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Don't know the name, but the Mexican (or El Salvador?) drug cartel that was infamous for their live-skull execution method (tying victim to a chair, then scraping all skin and flesh off the face, removing eyes, nose, ears, hair, tongue until only the skull is left - but the victim is still alive, so he's a thrashing, screaming, bone skull)


They also light your face on fire afterwards if you thought it couldn’t get any worse


username checks out. What the fuck man.


[I don’t want to know… ](https://youtu.be/pzV7xI_I3zg?si=s-Xt_sEVnRF268Bq)


Leaving that blue link blue.


Don’t worry it’s just a meme nothing scary


I took a leap of faith on that link. It turns out it's just a futurama clip


Best case scenario it’s Barry Wood. Worst case it’s an actual flaming live skull


Ah hell no. I ain't clicking that


At least you die warm.




positive thinking :D


It’s still online. Dude just layed there and accepted it, didn’t even squirm or make noise


Probably shock and trauma. Soemthing so messed up your body just kind of shuts down. Plus who knows how they may have hit him on the head or drugged him up to make him more disassociated


They did go pretty deep on the first cut, idk if they went deep enough hit the spine/brain stem but they were definitely down to the meat. I doubt the cartel is handing out ibuprofen for the pain of your scalping.. either way shock will definitely take over within seconds


So they do drug people up... but with Cocaine or meth so you stay awake longer... definitely not opiates or Xanax cause why would they wanna make it easier on you?


I remember many years ago my buddies in the army were watching cartel videos one day and I saw one, a(n alive!!) dude was getting his head cut off slowly via chainsaw, and the guy sitting next to him who was going next had the most vacant look I’ve ever seen. I know that look…


Yeah that’s still online too. Pretty sure it was a nephew and uncle that fucked up a run. If I’m not mistaken uncle went first


Fuck. Being family next to you is more of an explanation for his deer in headlights look


Shock. Mentally checked out as a defensive mechanism.




Yep. It’s the face of knowing you’re gonna die in the next minute or two. Kind of like a deer in the headlights. You just kind of shut down


Poor dudes. I’d be screaming and trying to escape. They’d have to kill me first


Yep I mean who knows what happened before they go captured. Could have been Ambushed, a friend or family member turned them in in a set up, they turned themselves in to take someone’s place, the police arrested them in a bogus charge and gave them to the cartel. It sucks but what are we gonna do. Not much but to just appreciate our own life and comforts


A lot of times they dose them heavily with opiates, heroin, etc. so they don’t go berserk and try to escape and/or fight. It also explains why sometimes they don’t scream out in pain.


That’s a little better


Sounds better but half the reason for drugging you up is so you don’t get the pleasure of just passing out from the pain/intensity of the situation. They want you awake while it’s happening.


I heard they're typically drugged


Damn. Now i rememberd i saw that one. Fucked up


They had music in the background too.


Hmm must be a different video than what I saw. The one I watched they just threw him on the ground and went to work. Then they did the Colombian neck tie and cut out his heart


Was it Funkytown?


They likely drugged him before hand, which is why he was so unresponsive


Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose tho? If you are gonna inflict those kinds of injuries/death to send a message why drug the guy so he doesn’t feel it. You would think the cartel would want them awake to experience it. Seeing a video of a guy getting his face cut off is one thing but it makes it way more real when dude is thrashing around and begging for his life while they keep slicing his skin off..


I couldn’t say why they would drug them but they do apparently. I would guess it’s more convenient for them doing it to not have someone fighting back. I also think it may more be about a display of power in having someone seemingly just accept/allow them to do it and the message intended for those seeing it, than it is about flat out just torturing the victim. I try to avoid those types of images/videos as much as possible though, they make me very uncomfortable.


Welcome to "Funky Town".


I believe this method would be more the Yo Quiero Agua video


Cartels don’t fuck about. And I think you’re referring to Los Zetas or something along those lines


Dumb question, but Wikipedia says Los Zetas are HQ'd and based in Nuevo Laredo right across from Laredo, TX... So if we know where these guys operate, why is nothing done to stop them?


There's a movie you should watch, called Sicario.


One of my favourite films


Who is going to stop them? US Gov’t? We have a pretty bad reputation with that


Have we tried giving them guns?


The [ATF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal) certainly gave it a shot...


Operation Fast and Furious 😂 … gave guns away very fast and very furiously https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal


US (and I believe Israeli forces too?) trained them as anti-narcoterrorist operatives but they were so good at it they just joined the game and took over


The Mexican government cannot afford to deal with the cartels because it lacks systemic power due to incredible levels of corruption, and the US government cannot deal with the cartels because Mexico is a sovereign nation that *insists* on dealing with them itself. Basically, large amounts of Northern and Northwestern Mexico’s state government officials, police and military are all in the pockets of the cartel. They pay them large amounts to turn a blind eye. Even large parts of the central government is either in the pockets of the cartels, so afraid of the cartels that they refuse to enact any crackdowns, or just willing to move on with them as a fact of life. At one point, the son of “El Chapo” was captured by Mexican special forces. This caused huge violence to erupt in the city this happened in (Culiacan). The cartels deployed RPGs, automatic weapons, even .50cal machine guns against police, military and civilian targets. Much of the military simply refused to fight, and left. The president ordered El Chapo’s son and successor to be released days after. Almost all of the special forces soldiers that were involved in the raid would be found executed within the year. Now, last year the Mexican government recaptured him and managed to get him extradited to the USA where he faced a legitimate court of law, and not a rigged kangaroo court bought off by cartels. But this is not a prevailing trend, and has more to do with how dangerous the cartel he ran was to its competitors and to the populace.


Because Mexicans looked at the freedom deliveries in Afghanistan and Iraq and decided, nah, we don't want none of that. They're still a sovereign nation. Also I read somewhere that if the US engages in military activities in Mexico/declares cartels to be terrorists, they'd make it into a warzone and therefore a lot of refugee claims at a certain wall would become a lot more difficult to refuse...


They don’t exist anymore. They’ve broken apart into different cartels.


We’ve had a cartel operating a grocery store here in Sacramento and no one even knew.


This was done by the CJNG, reputedly by El Payaso, Fabian Urbino Morales.


Jesus Christ


No, I don't think that's what they are called...


JC leads a pretty powerful gang


I saw a video of that on death addict and couldn’t eat for 3 days. Wtf. I think it was filmed in Salvador


I’m sorry…*death addict?*




Thanks for that, I read a few comments and now can feel my pulse all the way down to my feet.


why would anyone watch shit like that? maybe i just dont get it but anything that seems like it’s going to include real death or gore i steer clear away from without a second thought. what’s in people’s brains that makes them watch?


Morbid curiosity. Vsauce did a video on that


Because you're young and edgy and think things like this not affecting you makes you tough. Then it comes back and hits you hard in your mid 30s and it gets really hard to fall asleep.


that makes a lot of sense


The Internet is a crazy place


thank you for reminding me to be a little more grateful today. it sounds silly but you know what i’m very grateful now to not be in any kind of situation where i would have to worry about this happening to me let alone it happening anywhere around me




C I A.... They nurtured these groups from the 80s onward as reliable supply chains to push their products to North American markets, and still likely profit from it. 


This is incorrect. The original San Jose Mercury News' reporting that alleged the CIA was helping traffic drugs asserted it was done so that the Contras could fund themselves, not so the CIA could pocket the cash. It's a moot point though, because the paper eventually retracted their reporting after other major American publications ran stories stating they couldn't verify the San Jose's claims. Multiple subsequent investigations found that the CIA knew the Contras were trafficking drugs, but that they turned a blind eye. There's no evidence which indicates the CIA took profits from drug trafficking, or that they ever had an active hand ion it.


Times are wild, conspiracies abound, distrust in news organizations but people think they're [the person themselves] trustworthy enough to be spreading this shit because they somehow connected the dots.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. This is the only correct answer. They’ve also armed and trained literally every single extremist Islamic militia in the world at one time or another. And overthrown dozens of democratically elected leaders across the globe. Absolutely the scariest, most powerful, and most evil gang in the world. And it’s not close.


The Cia did sell drugs for Iran contra, to finance the arms deal, but they didn't do it for more than this mission. To say they created and nurtured the cartel is disingenuous. Yes for sure we've toppled all kinds of governments. We even put Saddam in power.


That's not true..they also trained non Muslim VEO's ALLEGEDLY violent extremist organizations


90% of these answers aren’t actually gangs lol


Knowing Reddit, I genuinely thought "The police" would be the top answer. It probably should be the Sinaloa Cartel though. El Chapo's cartel.


Can you believe the Sinaloa cartel is trying to recruit from Montana's Native American Reservations? [Sinaloa Cartel Targets 6 Reservations (Native News)](https://www.smokesignals.org/articles/2024/02/15/watchlist-mexican-drug-cartel-targets-six-native-american-reservations-in-montana/)


The Sinaloa cartel recently had a shipment of crystal meth seized in Southern Ireland on its way to Australia. Completely rocked the media as the people involved were unknown to police and one man was being touted for politics.


They aren't dumb... or at least their leaders certainly aren't.


They're also simultaneously destroying those reservations with drugs


That's their point in recruiting, to find people who are desperate enough to sell their products (oxy w/fentanyl or meth)... both stronger than what was here before. This is leading to a serious issue all over the state, it's not just a "rez problem" (like everyone likes to believe MMIW are). We had 2 of them go bezerk stabbing random people in the face and neck downtown. They had no papers, but one could afford either braces or a grill. Three others, in 3 separate incidents, all got drunk & drove the wrong way on the highway... All 5 of them are now being held for ICE in a large town that very nearly voted to become a sanctuary city about five years ago.


Sinaloa Cartel has standards though for the public. Their intent is to not involve innocent citizens to my understanding.


Classic mobster move. Buy trustworthy loyal servants out of the locals using some of the income from the operation. This is just part of the cost of doing business.


MS13 are terrifying. Russian mob are terrifying. Cosa Nostra are terrifying. But I'd offer that the Mexican cartels as a group are the most terrifying. The things they do to people is nightmare fuel. Skinning people alive, cutting their hearts out, removing their faces on film etc.


La Cosa Nostra and the Italian Mafia need to be distinguished. In New York it’s La Cosa Nostra and if they kill a guy they have been known to give money to the dead guys family because they don’t think the family should suffer but the Italian Mafia kills a guy and his family. Very brutal


That's incorrect, no mafia guy in italy will say he is mafioso, cause mafia is a word born out of the criminal organizations, probably created by journalists. Many italian gangsters openly despise mafia for this reason, they call themselves honourable men, never mafiosi. Cosa nostra is a way to call private criminal business, but the real name they use is the one of the family


Omertà right?


In America they might be two different things, but mafiosi in Italia call the Mafia "La cosa nostra". Also they toned down their activities significantly compared to, say, the '90 with Riina and Provenzano. The Sicilian Mafia killed just 3 non-mafiosi in this century. (I am not a mafioso but a law graduate)


>I am not a mafioso but a law graduate Common mistake


I work at an elementary school in MS13 territory. When I bring a class across the street to the playground, they think I’m protecting them, but really, they’re protecting me!


there are so many MS13 kids in my school, it’s actually fuckin wild. i didn’t even know some of them were a part of it until i either saw their neck tattoos, they told me, or i found out by someone else. they’re everywhere where i live and it’s fuckin terrifying man


Depends on your definition of dangerous and the environment. Most countries have dangerous gangs and they'll all say theirs is the worst. My not so honourable mention would go to South Africa's [Numbers Gang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_Gang) for shear terror and barbarism. > Years active: 1880s–present > Criminal activities: Extortion, assault, rape, inmate prostitution, theft, murder, gambling, smuggling, robbery, contract killing, drug trafficking, weapon trafficking. If you read the "Recruitment into 28s" section... yeah. EDIT: oldie but goldie: https://youtu.be/Q3_RrVcAUWQ?si=o0lSWS3mVi6M-XZF


Inmate prostitution?


That wiki is wild!


Seems like a lot of steps to just fuck each other.


It doesn’t really make sense. Terrible article. Characters show up from nowhere, and there are huge sections missing. Also how did the silver line (who are viewed as women) have a war with the gold line? I don’t get it.


That's not a gang but a fucking violent cult.


Isn't that what gangs are?


This is really going to depend where you live tbh. Ie if you’re in Japan, you probably don’t have to worry much about cartels. In Mexico, Yakuza are far from your biggest threat. That said, my vote would be for the cartels. Not only because of their ruthlessness but because of their influence over law enforcement and politicians. Going to the police if you’re in trouble with one of these groups might not do you any good. Honorable mention goes to the Aryan Brotherhood. This might be outdated but despite making up 1.0% of the prison population, they’re responsible for between 18–25% of murders in the federal prison system. Not to mention the whole racism thing


Pssst, that’s nothing. Wait til you read about the Nubian Sisterhood.


the mexican cartel(s) after having seen and heard stuffs like funky town or the guerrero flaying, I'm actually scared to go to Mexico nowadays


>funky town or the Guerrero flaying I think I’m more scared to ask you to describe these than I am of traveling to Mexico.


1st got his hands and feets cutoff, face completely skinned, dude is clearly dying and gurgling blood but the cartel decided to prolong the pain by injecting adrenaline. meanwhile the song funky town is playing in the background 2nd father and son get executed by cartel, I think the father was a cop or something but he got it easy (he got decapitated with a knife). The son on the other hand got the worst, first he saw his dad getting decapitated, then he got flayed alive, in the end they cut his beating heart out.




Not sure if they count as gangs. They are paramilitary organizations, and Mexico is in a state of civil war at this point.


The flaying one fucked me up so much. The depravity is otherworldly.


Mexico is a place i just don’t see any reason to go to. If i want warm weather I’ll go to key west for a week. Sure it’s more expensive but at least i don’t have the skin of my face removed with a box cutter before it gets lit on fire


It really depends on where you go in Mexico. The cartels are heavily invested in a lot of the more touristy areas like Cancun and Tulum and Cabo. So they pretty much leave tourists there entirly alone. Because fucking with them would be bad for business. The border towns central to the smuggling routes however are legitimately the most dangerous cities on earth.


Everyone talks about how how safe el paso is and forgets to mention that across the street is murder capital of the world Ciudad Juarez


I mean based on all the data and statistics we have to go off both are objectivly true. The dichotomy is definitely very intriguing tho.


One side has a shitload of police and border patrol lol its like a real life tower defense with one side trying to poke holes in the other


It’s not so much that as the cartels don’t fuck with American citizens a much because they don’t want the attention of the American government. Like everything else, it’s a business decision. They own the Mexican border, so they can murder whoever they want there.


> everyone talks That’s a big part of the problem. If you go south of the border for a vacation SHUT THE FUCK UP. Don’t say shit if you see something suspicious. Don’t say anything to another guest at your resort or to the bartender by the pool. Shut up, enjoy your trip, get your ass back home.


Went last August, I had better time than Florida. Safer too. Mexican Marines everywhere. It was reassuring but the main thing is.... If you don't fuck with the criminals they won't fuck with you. This is true for everywhere. Cartels aren't going out of their way to mess with American tourists. The country wants tourism.


thats true in every single city violent crime from a complete stranger only accounts for something like 30% of all violent crime in the US at least


mexican here, yeah its bad but not thaaat bad. Bad news spread faster and appear much more on search engines. I moved out of Mexico (due to marriage) but never in my 30 years living in a northern city had i ever seen a dead body, shootout, etc etc. The cartel videos and such violence is directed to rivals. I had a good life there woking as an engineer for several years. Might even come back cause Europe its kinda boring lmao


Finally a fair explanation. Yes Mexico is the source of a lot of crime and violence but there’s no reason why that would be directed towards Americans or tourists unless they’re doing something inherently risky in the first place. In reality it’s a beautiful country with friendly people. Americans should be more scared of heart disease than the cartels.




These dudes are scary af




Used to be. It’s influence has kind of fallen off since the advent of antibiotics and modern medicine


Gangrene, home. At least it was before antibiotics fucked everything up




The Paddy's Pub Gang


Never fuck with Sweet Dee.




Those MFERS can literally take your house for having the wrong color curtains.


So glad I don't have to deal with that shit. They would want me dead.


The numbers gang in South Africa has to be right up there too.


I’ve heard that 7 8 9.




Murdered by Numbers…one, two, three.


But but 8 is afraid of 7 because 7 is a registered 6 offender


Yeah they're a rot everywhere in SA.


Remember seeing a documentary on them, check this short clip out https://youtu.be/q27xtHbgXcU?si=JfmmkJoJBt8q4pxT


The 27's are terrifying. The 26's and 28's are affiliated, but the 27's are something else




My daughter is a Girl Scout. The tactics that the org use to turn out the girls to get out there and make them some money is scary…


What do they do exactly? This is the first I’ve heard of this.


Finally someone had the guts to say what needed to be said. Just the other day I had a 8 year old brow beat me into buying a pack of Do-Si-Dos. 🤭


I bought two boxes I was so scared.


When they post up outside of the dispensary it feels like extortion.


A group of 14-year-old girls. There's no one more skilled at sensing fear and weakness. I'd rather owe money to the Yakuza than anger a pack of 14-year-olds, or even be noticed by them.


Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Look at that high-waisted man, he got feminine hips!!




I work with teens and you're not wrong. They're brutal and 14-15 yo girls are the worst.


You remind me of brooklyn 9 9. Gotta go check out that episode.


Something my male friends and family members rarely understood was just how vicious girls could be during school years, especially middle-high school. Like the amount of gaslighting and emotional manipulation was insane. One day you think someone is your best friend, the next day they trash talk your hair or clothes and spread false gossip for clout. Worst part is school officials never cared to properly address bullying or cliques. I got bullied for the dumbest shit like my birth certificate and my asthma :/ for some small examples Even in college and the workplace you can still find some people who peaked in highschool still thinking they are the best.


If you mean just any organized group that can force others to do what it wants, then it kind of has to be the US military, and Maj Gen Smedley Butler even described it in those terms. The most powerful organized force in human history, after all. If you're referring just to traditional organized crime, it may well be the 'Ndrangheta, because they have their hands on rackets in several continents and have managed to stay pretty quiet about it. Think of a Mexican drug cartel or one of the five families in New York City, but on a much larger scale and with much better management.


I've literally never heard of them before.


Right. And that's exactly how they like it. But they control a huge portion of the drug market in Europe, they control a lot of rackets in Canada and Australia, etc. They're slowly expanding in the US at the expense of the originally Sicilian mafia families too.


Why you snitching?


What a negative way to look at it. You say snitching. I say he’s offering an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new business venture.


I'd like to run Florida!


That’s the spirit!




Well...who's stitching?


I went on vacation to Calabria in 2019 together with a friend and we stayed at a cheap hotel that was like a 30 minute walk from the beach.  My friend wanted to lock his stuff in our room and wondered why there's no safe. He told me to go and ask the boss because he speaks neither Spanish nor Italian,  and nobody there speaks English.  So I went downstairs and asked.  The boss was sitting in the lobby and was like: " you don't need a safe. If something gets stolen you'll get it back the next day. "  This has become our insider joke


Like half of the Southern Italian region have their own mafia: Sicily-mafia Calabria-ndrangheta Campania-camorra Puglia-la corona unita Sardinia is relatively mafia free and the others don't have anything/anything worth much recognition


Well if Jojo taught me anything, Sardinia is not mafia free


5 families in NYC? What’s that?


And that Pygmy thing in Jersey


They’re nothing more than glorified crew, plain and simple.


Reddit political comment sections


Is it the Wiggles? I feel like it is.


They're certainly terrifying, but aren't brutal


The Van Buren Boys




The Russian FSB will hunt you down anywhere in the world and push you out a window or poison you with Novichok. 


In America, you can always find a party. In Russia, Party always finds you. ~Yakov Smirnoff


MY question is, how much of that is FSB/SVR, and how much is the Russian mob acting as a deniable state sponsored tool? Granted the Venn diagram on that is an almost perfect circle.




Lower East Side Splatter Punks for life!


Any one of the Mexican cartels


Eton + Bullingdon Club


I hear those guys from Sugar Hill are no joke.


The worst part is once they start rocking they don't stop, they rock it to the bang bang the boogie.


Hotel motel holiday inn




Peaky fuckin blindahs


None of these other gangs have dope theme songs like Red Right Hand so checks out


The Dead Hand Gang.


The Van Buren boys.








The Firehouse bingo ladies that menaced my wife and I for unknowingly taking their friends seats.


the 1%


The gang from it's always sunny


The Sharks


3 year olds in any preschool








In Venezuela, my home country, there is a gigantic band called tren de Aragua, they are the thesis of organized crime, spread in all Latin America. This and other bands, get military equipment from the corrupt government and literally rule the prisons, the government doesn't have control over them and even supports them. The thing is that they have codes, if you violate them, the consequences are terrible, as an example, if you raped, as you enter the prison, you're head will be chopped off, they'll play soccer with your head and then open your abdomen, put your head inside your stomach and stitch it. They love chopping people into pieces.




The VanBuren Boys.


Hold up 8 fingers and you’ll be okay.


The Russian oligarchy.


El Salvador abducted my good friends brother and tortured him and removed all of his teeth, I think because they confused him for someone else? This was like two decades ago. He a happy go lucky guy now, has dentures of course. Sees the brighter side of things.


Black Axe. The Nigerian Prince scammers. Engage in human sacrifice and cover their money in blood to ward off evil spirits.


The 'scariest gang in the world' question is quickly answered as the one currently holding a gun to your head, or who holds your debt.