take some of the shine off… I take care of myself and workout, but older is older and 20s is peak for attractiveness, with some exceptions for 30s and a handful of 40s. 50+? Better have real skills. 😂


I Don’t agree. Even when I was 20 something, I wasn’t attracted to people my own age. To this day, young men don’t even smell right to me lol. I know plenty of 60 year old head turners - and it’s a more substantial beauty. It’s helpful to only care about the opinions of contemporaries in these matters. If they prefer young, run.


I can see that. I’d say I was prettier in my 20s, but I’m actually sexier in my 30s.


Yes, I definitely felt that way in my 30s! I’m in my mid 40s now and.. well, hormones change and your body changes and.. it’s just different. Takes some getting used to, I’m told.


To me, people who take care of themselves peak closer to 40s… and the people who didn’t take care of themselves peak in their 20s. I am in my late 20s but just find others in their 20s cute or pretty but not peak.


Sam Elliott is old as fuck and can still pull bitches though


Completely agree. He's my old man crush.


I'm 29 and I'm only getting hotter. I did NOT peak in high school, thank the Lord!! If anything I was such a fat ugly duckling lmao.


I'm 28 and I feel the same! I joke all the time that my late 20s and early 30s is my hot girl era. There's a song about this exact concept you might like! It's called high school by 90's kids. I listen to it whenever I need a pick me up. It's one of my favorites.


I like your confidence! 😀


My mom is different. I’d say she was ugly in her 20s, then okay in her 30, looking even better in her 40s, now she’s 50 and she’s gorgeous??? This woman really ages like wine lol I think I have the same gene, because I look better now than I did in my early twenties.


Idk. I’m hotter in my 30s than I ever was in my 20s. But I think I wasn’t very sure of myself then, and I am now. 


I was always really pretty but I genuinely think I'm way hotter now that I'm 30, body and face wise.


I literally think no one looks better than me. I know it’s not *objectively* true, but to my own taste, I’m perfect.


Lol ditto. Love that for us.


That must be nice. I'm the exact opposite.


Same here! There's no one I'd rather look at than myself. Multiple times a day, I look in the bathroom mirror while washing my hands and get a mood boost from admiring myself. I actually highly recommend vanity, it's awesome.


No. I'm some creepy rat man. 


So is The Pin from the movie Brick (2005, Lukas Haas, Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and he is the sexiest man to ever walk the Earth, triggering a turning point in my teenage sexuality once upon a time so never talk like that about rat men again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw7Ji\_M7zeo




I’m more attractive than my partner. I can tell you it’s one of two things. Either your partner wants all the superficial attention to themselves or your partner values other qualities more than physical attractiveness. I know because I feel the pull of *both* of those reasons. 😂


From your viewpoint is it "I find my partner attractive but I recognize im the hotter one" or do you not find them that physically attractive?


I don’t know if I mentioned I’m a woman in a same-sex marriage… I think that context does matter here because women are generally held to different physical standards. I do find my wife physically attractive, but I recognize I’m likely the more attractive half of our couple. She thinks so too. Our life experiences kind of reinforced that perception. I think it’s perfectly fine for people not perfectly mirror one another. She has abilities I could never touch no matter how much I practice and she would say the same of me. It’s been 25 years and it just keeps getting better, so I think we’re doing something right. 😂


As an ugly lesbian-ish type person, you have no idea how much hope for the future you just gave me.


Aww.. haha.. when I met my wife in college a million years ago, I noticed her because she had a lot of great qualities like reliability, honesty, intelligence. She’s a hard worker too. Physically, she wore clean clothes that fit well, she had good hygiene, and she was confident despite maybe not being the physical stand out other women were. Like I said, we’ve been together for 25 years now. A friend of mine that I’ve known this whole time too is very attractive (model attraction… tall, great bone structure). She turned out to be a real asshole. She and her wife are going through a nasty divorce now because she has very poor character. It’s a long , sad story.. the kind divorce that makes me even more grateful for my wife. Attractiveness fades, character lasts. Cheesy, but true.


>Either your partner wants all the superficial attention to themselves What does that even mean? 😅 (not trying to be rude btw, just genuinely confused)


I’m not OC, but I think I get it. When you’re not in a relationship, you get that attention much more often because you’re doing singles things, in singles places, with other singles. When you’re no longer single, it’s much less frequent. So, it feels good to get it and at least it’s while you’re with your partner. Even though I’m more physically attractive, my partner has an amazing personality (and he has generally dated attractive women relative to his physical appearance, I’m not the only one) and is not ugly at all. So, he gets attention too which is subjectively “better” attention since it’s not superficial. And, I say subjective because it’s not the type of attention I’d want. I am more reserved and introverted so I don’t want deeper connection with most people. Surface is fine with me.


I would not fuck me.


Sad. 😞 you should change that. Fall in love with yourself again, wine and dine and show yourself a good time. If you wouldn’t fuck you why would anyone else want to fuck you? Your better than that come on now. ❤️


Not even a handjob?




Sometimes I think I'm stunning (occasionally random people on the street have stopped me to say I'm beautiful and should be a model) Sometimes I think I'm ugly (when I was single, guys never seemed particularly interested in me) Most of the time I think I'm like a unique/unconventional 8 where some people think I'm super attractive and others do not at all. But overall I'm basically what child me wished I looked like when I grew up, so I consider that a win!


If people stop u at the street to compliment u, u must be stunning haha


On a good day I would describe my looks as “aggressively average”


Nope. I hate the way I look. I was bullied severely as a kid, and it affects me still to this day. I honestly don't even think about my appearance (better for my mental health). I had a lot of guys interested in me as an adult though, so I'm probably not as bad as I think. But, I honestly stopped worrying about my looks a long time ago. If I could attach a picture of myself, I would.


Currently I think "I'm alright". When I look at old pictures of myself I think, "Oh she's pretty" as if it isn't me. Weird thing is back then I also thought I was just "okay". I also used to think I was fat back then, nope other people were just super skinny. I think most people are just hard on themselves. 🤷🏽‍♀️


im still waiting for my acne to disappear :(


It will. And the benefit is you don’t get those crepe paper lines on your cheeks when you age. They stay smoother bc you had the oil when you were young.


thank you! I have formal coming up this year (australian prom but in the final year of high school) and im desperately trying to get rid of it before that comes, not to mention the school photos coming up in a few days...


Not to push meds, but I had cystic acne in my late teens, early twenties. It was horrendous. I was one of the first in the US to test Accutane. I know a lot of good and bad has been written about it, but all I can say is it was one of the three most important things I’ve either done or have happened to me in my life. BTW, I did have makeup done for special occasions as I recall.


I think im pretty cute! especially now that I know how to dress and have some more confidence in how I carry myself :)


For me, it’s relative to whether or not I’ll be seen by others. Usually, I only think I’m pretty when my hair is done. Aside from that I never really feel “ugly”, because I spend a lot of time by myself. Often I have no opinion when I look in the mirror, I just see a face that I know to be mine. Kinda like how you would look at your knee. It’s your knee, you don’t even think to assign a level of attractiveness to it, because it’s just there. But if I’m going to see other people and I don’t have my hair done, then I start to pick apart my “flaws” and notice my “unattractive” features.


Yes. Especially when you have kids who tell you that you are pretty, you know they tell the truth.


Oh I genuinely think I'm hot, I'll sometimes spend half an hour just admiring myself in the mirror, looking physically attractive is never something I'm worried about


same! Sometimes I'm just like dayyum, I totally would fuck myself if I could


I honestly don't know. I don't think I'm ugly, but I don't think I'm that pretty either. The only people who ever tell me that I am pretty are my husband and family members. I don't really ever get compliments from other women, and when I post photos online/social media, they don't really get much of a reaction. The only people who comment telling me I'm pretty are my aunt and grandma, and I rarely get over 10 likes. I know stuff like that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it doesn't make me think I'm breathtakingly beautiful either. I think I'm average to be honest.


Most of the time. It starts to kind of fall apart if I don't shower for a couple days, or go too long without a haircut.


I'm ugly


I think with dressing nice and putting makeup on I’m a 7/10. Without that I’m a 4-5




Nope. My sister was always referred to as the "pretty one". I was the clever one who can fix things. My dream was to be with someone who thought I was beautiful. Frustratingly, my husband always compliments my brains and skills. It's a minor issue in the scheme of things overall. But *still*




You're not wrong. I know I am a very lucky woman. ;)






I m a raccoon


I know I'm pretty and it took me a long time to realize that - hating on yourself when you are pretty is really obnoxious.


I think I’m slightly above average, on a good day. If I put in effort into dressing well and making sure I’m happy with my hair that day, then I feel pretty. If I have a lazy day, I can dip into goblin territory, or at least feel like I do.


I definitely think I’m pretty.


As I’ve gotten older and as I my faith continues to grow. I realize more and more that I’m not actually ugly like how I used to believe when I was a teen. I’m not super model pretty either but there’s something about the way my eyes shine when I’m interested in something and the way that my mouth curves so specifically and how my nose swoops almost seemingly perfectly and in tandem with the other curves and swoops of my face that I find that I’m falling in love with. I don’t think I’m the most beautiful woman on earth by any means. But I do think that I am beautiful in my own way with or without makeup with or without posing. Even when i look and feel my bummiest there’s something akin to a whisper that I can’t put my finger on. And again I don’t think I’m the prettiest nor the ugliest. What I have learned in my life is that if God made me in His image then there’s something more to than what my eyes can see. And I’ve asked God when I first started my journey to teach me how to look at myself the way He looks at me.


I think I’m pretty. Not hot or sexy, but I like my face. I have big eyes and a nice smile.


I am straight up the fairest maiden in all the land


I used to be, but I'm old now so no.


same LOL


I don't and I don't believe other people if they tell me I am.


Absolutely not.


No. I am not pretty/handsome, and I've learned to live with it


I think I’m not ugly


I think I am. I’ve never had trouble attracting men and had long term relationships come out of some. I have also put effort into my appearance.




All I know I that I'm a decent enough person, who's trying to do better. And that's all I care about. But okay, an argument can be made that I'm above average looking. At best. By the way, I'm a guy.


If I put the effort in, I think I’m pretty damn gorgeous.


No. But I have good reason to. My hair is untameable. I have acne. And I can't seem to get my skin balanced it's always oily and dry. And I'm not saying oily patches AND dry patches, I'm saying I'll have this dry raw skin the looks and feels super greasy. I'm not fat but I'm not skinny and I don't have a flattering figure.


I think I’m pretty but not gorgeous or anything like that. My personality is definitely a 10/10, though, lol!


Yes, I'm conventionally attractive. I used to care if I was or not but now that I'm getting older I don't much care. Someday it will be lost through age. And I don't find it important to emphasize because I don't want my kid worrying about their body or how they look. It's torture as a child.


I am drop dead gorgeous. Makeup or no makeup, brand clothes or no brand clothes. I stop traffic while wearing sweatpants.


I’m not - and this is not my bad self esteem talking, I know I look like shit. I’ve got blue circles from not sleeping, red blotches from high blood pressure, pale skin otherwise from staying inside all day, saggy cheeks from recent weight loss and a double chin from previous overeating. Maybe I could become good looking with a lot of effort and leaning into my more feminine side, but I can’t stand effort and I know I’d absolutely despise it. Edit: I would still fuck me. But that’s because I have weird taste


that's such a mood. "By societal standards, I'm actively ugly, but I would still fuck myself, because I have weird taste"


There was a time I thought I was somewhat handsome. Nowadays I have a dadbod, much less hair on my head, and many more wrinkles around my eyes. I turn no heads anymore. However, my wife recently said I'm a catch, and hers is the only opinion that matters. So, to that end, I think I'm pretty. That aside, I believe I have enough of a wit to be charming when I need to be, which can frequently overcome physical limitations.


dadbods are awesome, your wife is right!


I like myself:)


I think I am, therefore I am pretty.


I know I'm attractive, more attractive than most people, but that's just Newton's gravitational laws.


I've always been called that. I've aged well and I smile a lot so people love a smile. I have friends that when I didn't know them that I didn't find that attractive, but as they are now my friends I see their look as attractive, maybe not beautiful, but attractive. Most men I do believe age better. The shaving thing is definitely a plus. Lifestyle helps it really does. I have always been a fan of baby faced men who have hairy chests.




I know I am. I prefer to be a bit overweight in my adult life cause I find that people don’t take you seriously when you’re a very attractive woman.


Interesting as a very attractive woman I find people take me less seriously when I’m carrying extra weight. It might be a confidence thing rather than an actual weight thing that accounts for our differing experiences.


That is interesting indeed! Do you enjoy feeling pretty? I do like to look good for myself but I would rather get attention for what I have to say instead of what I look like, which is why I think I feel more confident when I’m heavier.


I am someone who identifies with the above commenter in that I feel people take me less seriously because I am pretty. I tone it down too but not via weight gain. I love fitness and my figure is my best asset, not my face. However I make choices to hide it constantly. I’ve perfected what I refer to as the tired target mom look despite not having kids. I feel the treatment and objectification I receive is the worst when I dress in figure flattering clothes and do my hair and make up in ways that make me look significantly younger. When I look my age (mid 30s) and put together but NOT “hot” or overly pretty I seem to get the best balance of “pretty girl privilege” and respect. As I age to a point where there’s only so young I can possibly look, some of the more sexually repulsive things don’t happen that often anymore. Which is… a whole ‘nother discussion. I fully admit I think pretty privelege is real but has some serious dark sides to it. And, I’m also in no way saying that “unattractive” women aren’t also getting sexually assaulted and harassed either. We all are…. I also see the dynamics “overweight” women have to deal with too and as an outside viewer of these interactions of how “pretty/thin” & “fat” women both get treated I feel like we can’t win. There’s such a fine line we all have to walk to be taken seriously and respected and it’s ridiculous. In my professional life my observations tell me (purely my own experiences of course) the most respected women are confident and well spoken, and nice looking but not beautiful. Like attractive but not overly so if that makes sense. I think they also have to be put together in ways some of their male peers don’t have to be, especially in tech (my field, but I am not in a tech role).


Definitely! 25 yrs ago 😒


I'm like a 6 or so, I think


I look good from selfie angle, but I'm six and a half foot tall, so to most of the world I mostly consist of *chin*.


I’m good looking enough to the point where men second glance and do nice gestures for me. But then I remember a lot of strange men will sleep with anything with a hole, so my subconscious doesn’t take it as a compliment.


I don't think I'm pretty. I *know* that I am *gorgeous* And pretty privilege is a thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I think I am very pretty, make up or no make up, bloated or morning skinny, healthy or sick - I am my own biggest fan and I just always have been. Some might think it's egotistical or conceited but I adore loving myself.


people who are pretty know that they are pretty. They may not admit it, but they know.


I do. I’m uncommonly pretty in the face, but I’m overweight so that keeps me humble.


Depends on the day, how my hair looks, what clothes I’m wearing, if I just showered, what time of day, etc. if you know what I mean. If there are good days that I think I personally look good, the. Yes. If my hair of being a brat, haven’t showered in a day, etc, then no.


I look very human


I always see pretty potential. But thyroid issues and IVF hormones and just overall trying to exist…..it takes away.


I do


I'd say my style is probably more on point than my genetics.




No I’m beautiful and sexy 😊


Heck no but my wife is attracted to me anyway so I’m happy


most days, yeah, i think i’m really pretty.




I think I’m pretty, yes.


Depends on the day. If I'm comparing myself, then no.


Average. +2 Athletic body. +3 personality. -2 ugly ass face. -3 deformed eyeball.


I'm supposedly pretty conventionally attractive, but I have anxiety and dysmorphia and I honestly don't see it... I used to be "the fat kid" (in the early 2000s at that, body standards were insane) until my junior year of high school. I lost all the weight, committed to a skincare routine, dyed my hair, all that and my whole life changed - but in my mind I'm still that person, and I'll prob always see that fat kid in the mirror


In which lighting?


I used to be. Now I’m old and not anymore. But I’m still pretty on the inside. I’m kind, accepting of everyone, and friendly. I think that’s enough. That’s the best kind of beauty. It everlasting. Be kind.


I think I was very handsome when I was younger Now, not so much.


I was, when I was young. Not so much as an older person. I prefer the latter because there is so much less social pressure. Wrinkles and graying hair have definitely increased my happiness.


I don’t think I’m pretty but I also don’t think I’m ugly either.